"I know, I know. Xiangfu said that a lot." The little king waved his hand, and the grapes were brought to his mouth again, "It's annoying if I don't talk about this today."

The little ruler stretched his eyebrows, and turned his gaze to Gao Changgong and Mulan. He saw the two sitting opposite each other, each with a bit of a smile, but Gao Changgong's smile was casual, while Mulan's... ...but it seems a bit deliberate.

After all, after being by Zhuge Wanling's side for several years, the little ruler has also learned a lot of skills in observing words and expressions.So he guessed, maybe it's because the battles he's fought against the beasts on the Great Wall all these years are far more brutal than this martial arts show, so it's normal that he can't get much interest.

The pastries and dishes on Gao Changgong’s table remained untouched, but he drank a lot of wine. The rosiness of his cheeks set off his handsome eyebrows, making him look more gentle and soft, but what the little king saw was only the side face , and only Mulan can face up to his peerless face that can fascinate all living beings.

None of them spoke.

But the little country master felt that there seemed to be thousands of words between them, but it seemed that thousands of rivers and mountains were separated. What he didn't know was that many years ago, those words that should have been spoken had already been blown away by the wind.

Chapter 171 Entering the Battle

Qin Ke swung six sabers, and the gentry boy who was facing him blocked the first five, but the sixth slash broke through the wooden saber of his gentry boy, went straight through his arm, and pierced his ribs.

The gentry boy was hit hard in the ribs, although it is said that there will not be any sequelae after the incident, but seeing his expression twitching and falling down, it is obvious that the severe pain is not very pleasant.

Qin Ke exhaled, and his blood surged again. He grabbed the iron ring on the saddle of the black horse beside him and jumped up.

There were long wooden poles following him like poisonous snakes. He stretched out his hand to open two of them, and held another one. While holding his breath and exerting strength, the sergeant with no cultivation level staggered and sat down on the ground , Qin Ke urged the war horse, and the four legs of the war horse turned from slow to fast, dragging the sergeant abruptly and galloping.

Soon, the sergeant let go of his hands. He also knew that it was impossible to stop the horse from running with his own strength. He could only watch Qin Ke and the horse's back getting farther and farther away.

And Qin Ke looked around, hoping to understand the situation of the battle in the shortest possible time. The cavalry's horse battle had already turned into an infantry battle long ago, and for a while, no one could chase and intercept his weak cavalry.

Qin Ke also didn't expect Sun Qing's plan. He didn't expect that Sun Qing sent the cavalry here not to attack the wild goose formation from the flank, but to lure the cavalry to intercept them and drag them into the quagmire. .

The only cavalry in the army is stuck in a stalemate, who else can stop him from going straight into the enemy's line?

Qin Ke secretly scolded Sun Qing for being cunning, but also knew that even if he greeted Sun Qing's family at this time, it would be useless, so he hurriedly urged the horse to run to the other side.

Even if it doesn't make sense for him to rush out at this time, he still doesn't want to watch Abu run away while being chased by Sun Qing.

Abu and Sun Qing had already rushed out of the army formation, completely out of the crowd, and walked around the edge of the city wall one after the other.

The horse under Abu's seat was not as good as Sun Qing's. Not only could he not keep the distance, but he was forced by the long wooden pole several times in a row, so he couldn't concentrate on driving the horse. The situation was precarious.

"Drive." Qin Ke let out a low voice, and the four hooves of the horse under him spread out, and the horseshoe rubbed against the ground to make a crisp sound. On the battlefield where there were shouts of killing, he knocked away a sergeant holding a round shield. There was a rustling sound.

It's an arrow!

Mu Tai, who succeeded Sun Qing, already had a panoramic view of everything. Since he could take over Sun Qing's command of the overall situation, he would not be an idle person. He was familiar with Qin Ke, and in the battle situation, Qin Ke beat Lu Ding with one blow. He fainted, which really surprised him a little.

Of course, he still believed that with Sun Qing's strength, it would be easy to solve Qin Ke, but at this time, when he seized the opportunity, how could he be willing to let Qin Ke escape from under his nose?

"Since it's king against king, what qualifications do you, a pawn, have to participate?" Mu Tai glanced at Abu and mocked, "Although one is the real king, the other... is the beggar king."

Then his eyes became sharper, and he told the archers who were still tired from shooting arrows, "Shoot that kid off my horse!"

Of course, Qin Ke was familiar with the voice that made him suffer so much. He tilted his head slightly, and there were arrows falling towards him like rain in the air.

His heart tightened, and he clamped the horse's belly suddenly, and his whole body was so low that he almost fell on the horse's back. The horse accelerated again, and unexpectedly rushed out of the arrow screen abruptly!

