No matter how bad the old driver is, there is no way to restore the dangerous situation caused by the car accident in this out-of-control situation.

The black commercial vehicle kept sliding down the overhanging slope. Fortunately, the overhanging slope on the side of the road was not too deep, only a few meters high. Below was a paddy field and a field ridge covered with grass...


The car rolled over on the field ridge. The driver had multiple fractures and blood from skin trauma. His face was covered in blood. Fortunately, the problem was not serious and no life was injured.

"Are you alright? Captain Luo!"

"Curator Wang!"

"Captain Luo! Director Wang!"

The driver got out of the cab, and immediately shouted.

His duty is to drive Luo Xiaoxiao and Wang Shang to the provincial capital. Of course, he is very clear that these two people are of extraordinary status and must not be neglected.

Now that there is a car accident, the first thing to ensure is to rescue Wang Shang and Luo Xiaoxiao as soon as possible.

However, what was particularly strange was that there was no one in the back seat.

Luo Xiaoxiao is not here.

The king is not here either...

The overturned black commercial vehicle was like a hill lying across the field.

On the other side, the side that the driver couldn't see, there was the sound of fighting.

It turned out that at the same time as they had a car accident, the white van at the rear rushed over quickly, and seven or eight gangsters and bullies in the car rushed out and jumped down the slope, planning to get into a car accident on the king, and killed him.

As Wang Shang's bodyguard along the way, Luo Xiaoxiao quickly got out of the rear seat of the overturned business car that hadn't stabilized yet, kicked the window and got out to deal with the bullies rushing over.

Holding machetes and daggers, steel pipes and iron rods, they fiercely attacked Luo Xiaoxiao.

Several people besieged and surrounded Luo Xiaoxiao.

Although Luo Xiaoxiao was born as a criminal police officer, she grew up as a Lianjiazi, she has kung fu, and even took out the handcuffs as a weapon to deal with her, but in the end she was still no match for two fists.


Suddenly, by accident, she was scratched on her arm by a bully, and blood flowed out, staining her clothes red.

Chapter 96 Unable to hide strength

The appearance of this scene, what is even more manly than a man, is that she was scratched just like that, the pain, ordinary people can't bear it, but she didn't say a word!


Immediately afterwards, taking advantage of her unpreparedness, there was a bully on the right behind him, and the steel pipe in his hand hit her right leg fiercely.

Her leg joints were bent, and she suffered a violent impact. The pain was so painful that she couldn't bear it immediately, and she knelt on one leg.

"Hey, little girl, you are lucky that those brothers in Nancheng didn't clean you up last time! This time, you can't escape!"

"The little girl is really pretty, and she's straight and straight, she's so sloppy! It must be fun to play! Haha!"

A few bullies and gangsters lashed out and hurt people severely, their eyes flickered with ferocity, and when they noticed that Luo Xiaoxiao was a beautiful woman, evil lights burst into their eyes.

Luo Xiaoxiao tightly held the handcuffs, and was looking for the right moment to pull out her gun to frighten these villains. Her eyes were full of hatred and anger, and she confronted them.

On one side is the lone policewoman, alone, and on the other side are seven or eight bullies armed with murder weapons.

The confrontation between the two sides seems to be a confrontation between a girl and a group of bully men, but it is actually a confrontation between the criminal police team and the underground evil forces.

They all know each other's situation.

"Last time, dozens of tyrants from your Four Dragons Association were killed. Although we haven't found out who the mastermind is, it's very satisfying! Hmph, you outlaws will have to punish you sooner or later! Don't miss it!"

"Little policewoman, you were the one who broke into the South City branch of the Four Dragons Club last time, right? The surveillance video outside is clear! It's a pity, you are useless like those wine bags and rice bags. You shouldn't be a criminal policeman. How good would it be to be our boss's concubine and our little sister-in-law? Hahahaha!"

A few bullies laughed, but they didn't just tease Luo Xiaoxiao blindly, but made eye contact with each other, and quickly started the next move.

They rushed up together and surrounded Luo Xiaoxiao again, with swords, guns and sticks, ready to take her down.

A hint of despair flashed in Luo Xiaoxiao's eyes.


Just then, a gunshot rang out.

Moaning, dull, like a small stone falling into a pool of water.


A bullet shot into the head of one of the gangsters.

The bully was killed on the spot with his brains burst and blood splattered everywhere.

All of a sudden, the gangsters and bullies were dumbfounded!

"what's the situation?"



Another dull gunshot sounded abruptly in the air.

They didn't even know where the people who fired the guns were hiding, and from what direction the bullets were fired. They all looked confused.

Seeing that the Silonghui brothers around him killed two of them one after another, how could they dare to stay here?

How dare they continue to besiege Luo Xiaoxiao?

As if telepathic with each other, the gangsters quickly retreated, rushed towards the top of the field, and fled in all directions, running one by one, faster than rabbits!


Another shot.

One of the gangsters just ran not far, the bullet was fired, and it hit the back of the bully's head with precision...


Blood gushed out, and he died instantly, leaving his body in the field.

The atmosphere of terror spread rapidly.

The scene of the car accident seemed to be a Shura field full of killings!



The remaining gangsters ran away crazily, screaming in horror.

Suddenly, there was a foul smell in the air.

It turned out that there were a few gangsters who were scared out of their wits, incontinent, peed their pants...

