In such a shock, the Xuanweizi flew up one after another, but they were swallowed by the one-horned python.

And it turned around, looked at Wang Xuanwei who released Xuanwei, twisted its body frantically and chased after it.

While running, Wang Xuanwei felt tightness in his chest and staggered under his feet.Although losing a whole group of Xuanweizi will not cause any problems to his body, but his perception is attached to these Xuanweizi, and at the moment when these Xuanweizi are swallowed by the one-horned python, these powers also follow It was blocked by the one-horned python.

"Already...have you turned into a demon?" Wang Xuan murmured slightly.

As the tomb passage in front of him came to an end, Gao Changgong in front of him took the first step, kicking the heavy bronze door open with one kick, and a smell that had been dusty for a long time came over his face.But everyone has no time to take care of these now, and scrambled to get in.

"Close the door!" Ding Mo shouted, and all the black riders rushed over, pushing the terribly heavy bronze door.

Following a few hissing sounds, everyone could clearly see that behind the one-horned python, several giant pythons of similar size climbed down.It's just that they don't have the strange one-horn on their heads. This kind of appearance, on the contrary, made everyone feel relieved, and gave birth to a feeling of "so this monster only has one."

The gate was slammed shut, and the one-horned python slammed into it violently, but the black knights held tightly against the rigid, almost impenetrable gate.Although it was impossible for any of them to last a breath in front of the one-horned python, they worked together at this moment, and through the giant bronze gate, they managed to maintain the status quo.

But, do they have to keep resisting like this?

"Rang Rang." At this time, Gao Changgong ran over, his footsteps were heavy, every step seemed to break through the floor tiles of the tomb, on his shoulders on both sides were two stone pillars from nowhere.

He threw the stone pillar over suddenly, and with such force, the stone pillar got stuck between the bronze door and the ground, forming an oblique angle, firmly against the bronze door.

The bronze door was finally sealed. Hearing the violent impact of the one-horned python outside the bronze door, everyone was finally relieved.

It's just that they still need to move forward now.

"What is this place?" Qin Ke asked first.

"It turned out to be a stone formation." Wang Xuanwei's face was uncertain, as if he was not sure whether he should turn his head to face the pursuers behind him, or really step into this unknown and dangerous place.

"What are you waiting for? Now that you're here, you have to go in, right?" Qin Ke didn't have so many thoughts, he just thought that even if there were some poisonous arrow traps in a messy formation, it would be better than being swallowed alive by the giant python behind. .

"Get in? How to get in? Do you know what calculation method this stone formation is based on? How can you be sure that this stone formation will not be more dangerous than those giant pythons?" Wang Xuanwei was in a bad mood, and he squinted at the two Two pillars, half of the palm prints remained on one end of the pillars. Obviously, these two pillars came from the stone formation, but Gao Changgong snapped them off purely with his fleshy palms.

With such a powerful strength, if he didn't hold Zhuge Wanling and Abu in his hands, how could he restrain this person?

However, in the next road, can he still have a chance to ensure that he will not cause any disturbances?

No.17 Chapter Eight Doors

Zhuge Wanling walked a few steps forward alone, touching the tall boulder.From the previous tomb to here, they are already very close to the mausoleum of the owner of the tomb, and this stone circle is probably the last resort used by the owner of the tomb to isolate uninvited guests.

However, why did the owner of the tomb believe that these stones, which have no characteristics except for their large size, can stop people from moving forward?

He looked up. There were not many bronze lamps here. Compared with the brightly lit front tomb, it was much darker. He couldn't see what was in the darkness at the top of the tomb. He only felt that the darkness was like a thick layer. The clouds suppressed these boulders.

And these boulders stand majestically in the darkness, unyielding, the shortest ones are three feet high, and some are taller, like a group of chickens, in the depths, faintly seem to surpass the darkness at the top.

The atmosphere in the air gradually became serious, and Zhuge Wanling took a step back. The moment he wanted to see the appearance of the stone formation clearly, he seemed to feel a terrifying power, like the newborn majesty between heaven and earth.

"Do you want to go up and down?" Zhuge Wanling murmured. Could it be that the reason why the lights here are dim is because the owner of the tomb wants to create a sense of the border between "sky" and "earth"?

