The taxi driver murmured coldly: "Little girl, don't be stubborn, get out of the car quickly, don't delay my business! Hmph, do you know how much a random villa here costs? It's several million tens of millions! Your boyfriend How old are you, and you just bought two sets? You’re not afraid of talking big, but the wind flashes your tongue..."

"My brother is really the owner of this place!" Zhou Yuqi was on the verge of crying, what kind of morals are there, no one will believe the truth!



At this time, some cars behind honked their horns.

It turned out that some owners of the villa area came back by car and were about to drive into the villa area.

All are high-end cars, BMW and Audi are ordinary, Porsche and Ferrari are not unusual.

"Hey, what is the taxi in front of you doing? Get out of the way!"

"I guess I want to enter the villa area to enjoy the tour, but I don't have a certificate... Now there are everyone. Fortunately, the security in our villa area is very strict."

"Hey, who wants a villa complex just by taking a taxi? You don't even look in the mirror, and you can't even drive a car. What qualifications do you have to enter the villa complex?"

"It's so annoying! Do you really think anyone can enter our villa area?"


These owners were all waiting to drive in and complained one after another.

A black Maybach came from a distance and appeared in front of the gate of the villa.

"what's up?"

In the car, Tu Anmin, the boss of Jiangdu Tianyue City, was sitting in the back seat, and when he saw the traffic jam ahead, he asked.

The full-time driver who drove the car stopped slowly, and the car drove extremely smoothly.

"Mr. Tu, wait a moment, I'll go check on the situation."

The assistant and secretary sitting in the co-pilot got out of the car quickly.

After a while, the secretary came back.

"Mr. Tu, there is a taxi in front of it. There is a young couple in it. The young girl said that it is a boy with her. She is the owner of the villa area. Now she wants to go home, but she has no documents and cannot prove that she is the owner. Security stopped..."

The secretary explained the situation.

"Oh, I'll go take a look."

Tu Anmin got out of the car, ready to go and see for himself.

He happened to come to inspect the first phase of Tianyue City and the properties of Tianyue City's villas, so the work of guards and security was also one of the tasks he inspected.

Seeing Mr. Tu getting out of the car, the secretary quickly accompanied him.

"Mr. Tu is good!"

"Mr. Tu is good!"

When Tu Anmin came to the sentry box, several security guards in charge of the security work hurriedly greeted him.

This is the boss of Tianyue City in Jiangdu. Hundreds of thousands of employees under him all rely on him for salary!

The security guards in charge of the security work in the villa area can be said to be flattered. It is really rare to see Mr. Tu coming.

"What happened here? Why is it blocked?"

Tu Anmin asked.

The security guard immediately explained the matter.

"Mr. Tu, you have the right to take it as a joke. Look at the boy in the taxi, how could it be possible that he is the owner of our Tianyue City villa area? Look at him sleeping in the middle of the day, looking unconscious... "

"The little girl was also deceived. She actually believed that this kid has two villas in our Tianyue City villa area! No nonsense..."

Several security guards said with a smile.

Tu Anmin felt that this was not an easy matter.

He took a good look at the young man who was in the taxi.

Suddenly, he was stunned, and quickly asked Zhou Yuqi: "This girl, what's the name of this young man next to you?"

"My lord! His name is my lord! He is the owner of your villa area in Tianyue City. Why don't you believe it? We just didn't bring any documents, and we didn't drive a luxury car. We just took a taxi. Want to be looked down upon by you security dogs?"

Zhou Yuqi was very angry and complained.

"Hey, little girl, what are you talking about? Who are you calling a dog? Believe it or not, I'll beat you!"

A irascible security guard suddenly became angry and yelled at Zhou Yuqi.

"To shut up!"

Suddenly, Tu Anmin, whose expression changed in shock, let out a thick and deep roar from his throat!

"Did you hear that, I tell you to shut up! Hmph! Do you know who this is? It's the boss of our Tianyue City! Mr. Tu!" The irritable middle-aged security guard snorted coldly, looking at Zhou Yuqi with contemptuous eyes.

"I told you to shut up!"

Tu Anmin stared coldly at the middle-aged security guard, the anger in his eyes was like a raging fire.

"Ah... Mr. Tu, you... you are..."

Suddenly, the middle-aged security guard seemed to be hit by an electric shock, his legs went limp, his whole body went numb, and he almost couldn't hold on.

"Shut up, you! Quickly raise the pole and let Mr. Wang and his friends go in! Mr. Wang is the owner of our villa area. How do you do your usual work? You can't even remember the appearance of the owner. Deduct the bonus for me, mark it off!"

Tu Anmin's beard was crooked, and he roared angrily at the security guards.

