Such a girl is simply invincible, she is a criminal police officer, she is beautiful, and her family has a powerful background...

However, these did not affect her business ability in the slightest.

The number of cases she handles and the detection rate have always been maintained at an excellent level.

So in this kidnapping case, she did her part and rushed to the forefront.

"Team Luo, where are you? Director Zhang told us to stabilize first, and not rush out of the team. We haven't collected enough information..."

"Steady, what? Don't be naughty, hurry up and send me the location range! I've already set off, bringing Xiao Liang and Comrade Xiao Chen with me."

Holding the walkie-talkie, Luo Xiaoxiao looked capable and seasoned. At only 25 years old, she looked like a captain.

"Team Luo..."

Too lazy to talk nonsense, Luo Xiaoxiao turned off the walkie-talkie, stepped on the gas pedal, and the police car drove so fast that the two young policemen sitting beside and behind were so frightened that their hearts were pounding.

The legendary police flower with a violent temper is indeed a rose with thorns, quite hot!

Chapter 55 Mystery Trailer

Soon, Luo Xiaoxiao received a message.

It's the location sent by a colleague from the information department of the bureau.

The location information was obtained based on big data and a complete set of rigorous information investigation procedures within the public security system.

The bureau has roughly locked down that the location of the kidnappers is in the southern suburbs of Jiangdu.

The kidnappers are very cunning, they keep changing numbers, and the call time is very short, and they have undergone special encryption processing, which is very complicated to detect.

Therefore, it can only be given an approximate location.

"The area in the southern suburbs...according to my judgment, the kidnapper this time should still have something to do with the 'Four Dragons'! Hmph, the Four Dragons have been entrenched in Jiangdu for many years. The underground kingdom organized by evil forces is really too difficult to deal with!"

Luo Xiaoxiao drove the car, glanced at the location information, couldn't help but let out a cold snort, and said viciously.

She was full of anger at the actions of those criminals.

In the three years she worked as a criminal police officer, she dealt with the evil organized crimes related to the Four Dragons Association not once or twice, but every time it was thunderous and rainy, and in the end she could only catch some marginal gangsters. If you can't catch it, it's a relatively core member of the Four Dragons Club.

Of course, she has never given up, and has been following up on the actions of the Four Dragons Association. In order to wipe out the Four Dragons Association, she has spent countless energy and painstaking efforts.

Not only the high-level leaders in the city, but also the high-level leaders in the province attach great importance to the crackdown on evil organizations such as the Four Dragons Association. She was entrusted with a heavy responsibility and established a special action team long ago to target the Four Dragons. The criminals of the Dragon Club, arrange deployment, fight crime...

"It's the Four Dragons Club again! Those bastard criminals are too abominable. Although they are very likely to be related to this kidnapping case, it is difficult to find their criminal evidence. It is very difficult!"

"That's right, Team Luo, isn't there a clue recently that the Four Dragons might have smuggled a batch of arms from abroad? If that's the case, it will be even more difficult to deal with, and there are many dangers!"

Two colleagues muttered.

"Enhance the ambitions of others and destroy your prestige! Huh! I don't believe it anymore. I have been following them for more than two years, collecting evidence of crimes as much as possible, and secretly investigating their dens dozens of times. I know that they are hiding in the abandoned factory building in the southern suburbs." , it doesn’t look unusual, but it’s actually very suspicious…”

"This time, I just took advantage of the investigation of the kidnapping case to meet those bastards! Otherwise, my years of investigation and follow-up, hard work and energy will be in vain!"

Luo Xiaoxiao said seriously, her eyes were shining with a sense of mission and justice.

She didn't enter this line of work for an iron job, but because of her love for this noble profession!

"Captain Luo, we support you! Follow your orders!"

"It's our honor to work with Team Luo!"

The two young comrades looked at me and I looked at you, and they were very excited. After being told by Luo Xiaoxiao's words, their blood was boiling and their fighting spirit was high.

"It's almost here, get ready, and check the guns again!"

Luo Xiaoxiao ordered calmly.



With the sound of bullets being loaded, the atmosphere inside the police car suddenly became cold and solemn.


At the same time, an old pickup truck drove near the abandoned factory building in the southern suburbs.

According to the kidnapper's request, the king now needs to hand over the pickup truck containing 1000 million cash to the other party's people.

He stopped the car, looked around vigilantly, took advantage of no one, quickly opened the sniper rifle box, assembled it skillfully, and loaded the bullet.

Suddenly, a large trailer appeared on the road not far away.

Then, a message came.

"Now get your pickup truck and drive forward!"

The king saw that it was sent by the kidnappers, so he could only obey.

The large trailer made a violent chug, slowed down, and stopped in place. The door of the trailer compartment was opened, and an iron plate fell down, allowing the vehicles outside to drive in and park.

His Majesty's expression froze, he took a deep breath, and drove in calmly.


The moment he drove the pickup truck in, the trailer's compartment door swung shut.

The kidnappers are too cunning, such a handover method!

Total darkness!

chug chug!

The large trailer moved again.

Your Majesty stayed in the pickup truck, the engine was turned off, and he could only wait on the spot.

In the dark carriage, he could only vaguely see the situation inside the carriage with the help of the light from the screen of his mobile phone.

No one else but him.

