"You heard me right, it's the oldest building in Greenwood City - Sothos Castle."

Aaron spread his hands and made a helpless expression.

Chapter 213 Publication and Changes

"Ahem... I must remind Mr. Juggs that the Sotos Museum is listed on the Kingdom's Historical and Cultural Heritage List, and its property rights are in the City Hall... and no lunatic mayor dares to sell it. In fact, Even if the mayor agrees, the city council will not pass it!"

Bartolo suspects that Aaron has run into a con artist and has foolishly fallen for the trap.

Stupider than William Mark, the lately famous fool in high circles!

"Actually, I'm about to get it back from the city hall. Don't worry about the result, but the process is a bit complicated. I need a lawyer to help me with the formalities... I will pay you the lawyer's fee by the hour."

Aaron is confident.

Neither the Bureau of Investigation nor the upper echelons of the kingdom dare to blame an 'immortal'!

"Okay... I'll check the situation."

Bartolo forced himself to believe that this was true, and when he looked at the young man opposite, his eyes suddenly changed.

How terrible financial resources and background does this young gentleman have to be able to acquire a well-known museum in a public kingdom?

'He must be descended from some great noble...'

'Even to the point where those city councilors kneel and lick...'

'But still outrageous...'

'No, I've got to check it out right away, if it's true... oh my god, I'll be famous! '

Bartolo's eyes suddenly became extremely excited.

As a lawyer, he is most afraid of not being famous. For some classic cases that can become famous brands, he doesn't even charge lawyer fees!

"Then, I will give you the authorization document later, and I will leave everything to you."

Aaron shook hands with Bartolo and sighed in his heart:

'After this last thing is done, I should be leaving too. '


Golden Rose Street, No. 33.

"Welcome home, master."

Sylvia was dressed in formal attire, put her hands on her lower abdomen, and saluted solemnly.


Aaron handed the hat to the maid casually, and said, "If there are no accidents, I will leave Green Forest City before the end of December."

Sylvia suddenly felt that the stone hanging in her heart had finally dropped, but she was still a little dizzy.

"If you choose to resign, I will give you a compensation, and if you still want to continue working for me... Remember what I told you last time? Change your job to be the manager of one of my properties ?”

Aaron said mildly.

"I...I want to continue serving the young master."

The corners of Sylvia's eyes were a little red.

Half a year ago, when she was desperate, it was the young master who took her in.

This is something she will never forget.

"Well, then you can take care of my property in Greenwood City...it is a museum, quite famous, and you may have been to it. For details...you will contact Bartolo Rogel later Lawyer, here is his business card."

Aaron handed a business card to Sylvia, came to the study, and began to sign some documents.

Since deciding to take over the museum, he has decided to give up here.

After all, this is equivalent to directly exposing the identity of 'Rabbet' to 'Crow', which is equivalent to telling the Bureau of Investigation.

Although the Bureau of Investigation knows that he is a descendant of Sotos and can't do anything to him, let alone dare to do anything to him under the threat of the 'Earl of Green Forest', certain monitoring is inevitable.

Aaron couldn't stand this, so he might as well just leave when he made a decision.

As for the rest, I will entrust the attorney and Sylvia with full authority to implement it.


Time flies.

The end of April.

Liliat walked out of the house in a bank uniform and a bright red scarf around her neck.

The heavy snow like goose feathers drifted down from the sky, making her hold up a big black umbrella.

Her black boots made of calfskin walked in the snow, leaving a series of long footprints.

On her way to work, she passes a corner bookstore called 'Knowledge Goblin'.

Through the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see a thick stack of new books in the most conspicuous position of the bookstore, and there is a notice board next to it—"The posthumous work of the famous historian Clark Dass—"True The Earl of Greenwood in History"!Archaeological discovery of Aaron Sothoth!Big reveal!Only six shillings! '

In Green Forest City, this kind of gimmick is very popular, after all, the protagonist is the famous Earl!

Even Liliat walked into the store involuntarily and bought a book.

