She knows what she should do.

Lin immediately began to arrange the ceremony, praying to the false spirit:

"The illusory spirit wandering in the unknown, the existence of absolute neutrality, the silent observer..."

"Please send down your gift to redeem the lost soul in front of you!"


"Can I say that this is not my arrangement, I just ran a little slower, so I almost missed it?"

Aaron Sotos groaned and accepted the ceremony.

He looked at the giant cocoon in front of him, and there was shock in his eyes, but he still mobilized the mysterious energy generated by his dream and poured it into the cocoon.

"Thank you my lord!"

Lin felt this change, and looked inside the light cocoon, only to see that the hideous black shadow had gradually faded away and turned back into a human form.

Stab it!

The gray cocoon was torn off, and the naked Olivia struggled to get out. Seeing Lin, there was a little shyness on her face, but more shock: "That's..."

"Lucky people, you have obtained the gift of our Lord and His redemption..."

Lin glanced at Olivia, then tore off a piece of clothing from the corpse on the ground, and threw it over: "You put on the clothes first, and I will tell you slowly."


A moment later, the department store.

"So... you were inspired by an existence, established the Light of Salvation, and then, obtained the oracle, to save me?"

Olivia was surprised and said: "What kind of benevolent existence is that? How could he pity me, an ant... No... Would that kind of existence communicate with mortals? [Chrysalis] never communicated with his believers, Even the most senior 'cocoon man', there are even rumors that anyone who actually saw the [chrysalis] died, regardless of whether he was a believer or not!"

"[Chrysalis]? 'Cocoon Man'?"

Aaron was a little puzzled, and then Lin asked directly: "What is [chrysalis]?"

"He is the master of the elements of 'chrysalis', a symbol of life and change..."

Olivia's expression became extremely complicated: "I come from the forest in the south, where there are many people who worship [Chrysalis], they call themselves 'cocoon people', and they have established a religious order called 'Desolation of Arakiness'... ...After many people joined, their temperaments have undergone terrible changes, and even after several cocooning, they have become inhuman existences...I don't want to stay any longer, so I left my hometown..."

Lin, however, thought of the fanatics of the Black Sun Order and the high priest who turned into a black flame beast, and suddenly realized: "The mysterious path is too dangerous, madness and terror are always accompanied, no matter what path you take, They all need the protection of our lord to maintain their humanity, praise our lord!"

"May I have the honor of hearing His honorable name?"

Olivia solemnly said: "After leaving the sect, my own hallucinations and some symptoms have become very serious, but after receiving the gift of that one, I feel that I have completely healed. I want to know about that one. Doctrine, and... is he willing to accept a [chrysalis] like me?"

"Of course, my Lord tolerates everything."

Lin's eyes lit up, and she immediately began to preach: "He is at the top of the light world, the light of salvation, and the only hope for mankind!"

'Hey, I just told you I'm a spirit!It's just a spirit!Don't add so many weird things into it without authorization! '

Aaron was on the side, listening in embarrassment.

In particular, Lin has added so many powers to herself, such as redemption, protection... He hasn't agreed yet, okay?

"Forget it, anyway, I didn't admit it... Besides...'chrysalis'?"

Aaron comforted himself, other than that, he was very interested in the new elements and paths that emerged.

"Think of a way to deceive Olivia's secret biography,'s a deal! A deal!"

"However, life and change, do they overlap with 'red'? That's not right, 'red' is mainly biased towards the field of reproduction and vitality... And, 'chrysalis' gives me the feeling that it is stubborn, conservative, and unchanging. The smell is contained in it…”

He just watched Olivia being fooled by Lin and became a member of the Light of Redemption.

This is normal.

As long as Olivia wants to continue on the mysterious path without being affected by [Chrysalis] and turning into a monster, she must bow down at his feet.

Aaron could tell that although Olivia was naive, she was a bit more mature than Lynn. Could it be that she couldn't see that there was something wrong with this 'Light of Redemption'?

Rather than saying that the other party was fooled into joining this sect, it would be better to say that he was overwhelmed by the 'miracle' he demonstrated.


"Olivia, since we have become church members, I will announce the first big event next."

Lin inspected the department store and was very satisfied with the place: "I want to requisition this place as a branch of the sect... Well, the headquarters cannot be moved. There is an altar of our Lord, and it can only be moved with His permission."

Olivia pursed her lips, looked at Lin's high spirits pretending to be an adult, and suddenly asked: "So... Lady Saint, how many people are there in our church?"

Lin's aura disappeared quite a bit, and she replied in a very low voice: "Including you, there are five... Extraordinary, just you and me."

Olivia's expression froze for a moment. Although she had some mental preparations and speculations, she never thought that this sect was so wonderful!

You know, among those real secret religious groups, which one doesn't have thousands of members, and the leader is a strong one?

This one of my own is simply inferior to other people's combat team.

Is it too late to quit now?

Chapter 37 Iman

Blackstone Manor.

"Olivia can't get out of the car. As a person blessed by God, her car doors are all welded..."

With a slight smile, Aaron woke up.

He watched Olivia from wavering to continuing to be firm all the way, and planned to assist Lin to develop the 'Light of Redemption'.

And, after returning to the 'headquarters', he held a thank-you ceremony to himself, and sacrificed a bit of the spirituality and secrets of the 'chrysalis' by the way.

"'chrysalis' is life and change... At the same time, it also has the characteristics of invariance."

Aaron looked at his skin, and felt that every hair on his skin became extremely sensitive when he thought about it for a moment, and could even capture the subtle gas flow in the air to judge the movement of various objects within a certain range.

"Besides, using the characteristic of 'chrysalis', it should also be able to harden the skin within a certain range... to gain defense."

