Chen Yuefei was stunned for a moment, and then showed a mocking look: "Brother, I don't understand, you come here to eat and drink with others, how did I offend you? I am the supervisor of this restaurant, I will use myself What happened to your power? Does it have anything to do with you? Who do you think you are?"

Several times of questioning back and forth made the air oppressive and dignified.

Zheng Guoren's face turned cold, and he scolded the king angrily: "You child, what are you talking about? Director Chen treats guests to dinner, and you can eat yours well? Why are there so many nonsense?"

"That's right! Your Majesty, have you been stimulated by something? If you are capable, you invited everyone to dinner just now, set up the box, and serve the big meal. The abalone, lobster, and Moutai are all good. Xiao Chen treats you so kindly. How about you?" Not happy?"

Xu Yin also said sarcastically to the king.

"Chen Yuefei, do you really think that as a small executive, you can do whatever you want, encroach on the company's interests, and play tricks of power?" Regardless of Zheng Guoren and Xu Yin's rebuke, the king continued to rush forward. Follow Chen Yuefei to ask questions.

Chen Yuefei was somewhat worried, but when he saw that Zheng Guoren and Xu Yin were both criticizing the king and standing on his side, he became even more arrogant and imposing, and said triumphantly: "I'm not afraid to tell you, The superior of Tianyuan Restaurant is Lin's Hotel and Catering Group. My brother works in the financial department of the group company and is a middle-level leader. He helped me to balance the accounts, and there is no problem at all! Hmph! Why, dissatisfied? Dissatisfied and hold back !"

Seeing his arrogant and complacent face, the king really couldn't hold back.

If he doesn't do something, then as the third largest shareholder of the Lin Group, it's his dereliction of duty!

"Within 10 minutes, ask your brother to come over, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

Suddenly, the king stood up.

The momentum is awe-inspiring, restrained but domineering.

As if, changed person.

Everyone was taken aback.

"Oh, what, are you going to report me? Report my brother? Do you have evidence? Even if you have, do you think the group headquarters will listen to you? It's just eating, drinking and doing a little business. Who doesn't turn a blind eye? Eyes? Besides, who are you?"

Chen Yuefei sneered mercilessly, he was so sophisticated, he was so self-righteous as "experienced"!


On the fifth floor of Tianyuan Restaurant, inside the general manager's office.

Lin Xuzhi, in his 40s, is a member of the Lin family business and is in charge of the business of several restaurants, but he is only one of dozens of senior executives in the Lin Group and has not entered the core layer.

The real core layer is the group president, vice president, and several members of the executive shareholders' meeting. There are less than ten people in total.

He just received a call from the group president's office.

"Hi Mr. Lin, Mr. Wang Shangwang, the third largest shareholder of the group, is currently in the Tianyuan restaurant under your management. Please welcome me..."

"Good good!"

He quickly pulled himself together, called his assistant over to make arrangements, and hurried downstairs.

Chapter 74 Which onion are you

Although Lin Xuzhi has no rights and qualifications to enter the core layer of the Lin Group and have any impact on shareholders, he still knows that some changes have taken place in the group's shareholders.

The most important thing is that in the past two days, the group issued a circular, the original third largest shareholder retired, and handed over all the shares he owned...

As for who was handed over, whether it was a private person or an institution, Lin Xuzhi had no way of knowing.

But today, I suddenly received news from the headquarters that the third largest shareholder had come to the restaurant he managed!

Can he not be nervous?

The third largest shareholder, that has shares with a market value of nearly 20 billion, the existence of the third person in the group!

Such a big and big man came to the restaurant, probably to inspect the work!

Therefore, Lin Xuzhi must set up a 120-point spirit, go all out, and receive the big shareholders well, otherwise, if he is negligent, his future will be bad.

The third largest shareholder is the absolute core executive of the group, with decision-making power.


In the box, Chen Yuefei actually called and called his brother.

When Chen Yueming pushed open the box door and walked in, Chen Yuefei immediately smiled, stood up and hugged Chen Yueming's neck with a smile.

Although the two brothers don't look much alike, they are dressed in suits and leather shoes, and they look energetic and very upright.

"This is my brother, Chen Yueming, the audit director of the Lin Group's finance department. How about it? I called my brother!"

Chen Yuefei looked at the king and said triumphantly.

Chen Yueming and Wang Shang met each other's eyes.

"If there is a brother, there is a brother." The king sneered, he had already guessed that Chen Yuefei's brother was probably Chen Yueming.

Unexpectedly, it really is!

"Old classmate, we met again. It's really destined!" Chen Yueming smiled. Although the trouble was unpleasant before, he was ashamed in front of his old classmate Zhang Kaiheng, and the confrontation with Wang Shang was completely at a disadvantage, but he still didn't think , This old classmate who looks after the store at home has great promise.

"Old classmate, since we know each other so well, I won't talk nonsense. You and your brother have done some bad things, which are detrimental to the interests of the company. To be honest, I am very disappointed by what you have done!"

The king shook his head and said angrily.

"What do you mean?" Chen Yueming was stunned for a moment, wondering why Wang Shang, an old classmate, spoke so strangely?

Soon, Chen Yuefei told what happened: "Brother, it's like this..."

After hearing this, Chen Yueming suddenly realized, the curious look on his face gradually turned into ridicule and ridicule.

"I said old classmate, last time you pretended all kinds of things. Both Zhang Kaiheng and I thought you were poor and had no money, but you ended up paying thousands of dollars in bills. Do you think you were very arrogant at that time?"

"Average, I'm not like you, I only cheat old classmates."

Wang Shang said coldly.

