Abu nodded, thanked him, and continued to say to Qin Ke: "General Mulan is extremely powerful. I heard Brother Su mentioned more than once about General Mulan's supernatural power on the battlefield. With her ability, she should teach you that you shouldn't With such a violent method, I don't know why..."

"It must be because I said she was a man and she has a grudge." Qin Ke put his chin on the table while holding his temples, looking like a mangy dog. Listening to Gao Changgong playing the flute, even at night I have to be hacked by that man... um... General Mulan with a sword, I am not a stick, so I am not afraid of killing me if I chop her like this."

He thought of something, reached out and grabbed it from behind, and placed it on the table.

It was the sword he had been using for the past few days, but under Mulan's terrifying power, this sword, which was originally a finely crafted sword, was now full of gaps, and it looked like it was found somewhere.

Abu looked at the long sword full of jagged teeth, stretched out his hand to stroke it, and then exclaimed: "It's really powerful."

Qin Ke stared: "Please, you should comfort me at a time like this, instead of praising her for being great! The more powerful she is, the more miserable I will be hacked."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Abu laughed, "But you are so tough, and you can still be alive and kicking after these days, so I am relieved."

"Don't worry." Qin Ke rolled his eyes and continued to lie on the table, "What's new today? There's nothing wrong with this broken boat. I really want to go down and walk around on this boat every day. I feel It seems that you can’t even pee in the latrine..."

After finishing speaking, he took a quick look at Zhang Fu who was walking in from the outside and was carrying the pancakes, and heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that it was a good thing she didn't hear his words.

"The general said it will be here soon." Abu happened to have finished a round of Gao Changgong's training, and he couldn't wait to be hungry, so he reached out to pick up a hot pancake from the plate Zhang Fu was holding, and poured himself a cup Hot tea, "Now we are sailing in the affected waters. The big river is congested, so the speed of sailing cannot be increased."

Qin Ke nodded, and he also noticed that there were a lot of cargo ships on the river these days, more than half of these cargo ships were flying the flag of Jingwu, and they were probably transporting grain, grass and supplies, and some were businessmen. After the catastrophe, the cargo ship was left unused, and now it happened to be the best time for them to ship.

"Where is our destination?" Qin Ke asked.

"It should be Wu County, which was the hardest hit." Abu replied, taking a sip of water, "That county was originally a prosperous place in Jingwu, but it's a pity that the flood destroyed tens of thousands of hectares of fertile land and countless cottages. It is estimated that it is the most difficult to rebuild, plus there are many people, and the food is not enough...Of course, a few days ago, Mr. Zhou appointed Brother Zhou to escort more than [-] grain ships to Wu County, and the situation should have improved now."

"Brother Zhou? He is better than Gao Changgong...who is better?" After many days of practice, Qin Ke almost became a martial idiot.

"Well, Big Brother Zhou should be able to practice a little bit, but he probably isn't as good as Brother Su. It's not that powerful. But it is said that he joined the big gang that is the number one in Jianghu, sir, before Jingwu was founded. He is only 13 years old, and now he is his right-hand man." Abu said with a smile, "We should go here to help him, after the catastrophe, banditry is most likely to happen, you see, Brother Chang Gong also brought him Hundreds of Qingzhou Ghost Riders... Also, the military department also dispatched a garrison army from a nearby big city, about a thousand people, to prevent people from causing trouble."

Qin Ke nodded and murmured, "How much can we help..."

Of course he didn't know the reason why Gao Changgong left Jianye City and came to Wu County, so he believed Abu's explanation.

Thinking of Gao Changgong's strength, he muttered again: "Gao Changgong can probably deal with the bandits by himself, so there is no need for Qingzhou Ghost Riders."

"Even Brother Chang Gong, he doesn't know how to split body, and he's not a god of Da Luo. Most of the bandits that were put together improvised are scattered everywhere. No matter how powerful Brother Chang Gong is, it's definitely not a problem to run around." Abu He explained, "With the Qingzhou Ghost Rider, Brother Chang Gong can sit in Wu County. I think the common people will feel more at ease knowing that the Jingwu God of War is here."

"That's true." Qin Ke replied.

Gao Changgong's halo of blessings from top to bottom is enough to blind people's eyes. If the people know that the patron saint of Jing and Wu is with them, they will naturally feel at ease.For the bandits, Gao Changgong's presence was probably like a basin of ice water, pouring them from the top of their heads to the soles of their feet, freezing them from flesh to bone.

