"But why do I feel that you are so happy?" Qiao Feifan said with a smirk: "You are almost hanging your whole body on him. Even if you are afraid on weekdays, you shouldn't be like this?"

After being exposed by Qiao Feifan, Zhen Fu became more and more embarrassed. Although Qiao Feifan never wrote back, it didn't mean that Qiao Liyue didn't send someone to search for her. Zhen Fu also received a letter early in the morning, knowing that Qiao Fei Shan may be staying in the Wuxian area of ​​Jingwu to practice medicine, but he never expected to meet her in the military camp in the disaster area.

But now that Qiao Feifan was so broken, she only felt that her little thoughts were exposed to the sun for an instant, and she had nowhere to hide.

"Why, now you know how shy you are?" Qiao Feifan deliberately cupped Zhen Fu's face, insisting on looking at her.

"You still say." Zhen Fu simply pinched Qiao Feifan's cheeks, turned her head and pretended to be angry.

Qiao Feifan had plenty of ways to resist her. She stood up, like a cute little tiger, clawing back at Zhen Fu, Zhen Fu screamed, turned around and ran, but luckily there was no one in the tent. No matter how big the place was, Qiao Feifan caught up with Zhen Fu after two steps, successfully pushed her down on the bed, and began to scratch her waist vigorously.

Zhen Fu laughed so hard that she couldn't breathe, begging for mercy intermittently: "I was wrong... let me go..."

And Qiao Feifan was full of complacency: "Are you afraid? If you have a lover, you will do something to your sister. Let's see if you dare next time."

"Don't dare." Zhen Fu laughed so hard that she lost her ladylike appearance.

The two women rolled and tumbled on the bed, eventually lying exhausted and panting.

Qin Ke looked at the moon in the sky, and the fire in the camp not far away lit up half of the sky.

He knew that it was the flame of burning corpses, and the corpses affected by the plague must be burned as soon as possible, otherwise they would become a new source of infection. This kind of thing happened almost every day in the camp, and the faces of all the soldiers were more numb than sad.

Abu came out of the tent and stood side by side with him.

"Are you really going?" Abu asked.

"Go." Qin Ke said: "After all, there should be no other better candidate for this matter besides me."

Abu could only nod his head, he knew Qin Ke was telling the truth, but he would rather Qin Ke not say: "After that day, you really changed a lot."

"Maybe." Qin Ke's voice was very soft, as light as a feather flying over mountains and mountains. He said with a smile: "I used to be running away, but now, there are some things that I can't escape."

He thought for a while, then suddenly looked at Abu and said, "Did I tell you about my past?"

Chapter 145 The good horse is named "Moe"

Have you heard Ah Ke mention his past before?

"Yes... have you been?" Abu was taken aback for a while, and replied vaguely.

In fact, in Jingwu for so many days, they ate and slept together, went to school together in Taixuetang, went to teahouses to listen to books together, and walked around the huge Jianye City for a little while, saying that Qin Ke didn't mention his past. It's a lie.But Abu always felt that there were many things buried in Qin Ke's stomach that he hadn't known yet.

He knew about his own past. Although he was poor, his life was a little bit harder, his stomach was a little bit hungry, his clothes were a little bit torn, and he occasionally had to travel around with his family to escape the war in Wu country back then. "Struggling to survive".

Without Zhuge Wanling, he would not have known such a person at the peak of Jingwu, nor would he have been able to study in such a bright and spacious Imperial Academy, let alone practice Qi and blood, so he was very grateful and determined to one day, Must repay Zhuge Wanling.

And Qin Ke revealed a corner of the past, but Abu himself has never been in touch, so he is a little curious, but he feels that it is impolite to ask these things casually.

But Qin Ke obviously planned to say something to him at this moment, so he scratched his head and said stupidly: "Do you want to talk to someone?"

Qin Ke looked at him and said helplessly: "Otherwise, am I talking to a ghost now? Don't tell me, people die every day in this camp, and there may be ghosts floating everywhere. Otherwise, why did Master Zhou still burn the corpses?" How many monks should I find to chant scriptures beside me?"

Abu felt a chill down his spine, and complained, "Don't say it so scary, sir, he was just afraid that the victims would think so, so he specially invited a mage to comfort them. The plague was so violent that the whole camp was panicked. Many people even think that it is possessed by ghosts and gods, and pray to gods and Buddhas every day. With a mage, at least they can sleep at night."

Qin Ke nodded. There were some unsplit logs placed at the entrance of the tent. He moved two at random and placed them on the tent entrance. He sat on it with his buttocks and propped his chin to look at the stars. Abu also sat down. , There were sergeants patrolling in front of the two of them, and they looked at them with a bit of a funny smile in their eyes.

