The two walked forward and entered the death fighting field.

All of a sudden, everything inside was completely different.

Similar to the Colosseum in ancient Rome, the huge space on the third floor of the deck is set up as a fighting arena, which is divided into several arena areas, and the arena is surrounded by fine steel guardrails as thick as a child's arm, which are very high. It almost reached the ceiling of the third floor, leaving only a small gap.

As soon as they entered, the audience inside was already very lively, and the noise was extremely boiling.

Luo Xiaoxiao roughly estimated that there were more than 1000 audience seats distributed around, almost full.

Then, based on the calculation of 5000 tourists, each person has a minimum bet of [-] U.S. dollars, and the minimum betting amount alone has reached an astonishing [-] million U.S. dollars!

In addition, some tourists will place additional bets according to the situation of the duel in the death fighting arena. Usually, it is no problem to double or triple the 5000 million US dollars.

Then, just opening a death fighting arena for one day can absorb more than one billion dollars in gambling, and according to the cruise line, various black-box manipulations, after excluding the compensation to the gamblers, it can generally reach 5.00% of the total gambling. A profit of [-], that is nearly [-] million!

The Virgin Mary cruise ship will sail on the high seas for about five or six days. Then, the death fighting field alone can bring in an income of five or six billion U.S. dollars...

Omg it was horrible!

Luo Xiaoxiao thought to herself.

It's no wonder that Liu Rendong, the Red Dragon of the Viper Organization and the Four Dragons Club, will appear on the cruise ship. They are not only doing underground transactions, engaging in black deals such as arms and prohibited items, but also protecting the safety of the cruise ship. role.

Because, to put it bluntly, this cruise ship is just a ship, carrying treasures of gold and silver on the sea!

At this moment, the voice of the broadcast came from the death fighting field.

"Gentlemen and ladies, hello!"

"Welcome everyone to enter the death fighting arena and experience the most exciting, exciting and even suffocating death fighting on this earth! The first group of contestants participating today is..."

The voice of speaking came from the broadcast room on the top of the auditorium in front of the fighting arena.

But obviously, some old regular customers are not satisfied.

They screamed, shouted frantically, and were extremely excited.

"Hurry up and let the players appear on the stage!"

"We're waiting to place a bet! Stop talking!"

"That's right! I prepared a $100 million bet!"


"Ahem! Alright, the first death fight match is about to begin. Now, please turn your attention to the iron cage at the rear right of the arena!"

Sound on the radio.

Immediately, everyone's gazes were all in unison, looking towards that side.

It was a huge iron cage.

The iron bars of the iron cage are very dense, and under the super strong light above the fighting arena, the metallic luster flickers.

Inside the big iron cage, there are several small iron cages.

In every small iron cage, there is a contestant.

At this time, two small iron cages slid out from the big iron cage on special rails, and entered the middlemost fighting arena similar to a fighting arena.

A small iron cage on one side.

There is a contestant inside, gearing up, ready to go.

Chapter 211

"Those people are locked in cages, how pitiful!" Luo Xiaoxiao sighed.

"Poor? Ms. Luo Xiaoxiao, you should be on a cruise ship for the first time and enter the death fight arena. I don't know. There are about five or six death fights in this kind of fight arena every day. The contestants participating in it They are all treacherous and evil, especially some major international wanted criminals. They have committed all kinds of crimes and carried many lives. The cruise management relied on their powerful forces and international connections to get them onto the cruise ship. Come, give them good living conditions, and then let them participate in the death struggle..."

"They will die anyway, and they can still enjoy a luxurious life when they come here. Moreover, as long as they are able to keep playing and winning, they can also get a lot of bonuses and leave them to their families. In fact, it is a very kind thing for these serious criminals who are bound to die."

At this time, when Luo Xiaoxiao said the word pity, Ennis on the side said so.

He is a member of the Viper, and the Viper is controlled by the Rothier family. One of the tasks on the cruise ship is to ensure the safe operation of the cruise ship, so that super profitable projects such as Death Fight can operate normally. go down.

Of course he would stand his ground and say these words.

So, how could he say that this kind of fighting duel is bloody and brutal. In every fight, one party will be killed, and even both sides will die tragically due to exhaustion and heavy injuries...

Should such brutal and terrifying, even extreme anti-human scenes exist in this world?

Those capitalists behind the scenes don't care at all!

In their view, the only law in this world is that the strong prey on the weak. There are far more cruel things than the cruelty of directly facing life and death.

At least, these heinous people can still enjoy the attention of everyone, and at the last moment of their lives, they can fight and earn bonuses.

Soon, everyone's eyes fell on the two small iron cages.

In an iron cage, the prisoner was a burly, tall, white-skinned man with muscles like iron lumps, with a bald head and a fierce face, half of his face was covered with scars, which looked shocking. It brings a strong visual impact to people, revealing a breath of blood and brutality.

Like a sleeping raging lion, he was awakened by more than 1000 excited and shouting spectators at the scene, and he stood up immediately, dragging the chains on his hands and feet on the ground, making a heavy and piercing hissing sound.

Suddenly, a key was thrown in. It was the staff who, through the remote control device, threw the key to open the anklet and bracelet into the small iron cage, allowing the fighters to open it by themselves.

"This player from Seglia in Eastern Europe is called Rafter. Let me introduce his situation! Rafter is 32 years old and is a well-known figure in the underground black boxing circle in Eastern Europe. He is wanted all over the world because of a murder case. At present, he bears more than 40 lives, including killing more than 20 people in black boxing, and killing more than 20 people with his bare hands in that murder..."

