As the two chatted, the atmosphere became more relaxed, and the distance between them gradually narrowed.

"Don't call me Curator Wang, this title makes me look so old!" The king complained, and smiled at her: "It's better to call me the king, we are all young people, and it is best to call each other by first names. "

"Okay!" Luo Xiaoxiao readily agreed, and said with a playful smile, "Don't call me Police Officer Luo, call me Xiaoxiao."

"Okay Comrade Xiaoxiao." The king smiled, and the simple address further shortened the distance between the two young people.

There are not too many barriers, and it is also for convenience and cooperation between each other.

"The special train will arrive soon. I will go to the bureau first. I will prepare some things. Then I will escort you to the provincial capital. As for the national treasure Kyushu tripod, a special train will be used to send it from the high-speed rail station to the provincial capital. There are special police escorts all the way..."

At this time, Luo Xiaoxiao looked at the time and said in a low voice.

The king nodded: "You have worked hard."

"It's not hard work. Obedience to orders is the most important thing in our line of work. According to the instructions from above, let us be responsible for the safety escort of the Kyushu Ding and the honorary curator. My colleagues are in charge of the Kyushu Ding, and I am in charge of you. Each has a division of labor." , and this is our duty to fulfill.”

Luo Xiaoxiao said.

Soon, a large black commercial vehicle drove over.

"This is the car."

Luo Xiaoxiao pointed and said.

It looks like an ordinary commercial vehicle with an ordinary license plate.

Wang Shang went up first, and Luo Xiaoxiao followed closely.

Once inside, it feels completely different.

The interior of the car is luxurious and spacious, with sofa seats, just like a luxurious mobile office.

After a while, the commercial vehicle drove to the police station, Luo Xiaoxiao got out of the car and went to prepare things.

After a while, Luo Xiaoxiao returned to the car again.

At this time, she had changed her clothes. She was no longer wearing a uniform, but simple and relaxed casual clothes. In addition, she was wearing a gun.

It seems that there must have been an order from above to deliberately use social vehicles to escort, and arrange plainclothes police in the vehicle to provide protection.

It's also about, doing everything possible to keep important people safe.

"Why aren't you wearing a uniform?"

The king was drinking coffee leisurely, admiring the beauties standing beside him. The relaxed and casual dress, a simple pair of jeans, could outline the perfect leg lines. It looked like the thighs were tight and strong, and the calves were slender and strong.

Above the beautiful legs, there is a cocked tun, with beautiful lines and amazing arcs...

Being stared at by the king, Luo Xiaoxiao immediately blushed: "The higher-ups request that the escorts for your safety cannot wear uniforms, but casual clothes."

"You look pretty even when you take off your uniform."

The king smiled and praised, from the bottom of his heart, admiring the beauty.

This word...

It would be harassment if the ugly one spoke out, but if a handsome, invincible and super rich little brother like Wang Shang spoke out, it would be very flirtatious!

"Thank you..." Luo Xiaoxiao blushed and said in a low voice, feeling extremely embarrassed.

Of course, a considerable part of it was actually her disguise.

In order to investigate the situation, Luo Xiaoxiao can only get closer to him as much as possible, and even make some preparations, if necessary, sacrifice her own color...

Fortunately, the target person she was facing was handsome, super rich, and had an unusual status. If he really wanted to be slighted by him, it didn't seem too disgusting.

The special car officially set off, and the driver was a middle-aged man, who was silent and focused on driving the whole way.

On the high speed, the car drives very steadily, and the coffee cup on the coffee table remains motionless. If it is not an old driver with decades of experience, it will definitely not be able to reach this level.

Driving from Jiangdu to the provincial capital, more than half of the journey is on the expressway, and the other half is on the provincial road. It takes a total of five hours.

Fortunately, with Luo Xiaoxiao, a beautiful woman, by her side, chatting with her would not be boring.

Chapter 93 The Brawl in the Bathroom

A few hours later, the special car got off the expressway and drove on a provincial road.

The driver who drove said that he needed to get out of the car to rest and fill up the fuel tank by the way.

When the car stopped at the gas station on the side of the road and was about to refuel, Wang Shang and Luo Xiaoxiao in the car came out to move around, and they were uncomfortable after a long ride.

Your Majesty is going to the bathroom at the gas station for convenience.

Luo Xiaoxiao followed behind, not leaving an inch.

"No, Comrade Xiaoxiao, if I go to the bathroom, you have to follow?"

"It's my duty to protect your safety all the way. You go, I'll wait at the door."

Luo Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed, but said seriously.

The king shrugged helplessly: "Well, actually, Comrade Xiaoxiao, don't be too nervous. I don't see any danger. If you want convenience, go to the bathroom as soon as possible. The journey is very long, don't worry. I suffocated myself by holding my urine."

