After turning on the light switch, Aaron drew the curtains, still a little dissatisfied: "The residence is still not secluded enough, I don't want to hide it directly, but it would be great if there is a space effect like Halsey's castle... ..."

Chapter 235 Lighthouse


under bright light.

Aaron laid the "Notes of Solon the Dreamer" flat on the table, and opened the first page.

A line of elegant characters from the spiritual world suddenly appeared on the title page:

[The dream world is indescribable, only the world can engrave a glimpse of it...]


Aaron turned to the next page and found that there was a blur of ink on the paper.

After turning a few pages in a row, it was astonishingly so.

"'Professor' won't cheat me the first time we meet... So, is the way of interpretation wrong?"

Aaron's expression was calm, and a ray of light wrapped around his finger, falling on the paper.

The clumps of ink were dissipated by the brilliance, like countless tiny insects, climbing on the paper, forming all kinds of strange and mysterious symbols and fonts.

"This way of reading requires constant deciphering..."

Aaron felt the irritability in his heart, and if he continued, he might reach the level of hearing ravings.

But he didn't care about these, his eyes were filled with pure white.

In the next moment, Aaron's eyes seemed to penetrate the pages of the book directly, and came to the inexplicable spiritual world. With the attitude of a "bystander", he stared at "himself" and started a new exploration...

In the dream, countless strange regions, all kinds of strange creatures in the spirit world, and even the ultimate mystery of the spirit world, all seemed to reveal a corner to him...


Aaron raised his head, as if coming back from the water, breathing in fresh air with gulps: "This immersive experience is so strong that even I feel a little dizzy... Extraordinary people who don't have enough original quality may find it difficult to get rid of this influence ...and ordinary people, even if they study carefully, they will be polluted!"

Although this secret biography is only in the form of exploration notes, there is very little mysterious knowledge recorded, and it does not involve great existence, but it is quite high-end.

"No... No, it actually describes a great being, that is the spirit world itself! The personality of a world is naturally very high... so the incidental pollution is very strong, and the content has to be hidden. Let Extraordinary people interpret it by themselves..."

Aaron seemed to understand Solon's original intention.

With a calm expression, he turned to a new page.

In this dream explorer's notebook, it is recorded in detail how the author, by chance, sleepwalked into the spirit world, wandered in it, groped, and finally concluded the process of the law.

The notes are very thin, and probably only belong to the entry-level level of exploring the spiritual world. Aaron finished reading it in a short time, and even felt a little unfinished.

"This 'dream hunter' Solon...the original quality level should not be low, and the exploration of the spiritual world is very in-depth...Unfortunately, I haven't seen the follow-up volumes [-] and [-]...they may be in the ' In the hands of the professor, knowledge is not something that can be easily sold."

"In this notebook, apart from some records in the dream world, the most important thing is to describe a positioning technique... According to the author, it is necessary to find the eternal and unchanging place from the 'changing spirit world'. Use this as a reference to confirm your own coordinates... It is similar to finding a lighthouse for guidance in a deep-sea trek... and it also provides a suitable place for beginners to 'log in' in the spirit world... As long as you are proficient in positioning, you can go to that coordinate."

Aaron tossed a coin, and after confirming the authenticity of the secret transmission and the accuracy of the coordinates, a smile appeared on his face: "Finally... I can explore the spirit world to my heart's content."

Last time, the town of Yanan was not considered a formal exploration. After all, he found that the spirit world there was fixed through and fixed, and the corresponding spirit world area would not change, so it was relatively safe.

"Actually, what I'm most worried about is that it's just a confrontation with the seniors. Everything else is fine..."

"The spirit world positioning technology in this knowledge is not advanced, the key is to find an unchanging reference in the spirit world, as a lighthouse...a lighthouse..."

Aaron nodded: "The area of ​​the spirit world corresponding to the town of Yanan is very will not change, and its personality is high enough, it is at the level of a child of God...if you have a 'lighthouse' of this level , as long as you don't fall into Si Sui's maze, you shouldn't get lost in your dreams..."

