However, Gao Yishui's next sentence made her feel relaxed: "I don't know the girl in your much is she worth?"

The proprietress smiled brightly. Of course she understood the matter the most. "It depends on who it is. Different girls naturally have different prices. If they are Kao, they will openly ask customers to bid, and the one with the highest price will win."

"Oiran is unnecessary." Gao Yishui smiled, and stretched out a finger to Ning Xin who was a little dazed, "Just this girl, how much?"

Both Qin Ke and Ning Xin were shocked.

"Oh. You mean Ning Xin?" The proprietress looked at Ning Xin. The other two girls were already drunk, but Ning Xin was sitting quietly by herself. The proprietress nodded secretly, "She... should be 15 years old. It's time to be 25, the most charming age, according to the price in our building, if you want to redeem Ning Xin, you need at least this number..."

She stretched out four fingers, Qin Ke's heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked, "How much is this?"

The proprietress looked at the way Qin Ke and Ning Xin clasped their hands, and wondered if it was the first time for this young man to come to this place of fireworks. When he saw Ning Xin, he was immediately fascinated. Is it a "concubine"?

However, this kind of thing is not uncommon in the building. Many dignitaries or wealthy tycoons will also offer to redeem themselves when they meet a girl they like. On the one hand, they can stop coming to this noisy building every day; The girl regards it as her own thing and is no longer touched by others.

"Forty gold." The proprietress explained, in fact, she was talking lowly. In Lan Yuxuan, there may not be no people who spend a lot of money, not to mention that at Ning Xin's current age, she will not be old in ten years, and she has a lot of favors On the contrary, customers especially prefer milfs...

"Forty gold?" Qin Ke was slightly stunned. He didn't expect his sister to be so expensive. Of course, this also proved Ning Xin's excellence.

But where did the money come from?He couldn't help but put his eyes on those golden cakes - if it was a coincidence, it was too much of a coincidence.

Could it be that God was destined to help him somewhere?

Gao Yishui smiled and said, "That's good. We want to redeem Miss Ning Xin, if it's convenient, we can do it now."

"Okay. I'll go find Miss Ning Xin's contract of sale right now." The proprietress showed a smile, and turned her head to look at Ning Xin again, showing a bit of genuine concern, "Ning Xin, you are blessed."

The proprietress is not young, and she may not be a heartless person. Back then, she was just like Ning Xin. If she hadn't come from a poor background, who would want to come to Goulan to do this business?These girls grew up in the building, sometimes as if they were her own daughters.

Now that someone is willing to redeem Ning Xin's body, she is also happy to see it succeed. As for the boss... he doesn't mind selling such a face, and giving Ning Xin a free body in the amount of forty gold.

Ning Xin looked at the proprietress with tears in her eyes, and shouted softly: "Mother Huang..."

The proprietress nodded to Ning Xin, turned around and closed the door to leave.

Qin Ke turned his head and saw the teardrops in Ning Xin's eyes began to fall down in big ones.

"Sister... sister, don't cry..." Qin Ke was a little flustered, and hurriedly reached out to wipe the corners of Ning Xin's eyes, but those tears seemed to be inexhaustible, falling on Qin Ke's fingertips drop by drop, like crystal nectar in the morning light .

Chapter 2 God of Wealth

Qin Ke wiped it for a while, Ning Xin also stretched out her hand to hold Qin Ke's hand, smiling sadly, but her heart was full of joy and gratitude.

She stood up and bowed solemnly to Gao Yishui: "Thank you, Mr. Gao, Ning Xin."

Gao Yishui was drinking, stretched out his chopsticks to pick up vegetables, and smiled casually: "What does it matter to me? This hundred gold is definitely not for me, but for" He did it again A somewhat inelegant gesture, "As for giving you money to redeem your body...haha, if you shake me upside down, if a copper plate falls to the ground, I, Gao Yishui, will take off my clothes and run three laps on the street today." .”

"But I still want to thank you for mentioning that, my lord." She turned her head to look at Qin Ke again, with gentle eyes.

