With a "bang", the fist hit Gao Changgong's lower abdomen, and a dent appeared in Gao Changgong's original loose robe.

However, Qin Ke's face changed. He obviously hit Gao Changgong's lower abdomen, but he felt like he was hit on a ball of cotton. It was obvious that all the strength in his body had been concentrated in his right fist, but at that The force disappeared like a stone sinking into the sea.

Gao Changgong smiled and said, "Have you beaten enough?"

"Enough." Qin Ke squatted down angrily, grinning his teeth from the pain in his muscles, and sat down on the ground again, the anger on his face still remained, "I don't want to stay with you lunatics, I want to go home."

Chapter 127 Preparation

Although Qin Ke spoke angry words, Abu could feel his determination.Perhaps in order to prove his determination, Qin Ke pushed his hands hard, and stood up with his teeth grinning under the condition that his muscles were sore like needles.

Of course, the movement of going down to the roof is not as smooth as the one at the beginning. When he hit Gao Changgong just now, he had already used up all the remaining strength in his body. Now his legs are weak and trembling. , it is naturally impossible to jump down.

He first lowered his two legs slowly from the roof, and then supported the roof wood with his arms. While climbing down with difficulty, his legs couldn't touch the ground, and his hands felt weak. Lost strength, fell all of a sudden.

Abu got up nervously, poked his head out to watch, Qin Ke stood up rubbing his painful shoulder, and walked out of the village step by step.

"Ah..." Abu opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only look at Gao Changgong anxiously, "Brother Changgong, Ah Ke really wants to leave."

Gao Changgong narrowed his eyes and said with a light smile, "Are you going to run away again?"

Qin Ke's heart trembled, he turned his head, and forced himself to say: "Why am I running away? I just don't want to play with you anymore."

Gao Changgong shook his head, "I heard that you came to Jingwu to find out the whereabouts of your master. But you have been in Jingwu for more than a month, and you haven't asked Wanling about your master so far. What are you afraid of? "

He did not take the initiative to say.Qin Ke thought guiltily, but his chest was so empty that he panicked. He straightened his chest, trying to make himself more confident: "I'm not afraid. I just don't have a chance to say that every time I enter the palace, I encounter a lot of things. "That's right, not afraid to ask, he said to himself.

He recalled the previous days, and said a little aggrieved, "The first time I entered Jianye City, Master Jiu died behind my back. Before he died, he told me to leave quickly, I couldn't save him, and then he was killed by the man in white Yes. I fled to the oil store according to the address he gave, but it was full of corpses. The shopkeeper died, and the man died. I was almost killed by a blind man. I hid in the inn for several days, and I dare not open the door. It’s obvious that those people are going to deal with you, so what’s the matter with me as a passer-by? After I finally escaped from the Yulong Gang to Tai Xuetang, within a few days, you arranged for me to enter the palace again to do that Broken martial arts, and the assassination of Zhuge Wanling..."

Qin Ke felt a flame rising from his stomach, burning all the way to his chest, and his lungs seemed to be filled with lava: "I don't want to kill people at all, I don't... who can I ask for reason? Since I entered Jianye City Nothing good has happened since then! Why does it have to be me? Who did I offend? You want to find someone to perform martial arts in the main hall, so what does it matter to me? Men and women are gambling, why are you dragging me and Abu, can you close the door and fight yourself?"

In the distance, Mulan frowned.

"I'm just a common man..." Qin Ke's eyes turned red, "I don't want to get involved with you and your Jingwu affairs, can I?"

He suddenly clutched his chest and lowered his head to retch. The nausea of ​​killing people all night finally surged up his throat along his chest, but he couldn't spit out anything. He just felt that his heart, liver and lungs were almost tightly clenched by invisible hands.

Abu looked at Qin Ke with a sad expression, not knowing what to say.Indeed, Qin Ke is not from Jingwu at all. It is impossible to talk about how closely he and himself, Gao Changgong, and Zhuge Wanling intersect.But was involved in such a turbulent situation.Tossed into this kind of Shura field again this night, I'm afraid he is already on the verge of erupting, right?