Luo Xiaoxiao had black lines on her face: "..."

At the same time, a white van with a Jiangdu license plate got off the highway intersection and drove onto the national highway.

The white van kept a certain distance throughout the whole process, following the black commercial vehicle where Wang Shang and Luo Xiaoxiao were.

A few minutes later, the white van also came near the gas station.

Stopping at a hidden corner on the side of the road, several black-clothed men stepped out of the white van, all wearing sunglasses, and their whereabouts were mysterious and sneaky.

These people are none other than the gangsters and bullies of the Four Dragons Society.

Inside the white van, there was a person sitting quietly, with a face as calm as water.

This man has white hair, he is the leader of the Four Dragons Association, the leader of the underground gangsters, known as Lord Bai!

"Master Bai, they stopped to refuel, should we follow the plan?"

"Master Bai, look..."

The bullies of the Four Dragons Society, who looked like two little bosses, came to Master Bai and respectfully asked for instructions.

They followed them all the way to deal with the king, the enemy of their Four Dragons Society.

The earth-shattering case where dozens of members of the entire branch of the Four Dragons Club were annihilated and killed was transformed from kidnapping to murder. Not only the police are following up and investigating, but the Four Dragons Club, which suffered heavy losses, is also doing its best to investigate the situation.

All kinds of spearheads are pointing at the same person——


At this time, Master Bai was smoking a cigarette, and his eyes fell on the gas station on the roadside outside the car window.

His focus was always on that black commercial vehicle.

"The opportunity is rare now, before they drive into the provincial capital, act!"

Bai Ye suddenly put out the cigarette butt, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly.

Soon, a few men in black bypassed the entrance of the gas station, rushed over from the rear wall, and avoided the surveillance very professionally, doing so quietly and concealedly.

The restroom is located just behind the gas station.

When this group of men in black appeared at the door of the bathroom, one by one, they suddenly took out weapons such as knives, guns and sticks, and frantically rushed into the men's bathroom.

The last man in black who rushed in closed the door of the men's bathroom with his backhand and locked it.

In an instant, there was a sound of ping-ping-pong-pong inside, accompanied by bursts of painful wailing and screaming.

At this time, Luo Xiaoxiao, who happened to be in the women's bathroom, thought that it would be a blink of an eye to relax a little and nothing would happen, but unexpectedly, she heard the sound of fighting from the men's bathroom.

She quickly pulled up her pants, put them on and rushed out!

Nervous, she saw that the door of the men's bathroom was closed tightly, so she kicked it no matter how much it was.


The door was kicked open by her.

Stab it!

Suddenly, a sharp dagger with a gleaming cold edge stabbed at the vital point of her heart!


Responding quickly, she let out a cry of surprise and quickly dodged, but she was still stabbed, and a deep gash was cut on her arm, and the blood flowed out, staining her clothes red.

The wound hurts!

But she couldn't hold back at all, and quickly pulled out her gun!

At this time, she looked calmly, and in the dark and narrow bathroom, several figures were flickering. Accompanied by the shadows of fighting movements, daggers, machetes and other instruments were shaking, which could be described as the shadows of swords and swords.

The light in the bathroom was too dim, and the lights were not turned on, so Luo Xiaoxiao only knew that a scuffle was happening, but couldn't see clearly what happened.

Even with a gun, I don't know how to stop this vicious fight.



There was another scream, accompanied by a heavy fall to the ground, and the sound of bones breaking...

Luo Xiaoxiao was extremely nervous, but fortunately the sound was probably not from the king.

Moreover, it was not just one person who screamed.

"Your Majesty should be all right?"

She gripped the gun tightly, finger on the trigger, ready to shoot.


Suddenly Luo Xiaoxiao found the position of the light switch and turned it on.

Everything that was dark suddenly became bright.

When she saw the scene in front of her clearly, she was shocked!

Chapter 94

Seven or eight bullies can't get close to the king at all.

Possessing top-level fighting skills, he shot easily. With his super strength and extremely quick reaction, he defuses their rushing attack, and kicks away the weapons such as knives, guns and daggers in their hands with a few kicks. .

There were a few daggers that directly pierced the wrists of the gangsters...


So in a short while, these bullies and gangsters were all lying on the ground, howling, in unbearable pain.

For the king, he is completely, not even a leaf touches his body...

When the light in the bathroom was turned on, Luo Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded in the suddenly bright environment.

So many strong men were all lying on the ground.

what are they doing?

What's going on here?


who am I?

Where am I?

Luo Xiaoxiao was really confused.

She suddenly thought of something, rushed in frantically, and opened every compartment in the bathroom one by one...




Several compartments were empty after the door was opened by her, and the sound of slamming the door was loud.

Where is the king?

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