gold bricks!

The original shelves have been collapsed, and all of them are covered with golden bricks!

In an instant, the entire supermarket was glittering with gold!

Take any piece in your hand, it's heavy!

"System, is this... is it really gold? Oh my god, there won't be any relevant departments coming to trouble me for a ton of gold, right?"

[Please rest assured, the host, these golds are of course real, and the sources are absolutely legal and compliant. Now they belong to your private property, there will be no problems, please rest assured to use them. 】

Hearing the system's explanation, the king heaved a sigh of relief.

His excited heart was about to jump out, and he quickly closed the supermarket door.

The system is that simple, brutal!

Probably because he was poor, the first one-yuan exchange reward was directly given a ton of gold.

Spend whatever you want!

A ton of gold is placed in the supermarket, so why open a store, it must be closed.

Big trees attract wind, and there are gold bricks in the supermarket, which will definitely attract robbers.

He casually picked up a gold brick, reckoning that it must weigh ten kilograms, looked around, and put it into the electric tricycle that he usually used to buy goods.


two pieces.


It is too heavy, and the electric tricycle cannot bear too much weight.

Therefore, the king can only install 20 yuan, a total of [-] kilograms of gold.

"Let's go! Go to the gold and jewelry store!"

He drove the electric car, covered the gold in the car with a black cloth, and ran towards the gold and jewelry store.

It can't be covered without a cloth, the golden one is too ostentatious, and it is easy to cause a car accident.

Jiangdu Commercial Street, the bustling city center.

Dragging a cart of gold bricks here, Wang got off the cart and walked to the building in front of him.

China Gold.

The four bronzing characters all show the noble atmosphere of this gold and jewelry store.

After entering.

The magnificent decoration gives people a sense of wealth and urgency.

This is one of the largest gold and jewelry stores in the country, with strong financial resources, and has stores in hundreds of cities, large and small.

At this time, there are many people in the store, and many young men and women are shopping for jewelry.

Seeing that Wang Shang was dressed in ordinary clothes and came here on an electric tricycle, the salesperson in the store didn't bother to pay attention. After all, everyone was very busy and would not waste time on someone who was not a potential customer.

Coincidentally, Zhang Lili is one of the salesmen of this store.

Just now, she went around in Zhou Qing's Mercedes-Benz, and then she returned to work.

Zhou Qing accompanied her, strolling around the shop.

A few hours ago, a few salesmen in the store knew that Zhang Lili had a crush and was said to be very rich, so they urged Zhou Qing to buy gold jewelry for Zhang Lili.

So Zhou Qing bought a diamond ring worth [-]...

And at the entrance of Wang Shang's small supermarket, a confession scene was staged.

At this moment, Zhou Qing and Zhang Lili are lying crookedly.

Seeing this pair of dogs and men, the king couldn't help frowning, feeling disgusted in his heart.

Hmph, meet on a narrow road!

Suddenly, when Zhang Lili raised her head, she happened to see the king, and contempt and contempt appeared in her eyes.

She took it for granted that it was the boy Wang who couldn't stand the rejection of his confession and chased him here.

So she was furious, shaking her waist and rushed to the king, reprimanded: "Hmph, good lord, what are you doing here? I have already told you very clearly that it is impossible between us! Impossible! What do you mean? Don’t you understand? I have nothing to do with you! Don’t look for me in the future, let alone come here, and affect my work!”

She thought to herself, this poor man, who is nothing, guards a small broken supermarket at home, how could he be so shameless, come here to pester himself?

This kind of man is really terrible!

It seemed that rejecting him decisively was definitely the wisest choice.

"Cut! Looking for you?"

The king snorted coldly in his heart, he was here to sell gold bricks, not to look for Zhang Lili at all.

After seeing through this woman's material worship of money and her hypocritical green tea attributes, he no longer has the slightest liking for her.

At this time, everyone in the shop turned their attention to the king.

Everyone can see clearly, the boy Ganqing is here to pester this pretty salesman!

In addition to being handsome, this kid is dressed in a rustic way. He looks like an old man at a young age with his big pants and undershirt.

Just as the king was about to speak, a young man came over.

"Honey, who is this?"

Holding Zhang Lili's slender waist, the young man asked jokingly.

This person is Zhou Qing.

Chapter 3 Hit me a ten-kilogram ring!

This is Huaxia Gold's shop, why come in without money?

hang out?

Blow free air conditioning?

Everyone is here to buy gold, silver and jewelry. A poor boy riding a tricycle sneaks in to make an egg ball?

Everyone heard Zhang Lili's words just now, and you can probably see that this young man, Wang Shang, was rejected by another girl. The couple showed their affection and spoke contempt and humiliation to you. Your boy's life is completely Tragedy!

"Poor! If you don't have money, you can only be rejected!"

All of a sudden, everyone started talking.

However, His Majesty looked indifferent.

He is different now than he used to be.

No time to talk nonsense with you!

"Call out your manager, I have a big deal to discuss!!"

He cleared his throat and said loudly.

Everyone was stunned.

Big business?

You are a brat riding a tricycle, I am afraid you are not picking up garbage, what kind of big business is there for egg balls?

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter in the gold and jewelry hall.

Not long after, a middle-aged male manager in his 40s came out of the office.

When he came to Shang Wang, the male manager asked, "What can I do for you?"


The king took out a gold brick from the cargo box of the tricycle, wrapped it with a few pieces of broken paper, and placed it in front of the manager.

"I'm here to make a ring, give me a ten-jin gold ring!"

After he finished speaking, everyone laughed.

Hit the ring?

A ten-kilo gold ring?

Are you kidding me?

Not to mention how heavy a ten kilogram gold ring is, how can it be worn, just ask who has so much gold to make a ring?

But the next sentence shocked the audience!

"Gold, I have plenty!"

While speaking, he opened the paper, and the gold bricks inside were presented to everyone.

A gold brick, shining brightly!

The male manager quickly took it over, looked at it carefully, and then asked professionals to come over and test it.

This is so rare!

Male managers can often see gold bricks, but never seen such a big gold brick!

No stamps, no imprints of any kind.

It was detected that it was a thousand pure gold weighing ten kilograms!

"Where did this come from..."

"Don't worry about it, it's absolutely fine."

"According to the market price, sir, your ten-kilogram gold brick can be sold for more than 500 million at the current recycling price!"

The male manager became excited, because the quality of this gold brick was so good, and as a gold recycling business, it was purchased at a price lower than the market price, and there was a certain handling fee.

So this deal is profitable!

"There is no rush to sell."

"Ah... Sir, you should believe that we are Huaxia Gold, a gold-lettered signboard!"

The male manager is in a hurry, he must not let such a big benefactor go to another house.

"No, you find some people to help move the gold bricks!"

"In my tricycle, there are dozens of gold bricks like this ten kilograms each!"

The king said calmly.

"Oh my god! used a tricycle to pull the gold bricks and sell them?"

"Quick, quick! Come over and help this gentleman move the gold bricks! Quick, quick!"

The male manager's heart was pounding, and his excited speech was incoherent.

He noticed the salesman Zhang Lili who was stunned at the counter.

"You, Zhang Lili! What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and help this gentleman move the gold bricks!"

After being scolded by the manager, Zhang Lili woke up like a dream!


What did I see?

Real gold bricks, super large gold bricks of ten kilograms each!

In the tricycle, there are a lot of super large gold bricks!

Glittering gold!

Blind everyone's dog eyes!

It's so heavy, it's a bit heavy to move.

Zhang Lili had a mournful face and was so tired...

If he accepts his confession, then these gold bricks are for her?

Why did the king suddenly possess so many gold bricks?

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