The hexagrams of the Tianxing Fengshui map carved on the ground of the front tomb also show the hexagrams of "Qian Shang Kun Xia". Is this what the owner of the tomb wants to express?

Although the princes of the previous dynasty attached great importance to the funeral pattern after death, it would take a lot of labor and money to build such a stone formation in such an underground environment. Obviously, he has more ways to show his dignity. The form does not seem to conform to the extravagant image of the nobles of the previous dynasty who loved gold, silver and jade.

Such a stone formation, although magnificent, is only magnificent.Those boulders whose shells have gradually grown moss or peeled off due to time, seem to present a dynasty that was once glorious but has gone extinct.

Ji Dynasty.

This is the name of the previous dynasty, and now, many people are reluctant to mention it.The reason is not only because of the excessive expropriation in the later period of the previous dynasty, but also because of the excessive entrustment of the former dynasty, which led to the confluence of the kings.

The world has been in chaos for nearly 70 years due to war. During these 70 years, the world seems to have become a huge hot pot, mixed with the blood and tears of countless people, and finally boiled into a pot of bitter water.

Although these years, the four countries have made great efforts to temporarily stabilize the world, but some places are still empty and the countryside is barren. I really don't know when it will be rebuilt.

Qin Ke was still arguing with Wang Xuanwei: "Then what should we do? Do we just stay here foolishly waiting to die? There is no food or drink here, and there is not even a shadow of a ghost except for the darkness. In a few days, we will starve to death here."

Wang Xuanwei half-closed his eyes, as if he was deep in thought, and didn't want to spend his energy on paying attention to Qin Ke's anger because Abu was threatened just now, but Ding Mo and Heiqi looked a little unkind.In the Mo family, how many people dare to play tricks on Wang Xuan like this?

"Presumptuous." Ding Mo lowered his voice and growled, "You have to remember your identity, who are you, dare to talk nonsense in front of the general?"

"Nonsense?" Qin Ke was full of complaints when he was wronged as a spy, but now he is blocked in this mausoleum, unable to get in and out, and maybe he will die here, so he just broke the can and broke with Ding Mo Pushed up, "I said I'm not a spy, you don't believe me anyway, since you don't believe me when I tell the truth, why do you still care about my nonsense?"

Veins popped up on Ding Mo's forehead. If it wasn't for the fact that Gao Changgong was still holding the high-quality steel spear in both hands, he would probably have chopped off the bastard with a knife on the spot. , who would believe it?"

"I just believe it myself." Qin Ke knew that he really had no evidence to prove his innocence, but he always felt wronged in his heart, but he didn't want to make Ding Mo feel weak, so he squinted and hummed, "The clear one clears himself! I'm just curious , you ran out in the middle of the night, but you are more like spies than me, why no one caught you?"

"I'm afraid it's a thief calling for a thief." Ding Mo sneered, "Don't worry, when you get back to Jishang, someone will interrogate you. If you can survive for three days, I will go and see your plight."

Qin Ke's throat was blocked. Although he didn't know who Ding Mo was talking about, he could vaguely feel a chill rushing up his tailbone.He has never been in prison, but he has also seen those prisoners parading the streets in the counties outside the mountains, covered with rotten vegetables and rotten eggs, and their faces were covered with blood from being hit by stones.He curiously followed outside the prison door, and a painful wail from inside frightened him and ran away without looking back.

And now, does this role have to be replaced by him?

Abu stood beside him, looked at Qin Ke worriedly, patted him on the shoulder and comforted him in a low voice: "It's okay, I trust you. When we go out, I will ask my husband to take you with me."

Gao Changgong watched the quarrel of several people with great interest, and said with a smile: "That's a good relationship. It just so happens that there are still many vacancies in our Imperial Academy in Jingwu. One more person is not too many, and one less person is quite a lot. This... Jing Ke?"

"Qin Ke..."

"Well, little brother Qin Ke, your way of cultivation is very special. In this world, there are not many people who can avoid my eyes and ears." Gao Changgong said, "Otherwise, you should think about it and settle down in our Jingwu Anjia, by the way Be a teacher?"