Chapter 88 The Scenery in the Villa

As the boss of Tianyue City, Tu Anmin happened to frequently go to the Jiangdu government during this time, and he was very familiar with some high-level leaders in charge, and learned from the leaders that now Jiangdu has emerged a A very mysterious young man with great achievements at a young age. First, he established a charity foundation of several hundred million yuan, and then he discovered the super national treasure Kyushu Ding...

And that young man is the king!

He is an important person who has caused great influence in both business and politics——


So Tu Anmin paid special attention to the information about the king.

In the end, he was very surprised and ecstatic to find out that the king is the owner of their Tianyue City.

He is not only the owner of the high-rise commercial buildings in the first phase of Tianyue City, but also the owner of Tianyue City villas.

In one breath, the king won a luxuriously decorated super large flat, and two luxuriously decorated villas, with a total value of more than 5000 million.

Of course, Tu Anmin would pay special attention to such a super owner.

Coincidentally, at the gate of the villa, I met Mr. Wang Shangwang who was sleeping in a taxi!

"Mr. Wang, sleep well, you are the owner of this place, and we are all at your service!"

At this time, under the eyes of everyone, Tu Anmin, the boss of the developer of the majestic Tianyue City real estate, bowed politely to the sleeping king.

This scene really shocked everyone.

The security guards had long been facing an enemy, trembling with fright, their brains buzzing.

"What is the boss doing? Bow? Bow to the sleeping boy?"

"Which young master is this young man? The descendant of the group boss?"

"It's over! You've offended someone!"

"What the hell have I done?"

"Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?"

"Why did Mr. Tu call the young man in the taxi, Mr. Wang one at a time?"


Countless questions lingered in their minds.

What they are most worried about now is a problem.

Demerit demerit is not a big deal, will he be fired directly?

They all performed standard salute gestures, like sculptures, without squinting, and could only watch the taxi drive into the villa area from the corner of their eyes.

The middle-aged security guard who was yelled at by Tu Anmin just now, his hands were still numb after he pressed the lever lift button.

Immediately afterwards, Tu Anmin's Maybach also drove in.

Even after a while, several security guards were still immersed in the tense and reversed accident just now. It seemed that they were really terrified. You look at me, I look at you, and they dare not breathe.

If there is a chance to do it all over again, they will definitely not look down on people with dog eyes, and have any slights towards strange young guys.

Because, no one knows what the origin of a young man in his early twenties is.

Don't, judge whether a person is cheating or not by the way he dresses, the way he travels, and whether he drives a luxury car.

They have suffered a lot!


Arrived smoothly, at the gate of Villa No. 23.

Not to mention the security guards, the driver of the taxi has been silent since he drove the car into the villa area.

Such a talkative master, but he didn't say a word, was it because he was frightened!

"This beautiful lady, the destination has arrived."

During the whole process, he just said this sentence, and after stopping the car, he deliberately got out of the car, opened the door, bent down and said it respectfully.

His eyes and attitude have become very courteous, even a little servile.

Because it is very simple, the people who live here are all rich or expensive!

Sitting in two villas, and being respected so much by Mr. Tu, the boss of Tianyue City, one can imagine how extraordinary this young man is!

So he can't afford it!

What he said before, the contempt for Zhou Yuqi, the contempt for the sleeping king, if others really care about it, it will definitely not benefit him.

The only thing I can do is to be polite and respectful, to save some of my good impression.

"Thank you."

Zhou Yuqi is very polite. After all, she is a high-achieving student who has gone to college and is very qualified.

After paying the money, he prepared to help the king into the villa.

"let me help you."

The taxi driver hurried over to show his hospitality.

He supported the king all the time, and sent him to the sofa in the living room of the villa, and the taxi driver left.


The door of the villa is closed.

This is the first time Zhou Yuqi has come to the villa in Tianyue City.

Luxurious decoration, magnificence, and the overall style are two words to describe luxury.

You know, the cost of this No. 23 villa is just over 1000 million yuan, and with luxurious decoration, it will cost over 2000 million yuan!



"It's really amazing!"

Zhou Yuqi kept admiring.

So beautiful.

Do nothing, just sit gently on the luxurious and rich full leather sofa, look at the incomparably gorgeous layout of the living room, the gorgeous feeling that can be seen everywhere, the imported carpet under the feet, the oversized crystal chandelier above the head, the spiral staircase... …

You can completely feel the breath of luxury coming to your face!


"Let's take a look, don't come in vain if you come here."

Zhou Yuqi couldn't help but stood up, left the leather sofa, and wandered around, but only on the first floor, and didn't go upstairs.

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