"No." Abu said shyly, "She left after dancing."

"Leave after dancing?" Qin Ke wondered, "Then how do you know that her name is Chan'er? Did the song and dance workshop tell you?"

"No..." Abu didn't dare to admit that he didn't dare to ask the girl's name in the song and dance workshop because of his timidity. He said vaguely: "I was just a little disappointed, and then I left, but later, I planned to follow the path with few people. When I went back to the inn, I bumped into her by accident. It happened to be the back door of the dance workshop. She was blocked by some rich kids. Those people insisted on pulling her to drink, but she refused and couldn’t avoid it. Do her a favor."

"Help me a little?" Qin Ke laughed and said with emotion: "It's really an old-fashioned hero saving the beauty. But, Abu, you are so strong and look so stocky, which is quite in line with this classic plot. Then Then what?"

"Uh..." Abu didn't know how to answer. He hung his head and continued: "She just left. She just said thank you and said her name, and the rest... nothing."

"..." Qin Ke was silent for a long time, and somehow sympathized with Abu.

The two talked for a long time at night, most of them were talking nonsense, but they both felt sleepy and fell asleep, but in the early morning, Qin Ke still heard Abu say A few dreams about "Chan'er".

He smiled helplessly, stepped over Abu's burly body carefully, got out of bed, got dressed, opened the door and went out.

The sound of Gao Yishui's piano was heard outside, probably this guy woke up quite early, but according to his usual habits, he can sleep until the sun is high, and the old shopkeeper just left last night, so I don't know if there is anyone wandering outside investigate...

Qin Ke pushed open the door, and Gao Yishui immediately stopped playing the piano. What left Qin Ke speechless was that he got up, but his clothes were disheveled, so he casually put on a coat and sat on the bed. Guqin was laid on the bed by him, cuddling up to him like a passionate lover, just now he just played the piano with one hand, maybe just caressed the horse twice casually.

But looking at him from such a distance, even though his clothes are disheveled, his face is still somewhat tired... But he is playing the piano lightly, the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, and his eyes are misty as if wandering too far away, which is enough to be called Peerless.

And there was a silk book on his lap, Qin Ke frowned and glanced at it, it seemed to be a structural diagram of a building.

"Here?" Gao Yishui lazily said, "I didn't stay in bed today."

"Shouldn't this be what I said to you?" Qin Ke sneered, looked at Gao Yishui, and said, "What is this?"

Gao Yishui threw the silk book towards him and said, "Look."

Qin Ke took the silk book, spread it out in his hands, looked at the square icon and the subtle annotations, and saw the far right, which was a line of vertical writing. He looked at it one by one from top to bottom. go down.

"The structure diagram of the Tang Palace?" Qin Ke shook his hand, "Where did you get it?"

"Fortunately, when I was walking around, I met quite a few friends. One of them was in charge of the renovation of the Tang Palace. After the reconstruction of the Tang Palace was completed, Yang Taizhen ordered the execution of the main craftsmen who participated in the palace reconstruction. He escaped with his life, I went to him last night and sold the favor in exchange for this picture." Gao Yishui yawned and shook his head, "I'm so sleepy. I still want to sleep for a while."

As he said that, he fell on the bed with his whole body, but his eyes were still open, quietly plucking the strings, playing an incomplete piece of music.

"Last night?" Qin Ke looked at Gao Yishui, "So...you were out all night?"

"Do you think it's easy to find a frightened rabbit? There's a saying called the Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit. Even for me, it would take some time to find him. If he didn't have this ability to hide, he might have been caught by Tang. Wei took it out and chopped off his head." Gao Yishui lay on the bed, grinning.

"Since it's so dangerous, why doesn't he leave Tang country?"

Gao Yishui rolled his eyes: "If your wife and son were in Ding'an City, would you leave?"

"Then you can run away with them."

Gao Yishui shook his head: "You are thinking too simply. The palace announced that these craftsmen were killed by a huge boulder that collapsed, so his family received a very generous pension. If he suddenly appeared, bring If the family escapes, the people above must have noticed that something is wrong. Even if the palace finds any abnormalities in his family, they will definitely send someone to silence them. As long as he does not show up, his family will be able to live comfortably for the rest of their lives. Two Choose, which one is better? Maybe he can still pretend to find a chance to catch his family's eyes from a distance, which is better than yin and yang."

