"So... it is the best to be able to master stronger power."

After all, Ginny couldn't bear it anymore, and looked at the detailed introduction of the 'Dark Meditation Idea'.

She is also yearning for the otherworldly and mysterious power.

"Quadruple Flame Meditation...burning the body...awakening 'darkness', going through rituals...accomplishing 'non-burning'..."

Unknowingly, the candles burned to the end.

A maid came in and changed the candles, it turned out to be Daly.

Ginny woke up from a trance, looked at the flames on the candlestick, and suddenly stretched out her palm, approaching the flames, to bear the scorching.


With a scream, she withdrew her palm like an electric shock, tears were about to come out, feeling very wronged in her heart.

'Aaron isn't lying to me, is he?He liked to tease me when he was a child... woo woo woo...'

Looking at this scene, Daly couldn't help but rolled her eyes, feeling that the eccentricity of the previous lord seems to have infected her younger sister...


It was cold and windy.

A crossroads location in the Kagash Kingdom.

A fine horse galloped slowly, with a young knight on its back.

He was fairly handsome, wearing iron leather armor and a long sword at his waist, but he didn't have any noble family crests on his body.

As soon as they entered the hotel, everyone's gazes were fixed on him with a clear look.

This is obviously the second son of a landless knight or a certain nobleman, who was sent out to make a living after the eldest son inherited the family business, which is commonly known as a wandering knight.

They were relatively rare before, but since the green devil occupied the northern border, the original nobles were deprived of their territories and became wandering knights, wandering around the kingdom, engaged in occupations such as guards, mercenaries, robbers and even killers, and once gave the kingdom Law and order brought enormous pressure.

"Bring me a bottle of your best wine, and a barbecue!"

Sean ordered loudly, and when the barbecue came, he was not in a hurry to enjoy it. Instead, he poured himself a glass of wine, picked up a knife and fork and cut it slowly.

The drinkers around looked at each other with a smile on their faces.

Obviously, this little guy doesn't have a lot of experience in going out. It seems to be a cub that has just been driven out of the lair, and he still has a lot of money on him.

This is the favorite target of all thieves and robbers!

After half a month.

A beggar in ragged clothes, like a tramp, was walking aimlessly on the King's Road.

"Damn thief, damn robber, damn shopkeeper..."

Sean murmured non-stop.

On the way, he encountered several rounds of thieves and lost his purse, leather armor, and even weapons.

In the end, even the horses and clothes had to be given to the shopkeeper as compensation.

Not long after, a noble heir became a wandering beggar.

Feeling the hunger and thirst in his belly and the coldness in the air, Sean even felt that he might die by the side of the road, like a stray dog.


"And that bastard Ginny... She didn't even pardon me!"

Sean wrapped his ragged clothes tightly, and his heart was full of pain.

Finally... under the double torment of hunger and cold, his vision went dark, he fainted, and fell to the side of the road...

warmth, fire...

Sean woke up and saw the bonfire in front of him, with a piece of barbecue on it, exuding the aroma of food.

He didn't care about that much at all, he rushed forward to get the food, and gnawed on the fat barbecue.

Even, because he choked his throat because he ate too fast, he coughed again and again, but suppressed it, unwilling to spit out the food.

"Come on, have a drink!"

A big hand reached out, holding a leather bag.

Sean opened it and drank it.

After eating and drinking, he squinted his eyes and looked at the person who rescued him.

He looks middle-aged and looks ordinary, but his clothes are exquisite and his temperament is quite extraordinary...

This is a nobleman!

Sean recognized it directly, and asked hoarsely, "You know me?"

Otherwise, no nobleman would save a wild dog on the side of the road!

"Of course, Sean Sotos, who was exiled by the family!" The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Let me introduce myself, I am Fili Atoya, the Viscount of the Kingdom, and I have brought a piece of news—the Regent Your Excellency is willing to confer you as the Baron of the Kingdom in secret, and there is also a lady who unfortunately lost her father and brother and has the right to inherit the territory. Her marriage needs your rescue..."

"What's the price?" Sean smiled: "I don't dare to be an enemy of my terrible brother! Even if he has abdicated..."

"Nor do we dare!"

Fei Li didn't even dare to mention that name: "The regent just doesn't want to see the noble blood become humble. After all, the motto of the Bauhinia flower is 'Blood is supreme'!"

The nobles of this era believe in blood, and believe that the glory and power of their ancestors are passed down in the blood.

Therefore, even though Sean has nothing, his blood alone is enough to be sought after.

"Before that man was alive, we didn't dare to be enemies with him, so is it just a hope for the future?"

Xiao En suddenly smiled: "I promise!"

"Very good, but for some reason, your canonization will be done in secret, it's best to change your name..." Feili said.

Sean's face twitched, with a deep sigh: "People who have been expelled from the family are no longer worthy of using the surname of Sotos. From today onwards, I will open up the Sauron family and change its name to——Krien Sauron!"

Chapter 80 Wait until 1000 year later

New calendar 1026, summer.

Dark clouds cover the moon, and the breeze blows gently.

On the outskirts of Green Forest City.

In the fresh wild land, the chirping of insects can be heard from time to time, and occasionally fireflies can be seen flying.