But Qin Ke knew that he didn't have time to be happy, he already felt the bowstring snapping back suddenly, and that force drove the feather arrows to fly towards him again.

This time, he couldn't dodge it anymore, and he couldn't bounce the arrows around him like Sun Qing did.

Abu and Sun Qing are still tens of feet away in front of him, what can he do?

In the blink of an eye, the rain of arrows above their heads had already fallen, with a determined attitude because of the fall. Even if they lost their arrows, the power still made people feel chills.

Qin Ke could only vigorously shake the long wooden pole he had snatched from his hand.

He doesn't know spear skills, but at least he has never eaten pork and has seen pigs run. With the force of his hands, the long wooden pole spun in the air like a windmill, and countless feathered arrows were blown away by his dancing. go out.

It was just a volley, no matter how fast he danced, he couldn't block all the arrows. Suddenly his shoulder hurt, and he quickly felt "hit" by an arrow in his thigh, although there was no arrow The feather arrows were not enough to pierce into his flesh and blood, but he still felt pain in his thigh as if being pricked by a needle.

To make matters worse, after two arrows were shot in the neck of the war horse under his crotch, its vigorous body visibly shook twice, and its four hooves also slowed down a lot during this time.

The war horse neighed in pain, but after all it stabilized its body, did not fall down, and continued to run forward desperately.

Qin Ke's long wooden pole was held sideways, and the horse galloped like the wind to the sound of war drums. The distance of tens of feet had been shortened by half in just a few breaths, and at this time, the third round of arrow rain also arrived.

Qin Ke gritted his teeth, and still swung the wooden pole to block the arrows in the same way as before, and was hit by an arrow in his waist and abdomen again, and the pain went deep into his lungs.

But before Qin Ke had time to breathe a sigh of relief, he heard the sad cry of the war horse under his crotch. He didn't know what happened, and it suddenly jumped up!

Qin Ke firmly held the reins and the iron ring on the saddle, and his legs strenuously clamped the horse's belly. The whole person was almost "lying" in mid-air, and then Qin Ke felt that his figure was still falling , his complexion changed, his legs loosened, and he kicked on the saddle. With this strength, he finally avoided the crush of the fallen war horse.

When he raised his head, he finally saw clearly the feathered arrow several inches deep on the horse's buttocks. Blood was flowing out of it, gradually wetting the sweaty hair of the horse.

"How come?" Qin Ke murmured.

Mu Tai slowly withdrew his hand, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and slowly inserted the dagger that had just been sharpened back into his waist—this method was not what he wanted, but he did not want Sun Qing and Abu There will be no suspenseful battles between them, and there will be undue interruptions.

"Anyway, you can't change anything in the past, so why not stay here." Mu Tai looked at Qin Ke and said softly.

Qin Ke couldn't hear Mu Tai's voice, and the violent sounds on the battlefield sounded like a surging tide that covered the sky when he activated the wind vision technique, and it was already very difficult to distinguish some voices among them. Difficult, not to mention that he is still far away from Mutai.

Seeing the contemptuous smile on Mu Tai's mouth, he felt really uncomfortable.

Turning his head to look at the war horse, it was obvious that he could no longer count on it to stand up again, although it might not be impossible to do this by comforting and driving, but he didn't have the time.

Looking at Abu and Sun Qing who are still ten feet away from him, although the distance is not long, it is not easy to chase the two people sitting on the galloping horse with human power.

"Perhaps, like Sun Qing, we can go directly through the enemy line to grab the flag of the Red Army?" Qin Ke thought for a while, looking at the solemn guards in front of Mu Tai and the archers who were only ten steps away from him. It was decided at the beginning, maybe there is still a chance, but now he has no horse, and his strength is not as good as Sun Qing, how can he do such a thing?

However, that unwillingness kept rising from his stomach, occupying his heart, and almost bursting out of his throat.He seemed to hear someone scolding him for being cowardly. He searched for a moment, and the black army was trying to block the formation of the red army, while the red army was surrounded by the formation of geese and struggled. No one had time to pay attention to him even for a moment.

He understands.

It is not others who scold you for being cowardly, but yourself.

He gritted his teeth, lowered his back, dragged the long wooden pole in his hands, and ran towards Sun Qing and Abu with his legs!

The half of the wooden pole in Abu's hand twirled, and a stick from right to left allowed him to cut the side of the long wooden pole that Sun Qing was stabbing straight at, which was just enough to relieve the force on the long wooden pole and prevent Sun Qing from being stabbed. Shattered by that domineering force.

After rushing out of the army formation, he has completely lost control of the overall situation. He can't pay attention to the current situation of the battle, whether the wild goose formation can revive the morale and intercept the Red Army when the commander is attacked and flees.

