They stared at Aaron, keenly felt the difference in this guy, and exchanged dangerous glances with each other.

Almost all child pickpockets have ties to gangs.

With a sigh in his heart, Aaron walked into a pawn shop.

"Hello, guest... Is there anything old Morgan can do for you?"

An old man with a monocle, gray hair, and a black vest was cleaning a piece of porcelain when he saw Aaron coming in and greeted him politely.

This shop is small in scale, but it should carry the work of selling stolen goods of many gangsters.

In fact, all pawn shops have some gray business.

Aaron didn't take it seriously either, and directly took out a golden coin from his pocket and placed it on the counter.

Old Morgan picked up the gold coin, his expression changed slightly: "Real gold...please wait a moment..."

He opened a small box, quickly took out many tools, and studied the gold coin: "The pattern, the color... Hiss... This seems to be an ancient gold coin, from the Kagash period? No... Impossible!"

Old Morgan was full of doubts, although his experience told him that what he was holding was a genuine ancient gold coin.

But a subtle sense of incongruity made him feel that this gold coin was too 'new', as if it hadn't been precipitated by a thousand years of history...

Immediately, his expression was serious, and he felt that he seemed to have leaked something because of his gaffe.

"My guest, I'm sorry that I can't determine the age of this gold coin itself, maybe you can go to a big pawn shop..."

Old Morgan said this on purpose, because he felt that no matter how you look at it, the origin of this thing is wrong, and it cannot be produced by a worker.

Possibly stolen goods!

This is often eager to sell, with great profits.

"What if I want to shoot right here?"

Aaron showed a trace of anxiety, and a smile appeared on Old Morgan's face: "Then I can buy it at the price of gold, 1 gold pound!"

The gold pound in this era is directly linked to gold and is a very strong currency.

"2 pounds...otherwise I'd rather go to another place." Aaron muttered, gesturing to get the gold coins.

"make a deal!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Old Morgan's mouth. He thought this ancient coin was worth at least 10 pounds!


Aaron walked out of the pawn shop and immediately found a child following him.

He showed a pleasant smile, circled around, and then turned into a remote alley.

"Where is he!"

Amidst the screams of a little girl, several burly men surrounded him, with grim smiles on their faces: "Boy, hand over all the money you have on you!"

They're all gang members, and this sort of thing happens every day.

At this time, to increase persuasiveness, a dwarf even took out a dagger.

Aaron glanced at them and nodded with satisfaction: "Very good...I like your jacket, it's mine..."

After a while.

Aaron, who was dressed more decently and looked a bit middle-class, clapped his hands and walked out of the alley.

Even without extraordinary abilities, his physical fitness has reached the peak of human beings, and he is good at killing with cold weapons.

Not to mention, he has awakened a little bit of 'Yao' spirituality, which is equivalent to half a Extraordinary!

This ordinary thug is just delivering food.

He looked at the startled little girl, smiled, walked into the crowd, and quickly disappeared...


half a month later.

Suburbs of Green Forest City.

Sothos Museum.

A lady with blond hair and well-dressed, who looks like a tour guide, is introducing enthusiastically to a group of gentlemen and wives in front of her: "Everyone... What we see now is Sotos, which is listed on the Invensys Historical and Cultural Heritage List. The is mainly expanded with the once-prominent castle of the Sotos family, and we can see the huge banyan tree that is over 2000 years old...The Sothos family crazily worships the original belief symbolized by the green banyan tree, So this may be a kind of glorious proof, in fact... the huge green banyan growing on the castle is the only one in the whole world!"

"As we all know, this is also the hometown of Aaron Sotos, a historical and cultural celebrity in the mainland, a legendary inventor, the founder of modern medicine, the father of the steam engine, the conqueror of Kagash, and the Earl of Green Forest!"

"Although there have been many Earls of Greenwood in history, when it comes to this title, everyone will only think of Aaron Sotos. It is a pity that we cannot see the appearance of this celebrity 1000 years ago. Works such as oil paintings can only be preserved for hundreds of years, and the Earl of Greenwood did not leave any statues..."

While the tour guide was explaining, her gaze swept across the crowd, and she stayed on a young gentleman for a long time.