While queuing up to pay, she flipped through it briefly, her eyes suddenly tightened: "This is to reverse the case for the earl... The author confirmed that the earl was of noble character, modest, Kindness, bravery and other chivalrous virtues, no evil deeds such as patricide..."

'Of course I know these are true, but why does Clark Dass know? '

Liliat quickly turned to an illustration, which was a relic mural hand-painted by the author!

'That's right... This is the fourth floor of the mausoleum, the murals carved by the banyans on the rock... This Clark Das should be one of the last survivors to see the murals... No, it may be Someone publishes under his name...but judging by his age, he, he...'

Liliat suspects that this Clark Dass is the old Mr. 'Knowledge'.

"The posthumous work?"

She paid the money, walked out of the bookstore with the book in her arms, feeling a sudden sadness in her heart...


Green Forest Avenue.

Nicholas took the carriage and saw building No. 1, the huge castle museum.

In his hand, there is also a newly published "The Earl of Greenwood in True History"!

"If it's what I guessed... has our Invisible Hermitage revived that existence in the earl's mausoleum this time?"

Looking at the huge museum, his heart was surging for a while, but he didn't dare to take any action.

At this time, Nicholas saw the gate of the museum opened, and a woman with a beautiful face and wearing curator's clothes was sending out a group of sightseeing students with a smile on her face. He thought of the rumor that recently caused a stir in the upper echelons of Green Forest City—"Green Forest City Hall Selling a local landmark to a stranger? ! '

It is said that many local nobles and high-ranking people expressed their objections furiously, but the actions of the city hall were also extremely firm.

"According to the results of the last gathering, this is an award won by Miss 'White Dove', and it will be managed by Mr. 'Rabbing Sword'... That is to say, as long as I go to find out whose name the museum has been transferred to, I can I know a fake identity before 'Sword of Sword'... But it is of no use, it will anger the members of the organization instead, forget it...'

Nicholas took a deep breath and told the coachman, "Go ahead!"

"Yes, Your Excellency the Archbishop."

The coachman was also a devout believer, he agreed loudly, lifted the rein, and let the carriage pass slowly in front of the gate of the museum, and drive into the distance...

Chapter 214 Investigation Report

After seeing off the last batch of visitors today, Sylvia let out a silent sigh.

She returned to the museum, walked on the scarlet carpet, and looked at the gorgeous decorations and exquisite artworks all around, her face still a little unbelievable.

Although the young master had long said that she would help manage an estate, she never imagined that it was the Sothos Museum!The cultural business card of this green forest city!

All the way back to the office, there was already a lawyer waiting inside, it was Bartolo!

"First of all, I would like to congratulate you on becoming the director of the museum, Ms. Silvia!"

Bartolo asked Sylvia to sign the last document, with an unconcealable smile on his face: "Of course...although all the procedures have been completed, the city hall still has some requirements...First of all, this area The nature of the land cannot be changed, and commercial and industrial development cannot be carried out, as well as renovations that damage the main body of the castle... Secondly, they hope that you will continue to open the museum. After all, primary and secondary schools in our city organize visits every year. Of course, the entrance fee will be increased. The price is your freedom!"

Although some private museums of collectors are open to the public on the surface, they are actually only open one day a week, or worse, only a few days a year!This is all possible!

And once Sylvia does this, the public opinion in the entire Green Forest City may explode!

"Of course... I am deeply aware of its status in the hearts of Greenwood people. The museum will be open as usual, and the ticket price will not increase. All income will only be used for the daily maintenance of the museum and the salaries of the staff!"

Sylvia took a deep breath.

"a wise decision."

The smile on Bartolo's face grew wider.


Inside the Bureau of Investigation.

Holding the sorted documents in his hand, Percy walked into Jacob's office.

"Director, this is the investigation report on Aaron Juggs!"