He only hoped that Xiaoqian could stabilize the situation.

After all, as long as the Red Army can be completely defeated in the military formation, there is still room for change in this victory or defeat.

Of course, he also knew that Sun Qing had actually given him such an opportunity in his victory and defeat, and just a provocation by him would not have any impact on the current situation.If Sun Qing hadn't been obsessed with the pride in his heart and came chasing after him, but knocked the military flag to the ground with one blow, the military exercise would have already been settled by now.

It's just that he lured away Sun Qing, a fierce tiger, as if he was playing with fire.

Nine out of ten people who play with fire self-immolate. Even if he delays the outcome of the military exercise, who knows how long he can last in Sun Qing's hands?It is a loss if the military flag is dropped, but it is even more humiliating for the coach to be knocked down.

Chapter 172

As soon as Abu's complexion changed, the moment he lifted Sun Qing's long wooden pole, he felt that Sun Qing's straight thrust had no power at all!

He looked along the long wooden pole, with a sneer on the corner of Sun Qing's mouth, he was holding the end of the long wooden pole with one hand, but it was not in the posture of shooting a gun, his hand was turned backwards, as if he was dragging backwards The long wooden pole, with the force of his opening, he dragged the long wooden pole to retreat.

Abu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he had a bad premonition in his heart, and the picture in front of him also made the bad premonition in his heart come true.

The speed of retracting the long wooden pole was much faster than he thought, and Sun Qing galloped on the horse, his whole body was swollen with energy and blood, and his arms to waist and abdomen were as hard as gold and iron. With the strength of his blow, Sun Qing The long wooden pole in Qing's hand rotated backwards, and with the sound of Sun Qing's long exhalation, his long wooden pole swept towards the back of his head in a gesture of "sweeping thousands of troops"!

Sun Qing's cultivation was far stronger than him, and the long wooden pole whipped up a cold wind on his neck in this sweep, and the coolness even gave him goosebumps.

And he had just exerted his strength, the rest of his strength had been exhausted, and the new strength had not yet gushed out, how could he resist such a mighty thunderous sweep?

Can't stop it!Abu's face turned pale, and he tried his best to resist Sun Qing's attack with the half wooden pole in his hand, but his heart was already mostly cold.

...When he fell off the horse, Zhu Ran, the commander of the imperial army, should also beat the big drum to signify the end of the military exercise, right?

Thinking of this, he felt somewhat relieved.

He is very tired now, from the beginning of the military formation deduction to the current pursuit, everything needs to consume a lot of his mind, if not, he would not be an opponent of the Red Army under Sun Qing's command from the very beginning.

He closed his eyes, perhaps, it was really time to rest.


Qin Ke's voice rang in his ears, he opened his eyes suddenly, just in time to see Sun Qing's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and then the sharp sweep was gone.

Qin Ke obviously came here with all his strength, he didn't ride a horse, his leather helmet was lost somewhere, and half of his shoulder armor was missing, but there were more wooden knives hanging around his waist, one left and one right, In addition, holding a long wooden pole in his hand, it seems that he has just returned from scavenging, which looks extremely funny.

He came running wildly from the side, pointing the long wooden pole at Sun Qing.

Sun Qingwen sits on the back of a horse and sits condescendingly. Qin Ke has no accomplishments in spear skills. Using a long wooden pole is as rough as a butcher's knife for killing chickens, but he can feel that he used a lot of spears this time. Strength, even if he couldn't knock him off the horse, at least he had to embarrass him a bit.

However, to his surprise, while Qin Ke was running wildly, the long wooden pole in his hand didn't stab at him, but turned into stabbing fiercely towards the ground under the sudden force of his arms, Qin Ke Ke then jumped up, and the whole person actually jumped up high while supporting the long wooden pole!

What flew across the air was not only Qin Ke's thin figure, but also his exaggerated exclamation: "Ouch!"

Then, like a meteor falling, Qin Ke's whole body fell downwards, and landed dangerously on the buttocks of Abu's war horse.

"Huh...huh..." Qin Ke, who finally came up from the side, felt that his chest was about to explode, and suddenly he lay down on the horse's back and began to gasp for breath. The consumption even gave him a sense of suffocation.

With his current cultivation base, he is far from able to bear such a burden.

He could already imagine in his mind how his waist was sore, his back ached, his legs were cramping after he relaxed, but fortunately, his hard work was not in vain, he still caught up with the two of them, and with this unexpected "pole vault" Fly on the horse.

However, it was far from the time when he could let go of this breath.

Abu was a little surprised and opened his mouth to say something, but Qin Ke shouted before him: "Get down!"