The other party was well dressed, with a pure white stand-up collar shirt that was ironed neatly without any wrinkles, a black woolen suit over his coat, and a black silk top hat. Everything was the most popular fashion style in the kingdom.

What is even more astonishing is his handsome face, his purple eyes are like stars, and his aura is clearly from the upper class.

At this time, the gentleman looked at the castle that had undergone many repairs and was converted into an exhibition hall, with an extremely complicated look of nostalgia on his face.

Chapter 83 The Witch's House

"Thousands of years have passed, most of the items have decayed, only the stone remains forever..."

"This ancient castle has gone through major historical processes such as the collapse of the Fabry Dynasty, the dark and chaotic years, the Glorious Revolution, the establishment of the Invens Kingdom, etc., but it still stands..."

The lady guide took everyone into the castle and introduced the precious artworks and paintings in the corridor.

"In 885 of the new calendar, it was proposed by Green Forest City Councilor Barry, approved by the Council and the Historical and Cultural Heritage Protection Association, and officially listed Sotos Castle on the Kingdom's Cultural Heritage List. Destruction and development... Let us see its most primitive and natural appearance... This museum has a very long history, and its collections mainly come from the generous donations of several nobles..."

She pushed open a door: "Below, we come to the boudoir of another historical figure, the founder of the Fabry dynasty, the great emperor Ginny Sotos..."

"Aaron Sotos is a great military strategist. During his tenure as Earl of Greenwood, he defeated the Kingdom of Kagash with an extremely swift blitzkrieg and forced the kingdom at that time to cede land for compensation, but Ginny Sotos directly Destroyed the Kagash Kingdom and established the Fabry Dynasty... Our new calendar is the first year when the Fabry Dynasty was established..."

The tour guide smiled sweetly: "Here is another interesting rumor..."

"The founding empress, Ginny, the great emperor, also has a title that makes one imagined—the first witch, or the witch emperor!"

"The Fabry Dynasty has twelve rulers, half of whom are women. According to legend, they master the power of magic, can summon thunder and fire, and squeeze the common people with cruel rule. They were eventually rioted by the common people in 367 of the new calendar. The rule was overthrown, the 'Kingslayer' and 'Tribune' Sauron came to power, and immediately the whole kingdom fell into an even more chaotic dark age..."

"Actually, the legend about magic is a fallacy. Through later research and archaeologists' decryption, we can confirm that the Fabry royal family has the power of science, including the development of gunpowder, soil fertilizer, modern medical skills, etc., in In ancient times, this advanced technology was like a miracle! People who used it were called witches and wizards by the ignorant people at that time..."

Aaron followed the tour guide, with the corners of his mouth sometimes raised and sometimes twisted.

'What does it mean to defeat the enemy with the power of science?Okay, it's occult! '

'Looks like Ginny is doing well...'

At this time, he heard a man's voice: "No, I think witchcraft may really exist... because the legend of the 'Green Devil' is still circulating in the kingdom. As the younger sister of the 'Green Devil', Ginny masters Extraordinary power is a reasonable explanation."

The man, dressed in a decent suit and looking financially well-off, with a broad and bright forehead, was staring at the tour guide with an angry expression, as if accusing him of lying.

The lady tour guide smiled: "About the legend of the Green Devil, there are still many people who mix it with the primitive worship of the green banyan tree... But in fact, these are all fallacies. The world is scientific, and there is no magic... Next I It’s about to get to the point.”

She came to a glass counter and introduced the pages of books spread out inside.

"These are extremely precious manuscripts. Although they have been copied many times, they are considered to be the closest version to the original—Aaron Sotos' Book of Science!"

"That's why I introduced Aaron earlier, saying that he is a legendary inventor and the father of the steam engine."

"More than 1000 years ago, the great scientist Aaron invented granular gunpowder, chemical fertilizers, and drew the concept of the steam engine..."

"The invention of gunpowder is a huge progress in the history of civilization... It is obvious that Aaron Sotos defeated the overlord of the Kargash Kingdom at that time with the power of gunpowder. Ginny and other latecomers inherited the power of this technology , maintained the rule.”

"When the dynasty came to an end, Sothoth's palace was breached and plundered, and the precious Aaron manuscript was torn into countless fragments and scattered in all directions, and was frantically chased and transcribed by countless historians, scientists, and inventors. ...In the end, Dr. Valente improved the steam engine model and made the first practical steam engine, and the great industrial revolution kicked off, and the glorious Invensys stood on the top of the continent!"