"Of course, the musket shooting at close range is still unable to defend at the low stage... But Olivia was not killed after being hit so many times at close range, but was seriously injured, which is enough to explain the problem, and the defense is not bad!"

He looked at his palm, and found that between his fingers, there were translucent—silk threads?

"I'm...Spider Man!"

Aaron let out a low growl, and as soon as he raised his hand, a silk thread was ejected, stuck to the clothes on the hanger, and pulled hard.


The thread is broken...



"After all, in terms of the dream world, I'm just a mortal who has just begun to awaken my spirituality. If I want to cut monsters with silk threads like Olivia, I still have a long way to go..."

A bitter smile emerged from the corner of Aaron's mouth: "And... the spirituality of 'chrysalis' is also constantly dissipating. I even suspect that even if you use ritual promotion in reality to fix the road, you will still be knocked down..."

"This world is really depressing..."

After he sighed, it didn't take long for him to regain his composure. He summoned the maid Daly to come in, serve and dress, and then asked about today's schedule during breakfast.

Basically, as aristocrats in this era, their daily life is very leisurely, doing nothing all day, hanging around hunting and banquets is the norm.

Occasionally, as a lord, visit the territory, or play the role of a judge, and deal with the disputes of the people, as a pastime.

Compared with other lords, Aaron should be regarded as a more diligent one.

At this time, Albert, a fat bachelor wearing a gray bachelor's robe, said, "Master Baron, you have a visitor today, and it's the Iman Knight with the emerald collar..."

He is Aaron's neighbor, originally loyal to the Davis family, and later surrendered early in the "Black Crow War" to keep the fiefdom.

Of course, the fief is retained, but this time Theodore's title is released, he will not have his share.

"Is it the season to visit friends?"

Aaron murmured.

"Actually, it should have started a long time ago, but because of the various sequelae brought about by the war, especially the various small riots in the upper green forest, it has been delayed until now..."

Albert replied softly.

"A bunch of scum, lost the war, what else do you want?"

Aaron sneered. These opponents included the remnants of the Davis family and the landless nobles.

They were not reconciled to the failure of the war, and hid in the deep mountains and old forests, becoming actual bandits.

Of course, this is a security issue.

Except for the few direct collars of the Sothos family, the lords of each district are responsible for the rest.

"What's the reputation of Iman Knight?"

Aaron thought about it and asked.

These surrenderers had a very good relationship with the rebels, they were closely related by blood, and they might even be a family.

There is no guarantee that there will be no cover-up.

In their eyes, it is completely self-evident what attitude they will have toward Aaron, the blood of the Sothos family, the chief culprit who caused the defeat of the war, and the occupier who seized their territory.

"Knight Iman is a benevolent lord who possesses powerful force and is also good at teaching students. His disciple Mika achieved good results in the last tournament."

Bachelor Albert said: "And...he is actively showing kindness to us."

"So, you think he is a staunch refugee?"

Aaron looked playful.

"Yes, after all, anyone with insight can see that the current Green Forest belongs to the Sothos family. As long as you know how to choose interests, you will not go against this general trend... In other words, go against This general trend will only be crushed to death mercilessly."

Albert said.

"Then, I look forward to meeting today."

Aaron closed his eyes and could feel Albert's even breathing and heartbeat. It could be seen that he should have said this sincerely.

'Is this also the ability of 'chrysalis'?I take back my previous judgment. Olivia is a stupid woman than Lin. With this ability, she will be tricked by a group of ordinary people and trust others too much?Or after the ceremony, the spirit has been exhausted to the point of being unable to sense these things? '


At this time, not far from the Blackstone Manor, a convoy was slowly moving forward, and the rangers raised their heads holding a flag with a double-horned ax pattern on it, but the original blue background color was replaced with dark green, representing some kind of change.

Among the convoy, a carriage suddenly opened the curtain, revealing a beautiful young girl's face: "How long will it be?"

"Dear Miss Monica, please be patient for a while, we will definitely be there before the sun rises to the middle."

A knight rode forward and answered the other party's question in a soft voice. When the curtain was lowered, that pretty face disappeared, and the expression on his face remained unchanged, but he secretly tightened his grip on the reins.

"Heishi leader is ahead, stop and rest, and ask someone to report, this is polite!"

Iman Knight is a middle-aged man in his forties, half of his short-inch hair is gray, but he is in good spirits. At this time, he waved his hand and ordered the convoy to stop.

A group of people stopped to rest, some fed the horses, and some drank water.

The young knight from before walked to the river to fetch water, looked around, and turned into a bush.

In the shadows, there was another man dressed as a farmer, but with delicate and smooth skin waiting for him.

"See everything!"

The knight spoke first.

"See everything! Mika...It's a pleasure to meet you. We have always noticed your loyalty to the Davis family."

The man said with a smile, the aristocratic arrogance still remained in his tone.

"How is the plan going?"

"It's not going well. Although Cavalier Iman expressed sympathy for what happened to the Davis family, he doesn't seem to want to start another war... He has decided to fully support the Sothos family. This time he will go to the Blackstone collar, and The meaning of setting up a marriage for Miss Monica..."

There was a trace of pain in Mika's eyes.

"That damned old dog." The man cursed, "And the same damned Aaron Sotos!"

He thought of his previous attempt to incite the people of Blackstone to rebel and overthrow the rule of the 'outsiders', but what he gained was a shameful failure.

Last winter was originally the best opportunity, but that Aaron directly borrowed grain, and then those ignorant subordinates followed him, and they simply threw their loyalty into the mud!

Then, this year, because of the bumper harvest of food and the reduced taxation, those low-level people don't want to change even more. They really are a bunch of mudbloods, who should rot in the mud for generations to come!

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