It seems that this trailer may be dragging him and 1000 million to the place where the kidnappers are.

There is another possibility, that is to kill him, take 1000 million, throw the pickup truck off the cliff, and cause a car accident.

No matter what the possibility is, his situation will become more and more dangerous as time goes by.

Not long after, a large trailer drove into an abandoned factory building.

His Majesty, who was listening quietly in the carriage, vaguely heard the harsh sound of metal rubbing against the ground when the iron door opened.

But mixed with the violent noise of the trailer itself, I couldn't hear it clearly.

"People are inside, you can go to inspect the goods."

Pull the trailer to a stop and turn off the engine.

Outside the carriage, someone spoke.

Chapter 56

His Majesty possesses the best marksmanship in the world, and he possesses the world's top marksmanship, as well as a proficient grasp of guns and equipment, which is the kind of talent engraved in his bones.

Moreover, as a top shooter, he has a super psychological quality and the ability to adapt to changes.

And, the rich experience of battle-hardened.

These are the rewards given to him by the system.

You must know that the world's top gunmen are very important and rare military talent resources in any country.

With the level of marksmanship and psychological quality that the king currently possesses, if you put it in China, you can definitely enter the top special forces team. In the world, you can enter the highest-level special forces organization in any country!

Such a god-man appeared in this abandoned factory building, even if he was trapped in the cargo box of a large trailer, he was still sharp and extraordinary, like a beast in silence, always ready to launch deadly and crazy attacks and killings.

The cargo door opened slowly.

"Even the people and the car, put them all in and dragged them over, hahaha! This trick is really wonderful!"

"What are you talking about, who is our hall master Zhou Shao?"

"That has something to do with the higher authorities. I am very familiar with the procedures of the police handling cases!"

"If you fight against us, Young Master Zhou, it depends on how you die!"



With the opening of the container door, in the empty abandoned factory building, in an abandoned workshop, a group of gangsters and tyrants from the Four Dragons Club were smiling and chatting, all eyes were on the open container.

They are here to take care of the king and take the ransom.

Of course, they are a group of capable elite members of the Four Dragons Association, able to fight well, and their marksmanship is steady and accurate.

As the head of the hall, Zhou Qiang belongs to the middle class in the Four Dragons Association, and needs a group of reliable and capable subordinates around him. After all, the Four Dragons Association is now in a period of rapid expansion, and it has taken in too many small gangsters from society. "The quality of personnel is also messy and uneven.

In a corner not far away, there is only a wall between the large trailer that just drove in.

"Have you heard, your love brother is really obedient, he came here by car, hahaha!"

The man with the cigarette scar drank wine and smoked a cigarette, staring straight at Zhou Yuqi, an innocent beauty who was tied to the iron railing, and smiled triumphantly.

"What are you going to do to him?" Zhou Yuqi gave the man with the smoke scar a fierce look.

Zhou Yuqi now fully understands that this group of people is definitely not just for the ransom, but more importantly, they want to take the king's sword, kill people and silence them, so as to vent their anger!

Because at that time, it was Yan Ba ​​and the group of bullies who bullied her in the small supermarket, and was beaten up by Brother Wang as if they were gods.

The reason why she didn't tell the King about the situation on the mobile phone is that the kidnappers are those gangsters, just to prevent the King from being too stimulated and too strong hatred in his heart, which would cause his head to get hot and lose reason.

After all, in the matter of being kidnapped, the more panic and fear you show, the stronger your reaction is, and the more the kidnapper feels that he can continue to raise his bargaining chips.

"It's not a big deal. Your brother Qing was driving a pickup truck full of banknotes. On the way, we intercepted it with a big trailer and dragged it here." A bully came over with a smile, holding a toy in his hand. With a sharp bone chopping knife.

"For a while, I'll play with him, isn't he, he's very good at fighting! Haha!"

" are breaking the law!"

Zhou Yuqi blurted out, but suddenly felt that she was ridiculous.

Breaking the law?

Yes, this is a gathering place for a group of lawbreakers, who do all kinds of illegal things and do all kinds of evil.

Isn't it just a joke when you tell them you broke the law?

Very helpless...

"Well, we are indeed breaking the law. Kidnapping. By the way, fix your love brother, hahaha!"

"Don't worry, only your love brother came here alone, and there will be no second person who will follow you here."

"There is a very powerful signal shielding device in the car. Even if he installs a tracker, even if he calls the police, it will not help. No one can find it here!"


"Little beauty, just wait and see, we will take a ransom of 1000 million, and then play with your love brother, and let you watch how he was cut to death by the old men." , Stabbed to death with a knife! That would be too exciting!"

Zhou Qiang took out a half-meter-long white gleaming short knife. The blade was sharp at first glance, and it looked extremely sharp. It was probably the kind that could be broken by blowing hair!

I saw him holding the knife and licking the edge of the knife, his eyes suddenly filled with a ferocious look.

Chapter 57 The Ghostly Killing God




Zhou Yuqi's eyes became hot, and tears flowed out again.

She knew that these gangsters and bullies were definitely not talking nonsense.

With the king's temper, he will definitely raise a ransom to come here to save her.

She grew up with the king's childhood sweetheart, so she knows the king's character very well.

Emphasis on love and righteousness.

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