Soon, they left the White Palace, went to the office of the United Nations, quickly held a meeting, and formed the Liberty and Justice Alliance.

Several countries with the most right to speak in the world have been drawn in. From the Americas to Europe, from Africa to East Asia, those high-level leaders who hold a party's power have responded to the call and joined the Liberty and Justice League. Rise up to punish the Holy Kingdom...

A tall, Chinese man with thick eyebrows and big eyes came to the venue in a hurry.

His name is Kennick, and his ancestral home is in China, but as early as 20 years ago, he has become a member of the Lighthouse Country, and entered the political circle, becoming a person in power who holds power.

Now that he has been appointed, the Liberty and Justice Alliance unanimously elected him as the spokesperson of the alliance and let him lead the actions of the Liberty Camp Alliance.

"I swear, in the name of all mankind, to oppose the rise of the Holy Kingdom...We will not allow a dictatorial country to appear on this earth. He will threaten the entire world and will plunge all mankind into darkness. Now is the time Unite and fight against the Holy Kingdom..."

Kennick is solemnly swearing.

There was thunderous applause in the venue.

Not long after, under the leadership of Kennick, the first mission of the Liberty and Justice League was to arrange for the top spy military team to secretly go to the Holy Kingdom...

As for what they are going to do, it belongs to the highest level of confidentiality, except for a few core high-level leaders of the Liberty and Justice League, no one else knows.

after one day.

When an invisible plane departed from the west coast of the lighthouse country, a few hours later, it crossed half of the Pacific Ocean and came to the remote South Pacific.

This stealth plane used the most cutting-edge technology, which can block the most sensitive detection methods in the world. It was like a group of ghosts, which happened to land on a small island in the territory of the Holy Kingdom.

It has to be said that the methods of the Liberty and Justice League are very clever, and they are backed by the scientific and technological forces of so many powerful countries, using the most cutting-edge technology that can be used.

Moreover, in the entire plane, in addition to the world's top agents, there are also experienced spies, as well as several military talents carefully selected from the special forces.

When they come here, they will start a covert operation, a detailed investigation of the activities that take place in the Holy Kingdom, whether it is on the military level or otherwise.

They want to firmly control and closely monitor every move of the entire holy kingdom!

Soon, these people acted separately, and several agents and the pilot of the stealth plane set off again, secretly going to the main island of the Holy Kingdom.

They will use all means to break into the core of the Holy Kingdom.

A day later, the stealth plane left the airspace of the Holy Kingdom and flew towards the distant Lighthouse Kingdom.

On the plane, a young and beautiful woman has been held hostage.

She struggled vigorously, but an agent picked up a syringe and injected a special medicine into her arm, causing her to fall into a deep sleep.

This mission was perfect for them. Not only did they break into the interior of the Holy Kingdom, but they also captured an important hostage.

A very important person to the Lord of the Holy Kingdom.

Several agents looked at the girl who had passed out on the seat and began to discuss.

His name is Jiang Wenwen, and he is the first woman in the life of the king of the Holy Kingdom!

This has extraordinary significance to the king.

"Haha! Although we still don't know whether the king is a tyrant or not, according to what we know, he still attaches great importance to the women around him! Now that we have hostages in our hands, we can be more Better to put pressure on him, better to sanction him!"

"That's right! We are the Liberty and Justice League. In order to save all mankind, although the means are somewhat dark, we are also for the sake of all mankind..."

They chatted and laughed, and it was hard to imagine that these guys who said they were thinking of all mankind under the banner of freedom and justice were doing gangsters.

Jiang Wenwen was captured, and the news quickly spread in the Holy Kingdom...

The relevant departments were able to find the last surveillance footage. It was a few men in black who forcibly took Jiang Wenwen away and entered a special plane.

And the trajectory of that plane, when it took off, and when it left the airspace of the Holy Kingdom, there is no way to find it!

"Damn! This is a provocation to the Holy Kingdom, a provocation to me!"

In the office of the lord's mansion, the king burst into flames, extremely angry!

But he quickly calmed down, because he knew that being able to kidnap Jiang Wenwen from the Holy Kingdom was absolutely beyond the reach of ordinary forces and organizations.