Seeing this scene, the King, who was lying under the right rear wheel of the overturned black commercial vehicle, put away the super sniper rifle, and a smug smile emerged from the corner of his mouth.

It was him just now, who quickly got out of the business car that was knocked off the cliff and then turned over, with incomparable agility. Based on the sniper king's marksmanship and rich combat experience, he chose a location and took out a super sniper rifle from the system warehouse. ...

Soon, he took the super sniper rifle back to the system warehouse, and trembling, he crawled out from under the wheel of the overturned commercial vehicle.


Luo Xiaoxiao, who witnessed all this happening, was in a daze, and when she saw the king walking over, she looked like a chilling cicada.

"What's going on, dead?"

The king's eyes fell on the bodies of the two gangsters who were shot not far away, and he gasped.

Luo Xiaoxiao adjusted her breathing, and said: "Yes, there was a car accident, those bullies rushed over to deal with me, two of them were shot, I don't know who hid in the dark and shot."

"Who is it? So powerful? I hid under the car and heard gunshots and screams. I was scared to death!"

The king pretended to be terrified.

At this time, the driver of the car came over, looked at Wang Shang, then looked at Luo Xiaoxiao, and said nervously: "Captain Luo, you are bleeding too badly, you have to call an ambulance immediately!"

After going through such a big thing, everyone's face is very ugly.

"No hurry, I will call the police now and let my colleagues in the jurisdiction come over to deal with it."

Luo Xiaoxiao disregarded that her wound was still bleeding, and took out her mobile phone to make a call.

"Captain Luo..." The driver's face turned pale, because Luo Xiaoxiao was bleeding so badly that no one around could stand it.

"It''s okay..." Luo Xiaoxiao held on for so long, and finally, she broke down a bit, her face turned pale, and her anger was as thin as a thread.

"It will take time for the ambulance to come, I will help you heal first."

Suddenly, the king said so.

Powerful strength cannot be hidden after all.

Chapter 97 Arriving at the Provincial Hotel


Luo Xiaoxiao froze for a moment, her eyes full of surprise.

"It's too late to explain!"

Seeing that her blood loss was getting worse, Shang Wang took out the silver needle for treatment without saying a word, which was automatically sent to the system warehouse when the system rewarded him with the "Nine Profound Needle".

There is a neat row of silver needles, dozens of them, each silver needle is about one centimeter in length, slender and sharp, shining with silver light!

It looks like that's the case!

"This is?"

"what is this?"

Let alone Luo Xiaoxiao at this moment, the drivers beside him were all amazed.

The king said: "This is a silver needle, which is used for curing diseases. I happen to know acupuncture and some medical skills."

"But..." Luo Xiaoxiao still couldn't believe it. After all, practicing medicine and treating diseases is not a trivial matter. A little carelessness will endanger her life.

Just when she was hesitating, a silver needle had pierced near the heavily bleeding wound on her arm...

"Ah! You... what are you doing? Pull it out for me! Do you think I bleed less?"

Luo Xiaoxiao yelled in panic, because of the sudden force, her face became paler and paler.

The king said calmly: "Don't be so nervous, just relax. The silver needles are piercing the acupuncture points on your body to stop the bleeding. What are you afraid of?"

"You're not a professional doctor, how can I trust you?" Luo Xiaoxiao was about to go crazy, maybe she hadn't lost too much blood before waiting for the ambulance to die, and she was going to be beaten to death by the king's nonsense first.

"Mr. Wang, you have to be careful! This is no joke! Don't mess around with the silver needles you took out, and don't make Captain Luo's injury worse!" The driver on the side shouted anxiously.

Swish swish!

At this moment, the king has quickly used the unique secret of the Nine Profound Magic Needle, holding silver needles one after another between his fingers, using a dazzling and mysterious technique like a celestial maiden scattered flowers, to apply needles incomparably cleverly. Knowing how the silver needle flew out, I only saw silver lights flickering...

One after another, the silver needles penetrated into several key acupuncture points near Luo Xiaoxiao's injury with incomparable accuracy.

"Qingling point, piercing one inch, Shaohai point, piercing three inches, piercing Chize point, piercing two inches, Quze point piercing four inches..."

There were words in his mouth.

With every murmur he made, his fingers exerted force, and the silver needle held by his fingertips accurately pierced the acupoints to a certain depth.

In a moment, Luo Xiaoxiao's injured arm was pierced by more than a dozen silver needles around the area.

Immediately, His Majesty gently moved a certain silver needle, followed by lightly twisting and wiping...

And put your ears close, and carefully listen to the sound coming from the end of the silver needle.

It was a sound that ordinary people would definitely not be able to hear. It was transmitted from the acupuncture point pierced by the silver needle, and it could distinguish the sound of illness and injury.

Only the king who has mastered the Jiuxuan Shenzhen, a long-lost ancient Chinese medicine, can do it.

Healing the wounded and saving the dying is like a living Buddha reincarnated!

Watching this scene happen, the driver was dumbfounded and didn't dare to say a word for a long time.

Luo Xiaoxiao was also dumbfounded, the key point was that even if she wanted to resist, it would be of no avail, because her injured arm could not move at all, as if she had been hit by a certain acupuncture point, and her arm completely lost consciousness.

"It looks pretty good. It's the first time to use acupuncture to treat illnesses and save lives. Luo Xiaoxiao, you are so lucky!"

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