Qin Ke retched for a while, only vomited some sour water, snot and tears mixed together, which made people feel a little distressed for no reason.

However, Gao Changgong didn't show any pity at all when he looked at him like this. Instead, he said coldly: "You don't want to kill people? But if someone wants to kill you, just like today, what are you going to do? Cry your nose first. Roll on the ground, and then others will let you go. You came to Jingwu to know the news about your master, and then what? You know the news about your master, what are you going to do? How to do it?"

Gao Changgong stood on the roof, looking down on the living beings below indifferently as if on a high mountain, but Qin Ke also subconsciously avoided his eyes, only feeling that the light inside was too fierce.

"You want to find your master. But you guessed that your master must have encountered a lot of trouble. You are worried that even if you know your master's whereabouts, you will not be able to help him at all, right? So you just drag it like this , to comfort yourself that you have already taken a step, maybe this step is not big, but at least it proves that you have not forgotten the kindness and teachings that Master gave you in nurturing you."

"Childish!" Gao Changgong yelled, Qin Ke trembled suddenly, "Everything in this world has to be done with your own hands, and no one can do it for you. It's like your life can only be done by yourself Been there, no one can live for you. Even if lies can comfort yourself for a while, they will not comfort you for the rest of your life. You also understand this truth yourself, otherwise why would you travel thousands of miles to Jingwu alone? You want to find your master , you should have the determination to match it. Whether it’s about Wanling or Jingwu, you can’t even face such a thing, so why talk about a master who saved you?”

"Help?" Qin Ke looked up into Gao Changgong's eyes, "Do you know the whereabouts of my master?"

Gao Changgong snorted and said with a sneer, "That's something you should ask Wanling. The question now is, are you ready?"

Qin Ke's expression was gloomy, and he lowered his head: "I..."

He doesn't know how to answer this question, or rather, he has been avoiding this question.It's just that when this question directly hit his chest, he suddenly felt that there was nowhere to escape.

Jingwu is located in the south. Not only is there plenty of rain and dew, but also two big rivers meander through. If you look at it from the map, it looks like two giant dragons that are thousands of miles long, roaring from the dangerous snow-capped mountains at the end of the west. And headed towards the unknown vaulted sea in the east.

When the Ji Dynasty was founded, Emperor Hongwu took a big boat down to see this beautiful land, and felt that these two big rivers were full of dragon energy. If you get them, you can win the world.

Although this kind of statement is somewhat illusory, even if the Qin Tianjian, who specialized in observing the sky for the royal family, never spoke to confirm the statement made by Emperor Hongwu on a whim, but after all, Emperor Hongwu's prestige was unprecedented in those days, so naturally his words like this did not spread like wildfire and go.

Tang Guo's conquest of Wu State several times ended in failure, which may also have the effect of this sentence.

However, no one knows whether there is really a dragon spirit, but the land of Jingwu has always been the land that military strategists must fight for. Conquering the world requires a lot of food, iron, salt, gold and silver. If you can occupy Jingwu, use it as With a stable logistics base in the rear, I'm afraid it will not be difficult to sweep the world.

A big boat is leaping on the big river like a big fish, and the sails are bulging like the lower abdomen of a woman who is pregnant in October. With the huge force and the propulsion of the water, the speed of the whole boat can be described as wind and lightning.

Gao Changgong stood facing the wind at the bow of the boat, his gray clothes fluttered in the wind, and his hair fluttered like waves.Even though he was still dressed in plain decoration, the freedom and ease on his body was like the strong wind passing by his ears, without any scruples.

In his hand was a silk book, which was sent to him urgently from Jianye City, because the big ship was going down the river at such a fast speed that the courier wasted a lot of effort.

After carefully reading every word on the silk script, Gao Changgong frowned, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Unexpectedly, he really won the bet. Sun Zhong, an old fox, can actually make such a concession. It's really unexpected. In this way, it only takes some time for the court to stabilize, and when the disaster in the lower reaches of the river is completely controlled, this matter can be regarded as overturned."