A little yellow light glowed warmly in the night.

The one holding the lantern was a tall and thin man. He was wearing coarse cloth that was stained with various stains and did not fit very well. His hands were covered with various calluses and scars, and his face was dusty. The lower classes of manual labor.

A man next to him was a little shorter, wearing indigo work clothes, and was carrying a shovel, muttering and complaining: "Laurel, are you sure this is the place? I spent precious rest time to accompany you Nonsense, if I get fired tomorrow by my stingy boss, it will be your fault!"

He is a coolie on the wharf. He needs to work more than ten hours a day, and his salary is settled on a weekly basis.

And most people like him have no savings, and can only share a bed with others. Once they lose their jobs, the consequences will be disastrous.

Lauel, who was holding a lantern, turned his head and said seriously: "Bill, I can swear that I did find a treasure... It seems to have appeared by accident due to the previous landslide and ground subsidence. The place is very remote, but there are artificial Traces of construction, possibly an ancient tomb."

At this time, tomb robbery is a felony, and it belongs to the type that can be directly executed.

But for the lower classes, they are not afraid.

Bill used to be a farmer. Later, the landlord took back his land, so he could only go to the city to work, and there were countless people like him, resulting in an oversupply. The factory owners tried their best to keep their wages down, and the machines devoured life greedily. , Dust and soot linger in the air, all of which have led to the average life expectancy of the bottom poor living in the lower urban area not exceeding 20 years old!

A very small number of upper-class people enjoy feasting and feasting, and a large number of people at the bottom suffer from occupational diseases and death from overwork...

The roar of steam machinery, the glory of civilization has been conceived, just like the dawn that is about to break in the darkness.

It was the worst of times, and it was the best of times!

"As long as I can get a few precious burial objects...there will be countless gold pounds..." Bill said fiercely: "At that time, I must go to the 'Moulin Rouge' for a month! What about you? "

"Ahem... I just want to stay away from the dust, go to the countryside to buy a piece of land, marry a wife, and have a few more children..."

Lauel coughed a few times: "Here we are!"

Bill looked ahead and saw a landslide. It seemed that a large part of the ground was sunken due to the torrential rain the day before yesterday.

But in the mud, a strange corner of the building was revealed.

It is composed of irregular stones and banyan tree roots, which together form the shape of a wall.

Those banyan tree roots grew directly in the rock, just like the blood vessels of human muscles, with an indescribably strange beauty.

However, it does not look like a natural formation.

"Laoel, you seem to have found a relic. From the looks of it, it may be the tomb of a nobleman!"

Bill became excited: "Work quickly, don't wait until dawn!"

He raised his shovel and dug hard into the ground.

ding ding dong...

The wall made of rocks and tree roots is very hard, but the soil is very soft. Along the wall, huge gaps can be found, which are all filled with landslide soil.

It's as if... it was once filled with a lot of things, and then... those things disappeared strangely.

After several hours of excavation, a tomb passage made entirely of rocks and tree roots appeared in front of the two of them.

Bill swallowed: "Who is buried here? A duke or some king?"

"The tombs of the great nobles are all in the church, and there are special gravekeepers. You think too much..."

Lauel was obviously surprised too, but he was more interested in the possible treasure.

It's a pity that the two dug all the way, but didn't find any burial objects. As for some inexplicable stone carvings on the rock wall, they ignored them.

"Damn it, we need at least ten people."

Bill spun around anxiously: "It's too big... Are we digging some buried palace?"

"We have to go back to work as soon as the day breaks. Do we have to come here every night...Although this place is remote enough to not be easy to be found, but..."

Lauel kicked anxiously at the nearby rock wall.


It seems that the soil layer here has been dug to a certain limit. In this last shock, the thin soil layer was instantly opened, and the two stupid thieves screamed and fell down.


Bill, who was bruised and swollen from the fall, got up in embarrassment, screaming: "Laurel, Lauel... where are you?"

"Damn it, the lights went out..."

Lauel struggled to look around.

Although it was pitch black, there was a faint light like a firefly.

After their eyes got used to it, the two realized that they had fallen into a space similar to an underground cave, but the walls were square, which was obviously an artificial building.

And in the center of this space is the source of light.


Bill's ecstatic voice came: "Such a big crystal? We made a fortune!"

"That's not a crystal!"

Lauel climbed up ahead and saw a block of translucent ice the size of a bed, in which there seemed to be a sarcophagus.

The coffin was not closed, so a young man could still be seen lying inside.

He looked to be in his late twenties, tall and handsome, and in a mink coat with a gold collar, he looked extraordinarily gorgeous and regal.

The faint light source is impressively emanating from the ice.

"I bet this mink coat is worth ten pounds, no, twenty pounds!"

Bill murmured.

"This is a corpse... a corpse preserved in ice?"

Lauel's eyes were filled with fluorescence: "It's so beautiful...and, you don't know, the corpse that has not melted for hundreds of years, it may be worth more than those clothes and funerary objects. Those archaeologists and collectors will pay for it." It's crazy!"

"It's not ice, it's crystal. Why isn't the ice cold?" Bill picked up his shovel.

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