Gao Yishui didn't care at all, and stood up resolutely: "What to eat. I told you to take you to eat something good. What's so delicious about this brown rice, get up quickly."

Qin Ke couldn't resist him, so he could only watch reluctantly that the food on the table was quickly divided up by the traffickers and pawns around him. When he passed the counter, he still didn't forget to ask Xiao Er to ask for the money back. Following Gao Yishui, he went to the prosperous area of ​​Jiujiang City.

The sky gradually darkened, but the bustling places in Jiujiang City were still brightly lit, but the number of boats in the port was much less.

But Qin Ke's focus is not on these side details at all, but looking at the exquisite ornaments, tables and chairs around him, he looks very disturbed.

It is not that he has never seen a better place than this. In the palace of Jingwu Jianye City, everything can be said to be perfect, and even he, a "hick who just entered the city", was so shocked that his jaw dislocated: what gold-plated Huanghuali seats, an incense burner inlaid with countless jewels and jade, bowls and chopsticks made of pure gold, glass wine glasses as clear as water... What surprised him even more was the bronze ice mirror as tall as half a person. As long as you have it, even in the hot summer, the house can be as cool as autumn...

But one thing is different here.

He has been to this place, just today, not long ago, but he didn't dare to enter the door.

But now, his ears were filled with those Yingying Yanyan's charming laughter, and finally he couldn't sit still anymore, and looked at Gao Yishui pitifully: "Are we really going to eat here?"

"Lan Yuxuan, it's a great place. All the chefs here are good at dishes, and one of them is good at making fruit cheese, which is one of the best famous places in Jiujiang City. Even if you don't like pastries, there are Panlong yellow croaker, Xiaoyao chicken, fairy soup, Zhuge grilled fish..." At this point, he seemed to have imagined the taste of the food, couldn't help but drool, stretched out his hand to pour a cup of tea on the table and slowly sipped it .

"What is Zhuge grilled fish..." Qin Ke is now extremely sensitive to the word "Zhuge".

"It's Prime Minister Zhuge's favorite dish." Gao Yishui looked at him contemptuously, "You are considered half of the emperor's relatives, and you still don't know Prime Minister Zhuge's taste?"

"Why do I know that... Also, what kind of royal relative am I?" Qin Ke looked at him bitterly.

"Nonsense." Gao Yishui rolled his eyes, and poured him a cup of tea, "Your master is Prime Minister Zhuge's younger brother, right?"

"Yes." Qin Ke nodded.

"Prime Minister Zhuge is now under one person of Jing Wu and above ten thousand people, right?" Gao Yishui asked again.

"Is... right?" Qin Ke actually has some doubts about this. In his opinion, Zhuge Wanling is not inferior to him... The young little king called him Xiangfu every day, and he was more obedient than anyone else. Human, how could it be possible to control Zhuge Wanling?

Gao Yishui saw his doubts, and said with a smile: "Although it is said that King Jingwu has no real power in his hands, he still has a reputation, and it is always necessary to save face. But everyone understands that Prime Minister Zhuge is the one. God of Jing Wu, and you are his own brother's apprentice, you can be regarded as the biggest dude in Jing Wu, aren't you?"

When he said this, Gao Yishui raised his voice deliberately, and even shouted the last sentence at the top of his throat.

Qin Ke didn't think much about it, but felt a little ashamed, what kind of dude was he?Like Zhang Mingqi back then, those gentry children in the Imperial Academy, and Sun Qing, these people are really dudes, right?

With a bitter face, he said: "I didn't bring much money when I came out this trip, just a horse and this sword."

"Idiot. Since he is the number one dude in Jingwu, how can there be any reason to pay by himself?" Gao Yishui lowered his voice, and while drinking tea, he suddenly raised his voice and said: "As long as the boss is sensible - naturally he should know how to do it." .”

He raised his voice so twice that even Qin Ke felt something was wrong. He looked out of the window, approached and asked, "What are you doing?"

Gao Yishui smiled inscrutably, and also responded in a low voice: "Just sit down, I don't need you to pay, I'm afraid that after a while...someone wants to give us money."

"How is this possible." Qin Ke said blankly, "You don't charge money but give money away, do you think they are all fools?"

"Huh? Don't say it." Gao Yishui patted his thigh and smiled: "Sometimes, once people become's really cute." He reached out and poked Qin Ke's cheek, "For example... now you."

As soon as the words fell, the door of the private room opened suddenly at this moment. Qin Ke was startled, and subconsciously wanted to get under the table.

Fortunately, Gao Yishui held his arm firmly with one hand, and whispered: "Be calm, just treat these people as wooden people, do you understand?"