Qin Ke also agreed with this statement, but said with emotion: "This is too tragic. If it becomes taboo to talk to your family in the second half of your life, what's the point of living like this?"

Chapter 244 A Way Out

Seeing Qin Ke lost in thought, Gao Yishui sat up suddenly and said, "It's always interesting to live. Only when one is alive can one find such illusory things as 'meaning'. But now it seems that it is cheaper for you. Although I believe The old shopkeeper may not have a palace structure map, but in comparison, after all, he is a craftsman who has actually been responsible for the construction of the palace, and has a deep understanding of some hidden doors and organs, and the most important thing is..."

"What is it?" Qin Ke raised his head.

"A way out." Gao Yishui stretched out a hand and drew in the air, "He is a smart man among the craftsmen, and he had expected that Yang Taizhen would be silenced after the incident, so he conspired with those craftsmen to set up a special plan in the palace. I opened a secret passage, and this secret passage... is the way of life."

Qin Ke stared blankly at Gao Yishui: "So you said... I can try it because there is a way out?"

"Half of it is. The other half is that I believe in the ability of the shopkeeper. The subordinates he cultivated will never be mediocre. What you have to do is to follow the arrangements of these 'professionals', not by yourself Foolishly messing around in the palace. If one of my favors can't be exchanged for your life, then this business is too bad..."

Gao Yishui never concealed his superficial snobbery, but Qin Ke could hear the caring in his smug words, and was a little moved: "Old Gao..."

"Don't, don't play with me now, I'm exhausted...you should memorize this map first, you have to memorize it by heart." Gao Yishui turned his back to Qin Ke, raised his hand and made a gesture of chasing him away , said: "After three days, you'd better treat the palace as your own home. If you happen to have a diarrhea and find the wrong latrine and go to the imperial dining room, then you deserve to die."

He yawned again, curled his lips and said, "Hurry up, we'll change places when I wake up. And..."

He rubbed his stomach: "I'm a little hungry. When I wake up, I hope someone has prepared a meal for me..."

Qin Ke immediately stuffed the silk book into his arms, turned around and ran downstairs: "I'll buy you buns now."

"Come back! Make the dough yourself, there is rice in the rice jar, now you go out and come back, are you not afraid of having two tails behind you?"

"Okay!" Qin Ke hurried downstairs.

At noon, Gao Yishui finally woke up faintly. The room was filled with the fragrance of millet porridge. There were two bowls on the table, both of which were turned upside down with saucers. At that time, the bowl was still warm.

The shopkeeper just took away some necessary things, the bowls, chopsticks, and rice noodles were still there, and only then did he have this simple meal, but Gao Yishui ate it very happily, except for the pickled radish that Qin Ke found out from somewhere , gulping down the rice porridge: "I've been away from Daoxiang Village for so long, but the taste of these pancakes and millet porridge is still unforgettable..."

Qin Ke just opened the door and came in at this time, holding a plate of lightly cut bacon in his hand, looked at Gao Yishui with squinted eyes and smiled: "There is a piece of bacon hanging in the kitchen, probably for soup, but we are leaving soon , I steamed it and sliced ​​it, and I used to eat it like this every Chinese New Year when I was in Daoxiang Village."

Gao Yishui took a slice with a smile, and sipped the porridge while tasting it: "It's a bit salty, thanks to your good-born master who is used to it."

Qin Ke nodded, thinking of Master's easy-going look: "He never seems to complain about anything."

"Maybe it's because he thinks these are irrelevant." Gao Yishui said with a smile, "I'm getting more and more curious about your master now."

After eating and drinking, the three of them left the inn with their belongings. Last night was the Lantern Festival, and many people stayed up all night, so this morning Ding'an City seemed extraordinarily quiet. Those drunks who passed out in the middle of the night had been beaten. More people carried it away, leaving only a puddle of vomit in place.

And Qin Ke half-closed his eyes, and the technique of wind vision has been opened to the maximum. After confirming that there is no one hiding somewhere that he can't see, he slowly opened his eyes, and the three of them walked out through the back door.

