"Hello, uncle and aunt."

"Hi Jiang Wenwen."

"Hi Jiang Wenwen."

After the introduction, Jiang Wenwen greeted the king's parents with a smile, generous, modest and polite.

Her upbringing was wonderful.

Wang Shang's parents were very happy and surprised.

From their point of view, it was a stroke of luck for their own brat to meet such an outstanding girl.

He is beautiful in appearance, good in character, humble, sensible and polite!

"Little brat, your dad and I have only been out for a few days now, you have changed a lot!"


Wang Shang's mother pulled Wang Shang and whispered a few words.

"Did your dad and I come back early?"


"Didn't you want to spend a few more days at your grandma's house so that you and your girlfriend could stay together more! By the way, when did it happen?"

"Just a few days ago, I got to know her, and she has developed pretty well."


The mother and son chatted for a while, and a group of four got into the car.

"Wenwen, is this your car? This car is really nice, it looks so high-end!"

Just getting in the car, Wang Shang's mother kept praising the car. As an ordinary middle-aged woman and a retired mother, she didn't have much knowledge, she was just plain and simple.

"Auntie, actually this car is Wang Shang..." Jiang Wenwen was about to tell the truth, and made it clear that Cullinan was actually bought by Wang Shang, but Wang Shang's eyes stopped her.

"Ahem, Mom and Dad, drink water. This car belongs to Wenwen, and it's not a high-end car."

From the small refrigerator in the car, he took out two bottles of water, and Wang Shang handed them to his parents.

Chapter 79 Indignant

Jiang Wenwen drives skillfully, and she is getting more and more familiar with this Cullinan.

And the king can be safe and sound, and it feels really good to be a passenger.

Healthy parents, lovely girlfriends, and a prosperous life are the dreams of countless people.

"This car has a refrigerator, isn't it high-end? You kid, you have a big tone." Wang Shang's father said in a lecture tone.

The king's face was full of black lines: "..."

Indeed, this car is high-end enough, so a million dollars.

If you really want to tell the price, your parents will definitely think that he is crazy, how can he have so much money?

"By the way, Wang Shang, why don't you drive? You even let a girl named Wenwen drive the car. She doesn't know anything about it. She is considerate and caring for the girl. Oh, don't make me mad!" Wang Shang's mother glared angrily. He glanced.

"It's okay, auntie, I like cars and I like driving."

Jiang Wenwen said with a smile.

"Then it's hard work for you. If there is anything wrong with this kid, the king, you must tell us. Hmph, let's see how his father and I cut him!"

When Wang Shang's mother said this, she was obviously very satisfied with her future daughter-in-law.

"Good aunt!"

Jiang Wenwen was very happy, and winked at the king, triumphantly.

Getting the approval of her boyfriend's parents is the best thing for her. If a relationship wants to blossom and bear fruit, it must go to the palace of marriage, and if it wants to get married smoothly, it must get the approval of both parents.

"By the way, Mom and Dad, there is something I have to confess."

Suddenly, the king spoke.

Hearing what he said, my parents were a little nervous.

"What's the matter child?"

"What's the matter, my lord? You child was taken aback."

Looking into the eyes of his parents, Wang Shang said seriously: "Actually, during this time, I have changed a lot, mainly because I made millions by buying lottery tickets, and then made some investments. I was very lucky and made a lot of money." A lot of money..."

He had to explain this to his parents.

Otherwise, there is no way to make it clear in the future.

It's impossible to hide it all the time.

Besides, it's tiring.

"I bought a car, I bought a house, and I bought a house for my parents..."

He roughly talked about some of the things he did, mainly buying real estate and cars, and the source of the money.

Hearing these words, parents were stunned!

"Son... he's promising!"

"It's such a big prospect! I'm so lucky, I won the jackpot by buying a lottery ticket, and made a lot of money by investing! My God!"

"Could it be, our old Wang's family, is there smoke coming out of the ancestral grave?"


The couple became very excited after being shocked, stunned, and unbelievable.

They believed what the king said.

Because, based on what they knew about their son, there was no other possibility except to buy lottery tickets to make a fortune.

As for investing...

These days, it is absolutely possible for a blind cat to encounter a dead mouse!

Just like stock trading, some people specialize in research every day, but still lose money, and some people buy a few stocks blindly, but make a lot of money.

In this world, there is a kind of metaphysics called luck!

And it's luck!

Wealth is coming, you can't stop it!

"God's eye-opening! Our old Wang family has been poor for several generations, and has always been at the bottom, with no great prospects. Now the situation has finally been reversed!"

"Thank you God, thank you Lord Buddha for your blessing, thank you old Wang family ancestors for your blessing!"

At this time, the king's mother was so excited that she knelt on the seat and kowtowed her head...