Abu was slightly stunned, but he felt a fierce wind sweeping towards him. He didn't have time to think about it, so he lay down on the ground, and even swallowed a few manes with the strong stench of war horses in his mouth.

And the long wooden pole in Qin Ke's hand swept past his head, and ruthlessly swept towards Sun Qing.

Sun Qing's expression was indifferent, just now he took advantage of the situation and stabbed directly at the front leg of the horse, Qin Ke saw that the situation was not good, so he rushed to intercept it.

It's just that his sweep is far different from Sun Qing's sweep with a lingering aura just now. Although he did miss Sun Qing's wooden pole a little, under Sun Qing's strength, there was also a tragic blow. With a cracking sound, a section fell off directly.

"Your body skills are more interesting than your spear skills." Sun Qing's cold voice sounded, "You are just one more, but the result will not change..."

However, Qin Ke had a bitter face and didn't intend to pay attention to Sun Qing's ridicule at all. Looking at the long wooden pole that had been broken by a section just after the fight, he sighed and said, "I shouldn't have used this to fight him."

Abu also stared blankly at the long wooden pole with a broken section, and said helplessly: "It seems to be too late now..."

Qin Ke clicked his tongue, handed the long wooden pole directly to Abu, and said, "It's better than nothing... The one in your hand is too short, change it to this one."

A Bu caught the wooden pole that Qin Ke handed over, and after gesturing twice in his hand, he found that the length seemed to be quite convenient.

The long wooden pole provided by the army is more suitable for charging in the army formation, and it is too long for head-on fighting. After breaking this section, the length of this long wooden pole is exactly the same as the length of the spear. This difference may seem insignificant, but Abramovich can use this change in length to bring out the essence of his spear skills to a greater extent.

Qin Ke asked loudly: "What is the cultivation level of this dead ice?"

dead ice?Hmm... probably talking about Sun Qing.

Sun Qing then raised his eyebrows.

Abu held back his smile and recalled the fights he had with Sun Qing. Instead of yelling like Qin Ke, he responded in a low voice: "It is estimated that we have reached the third realm..."

"Huh? Then what else are we going to do? We can just get off the horse and surrender..." Qin Ke glanced at Sun Qing dumbfounded. The three realms are muscle refining, bone refining, and marrow refining. If you can break through these three realms, you are already It is a martial artist who can enter the room and practice martial arts, and then he is a junior master, but Sun Qing is still so young...

How did this ice cube practice, talent?Or study hard and practice too much?How can he be so strong?

"Think of a way, let's continue fighting." In the end, even though Sun Qing had reached the third realm, neither of them wanted to admit defeat.

Qin Ke's feelings are deeper. He rushed out of the melee of the cavalry. not stopped.

Qin Ke couldn't understand that Sun Qing had to bear the rain of arrows from the friendly army behind him even though he was fighting hard as well. Could it be that he was really a piece of ice without emotion?

Abu couldn't think of any solution at the moment, he could only reply sullenly: "Then... hit hard."

"Nonsense." Qin Ke suddenly felt dark.

Abu scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment: "From just now until now, we seem to have been talking nonsense..."

Qin Ke squinted his eyes, clamped the horse's belly with both legs, and the horse obediently sprinted forward. He immediately felt a bump that hit the tailbone. Just now he fell off the horse once, and when he fell to the ground, his buttocks fell Pained, he turned his head and met Sun Qing's indifferent eyes.

From just now, Sun Qing just looked at the two quietly. From his expression, it could be seen that he had no intention of taking advantage of the gap between the two to intervene, just like a statue sitting on a horse.

But of course Qin Ke would not be so stupid as to think that he was really a statue. Several people who were familiar with Qin Ke kept praising him as "extraordinary talent", but he really never felt that he was special, maybe Xun Feng The technique of Xunfeng is still somewhat mysterious, but this Xunfeng technique came from his master, and he felt that he was just lucky.

A poor child who was lucky enough to be picked up by the master from the pile of dead people, with no parents, no food, and a cultivation base up to today, whether it is high or low, it seems that it is not a special talent.

Unanimously, both of them slowed down the speed of their horses. After such a vigorous run, the two good horses of Jing Wu were panting heavily, and the sweat evaporated into a faint mist between their hairs.

Sun Qing looked at the two and said slowly, "It's still too late to admit defeat."

Qin Ke took a deep look at him and shook his head: "You must try."

As he spoke, he reached out and took out the wooden knife at his waist.

"Actually, I still feel that we are going to lose..." Abu looked at Sun Qing with a gloomy expression, and whispered.

"Isn't it you? If you don't say something nice at a time like this, wouldn't you look even more stupid when you get beaten all over the place?" Qin Ke curled his lips and snorted.

"You also think you will be looking for teeth all over the place..." Abu smiled wryly.

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