Zhou Gongjin actually knew why Gao Changgong promoted him. Not only did he believe in the reliability of this person's ability and character, but he also took a fancy to this person's persistent illness.

I'm afraid many people will be surprised if this kind of words are said.

Is it child's play to appoint generals?How can you take a fancy to a person's physical illness?

But Zhou Gongjin knew that since everything in Jianye City was stable, the most important things that were already on the agenda would be next. At the latest in the early spring of next year, the entire army would begin weeding out the old and the weak and promoting new troops. All military forces will be integrated.

Since he hasn't set his sights on a really suitable person right now, it will save a lot of trouble if he puts a frail and sick honest person in this seat first, and when he is replaced one day in the future.

Of course, this kind of thinking cannot be put on the table.

The turbulence in the court is often between silence and sound. Although Gao Changgong is in charge of the army, he must use a little bit of this kind of tact.

Kang Li fought hard, and the newly promoted he was trying to do something to repay Gao Changgong's kindness. These days, he didn't even disarm when he slept, but let the original "old brothers" laugh at him as his daughter-in-law for many years After becoming a mother-in-law, she refused to let the "high above" armor leave her even half an inch.

Regarding this, he also laughed loudly and cursed back: "Fuck you! I'm a daughter-in-law, why did you become a wife? You bastards, you bastards, accept your fate, and you will only be an angry little daughter-in-law for the rest of your life!"

In fact, he also knows that with his own body, this "mother-in-law" can't be for too long, but at least one day is a day!

When Glory returns to his hometown in the future, he can at least brag about it with the little bastards at home. Before he came out, he just had a big golden grandson, which makes him happy!

In another ten or eight years, when he is sitting under the warm sun in the afternoon, leaning on a comfortable recliner, he will be able to tell his grandson a story about when his grandfather was a general...

Chapter 152 Riot

"My lord, I found this from today's corpse. It would be fine if it was found on only one person, but several of them had these pieces of cloth on their bodies. This subordinate felt a little strange, so I brought it here for my lord to have a look at."

"Oh?" Zhou Gongjin walked to the table and saw that there were several pieces of cloth of the same style spread out on the table, which were made of linen, with neat cuts, obviously the marks of cutting with a knife.The entire piece of cloth is only half the size of a palm, and there is no writing on it. If you don't pay attention, you will think that it is just leftover scraps used by some tailors.

It's just a tailor's leftovers...how could it appear in the quarantine area of ​​​​the plague?And it is very coincidental that every dead victim's body has it?

The linen felt rough to the touch, and the threads were not as tight as cotton or silk, but he felt that this matter was like an iron wall, difficult to penetrate.

"This seems to be... the bandages on the arms of the victims?" Zhou Gongjin looked at Kangli and asked.

Conley also picked up a piece, frowned and thought for a while, then nodded and said, "My lord, that's right, this piece of cloth was indeed cut from the bandage."

Zhou Gongjin nodded. When Qiao Feifan diagnosed and treated the plague, he would divide the patients into various batches. Suspected patients would tie white cloth belts on their arms, while those who had been diagnosed with the plague but were not yet serious would use Gray cloth belts. Only those patients who are obviously in critical condition and whose symptoms have already appeared on the body surface will wear a black cloth belt. These days, some gray cloth belts are replaced with black every day. From one side, it shows that the epidemic is developing in a bad direction.

Over time, there has been a saying in the camp: If a person changes from a gray cloth belt to black, it is basically a brand of "must die" for this person.

This argument is not groundless.

After all, during these days when the supply of koi flowers was cut off, many patients with mild illnesses could not be treated and controlled, let alone those with serious illnesses.

Zhou Gongjin thought for a moment, seemed to think of something, and said in a cold voice, "Kangli, assign a few trustworthy brothers to secretly check the critically ill patients and see if they can find the black cloth."

"Yes." Conley cupped his hands, and said in doubt, "My lord, did you see anything?"

Zhou Gongjin said solemnly: "I hope I guessed wrong, but if I guess right..."

He shook his head, feeling that it is better not to be too sure about this matter, so he didn't continue talking, but just waved his hand and told the old general to leave first.

Then he sat down on the chair, closed his eyes, and slowly pinched the bridge of his nose, hoping to relieve his tired eyes these days. At this time, Abu lifted the tent cloth and walked in, asking with concern: "My lord , I just saw General Kang in a hurry, what happened?"

Zhou Gongjin raised her head, smiled and changed the subject: "Oh, it's Abu, what's going on outside...?"

Abu was taken aback, his brows still showed a little tiredness, but his eyes were still bright and scorching: "The merchants in the city who took advantage of the chaos to hoard koi flowers have been arrested. According to the arrangement of the adults, we have 'invited' them here. At the inn, they're probably losing their tempers by now."