"Okay, I heard that you invest well and earn some money, so you like to pretend to be rich, but I'm surprised, my brother treats guests to dinner, what's bothering you? You stand up and teach others, you Which onion is it?"

Chen Yueming stared at the king indifferently, and said unhappily.

dong dong dong.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Excuse me, Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, are you in there?"

Lin Xuzhi and his secretary assistant waited for a group of people, and stood at the door very cautiously.

Hearing the sound from outside, Jiang Wenwen, who saw the tense atmosphere in the box, immediately went to open the door.

Seeing such a beautiful girl as Jiang Wenwen, Lin Xuzhi's eyes lit up.

He knew that all the guests in this box were Mr. Wang's guests, so he was very polite to Jiang Wenwen, and said with a smile, "This beauty, is Mr. Wang here?"

"I am."

The king stood up and waved his hand.

Immediately, Lin Xuzhi's spirit was revived, he hurried up to greet him, and walked quickly towards the king.

"Hello, Mr. Lin..."

"Hello, Mr. Lin..."

At this moment, the two brothers, Chen Yueming and Chen Yuefei, saw Mr. Lin coming, greeted him hurriedly, and stretched out their hands to shake Mrs. Lin's hand...

However, Lin Xuzhi completely avoided them, treating them as air.

The outstretched hands, eyes, and flattering smiles of the two brothers fell in the air in embarrassment, with no place to put them...

Whether it is Chen Yuefei, who is the supervisor of the restaurant, or Chen Yueming, the audit director of the financial department of the group company, although he is an official, he can manage some people and things, but there is no way to compare with Lin Xuzhi.

In front of Lin Xuzhi, the two of them were little ones, younger brothers among younger brothers.

"Mr. Wang?"

Suddenly, the two brothers came to their senses. Why did their Boss Lin keep calling out the words Mr. Wang?

Who is Mr. Wang?


Boss Lin actually shook hands with the king cordially, even with respect and flattery between his brows!



In this scene in the box, Mr. Lin bowed slightly, and shook hands with the king respectfully and politely...

This picture is incredible!

"Mr. Wang, when you come to Tianyuan Restaurant, why don't you say hello in advance? By the way, I am the general manager of Tianyuan Restaurant, Lin Xuzhi. You are very welcome to visit Tianyuan Restaurant. Flourishing and shining!"

Lin Xuzhi quickly delivered a meal of flattery and flattery, and put himself in a very humble position.

"Hi Mr. Lin, I'm just here with my friends for dinner, I don't want to disturb your work." Wang Shang smiled, knowing that the reason why the general manager of the restaurant is so polite is of course because of his own The identity of the shareholder has been exposed in some way!

Those who can know his identity are probably the core executives of the Lin Group.

Chapter 75

"Where is there! Mr. Wang is welcome to inspect the work. If there is anything wrong, you must point it out. We will accept it with an open mind and do our best to change it, so that the business of the restaurant can be improved and improved in all aspects." Lin Xuzhi Said with a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Wang, everyone is looking forward to your advice and instructions to our restaurant!"

"Yes, Mr. Wang..."

A group of staff who followed Lin Xuzhi to meet the major shareholder, Wang Shang, were all respectful and accompanied the whole process with smiles.

Only Chen Yueming and Chen Yuefei stood there in a daze.

"Director Xiao Chen, Director Xiao Chen, you two brothers happen to be here too? Come here quickly, don't you see that Mr. Wang wants to give us advice and instructions?"

Suddenly, Lin Xuzhi discovered the two brothers Chen Yueming and Chen Yuefei in the box, so he shouted at them.

The gazes of the two were all in unison, from Lin Xuzhi's body to the king's body.

Stunned, dumbfounded, dumbfounded...

The soles of their feet seemed to be filled with lead, they were so heavy that they couldn't move their legs at all!

His Majesty actually asked Mr. Lin to accompany him respectfully, how polite and polite he was!

But what about the two of them, they actually said, which onion is the king?

Dig your own grave!

"Come here!"

Lin Xuzhi urged, with a look of sullenness on his face.

"Didn't you two hear what I said? Huh?"

Urged again, the two brothers Chen Yueming and Chen Yuefei were still unmoved, which made Lin Xuzhi feel particularly humiliated.

He was furious, and roared like a thunderbolt exploding in the box.

The two brothers were startled and hurried over, but they dared not look into the king's eyes anymore.

"Opinions and instructions, I have nothing here, there is one thing to spread out and have a good chat."

The king looked solemn and said solemnly.

"Mr. Wang, please speak, we are listening." Lin Xuzhi nodded repeatedly.

Soon, the king said something about how Chen Yuefei played with power, violated the company's interests, ate and drank, and how to get two bottles of Moutai to settle the accounts.

"What? There is such a thing?" Lin Xuzhi became more and more angry when he heard it, and the veins on his forehead popped up.

"If the Lin Group continues like this, and the trend of corruption and playing tricks continues to intensify, if this kind of employees and phenomena are not eliminated, then it will be over, and it will be destroyed sooner or later!"

"Remember, the embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant nest!"

The king said very sternly.

Earnestly teach!

Lin Xuzhi listened very carefully, like a primary school student in front of the dean.

Soon, he set his sights on Chen Yueming and Chen Yuefei: "Good for you, Chen Yueming, good for you, Chen Yuefei! You two brothers are really cooperating with each other, filling your own pockets, infringing on the company's interests, and violating the company's discipline. It's disgusting!"

"Mr. Lin..."

"Boss Lin, listen to my explanation, in fact..."

The two brothers wanted to cry but had no tears. They had already realized that if they worked in a company under the Lin Group, their careers would be almost done here.

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