At this time, the tall and thin man who asked the question before said: "Contaminated spiritual materials are worthless, and I can treat them as gifts... I have a book in my hand called "Bone Tantra", which records historical events. A hidden history, as well as sporadic extraordinary knowledge... If you are an ordinary person, you can even get the key to the 'extraordinary' by reading it... Of course, such books are often very dangerous, don't blame me for not reminding you. Well, it's worth £1000!"

'The Bone Tantra?It sounds like the style of taking the flesh and blood route, the Lotus Eater or the Bone Worship Society, or some other secret organization and ancient religious order?Well, the former may be bigger... However, if you dare to give it to me, I will accept it! '

Aaron's thoughts turned quickly, and a smile appeared on his face: "Deal!"

He took out a thick wallet from his pocket, counted out a thousand pounds in cash, handed it to the tall and thin man, and obtained a calfskin case from him. After opening it, there were several spiritual materials and a book Books with pale covers.

After the deal was completed, Aaron immediately felt some greedy eyes, and couldn't help rubbing his fingers.

Well, if some unlucky guy hits him, maybe there will be another place to reimburse for tonight's expenses.

Chapter 174 Crow

"The party is over, 'Sword', 'Thorn', and 'Witch' leave first."

An hour later, 'Jazz' looked around, announced the end of the party, and called out the people with the highest turnover to go first.

Aaron carried the suitcase and walked out of the workshop indifferently.

The next moment, he frowned, and his [Danger Perception] felt a relatively strong threat, like a needle placed in front of his eyes!

This feeling was only fleeting, so he didn't stop, and continued to walk into the darkness.

'Is there an ambush? '

'No, it seems to be some kind of monitoring...Investigation Bureau, or someone from another organization?This is a wild investigation of the wild Extraordinary in Green Forest City...'

Aaron touched his chest.

The box containing the "Green Forest Power Ring" was sealed, and then the "evil spirit" parasitized in the power ring, which is equivalent to two layers of seals, and there is no problem.

Other than that, he is just a mediocre Second Prime character, presumably the mastermind behind the scenes doesn't like him either.

'Similarly... Liliat, Clark and others can all stand the background check...should be fine. '

"Well, with the purification of the illusory spirit, it is impossible for me to retain the evil spirit's breath, so there is no flaw..."

While thinking, he kept walking, observing all directions vigilantly, like an ordinary Extraordinary.


As if he had noticed something, Aaron raised his hand and summoned an incandescent light, which fell on the treetop not far away.


On the top of the tree, standing a black crow with scarlet eyes.

It was irradiated by the light, and most of the feathers on the surface of its body melted, leaving traces of scorched black, flapping its wings, and fled the scene quickly.

As if startled, Aaron quickened his pace in the opposite direction.

Not long after, two men in black robes appeared on the secluded road.

They wore dark robes with scarlet symbols forming the mystical seal of a lotus flower.


The crow that flew away before landed on the shoulder of one of them, spitting out an eyeball.

At the base of the eyeballs, there are a large number of tentacles of flesh and blood that look like hands and feet. They climb up to the opponent's face, and get into a dark eye socket, and they fit perfectly.

The man in black blinked his eyes, as if adapting: "Damn it, you actually found my surveillance crow!"

"There is that adult who personally checks, and those who pass the review are all small characters. It seems that the other party is just a little strange. Maybe he has a certain magical item?"

Another black-robed man speculated, and then continued to ask: "What channel did he come from?"

"'Yao'! The purification ability is very strong!" Cyclops replied coldly: "It's his own ability, not with the help of spells or extraordinary items!"

"Extraordinary who has a strong purification ability and only walks 'Yao'?"

The one-eyed dragon's companion sighed: "It seems that the probability of being related to the target who killed Roberts is very low, and he has strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities, should we continue to track it?"

"Where are you going to chase? Go back and return to your life."

Cyclops sighed: "Fortunately, the other party is not from the path of 'Ming', otherwise we will lose our clues, and we will definitely be severely punished!"

The two of them didn't know what to think, and their bodies trembled.


another direction.

Clark's muscles bulged, and he instantly turned into a little giant. He knocked out a man in black with a punch.

"Red lotus robe with a black background... this kind of dress... a lotus eater? Troublesome guy..."

Clark sighed, and did not kill the members of the other party, but turned his head and shouted to Bruce who was crouching in a safe corner with his head in his arms: "It's over, get out of here quickly... there is a secret organization guarding the members of this party! Look Coming to the party will be postponed indefinitely..."

"Oops, what about Aaron? He may be in danger!"

Bruce exclaimed: "There are others..."

"Aaron is smarter than you, and he will solve these problems flexibly. After all, I think the lotus eater just sent people to follow him this time. If you, an idiot, didn't yell directly, I don't have to fight forcibly with my old bones! "

Clark gave Bruce a look of contempt, and sneered: "As for 'Jazz'? To be able to hold a secret party in Greenwood City for so many years, of course there will be a few cards. Instead of worrying about others, you should worry about yourself!"


At this moment, they heard a sound like a gunpowder explosion, coming from the direction of the original abandoned factory.


Clark picked up Bruce, his figure was like a gust of wind, and quickly fled the scene...


"Something always feels wrong..."

Liliat has already changed three routes, changed her appearance twice, and will go to another safe house further on.