She believes in Buddhism, and she also believes in some other religious religions, but she is not a religious believer. She just believes in the existence of gods in a very broad way.

In this way, he was created with a belief and awe in his heart.

Kind thoughts make people know how to be grateful.

"Son, you earn so much money, fortune favors you, you have to make some contributions and give back to the society!"

She exhorted the king.

The king nodded, deeply convinced.

Got home.

A group of four people got out of the car and walked to the gate of the king's house.

Strangely, several excavators stopped in front of the door.

On every excavator, the master of the excavator sat. In addition, from the entrance of the alley to the door of Shang Wang's house, many people gathered, neighbors, and some people that Wang Shang did not know, including his parents. .

These people are dressed like dogs, dressed like street gangsters, with bare arms and legs, full of various tattoos.

The leader among them is a middle-aged man in his 40s and [-]s. He is tall and strong, with a thick and round waist and arms. He looks particularly strong and powerful, with thick muscles and dark skin.

"Old Kui, now the company has asked us to come over and demolish this piece, and they won't do it, what the fuck, what a fuck!"

"Old Kui, I'm waiting for you to make a move now, I can't do it without you!"


These excavator people gathered one after another, and came to the middle-aged man, handing cigarettes and so on, all kinds of flattery.

"Good to say."

The middle-aged man called Lao Kui was smoking a cigarette calmly.

There are a large number of brothers around him, all of them are not kind, and they don't look like good people.

Wang Shang brought Jiang Wenwen and his parents to the door, but before he opened the door to enter, he was blocked by this group of people.

"what's the situation?"

The king's face darkened.

"Old Wangtou, Mrs. Zhang, you are back! Our neighborhood is going to be demolished. It is said that a very powerful developer has come to take our house, but the compensation is very high. Low, everyone will make a fuss, no demolition..."

Someone came over, a neighbor from the neighborhood, and explained the situation.

It turned out that this was a group of people who came to force the demolition, and behind it was a demolition company. To put it bluntly, they hired a group of bullies to bully the common people.

Of course, behind the forced demolition is a developer with money and power, waiting to take the land away.

But the demolition price given is much lower than the price of land for demolition in the surrounding areas, so the neighbors of course quit.

Now in a stalemate.

The king only found out about the situation because he hadn't gone home before, so he stayed in the small supermarket in front of him.

As for the small supermarket, because there was a foundation office standing there, to be honest, these bullies didn't dare to mess around, so they didn't bother the king.

They are bullying.

According to the developer's plan, Wang Shang's house will be demolished, but the small supermarket in front can be kept. Of course, the foundation's office will also be kept. They dare not move.

However, the houses in the back, as well as the houses of [-] or [-] households in the nearby neighborhood, will be demolished, and the compensation price is lower than the compensation price for demolition in the surrounding area.

This neighborhood is basically the bottom of the society, especially the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, so the developer behind it thinks that this group of people is easy to bully, so they arranged to instruct the so-called demolition company, which is actually a group of gangsters and bullies who came to threaten to demolish .

"Now the developer thinks that your area is worthy of demolition and commercialization. It's your honor! Humph! If the boss doesn't like this place, you still have to live in such an old and dilapidated house. Now that it's demolished, I will give you compensation , and give you compensation, what are you making trouble about?"

The leader of this group of tyrants, Lao Kui, came over and swept away the dozen or so local ordinary people present with his fierce eyes.

"No! Absolutely not!"

"Your compensation standard is too low! The compensation standard of other developers is twice as much as yours! Why should you compensate us so much? We won't do it!"

"Yes! We won't do it!"


There was a lot of voices and indignation.

Chapter 80

Lao Kui was a little flustered when he saw that the crowd was angry, but he quickly calmed down, with a cigarette in his mouth, he glanced arrogantly at the people, and snorted coldly: "I can tell you, there are more than 20 people in this area. This old house must be demolished! This piece of land is collective, and your community has already issued a notice and signed it, why, you little people, how much more waves can you make?"

Hearing this, the neighbors who were protesting against the demolition company, these bullies and bastards at the door, all became listless.

Because, the community has indeed issued a notice and signed it, and now there are only a few households that have not signed and printed their fingerprints, but this does not affect the pace of demolition of this piece of old buildings.

Of course, in order to prevent some troublemakers from making things worse, or making some other mistakes, the developer behind the demolition company issued an order to start demolition of this piece of old dilapidated houses today. Can't delay!

Now the demolition company started demolition in order to get the bulldozers and excavators to advance the work as soon as possible, so they hired people like Lao Kui.


Not far away, under an old locust tree, a black Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle was parked.

In the car, sitting in the back seat, was an old man in his sixties or seventies. He looked energetic, with a strong body and sharp eyes, except that his head was covered with white hair.

The man had a cigar in his mouth, a wine glass in one hand, and a woman in his other arm.

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