This action, everyone understands, is the beauty's invitation!

How many people dream of getting the favor of such a hot and sexy super hot girl!

Those men in the bar, looking at Fang Yuanyuan's sexy wild cat, felt like a cat scratching in their hearts, itching unbearably, each of them was eager to see through it, and their eyes were red.

But now, the hottest hot girl in the audience was actually dancing and stretched out her hand to that brat.

What's more, in the private room, beside the kid, there is a fairy-like beauty accompanying him!

What the hell is this?

Could it be that kid, surnamed Wang, named Tiecong?

The jealous eyes of the men were red, and the eyes were burning with anger!

Chapter 136 Amazing details and micromanipulation

Seeing her stretching hand, His Majesty didn't know that the sexy wild cat in front of him was actually Fang Yuanyuan after a big change of clothes!

I thought it was the beauties from the atmosphere group in the bar who came to set off the atmosphere and attract consumption.

It was not that easy for him to be seduced. After all, he was also a man who had seen the world and had contact with some beautiful women.

"Hold hands! Hurry up and hold my hand! Hmph, don't pretend, I won't be able to seduce you like this, it's impossible!"

"Hmph, brat, hurry up and reveal your prototype, see if Yuqi will still like you when you can't hold back and show off your perverted appearance! Hmph!"

Fang Yuanyuan winked at the king vigorously, poised her head...

Various os in the heart!

The king, who was knocking the melon seeds, was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly made a move that shocked everyone, the outside was burnt and the inside was tender!

He grabbed a handful of melon seeds and stuffed them into Fang Yuanyuan's hand.

"Come on, let's eat melon seeds, little girl, you are so devoted to dancing, you have worked hard."

The king looked at her with a fatherly smile.

eat melon seeds...

Eat melon seeds!

I'm down!

Fang Yuanyuan, who was wearing a mask, almost went limp and fell to the ground.

The expression on her face hidden under the mask gradually became rigid.

Eat melon seeds!

The old lady tried her best to show her head and pose, she was so charming, she even put on such a short miniskirt, made such a big sacrifice, and betrayed her appearance...

What the hell, you kid actually told me to eat melon seeds?

I eat your sister!


Zhou Yuqi, who was sitting next to the king, clutched her belly and laughed.

"No, no, eat melon seeds... Ha ha ha ha! Brother Wang Shang, you are such a genius, I can laugh at this meme for a year!"

Zhou Yuqi couldn't help laughing, she was lying on the seat laughing, her stomach hurts, and she was almost out of breath.

"God man!"

"Is this kid showing off his brain?"

"The beauty came up to deliver it, but he actually grabbed a handful of melon seeds and gave it to the beauty!"

"I'm a Buddha! I'm really a Buddha!"

"I give full marks to this operation! Show, Tianxiu!"


The crowd erupted for a while!

"You eat, beauty." Wang Shang looked at Fang Yuanyuan and said with a harmless smile.

Fang Yuanyuan took the melon seeds, messed up, completely messed up!

Killing men and teasing men, I thought it was a perfect shot.

The result was——

Turned into a large rollover scene!

No no no!

Fang Yuanyuan was about to collapse.

The old lady tried her best, and she just started to show it, absolutely can't, just give up like this!

So she stuffed the melon seeds back to the king, and her hot body approached the king, almost close to each other, swinging her graceful and slender waist, swaying her long and beautiful snow-white legs, and her slender legs exposed outside the mask The flaming red lips gently pressed against his ear, whispering in a seductive and sexy voice: "Handsome guy, dance with me!"

"I can't dance, but I can accompany you by jumping off a building." Wang Shang waved his hand, he is indeed, he can't dance, especially on the dance floor of the bar, men and women are shaking their heads, what are they dancing.

"Jump off the building..." Fang Yuanyuan almost vomited blood again!

My old lady is so beautiful and sexy, she took the initiative to invite you to dance together, but you actually said jumping off a building?

Once again, the teaser failed, and the car rolled over without warning!

Fang Yuanyuan just felt dizzy, and if this continued, she would really be driven crazy and jump off the building.

No no no!

Suddenly, she realized something.

The reason why this kid on the king is so reserved and not tempted is not because Zhou Yuqi is sitting next to him!

In front of the girl he cares about, this bumpkin must bite the bullet and pretend to be. After all, there are many temptations in this world, and there is only one love sister in my hometown. How can I get back after running away?

So, Fang Yuanyuan was waiting for the opportunity.

"By the way, Zhou Yuqi, why did your girlfriend go to the bathroom and haven't come back for so long, go and have a look, and nothing will happen!" At this time, the king reminded Zhou Yuqi.

"Yes, I'll go and have a look!" Zhou Yuqi hurriedly got up and left the box.

God helps me too!

Fang Yuanyuan was ecstatic.

Hot dresses, singing and dancing can't attract you!

Actively stepping forward and reaching out to hook and lead will not attract you!

So now...

In order to prove that Wang Shang is a super scumbag with a serious appearance and a dirty heart, Fang Yuanyuan came up with the ultimate kill.

There is no one around, throw yourself into your arms!

Fang Yuanyuan felt a sense of grievance rushing in her heart.

She is so beautiful, so sexy and hot, and she keeps selling her looks, just to help her girlfriends test men.

"handsome guy……"

The coquettish voice was so crisp and numb that it could penetrate directly into the bone marrow.