According to Aaron's understanding, this kind of 'lighthouse' also has the meaning of signal tower.

If you enter some special areas in the dream world, it will be the same as walking into a magnetically chaotic area with a compass, even if you have a lighthouse, it is useless.

For accurate positioning, the 'location signal' from the signal tower must be strong enough!Strong enough to penetrate the 'barrier' set by some malicious spirit creatures!

"The best signal towers are of course the 'Si Sui' people, this is out of the question, the next is the level of Shenzi..."

"Using a spiritual area influenced by a son of God as a lighthouse, the effect is definitely not bad."

Aaron began to chant his honorable name and let the spirit come out of his body.

Soon, the 'spirit of falsehood' emerged, staring at his body.

"'False Spirit' is too idealistic, and I can't see them even if I go, so I have to wear clothes... Unfortunately, I only have one 'Eau Claire' skin."

Aaron got into the body of the evil spirit Eau Claire, looked in the mirror, and wiped his face with his hand.

In an instant, the features of Eau Claire's face were twisted into the appearance of Green Potter.

At the same time, the complex and gorgeous classical aristocratic dress on his body disappeared, replaced by a classic style shirt and jeans, wearing a cowboy hat, and a revolver pinned to his waist.

Ordinary items cannot be brought into the spirit world, but items that contain spirituality can!


Aaron took out a spell, crushed it directly, and let the invisible power fall on him.

Around his body, the horror of the evil spirit gradually subsided, and he returned to the level of an ordinary spirit body.

"You can't go to the spirit world with evil spirits, it will scare people. According to the dreamer's notes... that login area is considered to be a relatively safe area in the dream world after generations of Extraordinary development. , it is easy to meet other Beyonders. '

The instinct of being an evil spirit allows Aaron to open the door to the spirit world in an instant.

At this time, he began to pursue his own mystical connection according to the spirit world positioning technique recorded in the notes, and a quaint small town seemed to appear in front of him, with a purple moon hanging in the sky.

In the center of the moon, there is a vaguely formed flesh and blood embryo.

"Using the area formed by the town of Yanan in the spirit world as a reference...then, I should go here!"

With a wave of his hand, Aaron tore open the void in front of him, as if opening an invisible door, allowing the spirit body to step in.

In the next moment, the world was spinning, and he had already arrived in the dream world!

Chapter 236 Preliminary Exploration

Aaron looked up, as if seeing the boundless universe.

A round of huge planets is located above his head, surrounded by a ring of broken meteorites.

"Since the collapse of the sun, this world has completely lost the basis of physical existence, and can only be completely transformed into the spiritual world... What I see now may be just a scene of the universe in history... The planet above my head may have long been It may be destroyed, or it may be light-years away from me..."

Aaron raised his hand to grab the void, and there was a silver-white mask covering his face.

He lowered his head and looked around, and found that he was in a large wetland.

There are puddles on the ground, and low bushes can be seen not far away.

As far as the eye can see, there is a piece of green and verdant.

The spirit world creatures that occasionally swim by are not powerful, and there is not much pollution information in the void.

"It is indeed one of the landmarks of the spiritual world that has been excavated and confirmed to be relatively safe..."

Aaron sighed.

At this time, he saw colorful lights gathering not far away, which seemed to form a door.

With a thud, the door opened, and a short figure of a boy emerged from it.

"A new dreamer?"

Aaron nodded. In his past experiences in the spiritual world, he had hardly encountered extraordinary beings.

But in this public domain, extraordinary people do not seem to be uncommon.

Just as Aaron was about to say hello, he suddenly heard the short male Extraordinary chanting a spell quickly.

The next moment, the other party's body was wrapped in light, and when the light dissipated, it had turned into a finch, flapping its wings and flying.

"It's really fun!"

Aaron sighed in admiration and waved his cowboy hat: "This gentleman..."

"What's the matter?"

A chaffinch perched on a bush, preening its feathers gracefully.

"'s the first time I've seen a bird-like spirit body."

Aaron said with a little curiosity.

