"What do you want? Or... what do you want from me?" Percy asked in a low voice.

He understood that at this time, he could not resist at all.

Although, he had long made up his mind that if the other party wanted to betray the Bureau of Investigation, he would rather die!

As if seeing through his psychology, Aaron chuckled and said, "In this world, there are many things more terrifying than death...and even death is not the end...I saved you only because Are you lucky... As for the price? Well... you have two choices now, the first is to recite the name of our Lord with me, and the second is to die here directly, you choose!"

Most of the time, reciting the real name will not immediately get a response from the hidden existence, but it has already registered with the other party. In the long life to come, it may explode at any time!

Percy knew this deeply, and immediately struggled.

"Don't worry, although I asked you to recite your honorable name and join my side, but currently I have no plans to become an enemy of the Investigation Bureau..."

Aaron seemed to see the worries in his heart, and continued: "If you really encounter a task you don't like, you can still choose to die..."

Of course, you can also choose to betray, but this will inevitably be punished by the unknown existence, and there will be no peace after death...

This is the inherent cognition of the mysterious world.

But actually?Aaron does not have the ability of divine punishment...

If Percy refuses to admit it after eating and wiping it all out, besides staring blankly, he has no choice but to punish the opponent himself.

"What honorable name?"

Percy clenched his fists.

Although he was flustered, he understood one thing.

Even if this is the solicitation of the evil god, he can choose to report to the bureau after he knows more information!

Because it is the most stupid and useless way to die here.

"Very good, follow me and chant in the language of the spirit world...the illusory spirits wandering in the unknown, the existence of absolute neutrality, the silent observer!"

Aaron smiled.

"Is it a false spirit? You are a member of the Ethereal Sect that has been destroyed?!" Percy's eyes widened: "No... this hidden existence that cannot prove its own existence actually exists!"

After the miracle of healing before, he no longer doubted the existence of the false spirit.

At the same time, he also knows that once he recites the honorable name, he will inevitably fall into the net of hidden existence, and he will not be able to get rid of it for a lifetime, and this curse may even be passed on to future generations through blood.

Even if you have determination, you can't help but hesitate.

"I believe in the great false spirit, but I don't belong to the Ethereal sect... How about it? If you join my group, I will tell you the truth and follow-up of the Roberts case..."

Aaron smiled and offered another price.

'Captain, and Cassidin...'

Percy clenched his fists, his eyes became firm, and he recited the honorable name of the 'Void Spirit' in the language of the spirit world.

Although nothing happened, he had an ominous feeling that he had fallen into the abyss.

"Very well...then, I will abide by the agreement."

Aaron told Percy all the ins and outs of the Roberts case, and finally said: "In the end, Roberts, who was fleeing, was killed by an 'evil spirit'..."

"The way of 'Hell', the evil spirit of the fourth essence?" Percy asked in surprise, "Who is he?"

"He is a senior member of our church. Of course, this is currently top-secret information!"

Aaron smiled: "Your current task is to recuperate well. In the future, in the investigation bureau, the religious order may use you..."

He got up and walked to the door.

"and many more……"

Percy was bound to the bed, unable to move at all, and could only shout, "Your order... no, which one is our order?"

In his mind, a series of names of evil associations emerged.

Such as the Sunset School, the Lotus Eater Association, the Meteorite Order, the Blood of Decline, the Gourmet Association, the Ring of Oak, etc...

At this time, Aaron had already walked out of the ward, only the voice still echoed: "Invisible Priory!"

Chapter 164 Glory and the Crown

a few days later.

Green Forest Investigation Bureau.

Percy, who was still wearing a bandage, limped into the investigation bureau with a slightly dazed expression.

Although there are still many agents in the Bureau of Investigation, the number of familiar faces has decreased a lot.

This made Percy feel a little heavy in his heart.

"Captain... that's great!"

A female member of the team passed by holding the documents, and seeing Percy, her eyes lit up: "I heard the doctor tell you about your situation before, and thought you... thought you..."

She rubbed her eyes vigorously, crying in her voice.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Percy comforted softly.

After the mental pollution has been healed, physical injuries are trivial.

He greeted a few more acquaintances and made his way to Jacob Jones' office.


Percy stood at attention and saluted.

"Percy Arnias... welcome back!" Jacob, with slightly gray temples, smiled, "Besides... you are such a lucky boy!"

It's hard to say about this kind of mental pollution, but there are indeed a few examples of people being able to regain their sobriety, and it depends on each person.

After all, even the Special Physician dedicated to this bureau can't make a conclusion.

"Actually... I'm here to report specifically for this."

Percy took a deep breath.

He has no loyalty to the 'Invisible Priory' at all, on the contrary, he is extremely disgusted with these secret associations and evil sects!

Therefore, he reported the 'Invisible Priory' without guilt or pressure!

"You said...a mysterious person came to see you at night and gave you treatment? Does he belong to an organization called 'Invisible Priory'?"

Jacob's eyes darkened in an instant: "I have never heard of the name of this sect, but there are too many examples in history of those secret associations that have changed their face or developed offline... Maybe it is one of the cults we know. One of them, perhaps a brand new force...It sounds like an organization whose goal is to delve into various invisible spells, study secret rituals, and even improve the original quality...but there is no doubt that it belongs to the target that needs to be attacked! "

He looked at Percy, the expression on his face softened: "It takes courage to admit that you have been wooed and shaken... You are a real investigator, Mr. Anias! In addition, you There is one most important thing... have you recited the honorable name of a hidden being?"

