Qin Ke didn't know how to answer, and then he heard the footsteps of countless people, and the fire flickered erratically in the night sky.

Following Gao Changgong approaching the direction of the footsteps and fire, they saw clearly what the camp looked like.

The camp was very simple, and the wall made of wood was not high, and he could even cross it with a light jump.The houses inside are quite tidy, but only tidy. The adobe walls and thatched roofs are shabby. Compared with Jianye City, even the oldest neighborhoods can still beat this place by more than a dozen streets.

Of course, Qin Ke also felt that his thinking was unreasonable. How could there be such a tall house in this kind of mountains and fields?Perhaps this is how easy it is to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.He is used to eating meat buns, and now he is not very willing to eat that dry and hard flatbread.

"Stop!" The burly man in sackcloth clothes with his eyes wide open while holding a torch, shouted sharply at several people, "Is it a ligature friend?"

"On the word?" Qin Ke was stunned, not quite understanding what it meant, but thinking about it, it should be the slang of bandits, right?He looked at Abu, and looked at him in blank dismay. Obviously Abu had no idea about this sentence, but he guessed in a low voice, "Should be... a friend on the road?"

Gao Changgong took a step forward, the night was dark, half of his handsome face was hidden in the darkness, but Qin Ke always felt that there was a knife in his eyes: "Shoulder to shoulder, I heard that the eldest brother caught a fresh bean today. Come rub your teeth."

Hearing this sentence, the strong man's originally ferocious expression relaxed a little, but his eyes were still vigilant, and he shouted loudly: "When did this place say that it can be turned into a pot? Damn!"

Gao Changgong laughed: "Shoulder to shoulder! It's the same word, can't you drink a mountain? I'm not a Buddha, what can I honor your family? Besides, I didn't come empty-handed..." He lifted In his hand, a gold ingot was shining in the firelight, "My elder brother asked me to send it. Do you think I should take it in or not?"

Although Jing and Wu are rich and prosperous, copper plates and broken silver are mainly circulated in Jianye City today, and gold ingots are very rare. It's really good, it will definitely be a bit heavier than the gold on the market in your hand.

Under the firelight, the orange light of the gold ingot dazzled the eyes of the people holding the torches, and suddenly showed greedy eyes.

However, the big man became even more vigilant: "Where did this fine gold... come from? Who is your eldest brother?"

Gao Changgong's face remained unchanged, and he smiled and said: "Oh, it's rare. It was also a sea wing who passed by a few days ago and asked us to cut it to get this gift. As for my elder brother, his surname is Mimiwan, do you know that? ?”

Hearing the three words "Mimi Wan", the big man's expression finally relaxed. He laughed loudly and said annoyedly: "Hey, it turns out that he belongs to Brother Yang. I didn't say it earlier, you see that you will cause trouble." Jiner. Come, come, brother is very happy today..."

He went up to meet him, saw Gao Changgong's handsome face illuminated by the light of the fire, was stunned, and muttered, "A bandit...so beautiful."

But he didn't think too much about it, he wasn't a manly person after all, so he patted Gao Changgong on the shoulder, and said cheerfully, "Go, go in and drink!"

As he said that, the man holding the torch moved out of the way, and the man took the lead, leading Gao Changgong and the others. Gao Changgong tilted his head and looked at Qin Ke with a dull expression, and said with a smile, "What's wrong?"

Qin Ke coughed, and asked with some reluctance: "What do you mean by what you said?"

Gao Changgong broke off a blade of grass by the side of the road, held it in his mouth and said softly, "Shoulder by side, it's brothers, Fresh Dou'er means little lady, rubbing the wrong teeth means I'm here to eat meat."

Probably because he felt that it was too troublesome to explain each word, he simply said directly: "I heard that his elder brother caught a little lady today and wanted to marry him, so he came here to grab some meat. He said that there are no beggars here, so let me go. I said nothing." I’m on the road, so I can’t even drink a sip of wine? I’m not a thief, so what can I steal from your house? I took gold ingots, and he asked me where I came from. He was robbed. As for the surname Mimiwan, Mimiwan is 'Yang'."

