"It sounds like an adventurer's paradise." Aaron said noncommittally: "What about outside? I heard that there are many guys who made a fortune in Tubang."

"Haha... Of course there are those who make a fortune. As long as you can transport things to the depths of the mainland and find those tribes hidden in the tropical rainforest, they will lack everything! A box of matches can be exchanged for a piece of dog head gold! But... there There are also many cannibals, wild beasts, plagues, monsters, curses, relics... Behind every successful gold digger, there are countless bones buried." Old Martin explained with a sigh.

"I'm not afraid of this. I have a gun and some good abilities..." Aaron deliberately showed confidence.

"Oh? Looks like...you are a mysterious person?" Old Martin wiped his wine glass without any surprise. Obviously, Extraordinary people here are no big deal.

"Very good...it seems that this is indeed a good place to study occultism." Aaron nodded, seemingly very satisfied: "Do you know of any occultism market nearby? I can bid for this information!"

"No, you go to Lucy Street, where many shops are related to mystery... and wait until certain festivals, those 'wizards' among the aborigines will also hold regular gatherings outside the city walls... But, be careful of them, Their 'witchcraft' is more secretive and more dangerous!" Old Martin warned.

"Oh? What can those wizards do?" Aaron became interested and asked casually.

"They can use herbs and insects to tinker with all kinds of secret medicines with strange effects... and even feed warriors who are not afraid of pain and have infinite strength..."

"They can enslave souls and cast curses..."

"They can revive the dead and turn them into mindless 'resurrected corpses'..."

"They can even communicate with evil totems and natural spirits, and perform large-scale destructive witchcraft..."

Old Martin warned earnestly: "Don't think that there are no strong people among the natives, otherwise they can't stop us for so long just based on geography."

''Red' and 'Ming'...'

Aaron's heart moved: "Maybe there is a 'secret'...after all...according to Motura's information, that Si Sui will focus on South Indonesia. '

"Apart from that, I need a temporary place to live that is safe, clean and quiet...I like an environment where I won't be disturbed."

Aaron flipped his fingertips, and the brilliance of a gold pound flowed.

Old Martin's throat rolled, and his eyes became a little straight: "Moonlight Hotel must meet your needs, and I will let someone take you there!"

He whistled, and a barefoot, brown-skinned boy with cloth strips hanging only around his waist ran in from the door.

"Arnie... I usually call him Arnie!" Old Martin explained to Aaron, and then turned his head: "Take this guest to the Moonlight Hotel! This copper penny is yours!"

Chapter 404 Intelligence Merchant

The Moonlight Hotel is located in the northeast corner of Glaston Castle, with little traffic.

Aaron walked into the hotel that looked a bit old, glanced around, and was satisfied with the environment.

"Welcome, guest!"

The owner of the hotel was a mature and plump woman who called herself Mrs. Adele. Looking at Aaron's handsome face, she was a little lost for a while.

"I want to stay."

Aaron produced Jack's identification document.

Mrs. Adele just glanced at it, and smiled on her face: "Our hotel happens to have a vacant room, which is cleaned very cleanly and can be checked in at any time... It only costs one, no, half a shilling a night!"

Aaron showed a smile that fascinated the lady: "If it is a long-term rental, is there any discount?"


With a creak, the door opened.

Aaron put down his suitcase and looked at the so-called 'Moonlight Hotel's best room'.

The room is small, in addition to a bed, there is a desk, a chair, a separate bathroom and cloakroom.

Other than that, there is nothing...

For the three meals, you can eat outside, or have Mrs. Adele deliver them, but you need to pay extra.

Aaron opened the window, and he could see the street not far away, and the fresh sea breeze with the smell of sea salt came oncoming.

He opened the cabinet in the cloakroom and stuffed the suitcase in. There were only a few clothes that he didn't wear often as a cover.

As for the real valuables, he naturally carried them with him, or stored them in the 'Garder's Treasure Box'.

It has to be said that for people traveling long distances, magical items with storage functions are considered half-magic tools!

at dusk.

Aaron took a shower happily, cleaned up the exhaustion and dust from the long-distance travel, and walked out of the room wearing only a simple white shirt and black trousers, no hat and cane, and stepping on thick and soft shoes.

From behind the reception, Mrs. Adele looked at him with a look of fire.

Aaron smiled back and walked out onto the street, ready to take a good look at Gladstone's night market.


Lucy Street.

After seeing the snake charmer performance with South Indonesian characteristics, Aaron inquired all the way and came to this mysterious market.

The moonlight and the lights on the market complement each other, and the narrow streets are crowded with people.

Gentlemen and wives in high society costumes embraced grandly, and surrounded by local slaves and beautiful girls with nose rings, they went shopping one by one.

The old woman dressed like a witch staggered along the street and kept selling all kinds of secret medicines that were said to revive men.

The dried and unknown hand claws, feathers, animal organs, and herbs on the stalls on both sides of the street... Aaron was not very interested.

For him today, there are very few spiritual materials in the world that he can see.

The real treasure is always in the spirit world!

However, with a little taste of being a time traveler, Aaron still took a stroll around, hoping to use his 'spiritual vision' to achieve the legendary achievement of 'picking up leaks'.

It's a pity that after shopping around, I didn't miss anything, but I saw a lot of fakes.

"Dear white master, look at this treasure... I risked my life to steal it from a ruin, it is definitely a magical item!"

When a local stall owner saw Aaron approaching, a fawning expression appeared on his face, and he was selling a machete inlaid with gemstones on his stall.