Qin Ke opened his mouth, wanted to say something but didn't say it, he stared dumbfounded at the women with slender figures and long necks pouring in from the door, their long black hair coiled into different shapes on their heads. Hair bun, skin whiter than snow, light clothes and skirts, like clusters of summer flowers.

Their faces are full of smiles, their eyes are like crescent moons, and their eyes are crystal clear, making one wonder if there is a starry sky reflected in them.

They said in unison: "Hello, two gentlemen."

This voice overwhelmed Qin Ke's voice of swallowing tea to cover up his embarrassment, while Gao Yishui was full of smiles, and did not regard himself as an outsider at all, with a familiar look: "Okay!"

He clapped his hands, looked at them, and said with a smile, "What are you doing standing there? Come in."

"What are you waiting for? My son has already spoken." At this time, the proprietress twisted her fat body and got out of the crowd, looked at Qin Ke and Gao Yishui, and smiled flatteringly, "Young master, this is the most beautiful in our place." It's my girl, do you choose?"

Gao Yishui bent slightly, put his head close to Qin Ke, and said softly, "You pick first?"

Qin Ke was pouring down his tea desperately, when he heard Gao Yishui's question, he spat out with a puff, and said awkwardly while coughing: "I...I..."

Seeing his appearance, Gao Yishui smiled, and stopped teasing him. He pointed his finger and said, " you, just three." He smiled brightly, "two Accompany me alone, accompany him alone, by the way, my little brother has never come to the brothel, this is the first time, don't be too enthusiastic, otherwise he will really get under the table."

"See what you said." The proprietress smiled like an old chrysanthemum, "The girls here are all decent people, they are not the same as those who show their heads in other houses." She played tricks, and the three selected girls understood , saluted forward, and exchanged glances, in which there was a clash of swords.

Then the girl in red dress with oval face walked towards Qin Ke, while the other two walked towards Gao Yishui.Following the gentle clap of the proprietress, the girls who were not selected quietly retreated out, although they were a little dissatisfied.

Gao Yishui approached Qin Ke again, and said in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, don't look at his fair skin, he bathes with milk every day, if you wash like this, you will probably be whiter than him in a few months." Embarrassed, but Gao Yishui smiled, "But you are pretty pale now, little white face."

Qin Ke was about to refute, but the girl in red had already approached him, and sat beside him without any pretense, stuffing all his swear words back into her stomach.

"My lord, I won't bother you two anymore. The food will be ready in a while. If there is anything wrong, just call it out." The landlady said with a smile on her face, watching Gao Yishui nod, she twisted her fat body Stepping over the threshold, she quietly closed the door.

However, at the moment when her cheeks were completely covered by the closed door, all the smiles on her face disappeared in an instant, replaced by extremely deep eyes. If Qin Ke stood here at this moment, he would also have to do it for the proprietress Amazed by his face-changing skills.

"Mother Huang." Standing beside her was a burly man, but the thick arms exposed outside the sleeves and his shoulders that held up his clothes made him look powerful. Holding a knife, look at the scabbard, it is a widening knife, this kind of knife is usually only used on the battlefield, although it is not as terrible as the sword used by the people on the Great Wall, but for killing people, such a broad knife can be used In the case of beheading the Quartet, it still does not roll the blade.

Chapter 199 The Man Hiding in the Dark

"You stay here, I'll go to see you." Jiujiang City has gathered the wealth of Jing and Wu, but fish and dragons are mixed, whether this strong man has served in the army in the past, the old bustard doesn't care at all, she thought about it He said again: "If there is anything"

"I know, I will kill them with my own hands." The strong man said in a low voice.

"Stupid!" The old bustard raised his brows, "Didn't you see that horse? In Jingwu, there are not many people who can have such a horse, and Jiansui... Listening to what the poor luthier said is at least three points like it, We can't mess around... No matter whether he has any nepotism with Prime Minister Zhuge, if you act rashly, you will not be able to bear the responsibility when things get serious! If you want to die, you can just wipe your neck with this broken knife, Don't pull on the old lady!"


"I would like to persuade you, unless they insist on leaving, you can do it again. But you can't kill people, just stop them." The old bustard actually didn't know how to deal with it, but at least for now, keeping them is the best way.

The brawny man stared, thinking to himself: Good words to persuade?But I can only kill...

While he was still standing there in a daze, the madam had already walked straight up the stairs, and all the way to the top of the building, she stopped in front of a private room, and gently knocked on the door.

"Dong dong."

"What's the matter?" The door of the private room was opened a crack, and a person stood behind the crack, looking at her and said coldly.