"It's nothing... This is a spell belonging to 'Shadow'. Extraordinary people who purely follow the path of 'Shadow' can even enter the spirit world physically at a low-level original quality level...We are Extraordinary who also practice the path of 'Shadow' Those who have also created a unique spell, so that the body in the spirit world can mimic various animals... This can also effectively protect our spirit and increase the ability to resist external erosion."

Yanque made a proud voice, but with a naive feeling: "You are... a newcomer who just fell into a dream? Well... At least you know how to wear a mask to hide your identity. You are not too stupid."

"A little boy who has no experience in the world, um, seems to want to be treated like an adult. He likes to be called Mr. Gentleman..."

Aaron analyzed in his heart: "In today's world, children want to grow up, and adults want to become children again..."

After chatting for a few more words, Aaron knew that entering the spirit world physically was the best way to resist information and pollution from the spirit world.

In addition, these Extraordinary people who also cultivate the path of 'shadow' can use some spells to transform their spirit bodies into a state more suitable for the spirit world, and they are also more suitable for fighting pollution than ordinary spirit bodies.

"If we compare our flesh and blood body to steel armor, then transforming into an ordinary animal is equivalent to wearing an extra piece of leather armor..."

The little chaffinch stopped on Aaron's shoulder and said proudly: "Even so, it is superior to you spirit bodies that can only use your bare hands! And... I can fly!"


Just as the finch was showing its sense of superiority, a shadow passed by in the sky, and a falcon with a wingspan of 6 feet fell down and grabbed the little finch with its claws: "How many times have I told you that the spirit world is very dangerous?" , don’t enter alone, wait for me!”

"This is my teacher."

The chaffinch was caught in its claws, without any expression of panic, but proudly said to Aaron: "How is it? It's very powerful, right? I also want to become an eagle, but the teacher said that my spells are far from enough. Continue studying……"

'That's right, the third essence has probably been activated and sublimated, right? '

Aaron glanced at the huge falcon and made a comment in his mind.

Although I don't know how many Extraordinary people like this have been killed, they are indeed the backbone of the mysterious world.

Even in some organizations where there are no non-human beings, it is enough to be the leader.

For example, Speight from the Bone Worship Society...

"The ones that are more dangerous than the spirit world will always be other Beyonders!"

The huge golden-winged falcon glanced at Aaron with lightning-like eyes, and there was no lack of warning in his tone.

Immediately, it spread its wings, setting off a huge airflow, and took the student Martin to fly into the distance.

"Very wary of strangers... But it's normal, those who are not careful are dead."

Aaron didn't care, chose the opposite direction and started to move.

A fog quickly appeared in front of his eyes, and the surrounding environment changed rapidly.

After walking a certain distance, they came to a woodland.

"For the dream world, time and distance are jokes...I don't know where I am now."

Aaron closed his eyes, but at this moment, he could perceive two 'lighthouses' through mystical connection.

One of them is the small town of Yanan, and the other is the large wetland.

"As the newcomer's spiritual landmark, that area obviously also has the characteristic of 'unchanging'..."

He continued on, walking up a small hill.

On the other side of the hillside, there is a brilliant sea of ​​flowers blooming impressively. The petals of each flower are like a small sun, emitting brilliance...

"This is... the sea of ​​sunflowers?"

Aaron muttered to himself.

He thought that when he was about to open the first element, it was not easy to find a petal of a sunflower, and he finally got it through Clark.

But at this time, he saw a sea of ​​flowers in the spirit world!

"Sure enough... the resources in the spiritual world are ten or a hundred times richer than those in the earthly world..."

Aaron sighed in admiration: "It's no wonder that when it comes to the next high-level, Extraordinary people who want to be promoted must go to the spirit world..."

As the person who promotes the fusion of the two worlds, he is well aware of the difference in the background of the two worlds.

"Of course, the danger is ten times, a hundred times!"

Before Aaron came to the sunflower bushes, he stretched out his right hand and slowly and quickly grabbed a small black two-headed snake.

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