Ding Mo was furious. Originally, he had the same idea in his heart, but compared to what Gao Changgong said about being a teacher, he was more inclined to use torture to make the little bastard spit out the things in his stomach.

"General Gao, I'm afraid it's not your turn to protect our prisoner. He can only enter the cell of our Mo family, and cannot enter the hall of your Jing Wu."

Gao Changgong shrugged and didn't care: "What does that matter? Didn't I rob the prison of your Mohist family?"

"You..." Ding Mo choked, and said angrily: "General Gao, I respect you as a famous general in the world, but if you continue to mess around like this, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Ding Mo." Wang Xuanwei spoke at this moment, with a low voice: "What is your identity, what is his identity? You are too presumptuous."

"General..." Ding Mo could not help but lower his head when he felt Wang Xuanwei's burning gaze.

"General Gao." Wang Xuanwei looked at Gao Changgong, "No matter what you say, this person... I will definitely take him away." He put his hand on Qin Ke's shoulder, and in an instant, Qin Ke seemed to be drunk The wine generally softened, and it was almost impossible to stand.

Abu supported him, and looked at Wang Xuanwei's big hand worriedly, but he couldn't think of moving it away with his hands.

"You can go out and talk about it." Gao Changgong laughed, looked at Zhuge Wanling, and shouted, "Did you see anything? I also invited someone to drink. It seems that if you can't bring Lao Wang If you find that thing, I will be under house arrest by the Mo family by staying with you forever."

Zhuge Wanling turned around and smiled slightly: "That's not necessarily a bad thing. You stretch out your hands when you wear clothes, and you open your mouth when you eat, isn't it?"

"That's what you think is a good thing." Gao Changgong shook his head vigorously, "I don't want to be like a pig in a fence, full of food all day long, who knows that a knife will be across my neck someday?"

Zhuge Wanling continued to laugh, and did not continue to joke with him, but said to Wang Xuanwei: "This should be a stone formation based on the Eight Gate Dunjia."

Wang Xuanwei looked at the boulder and agreed: "I can see some shadows of Jiugong gossip."

Zhuge Wanling nodded and said in admiration: "Although General Wang is more proficient in running the army and governing the country, he actually has research on these miscellaneous subjects, which is really admirable to future generations."

"Are you mocking me?" Wang Xuanwei said nonchalantly, "You, Jing Wu, were originally just a quack gang, but within a year, under your command, it can compete with all the heroes in the world. Compared with you, my Wang Xuanwei What is the art of governing the country?"

Zhuge Wanling shook his head, not showing any pride, but said peacefully: "Jing Wu just got to the front of the stage by luck." Turning his head, he looked at Stonehenge and said, "Since it is the Eight-door Dunjia, naturally Eight gates are hidden in it, the gate of opening, the gate of rest, the gate of life, the gate of injury, the gate of duplication, the gate of sight, the gate of death, and the gate of surprise."

"There are no stars to be seen in the cave, how to establish the orientation?" Wang Xuanwei asked.

Zhuge Wanling smiled, and said confidently: "Although there are no stars to be seen, there are star charts to prove it."

Chapter 18 Entering the Battle

"You mean, the feng shui map of the heavenly stars we passed by just now?" Wang Xuanwei's eyes lit up, and he said, "Innate gossip, the positioning of the universe, the ancients sat north to the south, and they sat on the ground to the sky. Dryness is the sky, and Kun is the earth. Then this place should be Dumen."

Zhuge Wanling nodded, and said: "Dumen is the gate of Zhongping. Although it is not very auspicious, it is also not in danger of great danger. If this is the case, we can enter."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Qin Ke, who had just regained his strength and was still speaking weakly, said in surprise, "No wonder I always feel that the Feng Shui map is weird. It turns out to be a key to open the door of the tomb?"

"Don't get too excited." Wang Xuanwei said coldly, "The Tianxing Fengshui map is indeed the key to this stone formation, but the question is, why did the owner of the tomb keep a key?"

"Maybe he wants to go out every now and then to let the wind go, and he is afraid that he will forget how to open the door when he gets home..." Qin Ke spoke nonsense with his tongue out.