He thought for a while, then shook his head with a smile and said: "No, it should be said that it turned a new page. The vacancies vacated by noble officials always need someone to sit, and when these positions are filled one by one, it will be regarded as Jing It is still impossible for Wu to break free from the shackles of the gentry, but after this battle, the power of the gentry has been greatly damaged, and it is no longer possible to easily influence the court, let alone influence the fate of the country."

Chapter 128 Your father's name taboo?

"General." Behind Gao Changgong came a Qingzhou ghost rider who was wearing cowhide armor and the devil mask hadn't been removed, and bowed his hands firmly at him, "The meal is ready."

Gao Changgong waved his sleeves and turned around. He laughed out loud in a good mood. He raised his hand and let the silk book drift away with the strong wind. Just when the eyes of the Qingzhou ghost rider turned back from the silk book that disappeared in that instant, he was already Passing over his shoulder: "Okay! Eat! Today's Jing Wu, it should be clear!"

The big boat was a retired warship from the Jingwu Navy. It was eight feet long, nearly one and a half feet wide, and nearly two feet high.After refitting, all weapons have been removed from above, but the majestic momentum still exists, enough for people to see the power of the Jingwu navy from above.

In recent years, the situation in Jingwu has been stable, the people live in peace, and the treasury has gradually increased.Under such confidence, Jing Wu's military strength can be said to be constantly changing silently. Up to now, not only the Qingzhou Ghost Riders trained by Gao Changgong has become a scale, but even the infantry and navy have completed a elimination .

And this kind of warship was not eliminated because it was unsuitable for launching. Even today, such a warship is still not weaker than ordinary ships.After the shipbuilders were refitted, the Jingwu court sold these warships as cargo ships to those big merchants in the south, hoping to recoup a certain amount of silver. Who knew that the popularity of such large ships far exceeded the court's imagination.

Because the selection of materials was strict and the workmanship was fine at the beginning, far surpassing all cargo ships on the market, rich merchants were very interested in it.Even today, the price of such a big boat on the market remains high.

Gao Changgong was not acting for private interests. The Gao family behind him was an old noble family that had been passed down for hundreds of years. It was not difficult to buy such a ship, especially when they were willing to pay more money.

However, even such a large ship cannot accommodate a hundred Qingzhou ghost riders and their horses, so Gao Changgong only selected a few as his own soldiers, and arranged their horses to be fed on the lower deck. Several Qingzhou ghost riders followed closely along the official road.

Jingwu's Qingzhou ghost riders have always equipped one person with two horses to facilitate long-distance raids. Although the speed of the horses is still not as fast as the boat going downstream, it will not be too late.

"What's the matter? It's only been three days, and you can't even eat?" Gao Changgong looked at Qin Ke with a half-smile, and stretched out his hand to grab a piece of raw fish from the table. Qin Ke cut it from the carp by himself. Yes, the crispness of each piece is just right, dipped in bitter wine ginger sea salt, without cooking, the original taste can show its true color.

However, Qin Ke had a hard time trying to cut this plate of carp.

Abu turned his head to look, at the moment Qin Ke's face was tired, his arms were swollen, and his hands were even more red, probably because of soreness, he didn't even want to bend his arms, but just stretched out his arms straight in front of his chest, It looks like the "jumping corpse" written in "Spiritual Test".

He couldn't help smiling, and said: "When I was cutting rice with my father when I was a child, my arms were often swollen, but it's rare to cut raw fish like you and get swollen."

Nonsense, I have seen fish cut with a kitchen knife, and I have seen fish cut with a dagger, but who has seen fish cut with a long sword?Moreover, it is really not a human thing to cut out such thin pieces like a cicada's wings.Qin Ke glared at Abu, then carefully looked at Mulan who was eating raw fish in peace.