"Let them send it." Zhou Gongjin said with a smile: "Anyway, after the anger is over, I still have to spit out those things in the end. Now that disaster relief is the top priority, even if they are backed by rich and noble families, they will definitely not do it this time." They are early, although Ah Ke has gone into the mountains to look for snake gall, but I never put eggs in only one basket, I have to get back what should be brought back, right?"

Abu nodded and said, "That's the truth, sir often says the same thing."

"That's... After all, I was once a disciple of my husband, but he never admitted it." Zhou Gongjin seemed a little embarrassed, coughed, stood up and patted Abu Jianshuo on the shoulder, "It's really hard work." is you."

Abu shook his head hastily: "It's hard work for adults, but those things for me... are not difficult."

"That's right..." Zhou Gongjin sighed, and muttered to herself: "I am an adult, and you are a child. If an adult doesn't do more, then what kind of adult is he..."

After pondering for a while, she found that Abu was blinking at him. Zhou Gongjin waved her hands and said, "Go, go and rest for a while. Although covering your mouth and nose can prevent the plague, it is not a perfect solution. It depends on your own health. All right. Don’t tire yourself out, if something happens to you, maybe your tall general and Mr. Zhuge will work together to eat me up..."

Abu smiled shamelessly, and lifted the curtain of the tent with one hand.

Unexpectedly, he had just lifted a corner of the curtain, and a hurried figure rushed towards him, crashing into his arms!

It was a sergeant wearing armor. The standard of the armor and the weapons on his body showed that his status in the army was very low. He should be just an ordinary soldier standing guard or patrolling. Naturally, he could not have the practice of Abu. So when he hit Abu's chest, it was as if he had hit a stone wall, and he almost fainted.

Abu hurriedly held his arm, looked down and saw the blood on the sergeant's face, was startled, and asked urgently, "What's wrong with you?"

Zhou Gongjin walked over from the table and also looked at the soldier in astonishment.

The soldier helped the crooked helmet, regained his strength a little, his eyes were red, and his voice trembled slightly: "My lord! It's not good... the patients in the northern camp rebelled, more than 300 people... the armory It was taken over by them, Mr. Kang... Mr. Kang just died at my feet... The five hundred brothers who were guarding the northern camp heard that they were besieged at the innermost part, but now there are only more than [-] people left at the gate, and they are all... all desperate Resist, but... it shouldn't last long!"

Abu was shocked and grabbed his shoulders. The soldier whose legs were trembling due to nervousness was almost forced to kneel by him. He yelled and asked, "How did this happen?"

And Zhou Gongjin just closed his eyes, and said in a calm and slightly tired voice: "It seems that things are going to the worst direction..."

Those black cloths are indeed a kind of emblem for those patients who are in despair to unite with each other. It's just that whoever came up with such a method can organize the disaster victims who were originally scattered in such a short period of time, and they can still act. So swift and decisive.

But of course this is not the thing to consider now.


"I'm here." Abu responded immediately.

Zhou Gongjin took out something from his bosom and threw it into his hands, "You take my badge and take three thousand soldiers to the northern camp to quell the riot. Remember, don't let anyone escape from the camp. Those who resist will be killed without mercy."

Glancing at the deeply black military token in his hand, Abu was stunned: "Kill without mercy? Well, those are ordinary people... and they are all sick..."

Zhou Gongjin shook her head and looked at him with serious eyes: "Since they are determined to rebel, they will no longer be my Jingwu people."

Abu wanted to defend those people again: "But..."

"There is nothing wrong!" Zhou Gongjin shouted in a low voice: "Abu! Follow orders! If you don't want to obey orders, you can go back to Jianye now, go back to your grand school, continue to read your sage books, and live your Spring and Autumn Dream! "

Abu nodded with some difficulty, clenched the token in his hand with his fingers, and the expression on his face gradually changed from pain to solemnity, and every step he took felt extremely heavy.

When he arrived at the northern camp with the soldiers, the camp was already full of shouts of killing. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, you wouldn't even believe it. These plague patients could be so brave.

They were facing swords and guns, wearing stolen armor, roaring like wild beasts. At this time, they had already put their own lives and deaths aside. Similarly, they would not care about other people's lives. One by one, their eyes were red, Swinging the knife neatly, with the knife in hand, the heads of soldiers kept flying into the air in front of them.

Most of these people resisting the door are the local troops of Dahe County. Although they have a complete set of equipment, they lack the training of real swords and guns after all. They used spears and swordsmen, but faced with these mobs who were as ferocious as wild beasts and fierce as ghosts, they were at a disadvantage.