"You are..." His majesty couldn't help being a little flustered when he saw this sexy little wild cat wearing a cat demon mask sitting next to him.

But he has long seen that this woman obviously has plans and is definitely not so easy to provoke.

"Handsome guy, don't be nervous, I just want you to buy me a drink, that's all." Fang Yuanyuan once again posted a post towards the king, her long snow-white legs could not be concealed in a pair of miniskirts, crossed and folded Let it go, stepping on the feet of the high heels, swaying non-stop.

"Well, I just ordered a lot of wine." Wang Shang handed her a glass of wine, thinking, you have changed your clothes, put on a mask, and even deliberately said words to make you feel tired, but these are all Can't disturb his judgment, this woman is Fang Yuanyuan herself!

"Handsome guy, your girlfriend is so quiet, pure and beautiful, and doesn't move when she sits. A handsome guy like you, so he likes a quiet girl!" Fang Yuanyuan gradually entered the rhythm of the king of routines, seemingly It is very natural to adjust the sitting posture, in fact, to lengthen the leg line as much as possible, and to show the most beautiful curve of one's body to the king.

Pick up the wine glass and take a sip of wine.

Perfect posture from head to toe!

At this moment, Fang Yuanyuan felt that even though she was wearing a mask, she still had an invincible charm. Her slightly blurred eyes and full red lips stained with a little red wine were enough to drive countless men crazy!

"Beauty, are you single?" Wang Shang squinted his eyes and smiled, looking like he was being tricked, with dripping eyeballs, staring at Fang Yuanyuan, unable to look away.

This is the hook!

Fang Yuanyuan was too confident in her own charm, so by observing the expression and eyes of the king, one could tell that this kid was already tempted.

"Yeah, I'm so pitiful. I've always been single and I don't like boys. Maybe it's because I'm too noisy. I like to dance and drink. I don't look careless like a girl. It's completely different from those gentle and quiet girls. They Sitting there quietly, just like a fairy, attracting the attention of you boys, but for me, the popularity of men is too bad...It's too difficult for me!"

Fang Yuanyuan felt aggrieved, her hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly, and tears began to well up in her eyes...

The eyes, the small movements of the hands.

It's full of plump and full details, and it's full of amazing micro-manipulation!

"Yes, it sounds quite pitiful." The king would have been moved if he hadn't judged that she was Fang Yuanyuan who came to test him.

"Handsome guy, do you really think so?" Fang Yuanyuan climbed along the pole, feeling once again that the power of her routine was getting deeper and deeper. It seemed that this prudish boy was definitely hooked.

"Yes, you are very pitiful, how about this, I will take you on a trip..." The king's eyes were full of emotion, looking at this sexy little wild cat, he extended the invitation sincerely.

"Travel? Do you want to take me out to play? But, your girlfriend isn't here, and if you take me away, won't it make her unhappy and ruin the relationship between you?" Fang Yuanyuan sneered in her heart, and sure enough, You prudish bumpkin, you're going to take him away!

"I can't!" The king responded quickly, and immediately took out the mobile phone from his pocket, and skillfully opened the software.

Welcome to Glory of Kings!

The bgm familiar to countless game nerds sounds!

Chapter 137 I'm Sloppy Again

"Huh? Why did you start the game? Didn't you want to take me on a trip?" Fang Yuanyuan was a little confused, not quite understanding what Wang Shang was doing.

Seeing him take out his mobile phone, he thought it was, and clicked on a travel software to find a tourist destination.

The result is that the king is opened.

"Take out your phone, too, and play the game! I'll take you to the Canyon of Kings, have a swim, and have a good time!" Wang Shang said seriously, not caring at all. At this moment, Fang Yuanyuan's eyes burst out with something that could kill someone. anger.


Just to travel to the Canyon of Kings...

Fuck me, blow your dog's head off!

Fang Yuanyuan felt that she was going crazy.

Tired, really tired!

And still tired!

The old woman is so beautiful, so sexy, and so active, how many men can't help themselves, this brat actually only wants to beat the king?

How about going to the Canyon of Kings for a while...

Ripple, you are paralyzed, Ripple!

Fang Yuanyuan just wanted to swear, but she really suppressed it, and felt internal injuries.

God, aren't you being too hasty, what kind of silly sand sculptures are you creating to torture my mother?

"Why, don't you want to travel to the Canyon of Kings? Let's go! My descendant is on the order, the thief is very good! Playing wild Miyue, don't take advantage of the online economy, play a thief..." Wang Shang said with a smile, the king's game The voice came from the phone.

"Give me...shut up!" Fang Yuanyuan lost control of her emotions, and felt her head was buzzing, about to explode!

"What's the matter, beauty? Don't lose your temper! Well, well, since you don't like traveling to the Canyon of Kings, let's open a room!"

King Wang put down his phone, his eyes full of sincerity fell on Fang Yuanyuan's angry eyes.

" say it again?" Fang Yuanyuan suppressed her anger, feeling as if she had heard something wrong.

"Let's open the room!" The king repeated.

Fang Yuanyuan let out a long sigh of relief, although the matter he raised was too simple, rude, and too straightforward, but at this moment, for her, it was also for her that he could make such a request An affirmation of charm.

Therefore, although she felt disgusted, she was not very angry, and even a little fortunate.

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