"Come on, you bastard!"


Soon, the water on the yacht of the rich second generations was almost full, and they started to attack the king frantically.

In the case of a large number of people, talking is still very effective. You start a verbal attack with each sentence.

"Mouth gun?"

The king smiled contemptuously, and said with a loudspeaker: "Why, you hot chickens, the scars are healed and you forget the pain? Believe it or not, I'll kill you with a water cannon again?"

Hearing this, the rich and the young were a little apprehensive.

After all, they just experienced the fear of being dominated by high-pressure water cannons, and they don't want to do it again.

"Okay, you can't use weapons. If you want to fight, you have to fight with your bare hands and fight on board! Bring your yacht over and stop, we will fight on board, single-handed!"

Qin Kaiyue roared angrily, trying his best to get back the face he lost just now.

"I'm sorry, you guys are playing with your mouth, you have a lot of people, I'm too disadvantaged, I won't play with you!"

The king stretched his waist, lay on the deck chair, and continued to bask in the sun, holding red wine in his hand, enjoying the sea breeze and drinking wine with the five beauties happily.

Isn't it good to live these little days?

Why are you arguing with this group of idiot rich second generations?

It's a waste of saliva, okay?


Qin Kaiyue was simmering with anger, but he didn't expect that the surname Wang would not accept the move, which made him feel like he was hitting the cotton with his fist.

Immediately, the rich second generation spouted wildly again.

The king ignored it.

Anyway, no amount of talk can cause any real harm to him.

Da da da!

Da da da!

At this moment, the two water cannon turrets on the Star Sail super yacht were once again pushed up by the boatman.

In an instant, seeing this scene, the rich second generations quickly stopped talking and dared not speak.

After all, they only have mouthpieces left now, and the king has water cannons!

No matter how powerful the mouth cannon is, it can't compare to the water cannon!

"The one surnamed Wang has agreed to stop attacking with water cannons, didn't you hear?"

"Wang, you are cheating!"

They backed away tremblingly, roaring wildly.

The king lazily said: "Don't be nervous, just put away the water cannon's turret, look at each of you, you are scared like a pen, are you ashamed?"

I'm so...

The rich second generations are so angry that their noses are crooked and their mouths are slanted!


They were completely abused!

Mouth gun?

The king is ignorant.

it's over... it's over...

The group of rich second generations headed by Qin Kaiyue suddenly couldn't think of any good ideas, how to get back the damn lost face?

Let them make fun of them in front of the five goddesses, how can they swallow this bad breath?

Qin Kaiyue became a little frenzied, and yelled at several young people——

"Li Feichi, come on, don't you know martial arts, jump on the yacht surnamed Wang, and fuck him!"

"Brother, although our yacht is not far from the yacht surnamed Wang, it is still more than ten meters away by visual inspection. How can I jump on it? I'm not a superman..."

The young man named Li Feichi was so scared that he almost peed his pants. He said Qin Kaiyue, you are a big hole, the distance is more than ten meters, besides, the super yacht on the king is so high and the speed is so fast, I jumped over it , isn't that just courting death and jumping into the sea?

Grass, cheaters don't take such tricks!

"Grass! Trash!"

"Then you, it's you, Xu Zhiqiang, you go up, you bastard surnamed Wang!"

"Young Master Qin, oops, my stomach hurts..."

"Young Master Qin, I have a call, answer the call..."

"Hello, grandma? Grandma's [-]th birthday, I will definitely come to celebrate your birthday!"

"Hey, auntie has a baby? Okay, okay, I have to be there to celebrate my little nephew!"


Seeing that Qin Kaiyue ordered them to deal with the king, the group of people immediately became alert. Some made phone calls, some went to the bathroom on the pretext of having a stomachache, and in an instant, there was no one around Qin Kaiyue.

Chapter 180 I Met My Father


He couldn't help cursing angrily, his face was ashen.

Who are they all riding horses...

This group of people, regardless of their strong mouths, all kinds of clamor, and arrogance, if they really want to do something, they will be more cowardly than anyone else, and run faster than a rabbit.

"A bunch of bastards who are paralyzed! Don't bullshit, get out of here, and find a way!"

Qin Kaiyue knew that talking about boarding and jumping on the king's yacht to fight was all angry words.

If you really want to dance, who dares?

Isn't that jumping into the sea and looking for death?

After a while, they finally settled down, stopped tossing around, and followed behind the Starry Sky Sail super yacht.

It's time to play, eat, and drink.

For a feast at sea, we still have to get up and get excited.

The models, Internet celebrities, and little stars who paid for them fell into a carnival with this group of rich second generations.


"Tassinia private island, how far is it?"

On the Sail of the Stars super yacht, Wang Shang came to the captain's room.