In fact, he already understood, but at this time, he was always unwilling to think in that direction.Although he was not afraid of the dark, after entering this tomb, he always felt that there were strange things everywhere in this tomb. What Wang Xuanwei said made his back chill. If the key left by the owner of the tomb was for them, then Had they not been invited by a dead man?

A Bu stood behind Qin Ke, his face was pale, and he couldn't help saying what Qin Ke was most afraid of: "The owner of the he waiting for us to go in?"

Zhuge Wanling shook his head and said, "No matter what the truth is, it's useless for us to stay here."

Wang Xuanwei looked at Zhuge Wanling with sharp eyes.Since he came in, he has never let down his vigilance against Zhuge Wanling. Compared to Gao Changgong, he is even more worried about Zhuge Wanling, a terrifying figure who seems powerless but can actually determine the situation of the world by himself.

He controlled Zhuge Wanling with the black knight in one hand, and threatened Gao Changgong with Zhuge Wanling in the other hand, and even threatened each other with these two people, so that they could not look at each other head to tail, although on the scene, he seemed to have the upper hand.

But in fact, he didn't really take advantage of it. He still has no idea what secrets this tomb hides. There was a smell of being used on him.

Outside the bronze door, the sound of hitting the door slowly stopped. It was probably because the one-horned python was unable to break through outside the door and finally chose to give up, or it had other passages leading here.But it is impossible for Wang Xuanwei to waste time here for a long time, and it is impossible to bet that the one-horned python has no other entrances. It seems that there is no second way except for the stone formation.

"Come in!" Wang Xuan slightly raised his hand, this feeling of being out of his control made him unhappy, but he could only put aside the displeasure in his heart and solve the urgent problem at hand first.

The whole team stepped into this majestic stone formation slowly, like going deep into a dense but gloomy and cold dark forest. The moist and cold air was like a thin mist. Qin Ke sniffed, probably because of psychological effects, he I just felt that there was a gloomy smell in the air.

However, Qin Ke was a little surprised that the air here was much better. Compared with the former tomb room full of rust and stale smell, the smell in the stone circle made him feel like he was in the middle of the field, with dragonflies buzzing Humming flew past his ears, the vegetation grew amidst the abundant rain, and even the blooming of flowers seemed to have a sound exploding in his ears.


Qin Ke's feet paused, and he realized that he had really stepped on something like a flower. He lowered his head and found that he had stepped into a piece of soft grass without knowing when, and in it, flowers of various colors bloomed. The flowers are only the size of a thumb, but even the darkness cannot cover up their beauty.

The black knights surrounded them, looking around vigilantly. The hand crossbow in their hands had already been pulled, and they could fire a round of salvo with just one command, while their other hand was pressing the knife. On the handle, in order to be able to draw the knife out of the sheath as quickly as possible.

Qin Ke didn't bother to pay attention to these soldiers who only knew how to obey orders, and looked around.In the light of the fire, he could see a long distance with his eyesight, but the entire stone formation was too huge, even if he looked over, he could only see countless boulders. It seemed that except for this side, there was no grass growing anywhere else.

This made him gradually lose interest.

Zhuge Wanling and Wang Xuanwei walked in the front, chatting from time to time, probably about things like "Nine Palaces", "Eight Gates" and "Azimuth", but it was difficult and obscure, except for Abu who kept frowning and wanted to know something Outside, no one was listening.

"Du Men has come out, where should he go now?"

Zhuge Wanling pondered for a moment, then turned around and walked in one direction: "This should be Jingmen."

Jingmen.Jingmen is located in the south of Ligong, which belongs to fire.

"It's so hot." Qin Ke frowned.

Abu nodded, and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He also felt that just entering this stone formation, it was as if hundreds of catties of firewood were burning around him, and the huge heat wave rushed towards him. Even boulders were too hot to touch.

The black knights were wearing leather armor, which was naturally more uncomfortable than Abu and Qin Ke who were wearing linen clothes. Once they were wet with sweat, they would shrink and tighten.But their eyes remained unchanged, like a group of wooden men.

"The black knight is really powerful." Abu praised.

Qin Ke had resentment towards Wang Xuanwei, so naturally he didn't have that much respect for the Black Cavalry. Although Daoxiang Village was located in the territory of the Mohists, in the troubled times, the people were like fallen leaves on the lake.