Soon, he called Fang Yuanyuan in and made arrangements.

"Fang Yuanyuan, now your Ministry of Foreign Affairs is releasing news to the whole world, offering rewards all over the world! No matter who can hand over Jiang Wenwen, our Holy Kingdom can agree to any conditions! Go, use the fastest speed, the greatest coverage, Announce it to the world!"

"In addition, tell the world that this incident is a serious provocation to the Holy Kingdom! Our Holy Kingdom will declare war on the invaders!"

Chapter 416

"What? A declaration of war?"

"Declare war on any organization or country that has held Jiang Wenwen hostage?"

When Kennick's team, leading the Liberty and Justice League, celebrated their victory in holding Jiang Wenwen as a hostage, the announcement from the Holy Kingdom shocked them.

They did not expect that the announcement of the Holy Kingdom would respond so quickly and be so tough.

This is the United Nations parliament building.

In the magnificent conference room, Kennick fell into deep thought.

He felt that this matter had become difficult. He originally thought that capturing a hostage could beat the Holy Kingdom and use it as a threat to make the rulers of the Holy Kingdom behave better.

Unexpectedly, the response from the Holy Kingdom was so intense!

Soon, he called everyone together for an urgent meeting.

Core executives from the lighthouse countries, several core countries in Europe, and Africa, East Asia, and the Middle East each sent representatives to attend the meeting.

And there is also a highly confidential video call, which is connected to the meeting site.

Although Kennick is the spokesperson of the Liberty and Justice League, the leadership is not in his hands. To make any decision or take any action, he must pass a joint resolution of multiple core high-level leaders.

Now the problem is in front of them.

The announcement of the declaration of war of the Holy Kingdom has been sent to the whole world and published in major media newspapers. They will use all means at all costs to bring the hostage Jiang Wenwen back to the Holy Kingdom.

"Declaration of war? Oh Maikar, it's scary! Then let him declare war. How much energy can a holy kingdom that has just been established not long ago? The weapons and equipment he imported from all over the world are not top-notch!"

"That's right, we want to see how capable he is and how tough he can come up with!"

"If he dares to launch a war against us, we will unite the armed forces of the whole world and blow up the Holy Kingdom into ruins!"

Soon, these core high-level bosses expressed their opinions one after another. The arrogance and contempt they showed clearly did not take the Holy Kingdom seriously.

But Kennick was worried, and he stood up and said solemnly: "Everyone, core leaders, please think carefully about something! Because whether it is the King of the Holy Kingdom or Jiang Wenwen, our hostage, It is from the same country, that is Huaxia! Today, our Liberty and Justice League has gathered the top and most powerful countries and regions in the world, but... Huaxia has not expressed anything until now! This is a great hidden danger, if we really want to use this method to deal with the Holy Kingdom and Jiang Wenwen, will Huaxia jump out and condemn us? Or even make a strong response?"


"Condemnation? That's ridiculous!"

Suddenly, someone laughed. It was a core executive of the Beacon Country, who said with contempt on his face.

"What is Huaxia? The role they have always played is just the image of the weak who are backward and beaten, but now, they are just a chaser! They are still far behind our great Western civilization. Besides, they Wholeheartedly develop economic strength. At the military level, we are far behind us. It is nothing more than moral condemnation. It is absolutely impossible to take any real action. In order to suppress the Holy Kingdom, even if we offend China, we will not hesitate! This point, I hope everyone can reach a consensus!"

Hearing what he said, everyone who participated in the meeting understood.

Now the attitude of the Beacon Country is to make enemies of those Chinese people.

"At the beginning, when we agreed to the establishment of the Holy Kingdom, we originally thought that he would be close to our Western civilization, because the guy on the king is a big capitalist through and through, but he didn't expect that he was ambitious and wanted to become the most famous man in the world. Powerful country, this is something we absolutely cannot allow to happen!"

"Since you can't win him over, let's destroy him!"

