However, with the passage of time, he found that his consciousness seemed to be getting stronger little by little.

In other words, falling asleep every night is to enhance the power of consciousness.

until tonight!

16 years of savings seems to have finally reached a certain limit!


Aaron Sotos felt an indescribable touch.

His consciousness expands infinitely, as if breaking a certain shackle, extending and expanding indefinitely...

Disorder, chaos... I feel like I am in the center of nothingness, with distorted afterimages dancing along with the green flames and crazy flute...

Powerful power surged in my heart, as if I could change everything in front of me by stretching out my hand!

He smiled, looking at the sea level that seems to have remained unchanged for 16 years, and the sun in the sky, thinking a little crazy: "If it can be changed, the sun looks so boring. If it is red, it will alright!"

As soon as he thought about it, Aaron felt like a floodgate opened in his consciousness, and the power accumulated for 16 years poured out!

In the sky, that seemingly eternal star suddenly had scarlet spots on its surface, and the spots were connected into blocks, dyeing the entire sun red!

The scarlet light shone down, covering the earth, the ocean...

In this light, there seems to be an indescribable horror and strangeness hidden.


The sea level parted, sea fish floated on the sea surface one after another, and then their scales exploded. It seemed that there were many nematodes wriggling under the flesh and blood, growing sharp claws and teeth...

The strange fish gathered, biting, devouring and merging with each other...

Not far away, a bigger shadow emerged, and a whale-like creature became the final victor, starting even more crazy flesh and blood distortion...

"I... I didn't mean to..."

Feeling that his consciousness seems to have returned to the weakness of infancy, and gradually getting rid of madness, Aaron wants to cry but has no tears.

At this time, in his heart, one after another broken messages emerged:

[I am a dream, I am entropy, and I am everything! 】

[I am independent of all dimensions, I am indescribable and indescribable! 】

【I can do anything! 】

【I am...'Dream Creator'! 】

Chapter 3 Notes

The next day, the sun rose as usual in the Lower Green Forest.

While praying in his heart, Aaron Sotos opened the curtains and saw the golden sun shining through the window. He finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately...fortunately it's not here."

The dream last night, or the scene in Goldfinger's world, was too frightening.

Aaron Sotos was afraid that what he was actually changing was the real world, so he played himself to death, which can be called a typical example of a time traveler committing suicide.

'However, I just want to change the color of the sun. Why did the world change? ...It seems that there is some terrible pollution in the scarlet sunlight, which instantly causes the whole world to change, and there is also a sense of madness that comes with that power. Could it be... there is something wrong with my golden finger? '

Aaron Sotos opened the drawer and took out a black notebook from it. This was his Observer's diary, and half of the content was covered with dense square characters that only he could understand.


[Known: After many inquiries, the current knights and scholars in the territory have not mastered the mysterious power. 】

[Known: 'Green Banyan Tree Grandmother' is just an ordinary primitive nature worship totem, and has not shown miracles. 】

[Known: Through the secret temptation of the maid and others, no one has traveled to a clear world in their dreams. 】

[To sum up, it can be preliminarily concluded that 'Seeing in a Dream' is my golden finger. 】

[Through the experiment of setting goals and reference objects and continuous observation, it can be confirmed that the dream world has basic operating rules, and it is not the world I imagined... The comparison of the time flow speed of the real world is not consistent. 】


[The month when the banyan tree took root, on the 15th, I followed my father to worship the 'grandmother of the green banyan tree'. At night, I dreamed of that world again, which changed the sun over there, causing the whole world to crazily change... speculate that the power of my golden finger may be Leaning toward chaos?Or is there an element of madness? ? 】

The hard quill was stained with ink, leaving beautiful marks on the slightly yellowed paper, but Aaron's expression was very serious.

He stopped writing, dipped his ink, and continued writing:

[After changing the world, I feel extremely weak in consciousness, and seem to have returned to my infancy. 】

[Conjecture: Every time I enter a dream, or every day that passes in reality, the 'power' in my dream will become stronger, and it reached a certain 'limit' last night?Although the accumulated power has disappeared, perhaps a qualitative change has occurred? 】

[Things in dreams cannot be brought into this world, and the power in dreams doesn't seem to be able to affect me in reality... So... what is the use of this dream?Even if it is true or false, it cannot be completely verified! 】

[Summary: Rubbish gold finger! 】

Aaron made a final stroke, closed the notebook, and sighed.

In this different world, it is really sad to have a useless gold finger loaded.

Although last night's performance proved that the golden finger might not be such a waste, but it was not of much use.

In the face of the coming war, there is still nothing to do.

"Although it's just a village chief's level of fighting, if you're not careful, you might die."

With a little emotion, Aaron came to the restaurant and had breakfast with his family.

The breakfast is fairly rich, with baked bacon and white bread, a variety of fresh fruits, and milk.

Theodore, Sonia, Colin, and Ginny were all there.

In addition, there is a boy in his teens with white cloth strips and wooden boards tied to his legs. It is Aaron's third brother, Sean Sotos.

Because Aaron's biological mother died of illness, the lord soon married the third wife, and the relationship was not bad.

Especially after giving birth to Sean, for Colin, the biggest enemy and opponent appeared.

But at this time, the bear kid Sean was cutting food with a knife and fork, while he seemed to be showing off a glance at Aaron.

'what is this?Showing off injuries without going to the battlefield?No, you don't actually have to go to the battlefield at all...'