"I, I want to see the adults."

"My lord is writing and has no time."

The old bustard choked for a moment. According to her usual temper, she might have been angry a long time ago, but she also knew that this was the personal bodyguard of the adults. She took a deep breath and said as calmly as possible to the object of abuse, "Please inform me, I have something urgent right now."


"I..." The bustard stared and stomped her feet, "I'm really in a hurry!"

"Li Si." At this time, an elegant and clear male voice suddenly came from the private room, and the man said: "Let her in."

"Yes." The man called Li Si obviously obeyed the voice's order very much. With a pull of his hands, the door was completely opened, and he took a step back to the right, just to make room for the old bustard to pass by.

The madam stepped across the threshold, and the door closed silently behind her.

The private room is spacious, and the sound insulation is also very good. Once the door is closed, the hustle and bustle outside seems to be blocked out, and it is precisely because of this that the person inside can have such leisure and elegance.

And between him and the old bustard, there was a bamboo mat that just covered his upper body, and he could only see a character slowly taking shape on the big silk script placed on his desk.

The money spent on such a large silk book can be equivalent to the income of an ordinary family for several months, which is enough to show the strong financial resources of this person.

For some reason, the madam's original impatience seemed to ease a lot, she bowed, "My lord."

The person behind the bamboo mat did not stop, but continued to write, one stroke at a time, very serious, and he said: "Let's talk, you are the one I picked, I know you have a sense of proportion, so I won't come to you easily I."

"Yes." The bustard repeated what he had just heard outside the room, and then explained Hei Feng's figure and appearance in detail. After all, northern barbarian war horses are really rare in Jingwu, and most of the dignitaries who can be owned are also in Jianye city. , This alone proves that Qin Ke's identity is indeed extraordinary.

The man nodded after hearing this, and reached out to put the brush in the inkstone to lick the ink: "This year, the sea and the Great Wall sent a lot of war horses from the northern barbarians, but these are all military horses, and every horse is registered. Any horse that has flown out, and anyone who has the ability to get the northern barbarian horses by himself, actually thinks about it clearly..."

He scraped off the excess ink on the brush, and said, "Is his master really Zhuge Wanling's younger brother?"

"This subordinate doesn't know." The bustard said cautiously.

The man smiled: "What does Jian Sui look like? Tell me about it?"

"Bright red, made of silk, exquisite workmanship, only a few can make it in Jiujiang City. And the emblem on it..." The old bustard described the appearance of the emblem, and then quietly waited for the bamboo The people behind the table spoke.

Obviously, the person behind the bamboo mat was also thinking, so the brush in his hand remained suspended in the air.

After a while, he shook his head and smiled: "It does look like that person's emblem."

The man's emblem?Whose emblem?The bustard didn't dare to ask, but just lowered her head and whispered: "Then, I should..."

"It's free to collect the money. Since people want to come to have a meal of the overlord, I, the landlord, should also do my part." The person behind the bamboo mat continued to write, "If you send a hundred gold over, just say it's me. Please let sure to accept it."

"Yes." The old bustard replied, but his heart was overwhelmed. Could it be that that young child really has such a deep relationship with Prime Minister Zhuge?

But thinking about it, she still retreated respectfully, and quickly disappeared into the corridor.

"Li Si, come here. How about looking at my word?" The person behind the bamboo mat said softly.

Li Si walked over slowly, and every step he took made people feel an invisible oppressive force. Obviously, this man was by no means as gentle and polite as he appeared on the surface, he was a master of martial arts.

But when he walked to the bamboo mat and saw the big characters written on the silk script, he said in a very serious tone: "Very poor."

He also shook his head, showing a look of resentment.

"No way? I've practiced this for several months, you can read it again?" The man looked at his handwriting, a little unbelievable that he would get such an evaluation, and smiled wryly.

Li Si obeyed his request, tilted his head to look at it for a while, and finally came to the same conclusion: "It's really bad."

Although he is a subordinate, he doesn't intend to show any favor to his master.

"Yeah, these few months of kung fu have been in vain." The man smiled helplessly: "I don't have high requirements, I just want to practice my surname, but the result is still the same after writing."

Li Si sighed, and continued to say seriously: "If you must compete with Zhang Yanling, you will have to practice for another 50 years, and maybe... you can surpass him."

The man was obviously a little bit shocked. Looking at Li Si, he smiled helplessly: "So miserable? I thought that if I worked hard, I wouldn't be too far behind him. It seems that I can't compare with him in writing. But Li Si ...In fact, you can learn to flatter, always telling the truth like this, it is easy to offend people..."