Zhang Fu cut the remaining noodles, carefully packed them in porcelain bowls, and brought them to the table.As a result, the big boat suddenly paused at this moment, the plank of the boat shook violently in an instant, Zhang Fu's feet tilted, and she lost her balance and fell down.

She closed her eyes tightly in shock, and was ready to face the pain from the corner of the table, but a pair of arms held her just right.

She sniffed it, and there was a strong smell of Jinchuang medicine, so she naturally quickly guessed who the owner of these arms was.

So...is this what it feels like to be hugged by him?

Zhang Fu, with a hot face, raised her head shyly, but saw that Qin Ke was staring blankly at the hatch, not at her, while Abu was catching the bowl of noodle cakes, and talked with Qin Ke solemnly. Ke looked at each other and said, "I'll go and see what's going on."

"I'll go with you." Qin Ke let Zhang Fu go slowly, and said, "Stay here and don't run around."

Zhang Fu still wanted to say something, but the two of them had already strode open the door and left.

Of course, it is impossible for a big ship to stop so suddenly. The most common thing is that the hull of the ship hits something, but the rare thing is that the helmsman got drunk and ended up having some kind of oolong.

But the current situation is clearly not the case of these two situations.

Qin Ke and Abu had just walked out of the cabin, but Gao Changgong and Mulan were not seen on the deck.

Looking over the ship's side, Qin Ke and Abu suddenly found that there was a giant ship that was taller than a big ship and stood on top of a big river like a building a few feet away.

The boat was horizontal, with a length of twelve feet. With such a giant lying across the river, the river would soon be blocked and difficult to pass.

"What's going on?" Qin Ke walked up to several Qingzhou ghost riders who were in charge of watching the wind and asked.

After boarding the boat, for the convenience of sailing, these people have already taken off the armor of Qingzhou ghost riders, and they have not worn masks. From the back, they seem to be a few tall and simple farmers. The eyebrows with a bit of murderous intent can know that these are all murderers who have been on the battlefield and raised their sabers.

"I don't know." Qingzhou Ghost Riders are already very familiar with the two teenagers, Qin Ke and Abu, and occasionally even show their rare smiles and say a few words.

But at this moment, their eyes were full of sharp light. They looked at the big ship blocked in the river, and said expressionlessly: "However, they seem to be coming for us."

"How?" Qin Ke wondered, "What's the situation?"

"When our boat came here, the tall boat was waiting quietly in front of it. Although this river is only a tributary, it is not a problem for two or even three such big boats to pass, but this boat deliberately turned its hull across the river. It’s coming, and it just sealed off the river, and it doesn’t look like it’s making a U-turn..."

Qin Ke nodded, looking at the big ship with his eyes, and soon, there were already countless grain transporting ships at the stern of their ship, which became a long snake.

Chapter 133 The Land Snake

Qin Ke has seen the patterns of Jingwu warships in the Taixue School. Now, except for a small number of ships under his own feet (but they have been transformed into cargo ships), the warships on the lake of the Jingwu Navy are mainly called "Broken Wind" warships and "Long Ao" warships. "The building boat.

The "Broken Wind" warship is more of a surprise attack ship, which emphasizes lightness and lightness, and is not very big.

The "Long'ao" building ship has three floors, eight feet high, painted with vermilion lacquer on the top, and the outer shell is covered with iron armor. It's hard to even hear a sound.There are densely packed arrow holes on the female wall. Once fired, the arrows are enough to fill some small boats.

Of course, the big ship with two stories in front of me, or an unknown building ship, although it was also painted with red lacquer, but the parapet walls were smooth and without holes, let alone wrapped in iron armor.

However, there is a huge racket on the boat, which is enough to crush some small and medium-sized boats. If it weren't for the inconvenience of moving in such a narrow river channel, the damage would be even greater.

After all, people like myself are going to cross this big river. If the people on the other side plan to stop me for an hour, then everyone will just rest in place for a while, so there is no need to fight for it.

It's just that in the current situation, the other party didn't say anything. If he wanted to stop him for a day, everyone would have to wait for a day.If you stop for a month, everyone will wait for a month?

On the upstairs ship, the sailors controlling the ship were lowering the anchor. It seemed that they really planned to fight for a long time.