Aaron listened carefully.

But later, when the tour guide introduced Ginny's children, he became less interested.

Finally, the group came to the back of the museum and saw an open-air cemetery.

"Next, what we saw was the cemetery of the Sotos family... The cemetery in history has long been destroyed by military disasters and wars. Now we see the later relocated and restored version, but after restoration, I believe it is the closest to the original look..."

Halfway through the words of the tour guide, she suddenly felt a piercing chill, and couldn't help shivering, her thoughts seemed to freeze for a moment.


A gust of wind blew by and nothing happened.

"Sorry... let's continue..."

The lady tour guide smiled to smooth things over, but was a little sad to find that the young gentleman with purple eyes had disappeared.

"Theodore Sotos, Ginny Sotos, Char Sotos..."

Aaron took the hat and walked out of the museum, recalling the names on the tombstone, a sense of sadness suddenly rose in his heart.

"You also think that tour guide completely misunderstood history, don't you?"

A man in a gray formal suit, blue eyes, and gold-rimmed glasses chased after him.

Aaron recognized him as the one who had just contradicted the tour guide lady.

"There are too many falsehoods in history, and the authorities deliberately cover up..."

The man smiled heartily: "Hi, my name is Bruce! Bruce Field, a lover of history and mysticism... You also escaped because you couldn't stand the history fabricated by the other party?"

"No, no!"

Aaron shook his head: "I'm just a little hungry..."

Bruce's expression froze on his face, but was soon replaced by a smile: "That's right, I know there is a very famous restaurant nearby, and the signature dish there - Witch Soup Pasta, is said to be the green devil's favorite. gourmet food!"

Aaron: "..."


Half an hour later, Aaron and Bruce were having dinner at the restaurant called 'The Witch's House'.

It has to be said that after more than 1000 years of improvement, the witch soup pasta, the purplish red soup exudes a strong aroma of herbs, full of a certain sense of mystery, which is very suitable for the preferences of young people who like to be unconventional.

With bread and pasta, the taste is also surprisingly good.

When Aaron took the first bite, he just wanted to laugh.

'I just mentioned it casually back then, but I didn't expect that fake witch to actually come out... Could it be that she was frightened back then, and then changed her career to become a cook! ? '

Chapter 84 Clark

Golden Rose Street, No. 33.

After Aaron and Bruce said goodbye, they called a carriage and went back to the rented place.

"Good day, Your Excellency Aaron, I heard that you visited the museum today?"

The landlady, Mrs. Abel, had just left the house, and when she saw Aaron, she couldn't help showing a flattering look on her face.

In this era, it is the characteristics of the real upper class to dress luxuriously and decently, not to work, and to rely on land and capital rent.

Aaron fits this perfectly, so Mrs. Abel thinks that he is a high-class figure, maybe even a nobleman, and he is usually very attentive.

Moreover, the opponent's shot is quite generous.

Unlike those migrant workers who only rent a room and have the landlord pay for three meals, this handsome young master named 'Aaron' rented a building directly!

It is said that the other party is a son of a rich family who travels around. Because he likes the scenery of Lusen City, he plans to live here for a while, but because the time is short, he has not had time to find a housekeeper and servants.

"Yes, the green banyan tree on the castle fascinates me...Maybe I'll make a painting out of it someday..."

Aaron nodded reservedly and returned to the residence.

He found that it is really beneficial to pretend to be a decent person. He will be treated politely wherever he goes, and it is easy to gain trust naturally.

Seeing him at this time, the patrolmen didn't dare to step forward to question him, but took off their hats from a distance, which is enough to explain a lot of problems.

Back in the bedroom, he took off his coat and lay down on the soft mattress. Aaron closed his eyes and snored lightly.


At dawn the next day, he opened his eyes: "It's been a good sleep... I haven't felt this kind of relaxation in many years, well, the thousand years of sleep before that don't count..."

All this time, Aaron has discovered a problem.

After he fell asleep, he couldn't sense the dream world anymore!

But he wasn't too panicked. After all, the dream world should still be there, but the coordinates have probably shifted.

Moreover, the long-lost real sleep also gave him a different feeling.

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