Qin Ke smiled foolishly, the forty gold was not his own in the first place, at this moment he didn't feel that it was worth the money, seeing that Ning Xin's tears were still wet, he tried his best to say some comforting words, and finally made Ning Xin quiet sat down.

After a while, Qin Ke thought of the question he wanted to ask just now, and asked Gao Yishui, "How did you know there would be such a gift?"

The corner of Gao Yishui's mouth raised, and he pointed to his head: "What is this?"

Qin Ke frowned, not knowing what he wanted to say, guessing: "Head?"

"That's right." Gao Yishui clapped his hands and said, "There's no water in it, right? So, is there anything hard to guess?"

"You're talking like you're scolding me for being out of my mind..."

"It's almost the same." Gao Yishui threw away the glass, hugged the wine jar and started to drink. The wine spilled on the shirt on his chest, making him look even more downcast.

"You're short..." Qin Ke picked up a chopstick in his hand and threw it over, and asked, "You came here... not just for this meal, did you? Do you want to meet Lan Yuxuan's boss?"

Gao Yishui looked like you were the smartest boy in the world, blinked, and said, "Of course, eating is the main thing. It's just a passing idea to meet Lan Yuxuan's boss."

Qin Ke looked at the one hundred gold, with a puzzled expression on his face, "What do you want to see that wealthy boss so much for?"

Gao Yishui tilted his head and smiled and said, "You'll only know when I see you, maybe I can't wait to run over and hug his thighs to flatter him, and I swear to God that I'm willing to be a cow and a horse for him..."

"Hey! Be serious!" Qin Ke stared, thinking that this guy is the same as when he came to Daoxiang Village to "gather the wind", always out of shape all the time.

Gao Yishui wiped his mouth, spread his hands and said, "Okay, I admit, I'm just curious."


"Of course. This Lan Yuxuan seems to be just a brothel, but the boss behind him is not very simple. There are more businessmen in Jiujiang City than cats, and the first to bear the brunt are the four gods of wealth."

"Four Gods of Wealth?" Qin Ke had never heard of this title before, his eyes widened, and he turned his attention to Ning Xin, and Ning Xin had obviously heard of this title before, covering her lips and smiling.

Gao Yishui said: "Of course you didn't know when you first came to Jiujiang City. Among the four gods of wealth, one is surnamed Hu, one is surnamed Fan, and the other is surnamed Zhang. As for the one surnamed Zhang, naturally it was cut off in a few months. The one who stole the title and confiscated all the family property, before that, he was the second child of the Four Great Gods of Wealth, and now there are only three left..."

Qin Ke nodded, he knew that the rich man named Zhang mentioned by Gao Yishui was Zhang Mingqi's business father, but he lowered his head and thought for a while: "But you only mentioned three."

"I only mentioned three, that's because the fourth... No one knows his name, neither me nor Jiujiang City or even the entire Jingwu." Gao Yishui took a mouthful of vegetables and chewed slowly in his mouth, "Nobody even knows the last name."

"So mysterious?" Qin Ke became interested, "Then Lan Yuxuan is also the property of this unknown God of Wealth?"

"Of course." Gao Yishui looked at the gold cake on the table, but there was no trace of greed in his eyes. Even though he couldn't take out half a copper coin, the confidence that flashed in his eyes from time to time was worth ten thousand gold.

He suddenly asked: "Miss Ning Xin, have you met your big boss?"

Ning Xin shook her head and said, "Only Mama Huang and a few guards have seen it in the building."

Gao Yishui hummed lightly, and Ning Xin's answer was already in his expectation, and he continued: "I also have nothing to do, and I silently record some cargo ships that ship and buy at the port every day. From the flow of these goods, Gradually, I found out that Lan Yuxuan has a good background. Although this God of Wealth has never appeared publicly in Jiujiang City, he has done a lot of things. This Lan Yuxuan can be said to be the largest brothel in Jiujiang City. Under this God of Wealth, there are nearly 23% of the pawnshops, [-]% of the inns, [-]% of the silk and satin shops, [-] teahouses, [-] restaurants and [-] brothels in Jiujiang City. Ports, this mere hundred gold is really just a gift that cannot be any smaller."