"Boss, I'll be there in about an hour."

"very good."

"By the way, several yachts have appeared nearby, all of which are large business-class yachts. Boss, take a look..."

The captain suddenly stopped the king, and pointed out the monitoring screens of some instruments in the cockpit to the king.

as predicted.

About two or three nautical miles away, several large business yachts appeared on the sea, sailing through the wind and waves.

It was a yachting team. The one in the front and middle was a large commercial yacht, much larger than the average commercial yacht, and there were some smaller yachts nearby.

It seems that it is another group of rich people who go out to sea for fun!

The king sighed, without saying anything, went to the deck of the yacht, and continued to enjoy the sunshine and sea breeze leisurely.

At the same time, two or three nautical miles away, a large business yacht was sailing, and they were going to an island in the South Pacific, which was about an hour's voyage away.

It turned out that this was a sea party held by members of a large chamber of commerce in Huaxia as scheduled. They would gather to chat, discuss business cooperation, and enhance their relationship.

The members of the Chamber of Commerce, of course, are all top leaders in various regions and leaders in various industries.

It even includes some bigwigs from Huaxia Capital, such as the bosses of the top three real estate developers in China, the CEOs of large domestic chain stores...

For example, China's entertainment giant, Qin Zhongjun, the president of Tianyu Group...

There are as many as [-] or [-] such industry giants and big names on the luxury business yacht for this maritime business exchange gathering.

Coincidentally, quite a few of these bigwigs are the fathers of the group of rich second generations who were partying in yachts just now...

The sons took models and internet celebrities out to sea, and the fathers went out to sea for business meetings, gatherings and contacts.

After a few meetings, the bosses came out of the meeting room in the cabin.

Let the wind blow, take a walk, and chat.

The topics of everyone's discussion ranged from some business cooperation in business to their respective family life and the situation of their children.

After all, at this level, wealth is more of a string of numbers to them. They have everything and lack nothing.

Among this group of wealthy, bigwigs and middle-aged people, showing off to each other has changed from wealth to a complete family and the excellence of their children.

"Mr. Qin's son, it is said that he is studying at an Ivy League school in the United States. He is very good. I'm really envious!"

Someone flattered Qin Zhongjun, the president of Tianyu Group, and praised his son for being outstanding.

"Haha, no way, Quanzi only received a full scholarship, and the Ivy League school he attended was only ranked in the top three in the United States..."

Qin Zhongjun said with a smile, with a flat tone and a calm posture, invisibly showing off and pretending to be aggressive.

"By the way, Lao Zhang, isn't your son studying in England? It's a prestigious school in Cambridge. It's really good. I'm envious!"

"It's so-so, my kid is quite up-to-date. After studying at Cambridge, he was still working on a work-study program to experience life during the holidays. I also happened to invest in a few restaurants there, just enough for him to serve dishes and wash dishes. Yes, let him know how difficult it is to do business..."

"Wow! Old Zhang, you are really good. Your son is so good at studying and working so hard. He even went to work and study during the holidays..."

"Haha! By the way, Mr. Li, how is your son doing recently?"

"Hey, my kid, although he also went to an Ivy League school in the United States, didn't get a full scholarship. Fortunately, he has some specialties and likes music. Do a show..."

These rich and powerful men talked about their children. Although their tone was flat and even complained, in fact, there was joy that could not be concealed in their eyes.

They drank red wine, chatted, and talked about their children's study and life abroad. One by one, their eyes were shining brightly.


They saw that not far from the sea, there were dozens of yachts, all of which were private yachts specially used for going out to sea.

On the white yachts, a sea party for young people is being held!

Champagne, food, music, beauties...

The sound is loud!

Those young people cheered and shouted excitedly.

Standing on the deck, Qin Zhongjun looked at the young people who were enjoying themselves extravagantly, and suddenly saw a familiar face, and immediately filled his glass with fine wine, which tasted so good.

Like him, several rich and powerful men all changed their complexions suddenly, their eyes gleamed coldly, and their fists were clenched tightly, rattling!

"Isn't that... Mr. Qin, isn't your son Qin Kaiyue?"

"It's really him!"

"Old Zhang, isn't that your son, Zhang Di?"

"Mr. Chen, your son is also on that yacht!"


All the rich and powerful, their faces turned purple with anger!

Those who are riding horses are still bragging and showing off to each other just now, how hard their respective sons study abroad, how excellent the work-study program is, and what concert performances they have participated in...

But, these brats are having a party at sea!

And still, with a lot of beauties, driving a yacht to have a party!

That joyousness, it's really a feast on the sea, drinking, smoking, having sex with women, all kinds of enjoyment, there is no ambiguity at all!

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