The blade of this scimitar is sharp, and each gemstone is shining with different lights. It really looks like an extraordinary item.

But in Aaron's 'spiritual vision' it was losing its spirituality.

Obviously, this is not a permanent magical item. No matter how magical the ability is, it will become waste after being used a few times.

'I feel the malice of the world, can it be a little better?Is it so difficult to find a leak? '

Aaron complained in his heart, pushed away the enthusiastic salesman, and entered a small shop without a signboard.

This place seems to be a grocery store. After entering, there are shelves on all sides, and it is almost difficult to turn around except for a little place to stand.

Sitting at the front desk was an old man with a shriveled face and a thin figure. He had a pair of dim yellow pupils, which looked very mysterious.

"Old Martin said, are you well-informed here?" Aaron asked, staring at the intelligence dealer.

"Know a little bit..."

The old man raised his head, looked at Aaron with his dim eyes, and his expression suddenly became solemn: "What do you want to know? Dear guest..."

"Tell me about the recent major events in South Indonesia." Aaron threw out a few gold pounds and answered casually.

He really didn't have any specific news that he needed to know, this time he came here as a vacation.

Wouldn't mind going on an adventure in the rainforest if you have the right intel.

The intelligence merchant with mysterious eyes thought for a while, closed his eyes, and began to state in a flat and unwavering tone: "The formerly famous Abdullah ruins have been proved to be the conspiracy of an 'evil spirit'. The adventurers and mercenaries were wiped out..."

"There was a rebellion in Hrithik, and the new king came to power...the diplomatic envoys and missionaries of Inves were expelled..."

"A rebel army has flowed into the vicinity of Gladstone, and the Governor has asked all manors and immigrants to be vigilant."


While listening, Aaron extracted useful information for himself, and suddenly asked: "There seem to be many factions in the Rebel Army?"

"Yes, this faction that came here belonged to the 'Kumar faction', which advocated the violent overthrow of the colonial tyranny, the establishment of a coalition government, and the massacre of all whites... They were defeated by the more moderate 'Yeni faction'. According to gossip, The Governor's Mansion sold a batch of arms to the 'Yenis' before..."

The old man replied with a smile.

"As long as the commission is sufficient, capitalists can sell the sling that hangs themselves." Aaron sighed.

"Is the philosophical maxim said by your famous philosopher, Earl Greenwood?" The old man blinked.

"..." Aaron was a little speechless: "It counts!"

"There's another piece of news related to the 'Kumar faction', but you have to pay more!" The old man suddenly showed a mysterious smile.


Aaron fished out a wallet.

"It is said that this rebel army sent people to infiltrate Glaston Castle... Recently, the guards of the Governor's Palace have captured many natives. Of course...it has nothing to do with you, but it is said that they infiltrated the castle. It is to steal a certain treasure from the Governor's Mansion."

The old man said mysteriously.

"What treasure?" Aaron blinked.

"I don't know... it's probably a treasure that the army of the Governor's Mansion found from a certain Tubang royal family, temple, or ruins." The old man shook his head disapprovingly.

Chapter 405 Attack

into the night.

Mrs. Adele of the Moonlight Inn was clearly well groomed.

She was only in her 20s, and her husband died of illness a few years ago, leaving her only this hotel.

In fact, this lady is quite beautiful, and there are many suitors in the local area, and one of them is a military attache of the Governor's Mansion.

But somehow, she just doesn't pretend.

The moonlight is deep.

Mrs. Adele looked at the clock on the wall again, and glanced at the entrance of the hall without any trace.

The sound of hoofs sounded.

With a little surprise, she looked out the window.

The rental carriage stopped, and Aaron Shi Shiran walked into the hotel gate with two exotic sisters with snake-like waists in his arms.

The smile on Mrs. Adele's face suddenly became stiff...


Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

early morning.

Aaron opened the curtains and let the slightly blazing sun shine through the windows.

Another white body on the bed stretched out its arms, as if trying to block the bright light, and muttered dissatisfiedly.

"It's time to go to work, lady boss."

Aaron made a joke, dressed himself and walked out of the room.

Well, after seeing him for half a month and changing women into the room almost every day, Mrs. Adele finally knocked on his door one night...

Aaron walked out of the hotel, and stretched comfortably against the sun: "It's time to start moving..."

Looking back on this period of time, it was really a bit depraved.

In terms of absurdity, it can be compared to the time when I was a tutor during the day and a cult leader at night in Pulmouth.

Of course, Ryaron isn't doing nothing these days.

At the very least, he has been familiar with the streets of Greenston, and knows the places of several secret gatherings.

Although in Grindstone, the mystery is in a semi-open state, there will always be some 'contraband' in the gatherings of true Extraordinary people, so we still have to be wary of the authorities.

However, he is not planning to go to those secret gatherings today.

Motula's "Historical Research Association" also has influence in the New World, and I have already given a code in a specific place according to their method... The person who will be connected should be here? '

Aaron stopped a taxi: "Go near the Municipal Square!"

The carriage started immediately, and it didn't take long to arrive at Gladstone's civic center.

Aaron sat on the bench at the edge of the square, and got some bread crumbs to feed the small animals. Unfortunately, there are very few pigeons here, not as many as in Pulmouth.

At noon, he ate at a well-known high-end restaurant nearby, and enjoyed the performance of the musicians on the stage of the restaurant... After the performance, he enjoyed afternoon tea by the way.

After walking out of the restaurant and walking around casually, it was evening.

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