"Isn't it just pretending to be cold? I will do this too." Qin Ke snorted.

Abu quickly covered his mouth, and the sweat in his hands made Qin Ke piss after breaking free.

Abu apologized slightly, and then said: "You can't say that. The black cavalry is a rare strong soldier in the world. It is well-trained and rare in the world."

Of course, Qin Ke knew that from Gao Changgong's attack to the python raid later, this group of black riders had already shown their steel-like will.Such an army must be a fearsome beast on the battlefield. When they enter the enemy's formation, they will tear the enemy to pieces.

Regarding the battlefield, he had seen a lot when he was a child, but now he didn't want to think about the scene of endless dead bones and starvation on the ground.If it weren't for Zhan Luan, his parents, brother, and sister would not have died.

"You said, why do you want to fight?" Qin Ke asked.

"Huh? Why do you want to fight?" Abu was stunned for a moment, thinking, "Probably because the previous dynasty conferred too many kings? The gentleman said that the reason why the previous dynasty conferred kings was because the gentry were too powerful and threatened the imperial power. So the emperor continued to confer titles to his relatives and give them lands, hoping to stabilize his authority. But then the emperor died, and there was no suitable candidate to inherit the throne. All the kings were noisy and wanted to be the emperor themselves. , so we fought."

"It's not about this." Qin Ke suddenly felt a little sad, "I mean, why do people have to fight?"

Abu looked at Qin Ke and scratched his head: "Uh... I can't say anything about this. Maybe it's better to fight directly than to fight?"

"Hmm." Of course Qin Ke knew it wasn't that simple, but he didn't understand either, so he stretched out his hand and fanned his face vigorously, and said, "It's really hot."

Standing behind the two young men, Gao Changgong smiled slightly as he listened to their conversation.He also didn't wear armor on his body, and he was only wearing a cotton white robe, which had been stained in many places along the way.But what everyone didn't realize was that in such a hot situation, he didn't sweat a single drop from his whole body, and even his expression was so comfortable that he didn't seem to feel the heat at all.

"What's the next door?" Wang Xuanwei asked at this time.

"Shut the door." Zhuge Wanling wiped off the sweat from his forehead and said with a slight smile.

Chapter 19 Astral Wind

Among the eight gates, there are the three gates of auspiciousness and the three gates of fierceness. Among them, Xiumen is one of the three gates of auspiciousness. It is located in Kangong in the north and belongs to water.Kanshui is the life of dry gold. People are middle-aged men, with brothers and sisters, leisurely and leisurely; Kan Palace is in the coldest season of winter, and all things rest and hibernate. Therefore, the ancients named it Xiumen, which is a place for recuperation.

Although Qin Ke didn't know much about Bamen Dunjia, he still remembered some general ideas from his master's force-feeding education. Hearing that he was going to enter the Xiumen right now, he felt a little relieved.

At this moment, we have left the Jingmen of the fire attribute, and the scorching air is no longer hot. The entire stone formation is like a space cut into eight pieces. Spring, summer, autumn and winter change in turns among them, and the Xiumen symbolizes the coldest place in winter. The seasons, as they paced forward, naturally became cooler and cooler.

Qin Ke is not very afraid of the cold. After all, martial arts practitioners are full of vitality. Even if they take off their clothes and go swimming in winter, it may not make him sick, but he is very afraid of heat. For him, a year In the four seasons, what he dislikes the most is the hot summer season. If it weren't for the three acres of land that still needs to be taken care of, he would wish to close his eyes and sleep in the dark on the bamboo bed every day.

Now that he can walk into Xiumen, Qin Ke naturally enjoys the increasingly intense coolness.

A breeze passed through his sleeves, bringing him a bit of coolness.

But Qin Ke's pupils shrank suddenly, and he raised his hand, just below his sleeve, there was an extra cut at some point, as if cut by a sharp knife, the cut was unbelievably smooth.

Gangfeng?Qin Ke said in his heart.

"It's not right!" Although Qin Ke doesn't know much about the Eight Doors Dunjia technique, he also knows that if this is a door of great auspiciousness, there should never be such a terrible wind!

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