Aaron rolled his eyes and sat down in his seat.

Theodore was very quiet while dining, and the housekeepers and maids standing around did not dare to make a sound. There was only the occasional slight sound of knives and forks on the entire table.

Finally, Aaron heard his father's voice: "About this battle, Aaron, what do you think?"


Aaron organized the language: "From a moral point of view, the other party has violated the sacred marriage contract, and we have sufficient reasons to send troops, but from the perspective of terrain, the other party occupies the upper reaches of the green forest, so they can go down the river and maneuver." Very sexual..."

There are two lords in the huge green forest land, Davis and Sotos, and it is said that the ancestors still have some blood relations.

But there is no doubt that in this generation, it is already very weak.

Now, it is about to meet each other.


The breakfast time passed quickly, and Aaron watched coldly, and found that although Mrs. Sonia looked dignified, she occasionally glanced at Colin, which was really interesting.

"It seems that this lady probably took Sean's fall from the horse before as Colin's handwriting... After all, the other party is the eldest son, Sean's biggest enemy... Well, my goal is the smallest, but I can't be careless. Sometimes the boss fights with the second child, and it is easy to beat the third child to death. '

While thinking, Aaron came to the training ground in front of the castle.

He originally had the habit of exercising every day, and with the approach of war, he needed to constantly hone his skills.

Aaron looked at his weapon rack. On the black wooden rack, there were two weapons hanging impressively.

One of the swords has a long and slender blade, a complex and perfect guard, and is light and nimble. It is a swift sword and the prototype of modern fencing.

It is the weapon that Aaron wears most often, and it was maliciously named "Sewing Needle" by Colin, which means a weapon for women.

But Aaron smiled and said nothing. Of course, he knew that the penetrating injuries caused by piercing are far more troublesome than the injuries caused by chopping.

Whether it is internal bleeding caused by puncture of important organs, or infection caused by damaged intestines, in this era without surgery, it is a terminal disease that no one can cure!

Even if a hand or leg is cut off, the chance of surviving is better than a stabbing sword!

Under the elegant appearance of the swift sword, there is a terrible lethality hidden.

Especially, it is lighter than other swords!It also makes it possible to fight longer.

It can be said that in daily life and street self-defense, the rapier is definitely the best choice, and it can be called the strongest portable single-handed cold weapon in the West.

Of course, Aaron also put a lot of effort into his sword rapping skills.

But at this time, he had to put it down and sighed: "It's not the right time. Although stabbing swords are very suitable for daily fighting and self-defense, because no one goes out and wears heavy armor, but war is different!"

The civilians in the Davis Territory are naturally unarmored, but the knights are different!

Each of them has undergone professional training, and their physique and killing skills have reached the peak. They will even wear thick metal armor when fighting!

That kind of armor includes a series of parts-inner armor, breastplate, skirt armor, helmet, iron gloves... It's just an iron can.

Even a set of well-made knight armor is worth as much as a manor!

It happens to be the nemesis of the thin and thin rapier!

Aaron thought of this, and directly picked up another long cross sword.

It has a wide blade, a black hilt, and a length of nearly two meters. It requires a tall man to wield it. There are sawtooth on the blade. All are just to increase the lethality when chopping armor. It is a real battlefield weapon. !

Chapter 4 Peasants and Soldiers

Advance, regress, jump...

Slash, stab, defend...

Holding the cross sword in his hand, Aaron practiced rigorously, and soon he was out of breath, with large drops of sweat appearing on his forehead.

"Huh... this big sword is powerful, but if you go all out, you will run out of energy in a few minutes... On the battlefield, you need to pay attention to this."

In life and death fights, one can consume one's energy the most.

It's as if some people said that if two people fight to the death, once it lasts more than 5 minutes, it's a performance.

Aaron understands this deeply, and also knows that the initial confrontation on the battlefield is often the most tragic, and the soldiers' physical strength will be exhausted quickly.

"As long as you survive the first dangerous moment and pay attention to avoiding Ruya, you shouldn't have a big problem surviving..."

He thought to himself, seeing Colin not far away, excitedly trying on a set of armor on his body.

This is a gift from the lord lord. It is a set of well-cast armor that is worth as much as a knight's manor. After wearing it, it has amazing defensive power on the battlefield and can increase the chance of survival!

And Aaron himself only has one piece of leather armor...

Perhaps, only when he leaves the territory will he get a set of armor and become a wandering knight, depending on whether Colin is generous.

Aaron didn't feel much jealousy about this, though, and returned silently to the castle.

After lunch, he ordered the maid not to disturb, and immediately began to take a nap.

During the day, it is also possible to dream.



The same darkness, the same sense of sinking and twitching.

Aaron was already familiar with it, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a dark sea.

A lot of blood, scales... are still suspended on the sea surface, as if telling the horror of the previous battle.

He looked up, and saw the dark velvet-like night sky, and... a crimson moon!

"Damn... the original moon is not this color, but the moon, or the satellite at night, relies on reflecting the light of the stars, so it also becomes scarlet?"

Although this world may not strictly follow the rules of the previous life, this is the most reasonable explanation that Aaron can barely come up with.

"I'm sorry... I really didn't mean to."

Aaron Sotos apologized to the air, then began to feel himself.

In this world, he is a pure observer outside the multi-dimensionality, and besides changing the sun last time, he can't actually do anything.

But tonight, things seemed a little different.

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