Kidnapping happened to him, so he had to take it easy.

Open the door of the supermarket, go in and sit for a while.

Call the police?

He immediately thought of calling the police.

However, if you call the police, what if the other party tears up the ticket?

Now he can only wait for the other party to call, agree on the location, and he will send the money there.

I just hope that the kidnappers are just looking for money, and don't hurt Zhou Yuqi.

The irritable, depressed and flustered king subconsciously brought a bottle of drink.

open the lid.

【Ding!Is the one-yuan redemption opportunity triggered? 】

"Of course!"

The king replied irritably, now his mind is full of how to rescue Zhou Yuqi, as for the system rewards, no matter how much wealth he has, he doesn't care.

【Ding!Successful redemption for one yuan!The current wealth of the host is -1!Congratulations to the host, you will get a reward: Spearmanship, and a super sniper rifle of the 'King of Snipers' as a gift...]

【Ding!Spearmanship: The world's top spearmanship, within the range, every shot is perfect! 】

[Sniper King: The world's top sniper rifle, which can be equipped with [-] rounds of bullets at a time, and the number of bullets can be filled infinitely! 】

The king was stunned.

Completely stunned!

What kind of fairy reward is this?

It's really cheating to the extreme!

Reward marksmanship and a super sniper rifle as a gift!

I got a weed!

Chapter 52 The King's Confidence

There was a brief moment of dizziness, as if an electric current, with a huge amount of knowledge, skills and experience, suddenly penetrated into the king's mind.

After fainting for about tens of seconds, the king recovered.

In his mind, he already has a whole set of military knowledge and profound experience in using sniper rifles and other firearms proficiently. Now he is completely a super powerful sharpshooter!

It turned out that this was the necessary process for the system to reward him with his sharp spear skills and integrate into his body.

This system is so sensible!

The king was completely shocked, and said that the system is super powerful, but Zhou Yuqi's sister was kidnapped on the front foot, and the reward given by the system on the back foot is the king of sniper!

With the blessing of Spearmanship, his temperament has undergone some changes.

Cold and chilling, the killer's icy temperament has become part of his overall temperament.

Now, he has the best marksmanship and the world's top sniper rifle like the King of Snipers, and the bullets can still be reloaded infinitely, which is too cheating.

Originally, he was thinking of calling the police secretly, but now it seems that he should be able to go to Longtan and Tiger's Den by himself.

I just don't know where the kidnapper on the opposite side is hiding.

【Ding! The 'King of Snipers' sniper rifle is placed on the shelf against the wall, please ask the host to check it. 】

The system will give a prompt again.

The king hurried over.

On the shelf, covered with a black cloth.


He opened it.

I was stunned!

A sniper rifle with a total length of more than one meter!

Comes with a very detailed instruction manual and how to use it.

Of course, how to use it, the king already has the sharp spear technique, so he is very familiar with it.

However, regarding the detailed instruction manual of this special King of Snipers, the king still felt that it was necessary to read it.

"The all-black gun body and the butt are all made of metal parts with non-reflective materials, which have good concealment. The barrel is about 70 centimeters, the caliber is 10 millimeters, and it is equipped with an ultra-high-definition night vision scope. The magnification is more than 0.75 times, and there is a distance measuring reticle, one point corresponds to [-] mil..."

"Currently, the sniper rifle with the longest range is the American m200 sniper rifle, with an effective range of 300 meters, and this sniper king has an effective range of 800 meters!"

He murmured while reading the manual.

The overall performance of this sniper rifle is really excellent, and it is number one in the whole world.

Pick it up, hold it in your hand, carry it on your shoulder, keep your eyes on the scope...

It feels familiar, as if being a sniper has been done for many, many years.

It all came so skillfully and naturally.

Already the king of the gun god, at this moment, he changed into a different person, no longer an ordinary young man, but a super powerful sniper.

Soon, he skillfully disassembled the gun, and finally disassembled it, and put it in the gun box that was equipped with it.

Then, he noticed that there was a box next to the sniper rifle.

Open it up and take a look.


He couldn't help sighing.

Because, it turns out that this is full, a box of bombs!

Looking at the parameters and specifications written on it, there are a total of [-] special bullets for sniper rifles.

Taking a deep breath, the king is full of confidence now, and he can challenge those kidnappers.

However, he still felt safe and found a high-level person in the city.

municipal building.

In the office of a certain leader, the phone rang.

"Hello, this is Director Wu's office in the city."

"Hello, I'm the king, the president of the Wang's Charity Foundation..."

The king briefly explained his identity.

Because I had dealt with people from the city government when I was running the foundation, so after the phone was connected, the secretary of a department office over there immediately handed the phone to the leader.