If it weren't for the strict military laws of Jingwu, fleeing the battle would affect the family's experience. I'm afraid the team of 300 people in this area would have collapsed and scattered.

"Why should we be locked up? If I can't survive, you have to be buried with me!" Among the mob, there was a strong man with veins on his forehead, and the blade of the knife in his hand was radiating hot blood. He was cruel. He laughed loudly, and shouted, "Folks! Killing one is enough money, killing two is profitable! Let these soldiers also see that we are not to be fooled at will!"

The mob was enraged at the moment, and they naturally responded at the same time. They raised their weapons and shouted together, and they ran into the queue of three hundred sergeants head-on like a tide.

"Raise the bow!" Abu stood behind the queue, his voice hoarse.

And the three thousand armored soldiers standing here with him, although they are far inferior to the elite soldiers trained with iron and blood in Jingwu, they can be regarded as elite troops in the local garrison. , all the people were silent, with firm eyes, just waiting for Abu's next order.

Chapter 153 Riot

"Wait...wait a minute." Abu still couldn't bear it, he stomped his foot on the ground, strode forward, and shouted at the mob: "Everyone! Everyone! Listen to my advice!" Don't make trouble anymore! There will be salvation soon! Really! Please wait patiently!"

The mob in the camp saw the three thousand soldiers standing majestically beside him and the long bows in their hands from a distance, and they couldn't help but fell silent.

After confronting each other for less than half a moment, a burly man who was standing first looked at Abu. He obviously knew Abu. Usually, patients like them often saw this tall young man with a simple smile in the camp.

The burly man smiled sadly, and said sarcastically, "So it's a young man? Why? Do you want to say a big truth before killing us?"

Abu was stunned. In fact, he could hear the title "Little Master" every day. It is said that the reason for this title was because he was a student of Taixuetang, and Zhou Gongjin assigned him a lot of tasks. Everyone knew The students of Taixuetang are bound to be officials in the court in the future, so they jokingly called him "Little Master".

But at this moment, when the strong man called out this title, it sounded like a great irony.

Three hundred sergeants held spears in their hands and looked at the mob vigilantly, not daring to take a step back. Abu pushed aside the front sergeant, stood at the head of the queue and said, "I don't have any reason, I just want you to know , there is no result for you to make such a fuss, if you really have any dissatisfaction, you can report it to Mr. Zhou..."

"Master Zhou?" The strong man interrupted him, and sneered, "How many people have died in the past few days? Has Master Zhou come forward? Has Master Zhou come to see us? Heh, let me tell you, I can't escape death." Yes, but I am also a human being, and I want to die like a human being too! I will never be trapped to death in this ghostly place like a pigsty by you officials!"

"No one treats you as pigs and dogs." Abu said hoarsely: "We have been working hard to cure everyone, everyone has to believe..."

"Believe in what?" The strong man took a step forward arrogantly, glaring at Abu and said, "Do you believe in the bowls of medicine that you bring over that smell worse than the latrines?"

The strong man shouted behind him: "Folks! Don't believe him! These officials are all in the same group! While we still have the strength to resist, let's rush out! Once we get outside, maybe the God of Plague won't bother us." , and go find trouble with these officials!"

Shouts resounded through the sky in the entire camp, and the sergeants with spears looked serious. They felt that these people were about to start charging forward again. Looking at the violent faces, some people couldn't help but took a step back. .

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" With a loud roar from behind the crowd, the people standing in the front row hurriedly moved out of the way.

Abu's pupils shrank suddenly, and a trolley rushed out from the mob crowd, and the cart was full of wet thatch...

No, that's kerosene!

When the raging fire rushed towards Abu like a roaring beast, Abu's eyes widened.

"Can't retreat!" Abu raised his hand and waved, but how could the surrounding sergeants listen to him?Seeing the unstoppable pushcart being driven towards by the mob, the three hundred sergeants at the front finally couldn't hold the spear in their hands.

In desperation, Abu closed his eyes cruelly, and shouted loudly toward the rear: "Shoot the arrow!"

The hand of the three thousand soldiers holding the longbow has always been steady, but at the same time let go, like rows of black birds rising into the air in an instant, and when they fell, it has become a deadly black rain!

The leading strong man was first pierced by an arrow through his right eye. Although the longbows of the defenders in these places are not comparable to the hand crossbows of the Mohists, they can also penetrate people's heads when they are fully drawn, and then two, three, four Root... His muscular body suddenly turned into an arrow target with no resistance, covered by countless arrows, he could only hold a painful exclamation at the bottom of his throat. When he fell, It was already an unrecognizable corpse.

I don't know how many mobs fell in this rain of arrows like migratory locusts. In just one salvo, as many as 200 people fell in front of Abu.