When asked here, Jacob's tone became more serious than ever.

Persinu moved his lips, just about to say the honorable name of 'Void Spirit', but his heart was suddenly shaken.

As the captain, he deeply understands the horror of chanting the honorable name of a great being!

That means that he has already registered with the secret existence. The other party may not pay attention to an ant in his life, but he may pay attention to it in the next second!

Even, for the sake of the so-called 'balance', it is a ridiculous idea to recite the names and taboos of many great beings in order to cause their conflicts and thus protect oneself.

The way they die depends only on which existence is interested first!

And the Bureau of Investigation often dealt with such people who knew their honorable names very cruelly.

'If I'm being honest, the best outcome might be to be put in a prison on a deserted island and locked up to die... I still have a lot of things to do, and the Roberts case is not really over yet! '

One thought after another turned in Percy's mind. In the end, he shook his head: "No... maybe I'm not qualified to touch this level of secrets."

"Then, you know the follow-up process, go to three places for routine inspection, this is a necessary procedure, I hope you can understand."

For a meritorious person who is still the local captain, Jacob is quite polite.

"For the kingdom!"

Percy saluted, turned and walked out of the office.

"Is it the Invisible Priest?"

Jacob looked at Percy's back, and suddenly asked to the side: "What do you think?"

From the shadowy corner, the 'Night Witch' Fiona walked out with light steps, and Percy didn't notice it at all.

She said in a voice as sweet as a yellow oriole: "I have never heard of this secret association, but it seems to have mastered quite powerful healing spells..."

"What about Percy?"

Jacob suddenly smiled.

"If he had fallen, he wouldn't have explained these things to us. After he knew that he would have been investigated..." Fiona said.

"People are always contradictory creatures. Until the moment they face a choice, they never know what decision they will make..."

Jacob said meaningfully: "Green Forest City is too chaotic, first there is a mysterious strong man, and then there is a secret association that pops up suddenly... This place must be cleaned up!"

"What do you want to do?" Fiona asked.

"Have you ever fished? It's also a good sport, and it requires enough patience..." Jacob crossed his fingers: "First... declare the case of the Green Forest Cathedral closed, and then, take back most of the detectives, we Also make the illusion that you have left Green Forest City...even, you can relax the review of Percy Anias and let him pass the test...then, wait quietly..."

"The mysterious strongman who killed Roberts, and the hidden associations such as the Invisible Priory, no matter what plans they have, they will always be unable to bear it and jump out." Fiona chuckled and said for Jacob.


There seemed to be a cold light in Jacob's eyes: "The mysterious world of Green Forest City should indeed undergo a major cleansing. There are already too many degenerates and too many wild Extraordinary people who do not fear order... When necessary, we will You can even ask for help from the headquarters to kill all unstable factors!"

The Director of the Bureau of Investigation was deeply impressed by Roberts' crazy behavior last time and the almost magical drop that the other party almost triggered.

"Cough cough..."

As soon as he finished speaking, an abnormal scarlet color appeared in Jacob's eyes, and he coughed violently.

"Let the headquarters send out the fifth, or even the sixth prime figure, to clean up the green forest thoroughly?"

Fiona's eyes were slightly lost, and she immediately stepped forward and took out many bottles and jars: "I personally agree with your decision, but the treatment just now must continue..."

In the previous battle of the waterworks, Roberts took a risk to trigger a god drop, and in the end it was Roberts who consumed the bureau's cards and stopped it all.

But also because of this, he was seriously injured. Although he seemed to be fine on the surface, he actually had to receive long-term treatment.

Fiona watched Jacob pour all the liquid medicine in a metal vial down her throat, her expression became much calmer, and she asked a little curiously: "Which Lord will come to help?"

"I will personally write a letter of appeal for help, hoping to invite a 'Her Majesty'!"

Jacob replied in a deep voice.

Fiona suddenly felt a little suffocated.

After the fourth essence - [Vigor], there is the fifth essence - [Glory], after [Glory], it is [Crown]!

Therefore, the existence of opening the sixth essence is often honored as--'Your Majesty'!

Chapter 165 Questions

"A 'Your Majesty'?"

Fiona looked shocked.

In today's era where the "immortal" does not appear, an extraordinary person who has opened the sixth essence is undoubtedly a real big man standing on the top of the mysterious world!

The powerful and pure spiritual ether has been completely controlled by them, hovering over the spirit body, turning into an invisible crown!

This is also the true meaning of the sixth essence - [Crown]!

It can be said that each of these existences is the true background of the Invens Kingdom. Even Fiona does not know the number and specific information of such existences in the kingdom.

"Is this... is this... a bit too serious?"

Fiona murmured.

"If you don't put it seriously, how can the headquarters take it seriously?" Jacob spread his hands helplessly and blinked his eyes: "At that time, it would be very good to send us a reinforcement of the fifth essence. ...I have to say that after a long time, bureaucracy has gradually become prevalent even in the headquarters of the Investigation Bureau..."


New calendar 1026, August 10th, Friday.

Sycamore Street.

Inside Darth's villa.

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