The next day.

Qin Ke rubbed his eyes that couldn’t be opened. Last night, he talked to Abu endlessly. He didn’t fall into a deep sleep until the middle of the night. Moreover, the tent was simple and the bed inside was a bit small, so he ran to the horse again. He came back with a bundle of straw in the shed and made a temporary bed on the ground, which ended his nightmare of "ghosts chasing people" all night. At this moment, the sky is gradually getting brighter, and he should set off. Done yet.

Before leaving, Abu asked him, "Do you want me to accompany you? Multiple people will take care of you."

"No need." Qin Ke said with a smile, "You know, I have the technique of Xunfeng, even if I can't beat it, there should be no problem in escaping. With you, I will have an extra burden, and it will be even more troublesome then. .”

"You really don't show mercy at all." Abu said helplessly. After chatting all night, he also understood some past events of his good friend, and probably understood his sympathy for these victims. , So many people are suffering from illness and dying, even ordinary people have compassion, let alone Qin Ke who escaped from the great famine and plague back then?

In the last sentence of last night, he said: "My life is taken back. If there is no master, I would have died a long time ago. I think now, their mood is probably the same as I was back then? Leaning on the tree, powerless Resisting, I just feel that death is approaching step by step, and I am afraid when I think about it now. I just can’t see so many people dying without waiting for someone to save them.”

Abu's eyes softened: "Well, be careful yourself. If it really doesn't work, don't force it, as long as you can come back."

Qin Ke nodded, opened the tent cloth, and the bright sky shone in.

More than ten miles to the south of Wu County is the border of Zhongyu Mountain. However, it also takes half a day to get out of Wu County. Fortunately, the horse under Qin Ke's seat is Zhou Gongjin's favorite horse, called "Meng", so it is natural to go out of Wu County. Get on a lot faster.

Meng, to the effect that it is as green as a bud, symbolizes the growth of a new bud.

It is not a green puma, and there are no green horses in this world. The reason for this name is that although it has brown hair, when it was born, there happened to be a "shade green horse" growing in the stable. "Grass", this herbal medicine has no healing effect, nor is it toxic, but its juice is the best dye in the world, even if it is washed with saponin powder, it will not fade in the slightest.

Meng was just born, and when she was rolling on the ground, her head was stained with the juice of this plant, and naturally the top of her head was stained with a little green that couldn't be removed, which became a joke for a while, after all, whether it is Jingwu or Canghai, even this In such a big world, "a little green on top of your head" is not a good thing to say. If you use these words to ridicule those high-ranking officials, if the relationship is bad, you may have to make an enemy. ".

However, Meng showed its amazing talent at a very young age. Its horse breed is originally a steed that Jing Wu bought from the sea with a lot of money, and its might can even command a group of horses.In addition to this "Meng", it also gave birth to another horse "Chi Yan", and now this Chi Yan is Gao Changgong's most valued mount.

As for this hussar named Meng, some people praised it: "Shen Teng is so tall, majestic and strong, he doesn't trample the ground, he runs over birds, travels thousands of miles in the wild, marches day by day, his coat color shines brightly, his shape is like ten shadows, and he looks like a horse. In the army, there is nowhere to go."

Although such praise is more of an exaggerated statement by those literati and poets, it is also enough to prove the speed of this horse.

Mo Yue spent a whole morning, and Qin Ke could already see the towering Zhongyu Mountain.Qin Ke slowed down Meng's pace, listening to his horse's hooves kicking and kicking on the official road, stroking its mane, he exclaimed: "It's amazing."

It can be said that this way, if he is riding an ordinary war horse, it is estimated that he can only travel half the distance. This speed can be said to be as fast as lightning.Moreover, although Meng's body was sweating, her steps were still steady, and she even panted very peacefully. This made Qin Ke love it more and more, thinking that if possible in the future, he would have to find a good horse for himself.

Of course, he dare not think about such a steed. After all, he is not a high-ranking person like Zhou Gongjin or Gao Changgong. For him, Jingwu's native war horse is already a very good mount. Although the horses raised by the government under the Mohist horse administration in Daoxiang Village are fat and strong, they don’t have a special racetrack to exercise their legs, and they look fancy but not useful, while Jingwu’s war horses have a special racecourse. It costs a lot of money to cultivate, a horse eats fine food, beans, oats, and sorghum are indispensable for a day, and even though he has a monthly salary in the Imperial Academy, it may be very difficult to raise such a war horse.