But at this time the Lou Chuan opened the door, and a few people dressed as servants ran out of it, but they walked arrogantly and swayed, they didn't look like servants but the owners of some house.

When they got to the side of the boat and held onto the railing, they started to shout loudly: "Listen up, people on the other side! We are people who settle down! Our young master has taken a fancy to your boat and is willing to pay double the price to buy it. If you agree , we will settle down and give you one day to unload the goods, if you disagree..."

They hummed, but even fools could hear the threat in it.

The ghost riders in Qingzhou looked ashen. Even in Jianye City, they had never been threatened like this. Who dares to stop in front of their iron hooves?

It's just that this is on the water, even if Jing Wu's horses can't swim, they can't really swim slowly on the water to kill this building boat.

"Anjia?" At this time, Gao Changgong walked out from nowhere, and with his hands behind his back, he wasn't too worried about the situation in front of him. He just looked at the big boat opposite with a loud voice, "It's really interesting."

Qingzhou Ghost Rider saluted immediately, bowed his head and said, "General."

Although Qin Ke stayed in Jingwu for nearly two months, he was not a native of Jingwu after all. He really didn't understand these things, so he could only ask: "Anjia? What is that? Is it also a noble family of Jingwu? "

Gao Changgong took a few steps forward, as if he wanted to see the whole picture of the ship, while the Qingzhou Ghost Rider bowed respectfully and stood on both sides with solemn faces, like firm sentinels.

"When you came to Jingwu, you went straight to Jianye City, so what you heard was only those big and small gentry in Jianye City. Naturally, they didn't know how to settle down. At the beginning, the state of Wu was divided, and the gentry fought each other for more than a hundred years. Even if Jing and Wu have now unified the entire territory of the Wu Kingdom, it is impossible to gather all the gentry in Jianye City. For example, the largest Sun family, Liu family, and... Gao family, they moved to Jianye City to Being able to participate in government affairs is so powerful that even... Wanling has to give them a little bit." Gao Changgong said, "But there are still some noble families who have been passed down for a hundred years and have deep roots in their hometown, so naturally they refuse to give up their own. The foundation is still in these places to dominate, and this Anjia is the biggest family in this area."

Qin Ke nodded, and probably understood that when his master explained the history to him, he also said some things about the local powerful nobles, so he would not be confused: "So this An family is here to be the king. ?”

Gao Changgong smiled and said: "Conferring the king? Children's words. This is not the Ji Dynasty in the past. At the beginning, the Ji Dynasty rebelled because of too many entrustments. Jingwu, every family knows the lessons of the previous dynasty, who dares to be king easily? It is just to confer titles on them, and the management of the place still has to be appointed by the central government. However, for these local aristocratic families, if they want to seek Isn't it easy to do things in an official position?"

"Plus...their reputation in the local area and the large tracts of entrusted land, sometimes the central government is really not very easy to manage. But as long as they don't participate in the government and only care about their own one-third of an acre of land, the top will not force them too much. Then, just open one eye and close one eye."

"Then... why are they bothering us? It can't be because of the destruction of the embankment and the flooding of the fields?" Qin Ke inexplicably thought of the blood that washed away the execution ground in Jianye City for several days, those heads, they...

Gao Changgong smiled and shook his head: "The gentry in Jianye City may be involved in this matter, but the An family is not."


Gao Changgong said to the fields still soaked in the water on the bank: "The An family has been operating here for a long time. This time, the big river burst and flooded not only the people's land, but also a large area of ​​land that they settled in. As long as there is no trouble Famine, they have a lot of income every year. When the flood comes, these fields will definitely not be able to produce food this year. They will take risks to greed for food for disaster relief and ruin their reputation? They are the masters of the gentry who can pass on for dozens of generations. If you are so stupid, you don't know how many times you have been buried in the loess..."

Qin Ke groaned, looked at the big boat and asked helplessly, "Could it be that we have occupied the river surface of this local snake, and he wants to talk to us?"

"Maybe really." Gao Changgong pursed his lips and smiled.

Qin Ke turned his head and stared at him: "No way! Just because we crossed this river, he can't get through with us. Isn't that too unreasonable?"

Gao Changgong didn't answer, but asked the Qingzhou Ghost Rider beside him: "Aside from ours, how many ships are there that come to Wu County from Guandu Port in Jianye City? Pick the big one."