It was also during the few days since boarding the boat that Mulan began to teach him things.But Gao Changgong taught Abu and Su Dingfang to teach them spear and sword skills in real ways, while Mulan taught herself to be a fish student!Thinking of the past few days, he was really distressed a lot from the days when he clumsily used the long sword to "cut the fish into pieces".

Now, he can use a sword to cut fish as well as he used to cut beef, not only thanks to Mulan's guidance on his use of power, those who were brutally murdered and the meat was cut into a mess can only be used for stewing The fish also has to be the first.

It's just that he hasn't found out what is the use of cutting fish. Is it possible that he has to open an inn in the future to perform sword dance and cut fish?

He looked at the chopsticks in his hand with a bitter face, his fingers were also a lot thicker, and he held the chopsticks as clumsily as hooves.

Fortunately, at this moment, Zhang Fu, who was tossing the bowls and chopsticks, came out from the inner room. Seeing Qin Ke's distress, she pursed her lips and smiled, walked over quickly, took the chopsticks in his hand, and knelt down slowly. She walked beside him and said, "Let me help you."

As she spoke, she gently held the chopsticks, took out a piece of sashimi from the plate, dipped it in the sauce, protected it with one hand, and slowly handed it to Qin Ke's mouth.

Qin Ke's stomach was already growling with hunger, and he didn't care about the ambiguity of this action, so he took a bite, chewed a few mouthfuls, and swallowed it.

Gao Changgong looked at Qin Ke playfully, and said with a smile: "The beauty is beside me, and she even fed you fish with her own hands, but you just swallowed it like a cow chewing a peony. It's really a bit of a shame."

Zhang Fu blushed, lowered her head, and said softly: "Don't make fun of me, General, Mr. Qin is also inconvenient, so I will help him."

"Really?" Gao Changgong smiled meaningfully, "Miss Zhang, if you really have the heart, now is the best opportunity, and the flowers are blooming. After all, I'm afraid this elm lump is not enlightened..."

"Hey, why are you talking about me again?" Qin Ke stared at him, "You are the only one with elm lumps, and your whole family is full of elm lumps."

Gao Changgong spread his hands helplessly and said, "Do you understand what I mean by the elm bump?"

Qin Ke was stunned for a moment, and said, "Aren't you just an idiot?"

On the contrary, Gao Changgong was stopped by his question. For a moment, he held his forehead and couldn't help laughing: "It's an idiot. It is indeed an idiot, but it's so stupid that it's a little cute."

Qin Ke really didn't understand Gao Changgong's meaning, turned around and looked at Zhang Fu, only to find that her cheeks were flushed like clouds, she was wearing a light-colored dress with straight train, and the makeup on her face had been washed off She looked a lot cleaner, but her soft outline was still hard to conceal. Whether it was her delicate face or her white skin, if she walked on the street, she would attract the attention of many men.

Qin Ke looked at it for a while, and asked a little strangely: "What's wrong with you? Hot?"

Gao Changgong and Mulan looked at each other, and Gao Changgong had an expression of "Look, that's it".

Mulan was expressionless, chewing her food quietly. The land in the Great Wall was not too fertile, otherwise she would not need to borrow food from the Four Kingdoms. For the Great Wall Army, cherishing food and not wasting it is a serious act Habits in the marrow.

Zhang Fu lowered her head, shook her head, and passed the dishes with her chopsticks again. Qin Ke was hungry, and when the food came to his mouth, he didn't care about asking if there was anything left.

After eating, Mulan stood up and said softly to Qin Ke, "Come out with me."

Qin Ke glanced at Gao Changgong, and the latter nodded. He swallowed the contents of his mouth hastily, then stood up, nodded slightly to Zhang Fu, Abu, and Su Dingfang, and ran out from the cabin door.

Gao Changgong looked at this frizzy boy and laughed. He drank more than half of a jar of wine, but he was not drunk at all. In his body, the vigorous energy and blood were constantly circulating. For a person like him, It was difficult to get drunk, unless he deliberately blocked the blood in his body, otherwise the alcohol in his body would evaporate along the skin.