"The longer you stay in Jingwu, the more you feel like a poor man." Qin Ke said miserably, and he didn't know when he would be able to have a horse that belonged to him alone. of.

Just thinking wildly like this, Meng stepped forward gently, gradually approaching Zhongyu Mountain.The wind blows the tip of his nose, bringing the spicy aroma of green grass and soil.

Zhongyu Mountain is not just a mountain, but a group of mountains connected together. The highest part even feels like it can go straight into the sky, while the lowest part looks like a stunted dwarf, drowsy in the middle of the mountains.

He is slowing down now, not because he is afraid that Meng will not be able to hold on, but because the speed is too fast, and his equestrian skills are not good at all. Under such violent running, his buttocks are already so sore that he just It was about to be smashed into four petals, so it could only rest first.

1Chapter 16 Giant Tiger

The [-] troops arranged by Zhou Gongjin set up camp in front of them, surrounded by fences of sharpened wooden stakes, and a temporary sentry tower towering high, on which sergeants would be on duty from morning to night. Every sergeant standing on it will look into the distance with the most solemn expression.

"It's time to go." Qin Ke patted Meng under him, "Are you hungry? Someone will help you arrange meals and drinks at that time, and we will part ways."

The road in the mountains is complicated and rugged. This kind of galloping horse from the sea is not used to it, and even if he can run in it, he is worried that Meng will attract beasts or even monsters hiding in it. It is best to leave it outside. s Choice.

Before he took out his waist card, the green dot on Meng's head let the defending sergeants see his identity. After hearing that he was going into the mountain to look for Jiuli, everyone's faces were surprised. Looking at this A clean-faced young man who looked too young, they even wondered if Qin Ke had been tricked by someone and wanted to send him to the mountains to die?

But thinking that Zhou Gongjin would definitely not have any playful thoughts in such a situation, then it seems that this young man from the Tai Xuetang in front of him must have some extraordinary skills.

Qin Ke stuffed the badge back into his belt, met those gazes helplessly, and gradually walked out of the checkpoint, and then heard the guard shout loudly: "It's best not to go in too deep, otherwise even if you can raise the smoke letter, we will It's impossible to go in and save you—"

I didn't expect you to save me.

Now that he has made up his mind, it is impossible for Qin Ke to just walk around the periphery. After all, Jiuli's activities are generally in areas where fierce beasts gather. This kind of snake has highly poisonous sarcoids in its body. , and will soon be poisoned to death, so in the forest with swarms of beasts, this kind of snake is not easy to catch.

More than 6000 victims of the plague, counting from head to toe, at least sixty dove glass snake galls would be enough. Just relying on the dove glass scattered around the periphery could not meet his needs at all.

After thinking about it, facing the miasma rising up in the distant forest, he took a pill slowly, and lost his shadow in the jungle with just a swipe.

There was a dangerous smell in the dense mountain forest. After walking a few steps, Qin Ke found a mass of excrement from an unknown beast under his feet, but judging by its size and size...it was definitely a big guy.

The medicinal materials that Qiao Feifan prepared for him can isolate the aura in him, so as to avoid the keen sense of smell of those beasts.

But he still needs to be more careful. After all, this place is much more dangerous than the mountains over Daoxiang Village. Although his current blood has begun to temper his bones, the muscles and bones of fierce beasts are naturally stronger than humans. Even ordinary swords are difficult to penetrate.

In such a complex forest, the movement of a fight is enough to alert other beasts, and the smell of blood will also attract other greedy predators.Once he is dragged, he will die here.

I don't know that these big trees have withered and flourished for several years, and they are so tall that it is unimaginable. Even the shrubs grow very densely because of the rain in Jingwu. His eyes were slightly concentrated, knowing that this kind of place was like a natural hiding place for those ferocious beasts, no wonder it became the habitat of so many monsters.

However, at any rate, I am also a person who is familiar with the mountains.Qin Ke comforted himself.

At this time, he felt his chest throbbing, and a small black head emerged from his arms, with big eyes wide open.

Xiao Hei seemed to have smelled something, and he refused to continue to sleep as in the past, with a long mouth and a bright red tongue. It was obviously just a small lizard, but the anger in his eyes seemed to be a lizard. Fierce beast.

Qin Ke patted its head amusedly, and said softly, "Why are you so fierce? We are really in trouble, so we both have to run away."

Xiao Hei glanced at him, seemed a little annoyed at his contempt for him, and let out a soft cry.

Qin Ke didn't care that its small head was exposed, but walked towards the depths of the mountain again.

But just as he took a step forward, he immediately bent down again, burying himself in the bushes as low as possible. The technique of wind vision had been launched long ago, but for him, it was too burdensome to sense the surrounding area in a large area. Big, so this range can only be compressed to a distance of three feet around the body, but it is also enough for him to understand the surrounding situation in advance.