There, she will transform back into 'Liliat Doron' and take a cab home.

Although she has confirmed several times that no one is following her, she always feels uneasy.

This is the premonition that comes from pure spirituality!

Although there is no basis, it is often more accurate than reasoning in many cases!

"No... I can't go home. In the mysterious world, those who are not careful are dead... I want to seek help... Go to the Iron Fist Gang, where I can contact Mr. God Envoy..."

Liliat changed direction while praying to the false spirit in her heart.

Just then, a gust of cold wind blew by.

Liliat suddenly felt that the blood in her body seemed to be frozen, and she shivered involuntarily.

At this time, she suddenly looked up and saw a black crow.

That crow had scarlet eyes. At this moment, feathers fell off one by one, and immediately there were pieces of flesh and bones...

"It's been resolved, go home as soon as possible. That party has become dangerous, so don't go there in the future."

In Liliat's ear, a male voice echoed.

"It's Mr. Yasuo, following your orders, thank you for your help, thank you, my lord!"

Liliat immediately felt relieved, turned around, and returned to the original route.


Bridge of Yver district, church.

Nicholas had already changed into the archbishop's robes, sitting at his desk, thinking about the harvest of this gathering.

He took out a notebook from a secret drawer, filled the ink with a pen, and began to write some key information and knowledge that needed to be memorized.

Suddenly, he felt a chill all over his body, lost control of his right hand holding the pen, and quickly wrote in the notebook: "Don't panic, you have been followed!"

Nicholas' pupils constricted, feeling that there were countless pairs of eyes peeping from behind, and his hair stood on end.

Forcibly suppressing the shock in his heart, he felt that his right hand could move again, and immediately wrote on the paper: "Who are you?"

"I'm from the Invisible Monastery!" The tip of the pen seized control in an instant, and wrote: "The stalker is from a previous gathering, but you are not a key observation target, so only a slight surveillance...During this period, don't do anything beyond Common sense, don't pray casually, by the way...destroy all previous carriers that recorded key information!"

Chapter 175 Schedule

"It turned out to be someone from our organization."

Nicholas breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately felt cold sweat on his forehead.

If he was monitored without knowing, he might leak all the details!

Whether it is the connection with the Sunset School or the secrets of the Invisible Priory, there is a possibility of exposure!

It's just outrageous!

After thinking about it, Nicholas took advantage of the control and came back, writing: "Directly kill the monitor, or report it to the Bureau of Investigation?"

"They have already confirmed your identity. If you behave too unusually, even if you kill a monitor, there will be stronger monitors, or even...inhuman existence!"

'I... I actually messed with an inhuman being? '

'Fortunately, fortunately, I still have the shelter of the Invisible Priory. '

Nicholas was both scared and grateful.

He didn't know that he had become Aaron's 'bait' to some extent.

For the internal members of the 'Invisible Priory', Aaron also has a set of ratings in mind.

Like Liliat, she directly dealt with the stalker on the road without revealing her identity.

As for Nicholas, his identity was exposed, but it didn't matter much, because he had nothing to do with the mysterious strongman who caused the lotus-eater's plan to go bankrupt.

As long as they monitor for a period of time and come to a conclusion, the other party will naturally withdraw their personnel.

At the same time, it is also a chance for Aaron to go fishing.

As for the Percy kind?

Aaron would probably watch the other party run wild with luck, he was lucky to survive, and he was unlucky to die!

He thought for a while, then continued to manipulate one of Nicholas' palms with evil spirit, and wrote to ask: "Who is the person who went crazy in your church recently?"

'He... he even knows this?Have you been hiding in the dark to protect me? '

Nicholas shrank his pupils, and replied in writing: "Resno Hamm, a clerk, my monitor and assistant, he was sent by the Pope of the Holy Spirit to assist me..."

"He is a Extraordinary, and in the Church of the Holy Spirit, in principle, no Extraordinary is allowed... Do you think there is something wrong with the Pope?"

A new line of text appeared, causing Nicholas' face to change.

He recounted the information that those with higher status can enjoy the right to know, but he fell into deep thought.

Perhaps His Holiness the Pope is also an Extraordinary?

Aaron did not continue to ask, but left here.

After confirming his departure, a ray of light appeared on Nicholas' hand, and he wiped it on the page, immediately erasing all the previous handwriting.

He got up calmly, prepared to say a prayer to the Holy Spirit, and then rested.

Nicholas has already decided to be a law-abiding archbishop for a while, so that the watchers can completely dispel their suspicions!


"What a busy night."

Aaron, who returned to Golden Rose Street, tossed a coin, checked his safety, and entered his room through the window.

He was lying on the easy chair, looking at the stars and the moon in the night sky, his expression suddenly became a little dark, and there was a trace of anger.

"The investigation bureau is still too useless. The previous search caught some small fish and shrimp at most...not a single real big fish..."

"There are so many evil believers, ancient sects, and people from secret organizations... wandering, checking, and acting recklessly in Green Forest City... What do they think of this place?"

"Sure enough...was I too kind before?"

"Let these thieves, robbers, and bewitchers... operate on my territory..."

"'s time to clean up Green Forest."

Aaron's eyes became darker: "It's interesting to think about making Green Forest City a taboo in the mysterious world... After all, I am the doom of all mysteries, even the [Scarlet Creator] was fooled by me." died……"

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