The mob hiding behind the trolley was also shot by arrows, but they didn't hurt their vitals. A few people just lay down on the ground, rolling and howling because of the pain.

The air at the gate of the entire camp froze at this moment.

Abu was terrified when he saw it, and wanted to say something more, but a roar that followed interrupted his thoughts.

"Folks! Did you see that? Officials don't treat us like human beings at all! Now they're here! Fight them! Go!"

The trolley was once again pushed up by the mob, and the raging flames on it were as unstoppable as wildfire.

Abu raised his hands, knowing that it was impossible for him to turn the situation around at this moment, so he could only say in a hoarse voice: "Keep the gate! All rebels will be killed! Don't let anyone escape from here!"

When he uttered the last word, he almost used all his strength.

This sentence is very similar to Zhou Gongjin's previous order.

Simply, like a replica.

Half of the three thousand armored soldiers neatly arched their backs at the side, and at the same time drew out the long knife at their waist, and laid it across in front of their bodies, forming an iron wall overflowing with cold light.

Even though the burning cart knocked down several soldiers, it was completely unable to shake the indestructible barrier. Soon, some soldiers rushed forward and kicked the cart over, and the mob who were clinging to the handle of the cart were immediately arrested. Killed on the ground, their eyes were empty, they stared at the gray sky in despair, and they could not rest in peace.

The second wave of arrows came immediately, and then the soldiers with knives advanced in an orderly manner. Blood and broken limbs flew in the entire camp, and the wailing continued. Abu turned his back completely, and his knees softened. , fell to his knees and sobbed slightly.

Half an hour later, blood flowed into rivers in the entire camp, and corpses piled up like mountains.

It is said that there are 800 mobs, but in fact only [-] of them can be called strong men, and the rest are either women and children or dying people who are so seriously ill that they cannot even take care of themselves.

With three thousand soldiers advancing layer by layer, these rebellious mobs who could hold their weapons were quickly overwhelmed and beheaded by the neat formation of the soldiers. Except for a few people who put down their weapons and surrendered, most of them unexpectedly Fighting to the last moment of life.

There are even some women who have no fighting power at all, trembling, but pick up the heavy swords dropped by the men on the ground, rush into the army formation without hesitation, and wait for their fate, but it is not different, they are still beaten A sword pierced her chest, and she fell on her back. Then, the soldiers stepped on her bones mercilessly and continued to move forward.

Her children who also suffered from the plague hid in the corner and wept. Abu blindfolded them, but his heart seemed to be full of sharp knives, and the pain was uncontrollable.

Abu knew that the reason why these mobs made such a choice was of course not because of how firm their will was. Even if they were well-trained troops, not every one could see death like this.

They are just desperate. They have been accompanied by death for a long time, watching people around them die one by one every day, while the spark-like light of hope that originally supported them is being extinguished bit by bit.

They would rather die, just as the strong man said, they want to die under the vast sky, in a familiar place, even though their homes were all destroyed by the flood, they still want to leave here, leave the city A camp cursed by the plague god.

The mother who died tragically just wanted to let her children escape, after all, they were still young...

"How are you?" Zhang Mingqi's arm was tied with gauze, and some dark red blood oozed out, and there were a few bloody spots on his cheeks, but compared to those soldiers who had died in the camp, he was lucky enough.

He was one of the besieged defenders.

Abu felt that the child in his arms was biting his arm fiercely with his teeth. The appearance of exhausting all his strength was like two young jackals. Their wide eyes were full of hatred. Come on, I am just a murderer who killed their relatives...

He resisted the pain, didn't take his arm away, but felt a little bit of peace of mind, "Are you okay?"

"Fortunately, I can't die." Zhang Mingqi twitched the corner of his mouth, touched the cut on his face with his fingertips, "Thinking about it, this is the first time I have been stabbed, it really hurts."

Abu pulled out an ugly smile, "That's because you had a good life before. I was bitten by a wolf when I was five years old."

Abu summoned a soldier, handed the pair of children in his arms to the man, and said, "Gather all the children who have lost their parents and send someone to take care of them."

The soldier had just recovered from the killing, and his eyes were bloodshot at the moment, but his face was covered, so it was impossible to tell whether his expression was as heavy as Abu's.

He nodded and bent down to pick up the two children, and the older child immediately began pounding his helmet hard with his fists.

The child's soft fist was scratched by the sharp point on the helmet and bled, but he kept tapping, crying and crying, "I want my mother! Give me back my mother!"

Abu sat down with some weakness leaning against the firewood beside him, and Zhang Mingqi sat with him.

He knew that Abu must be having a hard time, but he was also the same.

These people don't have to bear this, even if they are ants and small people, they should have their own peace and joy, if it wasn't for his father and his gang who destroyed the embankment and flooded the fields...

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