"Yes, this is something that is absolutely not allowed to happen! The rules of the world have been established since World War II, and no one can override these rules! For many years, those dictators, those military government leaders, The anti-human beings who established hegemony have all perished! Now, the Holy Kingdom is turning back the wheel of history. Now we just captured a woman next to him and let him learn a lesson. Even if he is a hostage, And that's to prevent the birth of a dictator!"

Someone stood up again, and said so in a grandiose and unashamed manner.


This meeting still ended with the unswerving decision of the core heads of the Lighthouse Kingdom to confront and sanction the Holy Kingdom.

Originally, Kennick still had a little worry in his heart, but now these bigwigs undoubtedly gave him a shot in the arm.

Next, he brought several agents to a room.

Here, a girl is imprisoned.

She is none other than Jiang Wenwen.

"You bastards, you bloody bastards, why did you kidnap me? Let me go!" Jiang Wenwen, who was tied to a chair, struggled hard, her wrists, arms, and legs were covered with strangle marks.

"Oh, beautiful Huaxia girl, it's not that we want to kidnap you, but that you have embarked on this path yourself. We just want to protect you from being forcibly occupied and deprived of your freedom by that ambitious and shameless dictator ! You should thank us! Shouldn't you?"

Kenny said sanctimoniously.

"Bah! You bastards, you're going to die! The dictators you're talking about are you!" Jiang Wenwen scolded angrily.

"What qualifications do you have to deprive anyone of their freedom? Forcibly instill your will on other people's heads? The wolf in human skin is just like you!"

"Shut up, you! It seems that you have been brainwashed by that bastard of the king. He has occupied so many girls including you, just to let you be his slaves! Don't you realize that Is that?" Kenny said angrily.

"No! He is my lover, the man I admire the most! He is the most important person in my life! Compared with him, you pigs and dogs are inferior. To say that you are beasts is an insult to the word beast !" Jiang Wenwen retorted vigorously, angrily shouting.

"It's unreasonable! Then just wait and see how the dictator was eradicated by our Justice League with the power of light and justice! Hahaha..."

Kennick laughed!

Chapter 417 Ultimate System


"[One-Yuan Redemption System] is being upgraded..."


"[One-Yuan Redemption System] The upgrade completion rate is %10..."


"[One-Yuan Redemption System] The upgrade completion rate is %20..."


"[One-Yuan Redemption System] The upgrade completion rate is %30..."


"[One-Yuan Redemption System] The upgrade completion rate is %40..."


"[One-Yuan Redemption System] The upgrade completion rate is %100..."


"[One-Yuan Redemption System] The upgrade is complete!"

"Congratulations to the host, [one-yuan redemption system] has been upgraded to the ultimate level, a new system interface will be opened, and the host will obtain new exchange items and personal ability attributes..."

In the palace of the lord of the Holy Kingdom, the king is enjoying the first cup of coffee in the morning, and at this moment, a mechanical voice came from his mind, constantly giving him reminders...

It turned out that the system was upgraded!

The one-yuan redemption system exclusive to him has finally completed the upgrade and reached the ultimate!


"It seems that this is a reward given to me by the Creator, making me a child of luck and the most unique human being in this world!"


"A brand new system interface? Brand new exchange items and personal ability attributes?"

"Sounds like a fraud!"

The king was overjoyed, and quickly let his thoughts enter the system interface.

What appeared in front of him was still the same system interface as before, but the things on it had completely changed.

In the past, the things he could exchange were nothing more than wealth items in the world, as well as personal skills such as spear skills, fighting, basketball, swimming, and piano.

But now, he saw the upgraded to the ultimate interface, and he was stunned.

Super atomic bombs, space hydrogen bombs, super nuclear submarines, super aircraft carriers, super rockets, super satellites, space fighters, high energy microwave weapons, anti-satellite space missile systems...

Space laser weapons, space missiles, space missile interception systems, space combat platforms...

Interstellar rockets, curvature spaceships, spaceships...

Smart microparticles, super-energy water droplets, cosmic ray emitters...

These things are unprecedented, let alone kings, they are things that have never been seen in the entire world, the most cutting-edge high-tech fields!

Even, many, many, only appeared in the speculations of high-end technology magazines and the assumptions about future high technology.

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