He looked at Zhang Fu with deep eyes, a smile that was not a smile: "Miss Zhang, do you dare to ask your father's name?"

Zhang Fu was packing up the dishes on the table. Ever since she was rescued by Qin Ke from the cottage, she has been walking with Qin Ke all the way. Perhaps it is because of gratitude. She is like a loyal maid these days, taking care of everything for everyone. .

She said she dropped by to find relatives, but she did not say who her relatives were.

Zhang Fu avoided Gao Changgong's deep eyes, and whispered: "How dare the general ask such a question, my father...is not a high-ranking official."

"That's a bit strange." Gao Changgong said with a smile, "If you were not born in a noble family, where would you have such decent etiquette?"

Chapter 129 The Hand

Zhang Fu frowned, her slightly lowered head and his clear collarbone showed a bit of weakness. In fact, she knew that even if she could hide Qin Ke and Abu, she couldn't hide Mulan, Su Dingfang, and Gao Changgong at all. and others.

Several thoughts passed through her mind, and she constructed several excuses in a short period of time, but they were all overthrown by herself in the end.

She knows the lameness of these excuses, and in front of Gao Changgong, if she continues to lie, she will undoubtedly irritate the other party. The lion may usually lie lazily, and occasionally roll around like a kitten, but when it really opens up Fangs, furiously pounced on the prey, even a strong calf would inevitably die bloody, let alone a weak woman like her?

She raised her head and looked at Su Dingfang and Abu with embarrassment.

Gao Changgong waved his hand: "Go to the cabin to practice guns, I will come later."

Su Dingfang hadn't finished eating yet, but he put down the bowls and chopsticks very straightforwardly, stood up and walked out.Abu wanted to react more slowly, but when he saw Gao Changgong's intentions, he took a bun from the table with extremely brisk hands and feet, and followed him out.

At the dining table, only Gao Changgong and Zhang Fu were left.

Zhang Fu looked at Gao Changgong, and said gratefully: "Thank you, General."

"My surname is not Xie." Gao Changgong teased, "Miss Zhang, can you tell me what's in your stomach now? I can see that you didn't deliberately approach us. We can eat together at the same table. , it’s more of a coincidence. But I like coincidences, but I don’t want them to be too abrupt.”

Zhang Fu nodded lightly, her lips were thin and tender, she opened her mouth slowly, and said, "The little girl is not from Jingwu, the general should be able to tell."

Gao Changgong nodded and smiled and said, "Although your accent is not far from that of Jingwu people, some ordinary people may not be able to hear it, but I remember it deeply. Miss Zhang, are you from Tang Dynasty?"

When Gao Changgong said this, of course, he was not guessing out of thin air. In terms of geographical location, Tang and Jingwu are more southward, so the folk customs are somewhat similar, and the accents are also similar in many places.

Zhang Fu bit her lip and replied: "Yes, and no. My father's surname is Zhen, and he was indeed an official in the court of the Tang Dynasty, but many years ago he offended loyal officials of the Tang Dynasty because of some things. I couldn’t wait for the amnesty document, so I died of illness in prison. My mother was originally from Qunfang country. After my father died, she didn’t want to stay in Tang country. I returned to China with my mother to settle down when I was eight years old. As for why I concealed my identity, If you want to come to the general, you know it too."

Gao Changgong narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "I understand now. The Tang State had a war with Jing Wu a few years ago, which added a lot of orphans and widows. Whether it is the people or the officials, most of them hate the Tang State. And the Qunfang State has always been a subsidiary state of the Tang State. , in the eyes of Jingwu people, there is no difference between Tang and Tang. The girl from Tang is weak and shows her identity with great fanfare, I am afraid that she will encounter a lot of trouble."

Zhang Fu folded her hands, and a strange light flashed in her bright eyes: "General, don't you hate me because I am a citizen of the Tang Kingdom?"