Just as the breeze was blowing the leaves, Qin Ke's eyes were unblinking in the bushes, and a low growl was heard nearby.

After waiting for about ten breaths, the voice in Qin Ke's ears was getting closer and closer. A tiger that was more than one foot long and four feet tall appeared leisurely not far away. It had a strong body and a shiny coat. , the teeth exposed from the slightly opened mouth were still stained with the blood of a prey.

Qin Ke controlled Qi and blood, and reduced his heartbeat and breathing to the lowest level.

This tiger had obviously just eaten. When it stretched out its barbed tongue and licked its lips, the noon skylight reflected the blood in its mouth very eye-catchingly and frighteningly.

This tiger has obviously gone beyond the category of ordinary ferocious beasts. Although it is not considered a monster, but for ordinary people, it is afraid that it will be bitten to death if it is only seen face to face?

But he is not one of those protagonists who destroy the world in the storytellers. If he could kick the Nanshan fist to break the river and yell at the sky, the gods and Buddhas retreated, he would not be as stealthy as he is now.

Qin Ke's heart was up and down, and the little black on the chest had burning eyes. It looked at the giant tiger vigilantly, and stretched out a pair of sharp claws, which even pierced his clothes.

He stared down at Xiao Hei blankly, thinking, my mother, when did you become so overwhelmed?Seeing that it was about to rush out and fight the giant tiger for [-] rounds, he slowly stretched out his hand, pressed its small head, and signaled him to be quiet.

Only then did Xiao Hei's claws slowly withdraw, but his eyes were still vigilant, even with a bit of anger.

After the giant tiger walked away slowly facing the warm sun, Qin Ke stood up cautiously. He glanced at Xiao Hei again, thinking of his abnormal movements before that, touched its head, and said strangely: "Are you Have you noticed the tiger long ago? Earlier than I noticed...?"

After all, before he sensed the giant tiger's traces with his Wind Sight Technique, Xiao Hei had already shown a fierce look, and while linking it's behavior of showing its claws just now, it is possible that this little guy is more vigilant than himself ?

Xiao Hei turned his head, as if he was thinking about the meaning of his words. After a while, he imitated the appearance of human beings, moving his head up and down, as if nodding his head.

Qin Ke widened his eyes and looked at Xiao Hei, both frightened and pleasantly surprised.The shocking thing is that Xiao Hei possesses such supernatural powers, and he doesn't look like an ordinary lizard at all. But the surprise is, if this is the case, wouldn't he have an extra helper in this vast forest?

Qin Ke studied it for a while, reached out and touched the two small nostrils under the eyes, Xiao Hei sneezed, shook his head vigorously and turned it into a rattle, and Qin Ke's hands were on both sides of his head. When it went to pick out his ears, it finally became a little angry, probably because Qin Ke's silly action made him feel uncomfortable. He opened his mouth and bit Qin Ke's tiger's mouth.

"Ouch..." Qin Ke cried out in pain, and at the same time retracted his hands, he pulled Xiao Hei's long body out of his arms, dangling in the air like a black, ugly, bare wicker , Qin Ke pulled it off with his left hand, looked at the bloodshot mark on his tiger's mouth, and glared at Xiao Hei, "Do you understand the severity! Why don't you just toss your ears, as for biting me?"

Xiao Hei raised his head proudly, with an expression like someone told you to mess around with me.

Qin Ke didn't know how Xiao Hei sensed the ferocious beasts around him, but at this time, he couldn't figure it out in a while. He slowly stuffed Xiao Hei back into his chest, and Xiao Hei got out again. One head, held high.

"Then... if there is anything approaching nearby, just tell me." Qin Ke looked at it seriously, thinking of the pain in his tiger's mouth, he pretended to be fierce and threatened, "If you don't do it well If you want to live, I will... I will..." He thought for a while, "I won't give you anything to eat!"

Xiao Hei squeaked, probably indicating that he heard it, but his round eyes were full of disdain no matter what.

Qin Ke snorted, this little guy, as he sleeps shorter and longer, wakes up longer and longer, he has become less and less important to him, if it is not a lizard, Qin Ke will definitely It can be connected with those gentry children who show off their might in the Imperial Academy.

If it weren't for more important things now, he really needs to "discipline" this foodie.

1Chapter 17 The Cave

After walking a little further, Qin Ke realized that Xiao Hei's vigilance was indeed higher than his. As long as there was a slight sign of a beast approaching, Xiao Hei would give him an early warning, although it always poked hard with its claws. My chest is really simple and rough, but thinking that this guy is also a small beast after all, he can't speak by nature, and if he makes a cry, it is easy to be noticed, so he reluctantly endured it.