The long list made Qin Ke gasp, "So powerful, how much money does he have?"

"How much money?" Gao Yishui smiled slightly, "Only he knows that he is the first among the four gods of wealth in Jiujiang City, but no one can tell why the other three are willing to follow."

He patted the table lightly, and said sadly: "Forget it, after all, people don't want to see me. Today's trick of 'pulling the tiger's skin and pulling the banner' is useless. After all, this person is a man or a woman. It's ugly, but it doesn't really have much to do with me. I play the piano, drink every day, and caress my 'lady' when I'm free. Life is enough, enough..."

He stretched his waist, finally showing a bit of bewitched look in his eyes, and said: "What's the matter, the three of us will go for a walk in a while, digest our food, and look at the moon again?"

Qin Ke had no objection, he was quite full, and turned to look at Ning Xin: "Sister, what do you think?"

Ning Xin smiled slightly, like a slowly blooming daffodil: "I have no objection."

Originally, she had already resigned to her fate, even though she was talented and talented, she would not know when she would get enough money to redeem her life, and by then, she would probably be old, and would be homeless if she left the building.

But what happened today exceeded her expectations, forty gold, freedom...

That being the case, what is she still doing here?

It's just that she looked around, looked at the tables and chairs around her, and thought that after all, she had stayed here for a full ten years, and she almost regarded this place as her home, and she was about to leave suddenly at this moment, she felt a little empty in her heart.

After leaving the building, where should she go?She looked at Qin Ke.

It took half an hour for the proprietress to go. After all, although there were things like redemption in the building, there were not many of them. Those deeds of sale were gradually neglected, so it was of course troublesome to search for them.But looking at the sweat on her forehead, Gao Yishui and Qin Ke certainly wouldn't feel any resentment, and Ning Xin's mood was agitated to be relieved from here.

And when the three of them really left Lan Yuxuan, the moon was already high in the sky. There were no clouds tonight, and the moonlight was bright and clear. They walked on the road and felt in good spirits.

"I'm going back to Jianye City tomorrow." Qin Ke led the tall and heroic Heifeng, which had been carefully washed in Lan Yuxuan's stable. At this moment, he seemed very excited, and he took Ning Xin with one hand hand, said: "Sister, will you go back to Jianye City with me?"

"Jianye City..." Ning Xin felt the warmth in Qin Ke's heart, her eyes blurred, showing a bit of yearning, she nodded, "It's fine anyway."

That's right, with freedom and a younger brother, everything is fine.

And Gao Yishui smiled and said, "When are you going to find your master?"

"I should set off as soon as possible." Qin Ke said: "I wanted to ask you to be my guide, but you refused, so just treat us as if we got together..."

"A might not be impossible."

Gao Yishui looked at the moon and said softly.

Chapter 2 Three People

Qin Ke was slightly taken aback, before he had time to ask what Gao Yishui meant, Gao Yishui suddenly frowned, and whispered like a breeze: "Someone is following us."

In just a moment, Qin Ke reacted immediately. As his qi and blood circulated slightly, the technique of wind vision had begun. Wisps of gentle wind were like invisible messengers, but invisible, they transmitted the information in the shadows to his body. in the ear.

"Three people." Qin Ke closed his eyes, and he was still deepening his perception, "One is in the alley, one is on the roof on the west side, and the other is pretending to pee in the corner...?"

Gao Yishui did not expect Qin Ke to react so quickly, and was able to detect the positions of these people so accurately in such a short period of time. He was a little surprised, but at this time, it was impossible for him to spare time to ask more questions. .

He only nodded slightly: "What do you say? Three nails, you or I?"

"You? Can you do it?" Qin Ke whispered, "I remember you haven't practiced martial arts, have you?"

"Nonsense. I'm just playing the piano, why do I want to learn martial arts and get sweaty all over?" Gao Yishui said righteously: "Okay, okay, you go, I will help you take Miss Ning Xin, and you will come to Gingko when you get off your body Meet at the Fulu Inn on the street."

"Okay." Qin Ke replied briefly.