Percy looked at Jacob flipping through the documents, and he reported in a fair tone, "The other party first appeared in Green Forest City, probably in July. After careful inspection, the identity documents were confirmed to be forged... Residence At No. 7, Golden Rose Street."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little ashamed. After all, he had visited the other party before, but he didn't find anything unusual!

"At present, the identity of the other party can be confirmed. It should be a full-fledged member of the Invisible Priory, code-named - 'Sword of Sword'!"

"The other party has moved out since they dispatched a lawyer to negotiate with the city hall to take over the museum, and their whereabouts have been unknown since then. The investigation on the housekeeper, Sylvia, has also yielded results, on page 12..."


While listening carefully, Jacob turned to the results of the investigation: "She used to be a maid of Benjamin's family, involved in the Benjamin case?!"

"Yes, Sylvia was later hired by Aaron Juggs...Maybe because of this, the other party noticed the abnormality of Benjamin's house, which led to the subsequent Greenwood Church case...It is precisely because of this that the Invisible Priory, Only then did I pay attention to Roberts, the 'White Pigeon' who gave us clues last time also got information from the Priory!"

Percy finally concluded: "Everything is connected in series, and according to the results of the last meeting, Yasuo and Aaron Yugos, the 'envoy' of the sword, are both planning to leave Green Forest. I think we must continue to investigate. In the meantime, our city may be able to return to calm."

"Thanks a lot."

Jacob waved his hand.

Percy saluted solemnly and left the office.

Jacob took out a pack of cigarettes from the drawer, thought of something, lit the cigarette with trembling palms, and put it in his mouth.

"After the last exploration of the ruins, your condition has gotten worse, and you need to return to the headquarters for treatment as soon as possible..."

In the darkness nearby, Fiona's sweet voice came out.

The 'Night Witch' stepped out like a cat, with a hint of worry in her beautiful eyes.

"Ahem... There is no problem so far, what about your investigation?"

Jacob coughed and continued to ask about work.

"The divination master at the headquarters has already divined that 'Aaron Yugos' according to the clues we gave, and the result was disturbed... Either the other party made a counter-divination arrangement, or the other party was caught by a bigger source of interference 'Sheltering... what do you think?"

Fiona answered with a pure voice.

"Both are possible, and they may even exist at the same time. According to the other party's performance, pupil color, and the investigation of the 'jazz' party... I can basically confirm that this 'rapier', that is, Aaron Juggs Sir, who participated in that expedition with us is the original purple-eyed man...he may be more deeply involved in the Earl of Greenwood's plan than that female descendant!"

It was truly top secret, and Jacob hadn't told Percy.

Because in the Bureau's opinion, Percy was indeed not trustworthy.

"He..." Fiona recalled Aaron's performance in the mausoleum: "Isn't he lost on the third floor?"

"Hehe...the mausoleum is completely controlled by that person, so what's the difficulty in saving a descendant? We haven't seen his body yet..."

Jacob smiled wryly, his expression suddenly becoming a little secretive: "But...among a descendant, no, among fellow descendants, would you choose a low-level Extraordinary, or an evil spirit?"

"What do you mean?" Fiona thought for a while, and was suddenly startled: "You suspect... Aaron Yurgos was parasitized by that evil spirit?"

Thinking of that evil spirit, even Fiona couldn't help but feel chills in her heart: "If that's the case, it would be a disaster for the mystic world to be escaped by such an evil spirit!"

"For that existence, it is normal for the same descendant to have no preference... But sacrificing a blood descendant can let the evil spirit walk out of the mausoleum, this business can still be done... What's more, the other side Evil spirits may not be able to achieve a strange symbiotic state with their blood descendants."

Jacob's expression was solemn: "This should involve the layout of an 'Eternal Life', and Aaron Juggs is the key figure!"

Fiona nodded: "Although Percy reported that according to the information of the Invisible Priest, the immortal is not in good condition, the information of the Invisible Priest is not necessarily accurate, and there is also the possibility of deliberately concealing Percy's information. ...So, our next key target is Aaron Juggs?"

"This is obviously just a fake identity..."

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