"If those people are bandits in Jingwu territory, why did they come to Ding'an City?" Gao Yishui asked suddenly as if he was talking to himself while walking halfway.

The two were slightly taken aback, they didn't know why Gao Yishui suddenly brought up this matter, Qin Ke couldn't answer, and could only say: "Maybe they have other plans. Maybe... want to find out if there is a caravan coming from the Tang Dynasty. Go to Jingwu?"

"Have you ever seen bandits robbing Dao with such a plan and organization that they can even send practitioners as spies?" Gao Yishui laughed at Qin Ke's simplicity, "Even if the number of practitioners in this world is quite small, it can be said that there are not many. Many, a group of bandits, having a few cultivators is already the ultimate. If they are just cultivators, it can only mean that they are the hidden secrets buried here from the Tang Dynasty, Jingwu, or even the Canghai, Mohist, and Great Wall. son."

Gao Yishui shook his head: "But...it still doesn't make sense, so I can only make a bold guess."


"Perhaps they have thrown all their wealth into it...and the picture is not small." Gao Yishui sighed softly: "Their target may not be us, but if it really has something to do with us, it is not small Trouble. You have to go to the palace in three days..." At this point, he didn't continue.

Qin Ke didn't understand Gao Yishui's concerns. With his experience in the world, he really couldn't get rid of such a messy mystery, but he still believed in Gao Yishui's judgment, smiled and said: "It's okay, I have you to help me arrange it. Trust me nothing will go wrong."

Gao Yishui listened to this compliment, and nodded vigorously with an expression of enjoyment on his face: "Of course. Come on, Ake, be good, come and flatter me again, and hit hard."

So Qin Ke kicked his ass.

The bamboo slip left by the old shopkeeper was burned to ashes in the charcoal brazier this morning, but the three of them had already memorized the content on it by heart, so the jointing was naturally a matter of course.

It’s just that it’s different from the previous inns. This time, the connection point is not an inn, but a rice shop in an old street. The person in charge is much younger than the old shopkeeper, in his 30s, with a well-proportioned figure. Jian Jian, his name is Jing Yu, from Jingwu.

While leading the three of them into the inner room, he introduced them to them: "This rice shop is a stronghold we usually use to deliver news. It is common for people to buy and sell rice. The news can also be stuffed in from corn or rice bags, and then we use 'buy rice' to spread the news everywhere..."

He went upstairs and opened an old room, which was very poorly furnished, with a table and a chair, and even the bed was made of big bunks. He smiled embarrassedly: "The three of you should stay here first. Because of the impromptu cleaning, it looks a little rough, and it’s because I didn’t entertain well enough.”

"It doesn't matter." Gao Yishui glanced at Abu Qinke. Neither of these two people are people who can't bear hardships, but he himself is a poor man who can eat corn bread and be rich and spend a lot of money. He was poor in Jiujiang City back then, but He never felt that there was anything unpleasant about it.

What kind of realm is this called?This is "respect for all tastes and common tastes"!

Gao Yishui looked up at himself: Master is indeed the best luthier in the world, a wonderful man who has attained the Tao, he can make a point with every peck and drink!

Just when Gao Yishui was feeling self-satisfied, Qin Ke asked curiously: "If news is delivered by buying rice, wouldn't all the news be sent from here? If we stay here, what if we cause trouble? Trouble, can't they follow the vines through the rice shop?"

Gao Yishui rolled his eyes and said: "It's not so easy. Although Mipu transmits news, it is only a part of it after all. This news not only passes through Mipu, but also needs to go through several times before reaching the place. .”

"Besides, it is not necessary for everyone to come to the rice shop to sell rice at the same time. Everyone arranges different time to buy rice. We can't take all the people who come here to buy and sell rice. Once something happens to the rice shop, other strongholds They will also send messages to each other, and I am afraid that even if Tang Guo finds out, it will be difficult to search through this line." Gao Yishui looked at Jing Yu and said with a smile: "Mr. Jing, I don't know if I am right?"