Gao Changgong lowered his head and took a piece of raw fish, chewing carefully: "It is true that I, Jing Wu, lost tens of thousands of men on the battlefield, but that was on the battlefield, and I am a member of the army. If I want to blame those who also died in battle Aren’t the former soldiers biased? They fulfilled their duties and shrouded their corpses in horse leather. What’s wrong with them? The ones who should be blamed should be those ambitious people above the court of the Tang Dynasty, not the people of the Tang Kingdom.”

Zhang Fu lowered her head, her eyes showed a bit of sadness: "It's a pity that not most people can be like a general."

Gao Changgong smiled and said: "Then, Miss Zhang... Oh, no, it should be Miss Zhen. I don't know why you came to Jingwu all the way?"

After a while, Zhang Fu opened the door, and the cool wind outside the cabin blew her hair. She gently brushed a few strands of naughty hair behind her ears. Qin Ke was standing at the bow of the boat, her legs slightly bent into a horse Step-like, while his arms are stretched forward, holding a very wide saber in his hand.

This is Mulan's saber. Zhang Fu has seen it many times in the past few days. Although Mulan has never taken her saber out of its sheath, she has already experienced it when she wiped the table and moved her saber. heavy.

And Qin Ke held the saber with his swollen arms, also biting the tip of his teeth, his lips trembling slightly.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Fu walked up and asked softly.

Qin Ke looked at her, grinned and said: "General Mulan said that my hands are swollen and I can't do the delicate work of cutting fish, so I hold up the knife every day until I eat."

Looking at the heavy saber, Zhang Fu said in shock, "It's time to eat? We've just had lunch, wouldn't it be several hours before you can rest?"

"Probably..." Qin Ke took a breath, and he felt that his arms almost didn't look like his own anymore. If someone is now holding a cowhide whip and whipping his arms hard, I'm afraid he will only groan softly, the pain outside the skin is nothing to him now, the twitching of the muscles and meridians is the real reason for him tossing and turning all night and unable to fall asleep.

If it were an ordinary person, after these few days, his arms would have already been irreversibly injured, some serious ones would even be disabled.But after all, he is a practitioner of Qi and blood, and he can move Qi and blood to repair his arms, so he still managed to hold on.

And these days, he can also feel that his body is gradually stepping over the threshold of the meridians, and his cultivation base is gradually deepening into his bones.

"It's hard work." Zhang Fu looked at Qin Ke and made an evaluation. Seeing Qin Ke's hard work, her eyes showed a bit of sympathy and pity, "Are you thirsty? Would you like some water?"

"No need." Qin Ke said with a smile, but when the meridian was involved, the corner of his mouth twitched, and the soreness went deep into the bone marrow, and he felt that he could hardly hold the sword.I really don't know how Mulan, a woman, holds a saber and is as light as nothing. In this way, doesn't it mean that her cultivation is also very strong, not even weaker than Gao Changgong?

But he thought of Gao Changgong's fine steel spear that even Ding Mo of the Mo family could only drag.He had seen it in Ye Wangling's tomb. Gao Changgong could handle such a heavy spear with the strength of his fingers. I really don't know how terrible his cultivation has reached.

When talking in private, Abu also asked Gao Changgong, but Gao Changgong's answer was: he himself didn't know.

Qin Ke always felt that Gao Changgong was bragging, but he had to admit that he had the right to brag.

"You seem to be very relaxed. It's different from before." Qin Ke looked at Zhang Fu and said with a smile.

Zhang Fu was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously looked at her whole body, and didn't feel any difference, but after a careful experience, she also found that she was different.A few days ago, she was in a tense mood almost every day, but now she showed everything to Gao Changgong, and Gao Changgong also acquiesced in her position among the crowd, which made her very happy.

It's just... Whenever she thinks of Gao Changgong's last sentence, "Does Miss Zhen want to stay with Jing Wu, stay with that kid?", her face can't help flushing, and she holds the skirt of her skirt. Tightening her hands quietly, she lowered her head and asked herself, do you really not want to leave?

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