Qin Ke is not a fool, of course he quickly understood, but how can there be such weird words in this world?And this kind of words just came from the mouth of the general of Jingwu...

The corners of Mulan's mouth turned up slightly at this time, guessing his thoughts, and sighed: "You general, you are not a good person. Back then, you lost your family, wandered around the rivers and lakes, and I heard that you were the king of the mountain for a few days. What's so strange about saying a few black words?"

"The King of the Mountain..." Qin Ke and A Bu were speechless, Gao Changgong, the King of the Mountain?

If he blurted out this title in front of the Jingwu people, he might be beaten to the point of paralysis.

After all, in the eyes of the common people in Jingwu, Gao Changgong is always shrouded in brilliance. His feat of leading eight thousand Qingzhou ghost riders to turn the tide has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Who would believe that he was the king of the mountain before?

Gao Changgong looked at Mulan helplessly, and said in a low voice, "You were young and ignorant at that time, so why don't you expose me?"

During the conversation, several people had already passed several adobe houses. The big man held a torch and led everyone to the largest house. The wine was drunk together, the clay wine bowl was raised above the head, and the aroma of the wine was overflowing.

After all, the bandits don't know the rhythm, but when they beat the leather drum lamely and knocked on the wooden pillar with the scabbard, they actually created a somewhat festive atmosphere.

And the one sitting in the middle, wearing an ill-fitting earth-red groom's wedding gown, looked weird no matter how you looked at it. Come to think of it, this was the owner of the village.

1 Chapter Twenty

"Brother Yang is very happy today, and I wanted to invite Brother Yang to drink a bowl of wedding wine together, but the rumors are getting tighter these days. Hey, let me say, who is Brother Yang, how could he miss this big day? Drink more later With a few glasses of wine, let us brothers pay respects to Brother Yang together!" The strong man laughed.

Gao Changgong smiled and asked, "Aren't you going to drink together?"

"I would like to. But the eldest brother said that these days are not peaceful, so we have to keep an eye on the door. Brother, wait for us to change our defenses, and then have a good drink with him!"

Gao Changgong nodded, chuckled and said, "No need. There should be no chance."

The strong man was slightly taken aback: "Brother, are you in a hurry to leave? Don't mind, you should drink a few more bowls..."

However, when the strong man was still talking, he found that he seemed to be getting farther and farther away from the overly handsome "brother" in front of him. Then, his eyes moved up involuntarily, and he saw the gloomy night and the crumbling dark clouds .

What's going on here?The strong man thought strangely.

Then he felt a pain in his neck, and reached out to touch his neck, but found that he seemed to have completely lost control of his body.

Gao Changgong looked calm, watching the strong man's head slowly fall to the ground, followed by the headless corpse, he took out a handkerchief from his arms, and slowly wiped the palm of his right hand.

Qin Ke and A Bu were so shocked that they could not speak. They never thought that Gao Changgong would make a sudden move, and he cut off the strong man's head with a hand knife!

"You... What are you doing?" Qin Ke almost forgot to breathe for a moment just now, and then he took a deep breath, but his heart was still overwhelmed, and the headless body was so close to him. The strong man who was talking to him just now died so simply, he couldn't help bowing his head and retching a few times.

"What? Of course it was murder..."

The smile on the corner of Gao Changgong's mouth has disappeared, replaced by a forceful coldness, "This place is only a dozen miles away from Jianye City, even if the forest is lush and the mountain roads are complicated, if the government is really determined to clean it up, how can it be done?" Troubled by bandits?"

Abu patted Qin Ke on the back, raised his head and said sadly: "Didn't it mean that the imperial court has not focused on suppressing bandits these years?"

"Suppression of bandits?" Gao Changgong said coldly, "Why do you think these are bandits?"