Chapter 245 Tit for Tat

Jing Yu bent down and bowed: "Don't dare to say sir, just call me Jing Yu in private. On the surface, little brother Qin Ke has to be wronged and call me uncle. Mr. Gao is really a knowledgeable person, I admire him. Indeed, what you said Basically not bad, but…”

"However, it may not be impossible to follow the vine." Gao Yishui took a deep look at Jing Yu, "As long as the Tang people become suspicious, it is not impossible to catch Mr. Jing and torture him..."

Jing Yu straightened up flatly, and smiled slightly: "There really will be a day when Jing Yu will kill herself first."

Gao Yishui nodded slightly, but Qin Ke and Abu looked at each other, both of them were a little shocked by Jing Yu's death ambition under this calm appearance.

Gao Yishui looked at Qin Ke, and said with a smile: "I never thought that you would start to think about this kind of problem. I suddenly feel very relieved, and even have a feeling... that my son has finally grown up..."

"Just say what you say, don't take advantage of me..."

Several people looked at the room, but Jing Yu stood at the door, took a candlestick from the cabinet, and said: "Everyone, please follow me again."

The fire is not conspicuous in the daytime, but once it enters the deep cellar, it illuminates the darkness, it looks like a cellar piled with rice, and Jing Yupa opened some rice bags, revealing a small section of copper ring, then With a slight vibration of the mechanism, a small opening that could only allow one person to pass was exposed on the wall of the cellar.

Gao Yishui's eyes brightened slightly: "Mohist mechanism technique?"

Jing Yu smiled and said, "When I was young, I studied in the Mojiaji School for several years."

Gao Yishui looked at Jing Yu with a smile, and clicked his tongue: "You really can't judge by appearance. If my guess is right, Mr. Jing will take over the mantle of the shopkeeper in the future, right?"

Jing Yu nodded lightly: "The shopkeeper does have this intention, but Jing Yu thinks that it is difficult to take on the big responsibility."

After speaking, he walked in alone, and the rest of them filed in.

The space taken out inside is not big, but although the sparrow is small and complete, there are no more rice bags in it. Instead, there are a few cabinets that are not high or low, and some of them are arranged in rolls. The files, scattered on the table, are countless short pieces of bamboo.

Some of these bamboo slices have writing on them, and some are still empty. Presumably they are using this kind of bamboo slices to transmit messages. It may not be revealed by piercing the rice bag with a knife.

"I already know all the thoughts of the few. The shopkeeper arranged for me to come, mainly to preside over the matter of Brother Qin's entry into the palace on Yang Taizhen's birthday. This matter is of great importance and is very dangerous. We must think long-term."

Jing Yu took out the blueprint of the palace structure that had been prepared from the cabinet, and was about to put it on the table, but Gao Yishui stopped him with a hand. Gao Yishui glanced at Qin Ke, Qin Ke understood, and put himself He took out the map in his arms, spread it out and said, "This is the map that Lao Gao got, Mr. Jing, take a look."

Jing Yu was still a little puzzled at first, but when he saw the map drawn on the silk book, his eyes lit up for a moment. He stretched out his hand to stroke the silk book, and exclaimed, "This is..."

Gao Yishui smiled and briefly explained the origin of the map.

Jing Yu has been lurking in the Tang Kingdom for several years, so he naturally knows how precious such a detailed map is, so he immediately smiled and said: "Mr. The people in the palace memorized it in their minds and drew it again, but they couldn't draw it completely at one time, and this process took more than a year. And because different people can only walk in a limited area of ​​the palace, so It took another two years to put these scattered maps together, and there is no guarantee that someone's memory will be wrong, and the patchwork will be wrong, which will lead to the wrong location of the final map..."

Gao Yishui smiled and said: "Where is it, I am also lucky, I just met a few friends."

Jing Yu also laughed and said, "If this is luck, why don't I have it? Mr. Gao don't need to be too modest."

"I'm really lucky, and Mr. Jing has been lurking in the Tang Dynasty, and he has spent several years working hard on just one map. The power of planning and integration is really admirable."

Both of them are veterans who have been in the rivers and lakes. Years of experience have already tempered them into human beings. Now the conversation between the two seems simple, but it has a lot of probing meaning.

And Qin Ke finally got a little impatient listening to the two flattering each other so much, and said helplessly: "I said, if you two keep flattering each other like this, when will I be able to enter the palace?"