"Director Wu, it's President Wang calling."

"President Wang?"

"Yes, it's President Wang who spent hundreds of millions to organize the foundation. On the day of the inauguration ceremony, you specially arranged for me to attend it, Director."

"Oh, I remembered. Why, what's the matter with Chairman Xiao Wang?"

As the right-hand man next to Secretary Jiangdu, Director Wu's position as the director of the office is very crucial. He can be said to be the secretary's confidant, and he is usually responsible for many complicated things.

The secretary noticed it early on, the young man called the king.

Therefore, I specially asked him to pay more attention to the king and build a good relationship with the young people.

At this time, the young secretary handed over the phone, and he temporarily put down what he was doing, and took the phone over while chatting with the secretary comrade.

He immediately smiled and said politely: "Hi, President Xiao Wang, I'm Director Wu!"

"Director Wu, my sister has been kidnapped!"

Straight to the point, the king didn't hesitate at all.


In the office, Director Wu stood up suddenly, very surprised.

"Yes, my sister is missing. The kidnapper called just now and told me to prepare 1000 million and wait for him to call me to confirm the handover location. I can't call the police, otherwise I will tear up the ticket..."

The king said very eagerly.

"President Xiao Wang, don't worry, you must calm down after such a big incident, and don't get confused! Don't worry, you found me, you just trust me, trust the city, trust our Luo Secretary! Besides, you are the youngest and best philanthropist in Jiangdu, we will definitely find a way to help you and save your sister!"

"In this way, I will contact the comrades of the city bureau now and ask them to come up with a plan and launch a secret operation to help you deal with those kidnappers without alarming the enemy!"

Soon, Director Wu said solemnly.

"Thank you very much then."

The king is quite satisfied.

After hanging up the phone, he set off immediately.

I rented a small truck from a nearby car rental company. Wang Shang was carrying a sniper rifle, and most of the ammunition was fully equipped. In addition, he called the bank manager to withdraw 1000 million in cash.

He is a top-level VIP client, so it takes several days for others to process large-amount withdrawals and various approvals, but he only needs the most concise and quick process, and he can get 1000 million in cash in a short time.

After getting the cash, the king loaded the cash into the car. After all, it was a huge sum of 1000 million yuan. The cash bills weighed two to three hundred catties, and they could only be pulled by a small truck. The Pagani Fengshen at home was not that big at all. money position.

Besides, this is kidnapping, not a ride, a supercar?

What about trouble?

Be fully prepared, as long as the kidnapper calls to confirm the handover location, he will rush there immediately.

Not long after he left the bank in his pickup truck, his cell phone rang.

At first glance, it was still an unfamiliar number, different from the number I called before.

It seems that the kidnapper is also very cunning and experienced, changing numbers constantly.

"My lord! Are you ready for the 1000 million ransom? Hurry up!"

"Brother kidnapper, don't worry, I have the money ready, by the way, how is my sister? Let me hear her voice!"

The king's state of mind was very calm, but he spoke very anxiously, giving the kidnappers a sense of panic and cowardice.

After a murmur.

"Brother Wang!"

There came a panicked and frightened cry.

Wang Shang's heart tightened, his eyes turned red, he clutched the phone tightly, and said, "Sister Yuqi, how are you? Don't panic, I'll save you with money!"

"Pack up your money and set off quickly. Remember to drive alone and don't let anyone know! The first step is to come near the Tanling Viaduct on the South Third Ring Road..."


After a brief word, the kidnapper hung up the phone.

Near the Tanling Viaduct on the South Third Ring Road.

Chapter 53 The identity of the kidnapper

The location of the South Third Ring Road is relatively remote compared to the urban area. It is close to the large farms in the outskirts of Jiangdu, and there are some farmers and some old industrial factories nearby.

Along with the expansion of the city, this place has evolved from the former wilderness to a combination of urban and suburban areas.

There are also some viaducts and ring roads on the South Third Ring Road, which are the places where some drag racing parties like to gather.

Among them, of course, Zhou Qiang, who is known as the racing king of the outer ring, is indispensable.

There is an abandoned state-owned factory nearby, with an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. It was operated by Zhou Qiang through some connections and turned into his own use.

He used this place to build a go-kart racing track and several garages as a place for drag racing parties in the circle to play together.

There is everything in it, there is a whole stream of eating, drinking, and playing, and there are often some gangsters coming in and out, bringing dubious women over, and having all kinds of chaotic parties with no bottom line.

It even involved some illegal transactions, illegal activities, a group of people hooligans, dandies gathered to attract fans and so on, that was commonplace.

Someone reported this place.

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