It was not long into the night at this time, and the streets were bustling with people. He looked at the scattered crowd around him, and gradually restrained his wind vision technique. If he wanted to maintain such a large area, and there were so many idle voices, if he continued, he would be afraid. At that time, I was exhausted when I really met these nails.

The three deliberately walked to a street corner, Gao Yishui took Ning Xin to pretend to look at the rouge and gouache booth, and Qin Ke continued to walk about thirty steps, and immediately disappeared at the next corner.

"What's going on?" Ning Xin felt a little uneasy, she was caressing those seemingly exquisite rouge boxes in her hands, she didn't dare to look up, she could only ask worriedly: "Why is someone following us? Could it be someone from Lan Yuxuan? ?”

Gao Yishui also lowered his head slightly, one of his hands lightly rested on the Guqin on his back, touched the strings with his fingertips, and with a smile on his face, he picked up a powder box and handed it to Ning Xin in a pretense, mouth But the boss said: "I don't know, but I don't think the God of Wealth is so petty. He would go to war like this for a hundred gold and a redeemed woman... Come, let's go this way."

The man in black on the roof reacted the fastest, but just now Qin Ke's movements were too natural and too fast. When he went to look again, he could no longer find Qin Ke's shadow.

"Why is there someone missing?" He stepped on the tiles carefully, and jumped onto the roof of another restaurant, but in an instant, his pupils shrank suddenly.

A silver sword light appeared pale and sharp against the moonlight!

And when he hastily pulled out the dagger in his hand to block it, the sword light was already in front of him.

The wind was strong at night, Qin Ke's figure would only be faster in the wind, and the Bodhisattva sword in his hand "bited" the edge of the man in black's dagger like a streamer of fireflies in the night.

Qin Ke exerted his strength suddenly, and the bodhisattva penetrated deeply into the dagger's fine iron body. There was a crisp "ding dong" sound from the roof, and half of the dagger spun around like a leaf in the wind, and got stuck between two black tiles. The assassin Seeing that the Bodhisattva's sword had almost reached his throat at this moment, he stomped his legs suddenly in shock. The force was so great that he stepped on many tiles, but he himself also used this force to straighten his body. Fly backwards.

However, Qin Ke's speed is as fast as the wind!

When the figure of the man in black was not stable, Qin Ke had already stuck to his body again, but this time Qin Ke switched the sword to his left hand, and held the sword behind with one hand. It was thrown suddenly to the right, hitting the chest of the man in black.

The black man was thrown flying in another direction like a ball, and soon his body touched a roof, the sound of "cracking" was heard endlessly, and the shattering of tiles even shocked the people who were drinking and talking in the restaurant. As a guest, someone immediately yelled: "The shopkeeper! Where's the shopkeeper! The ash on the roof of yours has ruined my entire table! Damn it, if I was crushed to death here, would you be able to afford it?"

And under the frosty moonlight, Qin Ke was condescending, his eyes pierced a cold light unconsciously, looking at the man in black who fell on the ground and clutched his heart, silently inserted the Bodhisattva back into the sheath, and he also It was the use of the scabbard to gently block the rolling body of the man in black that prevented him from falling directly from the roof to his death.

"Who sent you here?" Qin Ke tried his best to make his voice indifferent and majestic.

The man in black didn't speak, but just looked at Qin Ke, as if waiting for something.

There was a gust of wind whistling in Qin Ke's ears, he didn't look at it, but subconsciously took two steps back, a few crossbow arrows "just happened" to pass through in front of him, and one of them climbed up to the roof with his body supported by one hand. At that time, he rushed forward with a single knife in his hand, and he opened and closed the knife as soon as he got started.

Qin Ke frowned, feeling that this was not an assassin, but rather a veteran who had retired from the battlefield. He had only seen and felt that chilling aura from Jing Wu veterans, such as The "Lei Jun" who took away the men in white on the street that day.

And the guy's habit of going first before reaching the crossbow arrow just now also made him feel a little bit more confident-it really looks like a well-trained soldier.