After several times in a row Qin Ke verified Xiao Hei's vigilance by relying on his Wind Sighting Technique, he was finally completely relieved of Xiao Hei's ability, and gradually dissipated the Wind Sighting Technique, so that the wind that was originally around his ears, All of a sudden, it changed back to the original unrestrained, floating appearance.

Although the technique of wind vision can enhance his perception to a very exaggerated level, it comes with the fact that he needs to expend more energy and energy to maintain the state of wind vision.

It has been half a day now, and he is still wandering around the periphery of Zhongyu Mountain. When he enters the depths of the mountain forest, he is afraid that he will encounter more dangers. At this time, every ounce of physical strength means nothing to him Precious enough.

Qin Ke chewed half of the bread in his mouth, and cursed in a low voice—the moment he just took out the food, Xiao Hei opened his mouth to snatch it, almost biting off his fingers.

The deeper you go, the dense mountains and forests have almost covered the sky and the sun. When people walk in it, what they fear most is not only the beasts that may come out at any time, but also people will be more afraid of losing their direction and falling into circles. in the vicious circle.

Fortunately, Qin Ke is not the kind of rich man who only knows the towering palaces but not the dangers of the mountains. He walked to the depths for another hour, and while continuing to avoid the jungle beasts with increasingly frightening auras, he saw many shapes Weird towering giant tree, he knew that he was gradually approaching the most dangerous area of ​​Zhongyu Mountain, and his spirit was full of tension.

But fortunately, he soon found a dove entrenched in the treetops. It was already after noon, and the dazzling sunlight was struggling to get into the layers of tree crowns. These cold-blooded animals also It lazily crawled out of the snake hole, showing off its colorful patterns in the sun.

Qin Ke was overjoyed, and almost raised his hand, he grasped the seven inches of the dove glass, and his movements were almost perfect, which was enough to see his "good skills" honed in Daoxiang Village up and down the mountain.

The three-foot-long Jiuli was caught in Qin Ke's hand and was still struggling. It wrapped around Qin Ke's arm and tightened the bones of his body inch by inch. With one step of strength, he squeezed his thumb hard, and suddenly cut off the blood at the seven-inch point. Immediately, the whole dove glass went limp, and suddenly turned into a tattered trouser belt that an old farmer in the mountains used to wear.

Qin Ke carefully pulled Jiuli's body off. The poison of this snake is strong enough to kill a cow.Sometimes this kind of snake seems to be dead, but the snake head is still extremely aggressive, so he has to guard against it.

Qin Ke quickly pulled out a dagger from his waist, and stroked it lightly along its abdomen. As an unpleasant stench spread, he immediately recognized a small piece of purple-red snake gall, sharp With a slight upward lift of the dagger, the snake gall fell into a piece of red cloth in his palm, and then he hurriedly threw Jiuli's body far away.

A black shadow followed him like an arrow and jumped over, biting Jiu Li's body in mid-air. Qin Ke was shocked, and the snake gall in his hand fell to the ground because of the fright, and he didn't bother to pick it up. Brainstorming, he rushed up, reached out and grabbed Xiao Hei's tail and pulled it back, bringing Jiuli's body back along with him.

Qin Ke took a closer look and saw that the dove glass was almost bitten in two by Xiao Hei, and his mouth and face were covered with snake blood.

"You can eat anything!" Qin Ke was so angry that he grabbed Xiao Hei's "neck" and let his body dangle in the air. Xiao Hei scratched Qin Ke's fingers vigorously with his two front paws. Head, showing a very impatient and uncomfortable look.

Qin Ke continued to shout: "It's poisonous! Don't even look at what it is!"

Xiao Hei struggled hard, Qin Ke's heart softened at last, and he gradually let go, but thinking that Jiuli is different from ordinary snakes, they often have sarcoma full of toxins in their stomachs, so he couldn't help feeling a little worried , hastily carried Xiao Hei upside down, and began to stroke down its belly.

If it were a human being, I'm afraid I'd throw up after such a toss.

But Xiao Hei gritted his teeth firmly, and didn't intend to spit out what he had swallowed in his throat at all. In addition to struggling more intensely, it even let out a low roar from its throat.

Qin Ke tried hard for a while, but still couldn't "vomit" it, so he had no choice but to throw it on the ground.

Xiao Hei who fell to the ground bared his teeth and claws at him for a while, and then threw himself at Jiuli's body that was almost broken in two.

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