'The path of the black sun is 'darkness', which is related to corruption... Wait, does this mean that I intuitively sense a certain conspiracy?Future conspiracy? '

His expression became serious.

Albert bent down even more.

He felt a terrifying heat rushing out from the front, as if the person in front of him was not a lord, but a dark furnace!

The pitch-black flame rose up, like a black sun rising, engulfing him.


Albert seemed to wake up from a nightmare, with cold sweat on his forehead.

'My lord's majesty... simply surpassed the earl...no...beyond...human beings! '



"Godfather? Why him?"

Ginny rolled her eyes when she heard Colin's roar.

Then, as no surprise, I saw Colin kicked out of Theodore's study in a state of embarrassment.

"Father's decisions can never be changed... He is just like the old grandmother, unwavering!"

Ginny lowered her voice and looked at her brother Sean beside her.

Sean's expression was also not very good: "In this way, once something happens to Colin, Aaron will definitely take over..."

In the concept of Green Forest, only the eldest son inheritance is barely considered righteous.

Once the eldest son dies, the inheritance rights enjoyed by his brothers are basically the same, and no one has priority over the other.

In other words, if Colin dies, the title can be inherited by Aaron or Sean, which is reasonable.

Of course, he has a son, so the son's right of succession will be above the uncles.

Then, relying on the godfather's custody rights, Aaron will have priority over Sean, at least until Shaar becomes an adult.

If the person who encountered this situation was an heiress, it would be even more miserable. Maybe even the marriage would be directly arranged by the godfather.

It is entirely possible to eat up the territory before the heir grows up.

"Colin is the eldest son, and Aaron is the son who satisfies him...What am I? I am nothing!"

Sean laughed to himself.

"At least...you can recognize yourself clearly."

Ginny added something next to her, and immediately pouted her lips: "I want to eat creme brulee, the kitchen in the castle is always not so pure..."


Colin walked out of the castle, rode directly on his horse, and came to a villa in the small town.

Here he kept a mistress.

Well, for the green forest people, this is nothing, and even Colin occasionally likes to go to the town to find those wandering warblers for fun.

It seemed, to make amends for his wife's infidelity, which he was keen on.

Outside the villa, Ke Lin got off his horse, thinking of his mistress's shy face, he couldn't help but feel agitated.

"Eileen, here I come!"

He walked into the gate, grabbed a beautiful girl, and couldn't wait to kiss her.

"Wait a minute, there are still guests!"

With a blush on her face, Yi Lian quickly refused.

"Guests? Who? Traders who want to get some right of way and tax breaks?"

Colin frowned and came to the living room.

Then, he met someone who took him by surprise.

"Your Excellency Ke Lin, we meet again."

The special envoy of the Kingdom of Kagash, Feili Gotuo, who had met once at the wedding, stood up, bowed respectfully, and greeted him.

"It's you?"

Ke Lin stared at Fei Li, feeling a little dazed.

The former Feili Gotuo wore a silk robe, his hair was neatly arranged, and his eyes were full of pride. He was dressed like an upper-class aristocrat.

But at this time, he was wearing a gray coat, his hair was messed up like a chicken coop, and he had a flattering smile on his face, no different from those merchants.

This immediately made Colin aware that he seemed to have underestimated the legendary jester of the king.

"You sneaked into the Green Forest... what do you want to do?"

Colin entered the living room and asked in a deep voice.

"I'm here to help Your Excellency Colin. I heard that Your Excellency has encountered some... er... small troubles?" Feili Gotuo said: "Kagash Kingdom is willing to help you and become the undisputed Earl of Green Forest . . . it's good for both of us."

"Are you the head of the goatman's spy?"

Ke Lin was not stupid. He immediately smelled the conspiracy, and said with a sneer, "You want me to betray the Green Forest and my father? I am the heir to begin with, and I don't need any help!"

His hand was already on the hilt of the sword, ready to cut off the head of the person in front of him at any time.

"No, no, according to the news I heard, your position as the heir is already in jeopardy... and, according to the barbaric tradition in the green forest, the legendary king of the green forest was also optimistic about his second son, so he killed him Son, pave the way for him..."

Fei Li smiled and said, "Do you... want to be Aaron's stepping stone?"

Looking at Colin who suddenly stagnated, he sneered in his heart: "Sure enough, you are an idiot. Your younger brother knows that you can't contact me and keep away from me... But, idiots are good, idiots are good for the kingdom!" '

Inexplicably, Fei Li thought of the boy who was not surprised by favor or humiliation: "If a king like Aaron is allowed to take the throne, he will definitely look beyond the green forest, and the kingdom will be in danger at that time..."


Colin's expression changed several times, but he fell silent strangely, letting go of the hilt of his sword.

"That's right, my lord, we didn't ask you to betray your father, the only thing we want to target is your younger brother..."