Could it be that these people have military backgrounds?But Qin Ke quickly denied this idea. If he had a military background, the man in black who was knocked to the ground by him would not have this iron-blooded aura.

But no matter who it is, Qin Ke's top priority is naturally to restrain the person in front of him, and just as he avoided two knives and was about to draw his sword to fight, the sharp scream of crossbow arrows sounded again behind him.

Qin Ke's eyes changed, and while avoiding the single sword, the whole body was tumbling up. The crossbow arrow passed under his waist and passed over the shoulder of the man in black. He slashed towards Qin Ke's waist suddenly, as if he wanted to cut Qin Ke in half!

After a dull collision sound, Qin Ke fell to the ground, and the Bodhisattva's scabbard blocked the man in black's single sword, but the power was still transmitted to his wrist along the scabbard.

As soon as Qin Ke raised his leg and kicked out violently, the man in black raised his two knives in front of him, but was still suppressed by this force and took two steps back. The man's eyes immediately became vigilant and cautious.

Qin Ke turned his head, and the moonlight illuminated a hand crossbow on the ground. Its shape was not like an ordinary hand crossbow, but rather ingenious. The tiny mechanism formed a lock on the top, and it followed the inside of the hand crossbow. The hairpin running gear drives the chain on the crossbow, and the crossbow will automatically shoot the arrow at a certain moment, without the need for people to pull the trigger again.

The first action of the man in black just now was not to slash, but to throw away the hand crossbow in his hand. At first, Qin Ke thought that he had become a useless waste just because the hand crossbow shot arrows. , will simply remain on the sidelines...

But I didn't expect this crossbow machine to have such a sinister design.

If it weren't for Qin Ke's cultivation base that has improved a lot now, if he was the original him who just came out of Daoxiang Village, I'm afraid he would have to take this arrow no matter what.

And this man in black was beyond his expectation. He didn't show too much strength at the beginning. Even Qin Ke had a preconceived idea that this one should also because of the man in black who was easily knocked down by him just now. He is a person with high martial arts skills but no knowledge of cultivation.

However, with the slash of the knife just now, he has already clearly felt the huge momentum generated by the opponent's infusion of energy and blood. Although he also immediately judged that the person's cultivation level is not as good as his own, if the person suddenly violent again, he should deal with it. It can also be a little tricky to get up.

Qin Ke looked at him with solemn eyes and said: "Who are you?"

The man in black didn't speak, but just let out a cold, hoarse laugh, like a night owl chirping in the night sky.

The laughter stopped abruptly, and the one who had been pretending to relieve himself in the corner also turned up on the roof, his face was also covered with a black cloth, and he was holding a soft sword in his hand.

Qin Ke had seen a soft sword once, it was in the armory of Gao Changgong's mansion, Gao Changgong actually didn't like to use this kind of weak and boneless weapon, because it was too light and thin, it was difficult to use in battle, it was only suitable for For single combat or assassination.

But this doesn't mean that he can't use it. When he was young, he had a soft sword made of refined iron hidden in his belt. If necessary, it would naturally become a sharp weapon against the enemy—but Until he returned home sadly many years later, he still failed to meet an opponent who could force him to use the soft sword around his waist.

The weapons used by the three people are different, and the styles of moves and movements are very different, perhaps because of their different backgrounds... It's just that Qin Ke can't figure it out, what kind of purpose do these three people have?Why did they focus on him and Gao Yishui?Could it be... Lan Yuxuan's boss found out that he was just a mere pawn who had nothing to do with Zhuge Wanling, the principal of Jingwu Chaotang, so he regretted wanting to get back the one hundred gold?

Not impossible.

The noise in the room was still there, only the shopkeeper of the restaurant was constantly apologizing to the guests, and he was yelling at Xiaoer to move the ladder to see if another bastard child had climbed up to the roof and was messing around.

At the moment when Qin Ke was in a daze, the two people in front of him moved.

The man holding the knife had knotted veins in his hand, as firm as steel. He no longer hid his own strength, and slashed out with the knife. With such powerful strength and lightning-like speed, an ordinary person would I am afraid that he will die immediately under the light of the knife.

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