"Oh." Li Si answered briefly.

Speaking of which, the man put the brush on the inkstone, let out a long breath, opened the window, and looked out the window with his hands behind his back. Outside was the bustling market, and Jiujiang City at night was still full of people coming and going. , Yingying Yanyan in the land of fireworks added a lot of light to the night.

"Zhuge Wolong's apprentice?" The corner of the man's mouth curled up slightly, "Do you... believe it or not?"

"I don't know." Li Si folded his arms and answered honestly.

"That's right." The man said again: "He has disappeared for so many years, we have been looking for him for so many years, his hiding technique is really the best in the world, but... this is too inconsistent with his temperament, a person like him , how can you bury your life in a corner with peace of mind?"

"What are you going to do?"

"Me? It's none of my business." The man laughed even more heartily, "I'm in Jingwu, is it possible that I'm still going to make trouble on his brother's territory? I don't want to die so early." As soon as he changed the topic, his eyes followed suit, "But since we are Zhuge Wolong's apprentices, we can't just do nothing, it would seem that we are a little incompetent..."

He rubbed his chin, and said softly: "Just send someone to watch him, and leave the rest to the old man. Anyway, he is now in the Tang country, before he goes to the sea... he should be able to catch up."

"I'm going to deliver the letter." Li Si's speech always reminds people of the sound of a monk knocking on a wooden fish, calm and emotionless.

"Of course it's you. It's not my turn to run errands." He turned his head and glanced at the word on the silk script again. Where the word.

Complicated words are always difficult to write.

And the word "win" is even more difficult to write well.

It's just that the man looked at this word, and suddenly showed a dull expression: "Our royal family has won for so many years, it's really boring... There must be a good opponent..."

Chapter 200 Ning Xin

Gao Yishui was right, Lan Yuxuan's food was indeed delicious.

Qin Ke remembered the day when he and Abu fought against Su Dingfang in front of the palace. According to the rules, the two of them could have a meal together in front of the palace. However, Zhuge Wanling was assassinated later on, so he couldn't taste the cooking made by the imperial chef in the palace. dishes.

However, the next day the palace gave a roast leg of lamb. Although it is a traditional method in the sea, it still shines brilliantly in the hands of the royal chef of Jingwu Palace. Tangy.

One bite, the plump and tender meat has a slightly fishy and sweet taste... The two lamb legs were quickly divided up by him, Abu and the students of the Tai Xuetang, and even the bones were gnawed three times by Xiaoqian. To this day, Qin Ke still finds it funny when he thinks about the scene that day.

And Lan Yuxuan's chef, although not comparable to the imperial chef, is not far behind.

It's just that Qin Ke is inexplicably unable to eat now, just because he can feel that the woman in red sitting next to him is expressing affection and looking at him quietly.

Qin Ke felt very embarrassed, turned his head slightly, and kept "killing" Gao Yishui over there with fierce eyes. He also hoped that the other end would come to save him, but Gao Yishui just smiled, with a look of "no It's none of my business, please take care of yourself" expression, while picking up vegetables, he stretched out his arms to embrace the woman in the light yellow dress on the right, smiling recklessly.

Being embraced like this, the woman was not shy at all, instead she was smiling idiotically. She held the jug in both hands and kept filling Gao Yishui's glass.

"Young Master." The red-clothed woman's cherry lips parted slightly, and the delicate makeup on her face made her look a bit charming, "Young Master, why do you sit so far away on purpose?"

"This..." Qin Ke knew that his face must be stiff now, as if he had just been dragged out of the ice cellar, "No... I'm just a little... not used to it."

"Not so used to it?" The woman in red smiled softly. Of course she knew that Qin Ke had come to such a place of fireworks for the first time, but Qin Ke was a bit special. After the age, isn't there always a "house girl" in the family?

The expression between Qin Ke's eyebrows and eyes is enough to let the woman in red know that he has no idea about the relationship between men and women, which makes her feel a little puzzled.

Could it be that this is not some official young master?

But soon, she refuted her own idea.If it wasn't the official young master, why would mother Huang be so respectful?There are many wealthy merchants in Jiujiang City, but what about Lan Yuxuan's background, even if he is a wealthy merchant?It must not be some simple rich kid who can make Mama Huang treat her so seriously.

After a few thoughts, she also smiled slightly, so what?For a weak woman like her, they are all distinguished guests, no matter how nervous Qin Ke is, she has to accompany her.

"What's your surname, sir?" The girl in red picked up the jug and slowly filled the wine glass in front of Qin Ke with elegant and smooth movements.

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