Feili continued to bewitch, and said in his heart: "Whether the conspiracy succeeds or fails, I will shake it out... Let the Green Forest fall into civil strife, and it is best to split up again, which is in the best interest of the kingdom. The remnants of the Davis family It's so stupid, it's not worth investing in because most of them were caught out..."

Chapter 45 Dangerous Attempts

dream world.

The Light of Redemption Division.

"I disagree!"

Olivia said seriously: "Our religious order is still very weak, and it is not suitable to go on an expedition to another mysterious association!"

"I understand, I'm just going to go alone!"

Lin bit her lip.

Ever since she learned the news of her brother's death, she felt a void in her heart, replaced by the flames of revenge.

If she hadn't been corrupted so deeply by the existence above the moon, and hadn't lost her mind, she might have brought her brother to run with her!

"You can't either, you are the saint and an important combat force of our church."

Olivia's sigh seemed to be full of vicissitudes and helplessness: "We destroyed the advance team of the Black Sun Order, and they will definitely continue to send people. Diat is a city favored by our Lord, and we cannot give it up to the evil Believers, we need to fight for it, when the time comes, it will be revenge!"

"What's more...if your brother is still alive, the sooner you rescue him, the better, but now...we can wait until we grow stronger before taking revenge!"

"Strong...Revenge..." Lin's pupils seemed to have some focus: "Thank you, Sister Olivia, I know what to do."

"Oh... I hope I can persuade her."

Olivia looked at Lin's back and shook her head bitterly.

She deeply knows how difficult it is to advance on the mysterious road!

There was no extraordinary power in this world before. If you want to advance, you need more advanced knowledge of mysticism, more spirituality, and even blood sacrifices!

To obtain all of these is accompanied by great difficulties and dangers.

In particular, it is even more difficult for them to maintain their own reason and free will while walking on the mysterious path.



Lin closed the door of her room.

"Olivia, thank you, but I can't wait."

She said to herself and opened the window.

After the velvet curtains were opened, one could see the desolate and dilapidated streets, and the crimson moonlight flowed like flowing water.

Lin's expression was serious, and she began to pray: "Please pray to the illusory spirit wandering in the unknown, the existence of absolute neutrality, the silent observer..."

"...the symbol of free will, the only redeemer of the last days, the supreme light..."

She kept praying, but got no answer.

This is normal, similar existences rarely respond to believers, and even their responses often have extremely terrifying consequences.

And although the spirit of vanity is kinder, it does not always respond to every prayer.

"That's too late……"

Lin looked out the window, and there was a crimson moon above the velvety black sky.

It is like the most exquisite ruby, and it is so bright that it maintains the most mellow 'full moon' shape.

"According to the calculation of spiritual numbers... 12 o'clock tonight is the most active period of the crimson moon, and it is also the most suitable period for believers to pray, communicate and gain strength."

In other words, holding the ceremony at this time is more likely to attract the attention of the power of the terrifying existence on the moon, and even the main body!

Lin looked at the wall clock on the wall, the hands had already reached 12 midnight.

"Extraordinary people want to be promoted and gain stronger power. The easiest way is to get the favor of the mysterious source above the path..."

"I don't believe in the moon, but I will pray to the moon for strength..."

Lin has a physique that is easily inspired by the moon, otherwise she would not have lost control before.

Her original plan was to pray to the 'false spirit' first tonight at this spiritual time, and then rely on the protection of the other party, look directly at the great existence above the moon, and obtain mysterious infusion and rapid improvement!

This is feasible, after all, she has done it once before!

Of course, this process is extremely dangerous. If there is a 'false spirit' paying attention to it all the time, it may be much safer.

But the illusory spirit did not respond to the prayer, and this kind of spiritual day may not be encountered once a year!


Lin's body trembled a bit, but she still moved firmly, came to the window, stared at the moon in the sky, and half-kneeled down.

It has to be said that even though Aaron preserved her free will, the way of this world is inherently biased towards pollution and madness.

No matter how normal a Beyonder is, they all have an extreme side!

Lin's eyes were gradually stained with a blush, and her thoughts continued to diverge, as if she had come to the clouds, embracing the sky, and wanted to kiss the moon.

Under her gaze, an ancient tree of flesh and blood suddenly appeared on the crimson moon.


"It's so beautiful..."

Lin stared at the flesh and blood mother tree, and felt a kind of beauty beyond reason!

Every branch and line of His tree seems to be divided according to the golden ratio, even surpassing the narrow knowledge of human beings. Any race and any life will be intoxicated, as if seeing the most exquisite artwork in the world!

That is a kind of beauty beyond the concept!

The obsession on Lin's face became more and more intense.

At this time, a raving sound came from her ear, it was very light at first, but quickly became piercing and sharp, like a woman whispering, or like countless women screaming crazily.


Lin's ears exploded, and she fell to the ground screaming. On the edge of her ears, blood vessels swelled and squirmed like earthworms... Her hair stood up one by one, and it was also becoming thicker, like countless black snakes entangled Snake Ball.

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