The Qingzhou ghost rider lowered his head and thought carefully, and then replied: "There should not be many, except for us, there should be only Sun Yashi's boat. He returned to the court a few days ago to report the flood situation, and set sail a day earlier than us."

"That's clear." Gao Changgong said, "Sun Yi's return to Wu County should be the same way as ours, but in a different order. He was born in the Sun family, and this time the case of destroying dikes and flooding fields also involved different people. Officials from the young grandson's family, the An family must have resentment. It's just that this young master of the An family... is really hot-tempered, blocking the river to block the court officials, and I don't know what his family will think..."

"I'm afraid I'll just watch from the sidelines, right?" Gao Changgong thought to himself, "After all, even if there is a punishment for the child's affairs, it will not be too severe. Every family will always save some face."

After thinking for a while, Gao Changgong suddenly raised his head and looked at the big boat with a smile, and said to the people on the side: "It is estimated that we have been regarded as someone else's target... Destruction of embankment flooded the fields, and the family suffered huge losses. It is not surprising that we want to find some place. .”

Abu looked at the approaching boat and said, "Brother Chang Gong, what should we do now? How about sending someone to explain to them?"

"What do you explain?" Gao Changgong laughed, "Sun Yi is the governor of Jingwu. Even if he found the wrong person, he shouldn't have stopped us. Could it be that Sun Yi should have been stopped? The officials sent by the central government were He was so frightened that he abandoned the boat and fled when he was stopped halfway? Then he rented a few small boats to inspect the disaster-stricken counties and counties. Even if I was in charge of the military and not the government, I couldn’t afford to lose this person today... Let’s go, Lean over and have a look."

His words were naturally addressed to the Qingzhou ghost riders. Even if the Qingzhou ghost riders could hardly do anything as cavalry at this time, but after all, they were born in Jingwu in the south. How many of them are really landlubbers?And this group of Qingzhou ghost riders on the boat are all good at controlling the boat, otherwise it would be impossible to stop the big boat so quickly on such a river.

Following the respectful nod of the Qingzhou Ghost Rider standing beside Gao Changgong, he turned around, waved his arms upwards, and shouted sharply: "Forward!"

The sails of the big ship gradually turned amidst the rattling of the engine. Although there was no strong wind at the moment, the wide sails were enough to support the movement of the big ship, and to drive away the current, the big ship slowly sailed towards the bigger giant on the opposite side.

Those few famous family Ding usually follow the master to domineering and manage. Basically, in this land, as long as they report the name of the An family, most of them will wilt on the spot. You have to keep your mouth shut and obey obediently, but this big boat is still coming up, so you are not afraid of the giant racket on your big boat?

Even if the difference in body shape between the two ships is not so great, it would be more embarrassing than getting off the ship and leaving.

The leading servant probably couldn't decide, so he made a gesture to the side, and the servant beside him understood, and immediately ran towards the cabin.

Qin Ke looked at the huge racket, and said worriedly: "Are we going to be okay?"

However, when he thought that Gao Changgong was able to resist the giant claws of Shenlong one by one, he felt at ease again. Although this racket is terrible, it is not as powerful as Shenlong, even though he has not seen Gao Changgong use his special one these days. A long gun, but obviously he should not only be able to use guns.

After a while, the building boat was in front of his eyes, and Qin Ke couldn't help but raise his head slightly due to the tall hull, but he heard countless voices of Yingying and Yanyan ringing in his ears.

He tilted his head and looked around suspiciously.

Chapter 134

"Master, they are coming over." In the cabin, the servant bowed his back and reported in a low voice.

Then, a voice sneered and said: "I don't know how to live or die. Do you think you can do whatever you want since you came from the capital of Jianye? We have flooded our homes with countless fertile fields. I have to get out of this tone. Let these self-righteous bastards see, let's settle down It's not easy to mess with! Hmph, flood my field, watch me drive them into the water and have a good time."

Qin Ke slightly retracted his wind vision technique, and whispered to Abu beside him, "Someone is here."

Abu didn't understand what he was talking about, and stared blankly at the boat in front of him.

I saw that there were two people standing on the high side of the ship at some point, and they could feel a lingering and unkind aura between their breaths.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and at the same time kicked on the railing with one foot, spanned a distance of several feet like a big bird, and landed towards Qin Ke and others with a huff.