The two stared at each other for a while, Jing Yu couldn't help laughing and said: "Brother Qin is right, let's get down to business first."

"That's right." There was no embarrassment on Gao Yishui's face, and the defense between the two of them also relaxed a lot at this moment. He smiled self-deprecatingly, perhaps because he ate too much salt, which led to this meeting. People talk about people, the habit of talking nonsense?

The other party was indeed Jing Wu who was lurking in Ding'an City. Although he had always maintained a strong interest in Zhuge Wanling's mystery, he thought Zhuge Wanling would not harm them.

With the map of Gao Yishui, many things are much easier to handle. It is like the old saying that knowing a son is like a father. For craftsmen, what they know best is not how much meat is on their own wife’s belly, nor what is in their rice jar. A few catties of rice, but a house built by themselves.

To them, the organs and secret passages are like a child that they spent a lot of effort to give birth to. Naturally, these things are clearly marked on this picture.

And Jing Yu is indeed a very powerful person, with just a few words, he has arranged the whole thing in an orderly manner. According to him, even the fire in the Tang Palace earlier was set under his command. Got the pointer of the Five Elements Sinan.

"Originally, I thought of a few ways, but I felt that there were some omissions. Once the situation changes, it will be difficult to control. And if we have this map, it will be much easier for Brother Qin to escape. As long as things change, we will The people in the palace will cause chaos in the palace, then little brother Qin can leave the palace through this passage, as for the rest, I will naturally deal with it. But..."

"But?" Qin Ke looked at his weird expression, not knowing what concerns he had, "What do you want to say?"

Jing Yu looked at Qin Ke deeply, and said, "If possible, I hope that my little brother will not use this passage as much as possible."

"Don't use this passage?" Qin Ke asked with doubts in his eyes: "Then how should I leave..."

Gao Yishui stood up suddenly, and he slammed the table, and the small bamboo pieces on the table bounced up, making a series of discordant sounds. He pointed straight at Jing Yu and said coldly: "Don't even think about it." think."

"I just hope, not..."

"you hope to?"

"Mr. Gao……"

"Don't play tricks with me." Gao Yishui interrupted Jing Yu's words continuously, and the atmosphere in the field became cold for a while. Jing Yu's eyes were calm, as if he had been interrupted several times when he wanted to explain, but he didn't affect his mood.

But Gao Yishui squinted his eyes slightly, Qin Ke actually felt a bit of killing intent on his body at this time, he said slowly: "I know very well what you want to do."

"Why did you suddenly quarrel?" Abu looked at Gao Yishui's appearance, thinking that the two were chatting and laughing just now, and they even seemed to be in harmony like a pair of old friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time. ?

He coughed and interjected nervously: "Mr. Gao, Mr. Jing, sit down and talk."

Qin Ke stood beside Gao Yishui, this time he really felt his anger, he quickly smoothed things over and said: "Old Gao...you let Mr. Jing finish first, what exactly does he want to do?"

Gao Yishui raised his head, looked at Jing Yu with his eyes, and said lightly: "Isn't it clear enough? He hopes that you don't use this channel. Naturally, he hopes that this secret channel can be used to convey news from the palace for Jing Wu in the future. If you say The inside of the palace and the outside of the palace can be connected by such an invisible passage, which is of great benefit to spies like them. But once this escape passage is used, there is a high possibility that Being noticed by the people in the palace, and the guards in the palace are not fools, even if they were not noticed immediately, it would be difficult to guarantee the original secrecy."

Qin Ke looked at Jing Yu quietly and said, "Is that so?"

2Chapter 16 Conventions

"Half right." Jing Yu smiled wryly, then looked at Gao Yishui and said, "Mr. Gao, maybe you have misunderstood me."

"I just know the habits of you people very well." Gao Yishui sneered, "For the country and for the family? With such a heart, I am so admired by someone, but first you have to be clear, I sold a favor for it This map is not for you to use."

Jing Yu nodded and said, "Of course I understand Mr. Gao's words, so I just hope, not demand. I hope that there will be such a secret way to grasp the movements of the Tang Palace, but the letter left by the shopkeeper has written very clearly. Clearly, to ensure the safety of the little brother at all costs is also an order from the prime minister, and it is our bounden duty to obey orders."

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