Such the most powerful trident was secretly called the three foreign devils by the boys of the provincial capital university. They were disgusted and angry with their gnashing teeth, but there was nothing they could do.

"Who are they?"

The king looked directly at the group of people headed by Owens, and then indifferently asked Gu Zhendong beside him.

Gu Zhendong's face was gloomy, and he said in a low voice: "They are a group of international students. Look, the tallest white man is called Owens. He is the leader among them. He is especially good at playing basketball. It is said that in the United States, he is a member of the college league. Players..."

"I didn't ask them how good they are at playing basketball. What I asked was, why did these foreign devils break in and occupy the court?" His Majesty Wang held the basketball and twirled it at his fingertips very freely.

Gu Zhendong sighed and explained the situation helplessly.

"Forget it, I can't afford to offend you. These bastards are not here to study and communicate, but to show off their power, pick up girls, play tricks, and be domineering! Fuck!"

After the explanation was over, Gu Zhendong knew very well that no matter how much he said, he would just complain. His eyes were full of aggrieved and helpless.

"Really? Such fraud?" The king's eyes moved slightly.

"No way, master, we are all students, we can't afford to offend them, you know, if we have a conflict with them, the school will definitely be on their side, as it is now, there is nothing we can do about it!"

"Then let them occupy the court, show off their might, drive you away like driving away mice and cockroaches?" Wang Shang thought, and the light in his eyes became gloomy.

"Master, don't fight with them, don't! Endure the calm for a while, let them occupy the court to play basketball, let's go out, there are so many courts outside." Gu Zhendong said, obviously he had suffered a loss before, and was beaten by Owen. Si's gang of bastards had bullied her before, otherwise, she wouldn't be so cowardly.

"Hey chick, so pretty! Beutfogel... oh yeah! Bust your nose! Yay!"

"Oh, Biutfogel, hi!"

Suddenly, a few guys headed by Owens, while throwing and dribbling on the court, suddenly discovered that among the girls sitting in the auditorium, there was a very beautiful and sexy Chinese beauty.

So, Owens and the others whistled at the beautiful woman, looking sloppy.

The king's eyes moved over, and he saw at a glance that the target of Owens and his sisters was a coincidence, it was Fang Yuanyuan and Zhou Yuqi!

Zhou Yuqi was urged by several phone calls from Fang Yuanyuan to come over to watch Wang Shang play basketball.

So she came, only to see that Owens, a group of international students, occupied the court here, and even whistled at her and Fang Yuanyuan!

So annoying!

"Master, don't be impulsive..." Seeing this scene, Gu Zhendong quickly pulled the king's arm.


His Majesty's expression froze, and he suddenly became very calm and indifferent, walking forward with a basketball in his hand.

"What's the matter, Master?"

"Zhendong, let's go, Master will take you to teach them to be human again!"

King Wang strode forward and came to Owens and his group of international students.

There were still more than two meters away from them, and Wang Shang suddenly made a jump shot.


The basketball flew out of Wang Shang's hand, crossed a wonderful parabola in the air, and then fell into the basket with precision.

Super three points!


"nice shot!"

Seeing this scene, the students in the auditorium on the sidelines cheered.

So caught off guard, Owens and the others were a little confused by the sudden display of shooting touch.

"Hey, kid, get off the court! This is our territory! You, bith!" A dark-skinned guy raised his middle finger at the king and shook his finger, his face full of contempt.

They are used to domineering and rampant, and they usually come directly to clear the field. The group of boys playing basketball in Huaxia all obediently leave the field to make room for them.

As a result, now, a Huaxia boy suddenly appeared, who dared to shoot basketballs against their heads under their noses...


Suddenly, it was like a gust of wind blowing by!

I saw that the king rushed to the dark-skinned guy who had just raised his middle finger and cursed like a lightning bolt, raised his leg, and kicked it out!


The dark-skinned guy was lifted and flew out, slamming hard next to the basketball hoop.

too fast!

The movement is so fast that it is dizzying and unresponsive.

Chapter 155 I am the God of Basketball



"My God!"

"Is it so big to play?"


Not to mention this group of international students, even the Chinese boys and girls in the stadium were all dumbfounded and extremely surprised.

Because everyone knows that the only ones who got into conflicts with these people, got into fights, and ended up being unlucky are Huaxia students.

"Your brother is so fierce!"

"Good fight! It's so relieved! Hahaha!"

In the auditorium, Fang Yuanyuan clenched her fist and waved it vigorously, as if it wasn't the king who kicked the dark skinned person, but herself!

"Fortunately, brother Wang Shang is not a student of our university, otherwise he will be punished..." Zhou Yuqi's expression changed slightly, and she muttered in her mouth.

She also felt relieved!

These international students have long made everyone feel the same hatred and are very upset.