Qingzhou Ghost Rider was about to draw his sword from his waist, but Gao Changgong shook his head and took a step back. Qingzhou Ghost Rider also followed him back, and Qin Ke and Abu became the front people.

As soon as the two of them boarded the deck of Gao Changgong's ship, a well-dressed nobleman walked out of the cabin of the tall ship over there. The jade folding fan, while tapping the palm of the hand lightly, looked down at Qin Ke and others coldly.

Those who came out with him were many men and women in brocade clothes and robes. They were very dignified and graceful. If they could be the guests of this young master of the An family, they must be the sons and daughters of the nearby big families. They all gathered together, pointed at the big ship, covered their mouths and chuckled, looking like they were watching a good show.

Gao Changgong shrugged his shoulders, turned his head and walked away as early as when these people came out, the wind blew his black hair in a simple bun, and he said softly: "This is for you, if you can, grab that kid Come down and bring it to me."

What, take that kid down?Qin Ke looked up at the "Master of the An family" and frowned.

And the eyes of the young master of the An family didn't stay on him, but looked at the back of Gao Changgong who passed away in a flash, narrowed his eyes, and felt that he had seen this back somewhere before.

My family has a large family, and I have seen countless high-ranking officials and dignitaries. Is it strange to have a familiar figure from the back?But it's this person's idle attitude. I guess this person is the Governor Sun, right?

I really want to break his spine and let him roll off the boat in despair.

Thinking of this, the young master of the An family couldn't help showing a little smile, but quickly restrained himself, looked at Qin Ke and Abu, and said indifferently: "Ask you again, will you let this boat go or not? "

Qin Ke had been a little bored with this man's attitude for a long time, and when he heard his haughty words, he simply replied: "If you have the ability, you can grab it yourself."

The very shocking pole hangs high, and the building boat is like a giant sea beast with teeth and claws.However, Qin Ke dared to turn back at this time, which naturally made the young master of the An family feel a little angry.

But he also knows that although he is intercepting here now, things like giant rackets cannot be used indiscriminately.

Originally, he just wanted to lose his face, but if he really used a big killer like a giant racket to smash his boat to pieces, I'm afraid that even his father would have a bad end.

Therefore, he did not intend to use this racket today.

The two people standing on the deck were from the rivers and lakes raised by An's family, and they were all Qi and blood practitioners. One was named Yu Jiaze, and his palms were as sharp as knives, and the other was named Yunzheng, who was also experienced in many battles.

Although there is still a long way to go compared to the truly powerful priests in the family, it is already a sledgehammer to deal with a governor's personal staff.

"Okay, have the backbone, I hope you can still say this sentence with a stiff neck later!" As the jade fan in his hand hit the railing, he shouted loudly: "Do it!"

Qin Ke felt a strong wind blowing against his face, and the two of them really had already made a move!

From the aura of the two of them rushing forward, it can be seen that their strength should not be weak, and even in terms of cultivation alone, they may be higher than Qin Ke and Abu. If you continue to practice with great concentration, once you break through this realm, you will be able to shed your down feathers like a young eagle, and then become a goshawk and soar high.

However, when Qin Ke really fought Yu Jiaze, he unexpectedly found that he was not defeated on the spot, but instead gradually found a strange feeling in the fight.

The sound of wind brought by a palm floated between his eyebrows, Qin Ke stretched out his right hand, and hit the comer's arms with two "slaps", releasing his strength, and then he retreated calmly, With a palm, it met Yu Jiaze's fleshy palm.

A force exploded from between the two of them, Qin Ke retreated again, but Yu Jiaze couldn't stick up because of this.

Looking at Qin Ke's too young face, Yu Jiaze was shocked. How could a young man have such abilities?Although his cultivation was not as good as his own, it was just a question of whether his foundation was strong enough, but what happened to his keen intuition in the fight?

In his opinion, Qin Ke's every move was done without thinking at all, and he did it without thinking, and every move was the most appropriate judgment.

Qin Ke smiled, instead of retreating, he moved forward. He knew why.Although Yu Jiaze's cultivation level is higher than his, but compared to Mulan, he is still far behind.Mulan's speed can be said to be as fast as lightning. Many times, before he even has time to resist, the broad and heavy saber is already directly in front of him.

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