There was a voice on the radio, an introduction to Rafter, a terrifying murderer.

After listening, the audience fell into excitement and excitement!

Those spectators who were not afraid of big things, as well as the fanatical gamblers among them, were immediately attracted by Rafter's big man, muscular body, and vicious and brutal past experience!

"Rafter is too fraudulent. With his muscles and the attributes of a devil killing people, he is simply a murderous madman! I want to detain him!"

"That's right! I'm going to bet on him! Bet $[-] on Rafter winning this game!"

"This big man must be two meters tall, and weigh more than two hundred catties, right? And the proportion of muscles in his whole body is too terrifying. He is definitely a ruthless character in the fighting arena!"


"Next, let me introduce the contestants here. Kansa, an Indonesian, is 23 years old. He was born in a small fishing village by the sea. He suffered from schizophrenia and violent tendencies since he was a child. He killed the village by mistake at the age of 16 because of insanity. The two strong and strong fishermen in the village... once fought with a shark alone and killed the shark when they were fishing at sea... Cansa was listed as a global serious criminal because of a shocking massacre of a village case, he slaughtered 64 people in the entire village by himself, and skinned the dead and dried them as human flesh..."

The radio came, the introduction to the contestants in the small iron cage on the other side.

Suddenly, the huge fighting arena, with more than 1000 spectators, fell into a terrible silence.

No one dared to speak, everyone gasped, extremely nervous!

Because, in the small iron cage, the small, thin, dark-skinned man, Kansa, was actually a more brutal and terrifying killing machine than Rafter!

Especially his behavior is too cruel, he is simply an inhuman, cold and fierce devil in the world!


There are such people in this world!

It can no longer be called by human beings, because Kansa is a bloodthirsty demon!

Soon, the audience who were about to bet just now were shaken and their attitudes became erratic.

They don't know who to bet on.


Or Kansa?

A countdown to bet, counting from ten to zero.

In front of each seat, there is a betting machine. You only need to put the bills that you paid for at the door and put them in according to the denomination, and you can place your bets.

"I still bet on Rafter!"

"Oh no! I want to bet on Kansa! This bloodthirsty madman looks very weak, and he should be a typical pig and eat tiger!"

"I bet on Kansa!"


At the same time, in a certain hall of the cruise ship.

Dozens of members of the Viper organization gathered here, and some of them held binoculars and looked towards the distant sea.

"Look! Our ship has appeared!"

Suddenly someone cheered in surprise.

"Oh! Great!"

"That's a whole ship full of goods!"

"Dear Liu, have you seen it? Soon our ship full of cargo will approach the cruise ship. The transaction between us must be very smooth."

These people smiled triumphantly.

Liu Rendong smoked a cigar, leaned against the railing on the ship's side, took the binoculars from his subordinates, nodded and smiled.

"After receiving the goods, the cruise ship Santa Maria will stop at the next port and bring the goods ashore. Our people are already waiting there. At that time, we will return the goods to Southwest China through the previous route of delivery..."

Liu Rendong couldn't help murmuring, the overall route map of the goods in his mind was extremely clear.

This kind of black deal is not once or twice.

Therefore, everyone is familiar with the way.

Who would have known that the world-famous Costa Cruises Company, whose cruise ships, including the Santa Maria, seem to be luxurious and romantic, bringing tourists the most wonderful sea voyage in the world, in fact, secretly, It acts as a protective umbrella in supporting the black transactions of certain forces and organizations.

"The situation in the fighting arena, how is the progress?" Suddenly someone asked.

The Viper's leader, Dracula, has already entered the fighting arena. As part of the plan, the King's difficult Chinese boy will be tricked step by step into the game they have set up.

Chapter 212

In the arena, the death fight has already begun.

The first round was a fight to the death between Rafter and Cansa.

After the starting sound came from the radio, Rafter and Kansa rushed out of the two iron cages fiercely.

They are in the ring!

Without the chains, Rafter's body looks more rugged and powerful. He is about 1.9 meters tall, weighs two to three hundred kilograms, and has a very low body fat percentage. He has strong muscles all over his body. Under the light, he looks Especially visually impactful.

Kansa on the other side, although his body looks far from Rafter's, he is only wearing a pair of shorts, and he is also full of muscles, very dense and extremely thin, but he is like an iron monkey , giving people a feeling of iron bones.

Everyone's physique is different, and the muscle groups are also different, so the characteristics formed must be very different.

"Rafter, fuck him!"

"Rafter, kill Kansa!"

"Murderer kills the monkey, wait to be beaten to death by Rafter!"

"Kansa killed Rafter!"

"Kansa, I like you! Hurry up, kill Rafter!"

"Oh, damn it, hurry up and fight! Horse rider, what are you waiting for?"

"Fuck, what are you looking at?"


In the auditorium, shouts erupted. Everyone cheered for the fighters they bet on, shouted frantically, and even roared wildly and savagely.

Because, for some reason, Rafter and Cansa stood on both sides of the ring, separated by a distance of more than ten meters, staring at each other, but did not engage in the fight for a long time.

People who come to the death fighting arena to watch the show, isn't it just to seek excitement and watch the fierce thugs fighting each other in the fighting arena?

Isn't it just to witness all kinds of bloody and brutal scenes?

Although it is one thing to bet a lot of money, waiting to see if you can guess who will win the game, but the process of fighting and fighting, witnessing the bloody scenes, is not a thing for the audience, excited Extremely exciting and passionate things?

They are waiting to see!

But what happened to these two guys?

Could it be that the acupoints were clicked by someone and fixed there?


"Oh, Your Majesty, you are hiding here!"

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