At this time, the dark-skinned student grinned in pain, feeling like his bones were about to fall apart!

"Respect, do you understand? Mouth spraying dung, where did the garbage come from! You were lucky if you weren't kicked to death this time, and I'll give you a warning! You won't be so lucky next time!"

The figure of the king settled down, he glanced sideways at the dark-skinned bastard, and said coldly.

Although the dark-skinned international student had learned the Chinese language, he was not proficient in it, so he didn't quite understand what the king was talking about. He only understood after the translation and explanation of the international student partner who was also dark-skinned next to him.

It turned out that not only was he kicked violently, but he was also threatened and warned!

"Fake! Fake!"

He roared angrily, struggled to stand up, and was about to fight the king!

"Als, don't worry, play with him!" Suddenly, Owens stood up and stopped the black student named Als.

"It's time to let this yellow-skinned monkey know how good we are. Look, there are so many beautiful girls watching us from the sidelines. Since we are on the court, let us use our skills to blow him up!"

Owens said triumphantly.

Of course he wants to stand up for Als, but at this moment, he hopes to show off the basketball skills they are proud of.

"In the territory of their Huaxia students, use our best basketball to punish and humiliate them! Hahaha, just thinking about it is enjoyable, just thinking about it makes me excited!"

Owens took the basketball, slapped it skillfully, and came step by step, in front of the king.

"Hey, boy, do you dare to go one-on-one with me? Your shot just now feels good, but unfortunately, it is useless. Facing me, your shot is useless, because I will crush you and reward you." Hot pot, big hat, and dunk on your head!" Owens was complacent, his eyes full of contempt and provocation.

The king shrugged and said indifferently: "Come on, how to play, let's talk about the rules first, what if you lose, what if you win?"

Owens was slightly taken aback. He thought this provocation would frighten the brat, but unexpectedly, he accepted it.

"One-on-one, five goals, if you lose, apologize to my brother Als, and let him kick, then get down, bark like a dog, and climb out of the court!" Owens thought for a while , his face was full of arrogance, he paused for a moment, and continued to say in a arrogant tone: "Of course, if you don't dare to accept it, Aurs and I will go up together and blow your head off, and then you You can get out, this is a man's territory, useless and cowardly, don't deserve to stay here!"

As soon as these words came out, Gu Zhendong and the others on the sidelines were about to grit their teeth in anger!

"Bastard! It's so irritating!"

"Too deceiving!"

"Grass! A group of bastards, arrogant and domineering, they are really mad!"

"Master, use your skills to blow them up!"


"Owens and the others are too arrogant and domineering. Seeing how arrogant they are, I really want to beat them up!"

"Damn! He was raised by a stinky foreign bastard, and he bullied our Huaxia students. This is riding on our heads to shit and piss. I can't bear it!"

"You do what you want, what's the use of just talking? Looking at the entire provincial university, Gu Zhendong and his school team have to give up, and the other boys are useless, and there is no chance to play basketball with them!"

"Who is he? Why don't you know him? Is he a student of our provincial university?"

"Owens and the others are tall and big, taller and stronger than him. Although the ultra-long three-pointer he showed just now is shocking and very good, but if it is really one-on-one, it is impossible to win. ah!"


There was a lot of discussion, and everything was said.

But on the whole, the students present were very indignant. They were full of disgust for Owens and his dominance, and hated it so much!

At this moment, the king is surprisingly calm and calm.

Holding the ball, he patted and dribbled it easily. Although it doesn't look fancy, it is very practical and has solid basic skills.

He knows very well that on the basketball court, strength speaks for itself!

"Okay, I agree. We will fight one-on-one. If you lose, you can let your companions continue to fight with me. No matter who is among you, you can do whatever you want!"

The king looked at Owens and the group of people behind Owens.

"If I win, you, and your companions, all get out of here! Remember, get out!"

One speech is deafening!

On the court, these international students are all confused, you look at me, I look at you.


A burst of laughter!



"Crazy, what a crazy!"

"He wants to single out Owens, and anyone among us! What a big tone, who gave him such confidence? Could it be the god of basketball, Michael Jordan?"

"It's really ridiculous, look at him, he looks so serious, a ridiculous Chinese man!"


The Huaxia students also showed surprise on their faces, unbelievable.

They hoped that someone would stand up and teach Owens and the others a lesson.

However, that requires absolute strength!

In the king's body, they could not see any hope of defeating Owens.

"Master, you must do it!"

Gu Zhendong clenched his fists tightly, secretly cheering for the king.

These school team members have seen the king's skills, so they are confident.

it has started!

The king singled out Owens!

"Let you see what kind of skill is called the god of basketball."

There was a cold look in the king's eyes.

Fierce, fierce!

He is going to start from the first ball, not to give anyone he faces, any chance!

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