Qin Ke actually didn't vomit anything, but after retching together, his chest felt a little more comfortable. He spat and looked up and asked, "Isn't it banditry? Who else could it be?"

"Since I took over the military power, although I have used many people from the gentry as generals, after all, the Jingwu army is different from the past. The current Jingwu army is not a place where they can easily intervene. The reason why the gentry have lived in peace with Wanling all these years Well, one of the reasons is because they have no soldiers in their hands, even if they control half of the court, they still can't strengthen their backs. So, they have to think of other ways..."

Gao Changgong's eyes showed sarcasm, "This is the hinterland of Jingwu. Even if there are bandits, it is impossible to gather together. But this happened just like this... It's not so much that these bandits are bandits, it's better to say that they have ulterior motives." The private soldiers raised here..."

Qin Ke's eyes widened: "You mean, these bandits are actually supported by people in the court? But what do they want these bandits for?"

Gao Changgong sneered: "What's the use? Of course it's useless now. After all, these bandits lack sufficient training. In front of Jing Wujun, it's flattering to say that they are vulnerable. A group of stinky fish and shrimps, but..." He started talking Zhuan, "If there is a suitable time, these people are only half a day away from Jianye City. As long as they master the defense of the city and cooperate with the inside and outside, these bandits will be their new force. Together with the elite private army they have retained, they can... To attack the palace gate, it will be another day."

Speaking of this, Gao Changgong lowered his head and looked at Qin Ke with a playful smile. Since Zhuge Wanling said that he wanted to take a gamble, he had to leave Jianye Metropolis, but even if he left, he still had to do something else The "interesting" things are right.

"Do you know why I got in here?" Gao Changgong casually threw away the blood-stained silk handkerchief and asked Qin Ke.

"Huh?" Qin Ke was a little inexplicable when asked, and also a little inexplicable when he was frightened by his bare-handed decapitation just now, so he could only make a strange question.

Gao Changgong blinked and said, "This is the bet between me and General Mulan. I just don't know which side will win, you or Su Dingfang of the Great Wall."

After finishing speaking, he bent down to pick up the torch that fell on the ground, and threw it on the roof of a thatched house.

Jianye City, the old house of the Sun family.

"You have been avoiding me for so many days, do you want to see grandpa?" Sun Zhong didn't get up, but his closed eyes had been completely opened, looking at the most beloved grandson standing opposite him, his eyes were kind .

Sun Qing shook his head, and said softly, "I have no face... no face to see grandpa."

Sun Zhong smiled and said, "Still worried about letting go of those two Tai Xuetang children?"

Sun Qing bit her lip, knelt down in front of Sun Zhong, lowered her head and said, "If I had known that Qin Ke had such an important list on him, I would not have let him go. But after all, it is myself So many gentry were brutally slaughtered, this is all my fault, grandpa, please punish me."

"Get up..." Sun Zhong said lightly.

Sun Qing didn't get up, but raised his head.

Sun Zhong was still lying down, and he didn't rush to get up to help him like those old people who dote on their grandchildren. In his opinion, Sun Qing was like a good knife, but it was too fast and too sharp, so it was easy to break. It wasn't useless for him to kneel down, he said slowly: "Punishment is unnecessary, but do you know why I won't punish you?"

"Yes... Grandpa loves me."

Sun Zhong shook his head: "No, you don't understand..." The old man's voice was like the dull bells by the river in the evening. After all these years of fighting, how are they like with each other? Don’t you know? There are as many as ten thousand people affected by the disaster, and there are only a few low-level officials. Who would dare? Then, behind this must be the leadership of the gentry , Zhuge Wanling is not an idiot, even, he is the most unfathomable person I have ever seen in my life, even if there is no list, he can still silently read the names of those people in his heart."

"But this time, not only those officials who participated, but even some people who were not involved but were affected were also sent to prison..."

"You, you are still too young..." Sun Zhong sighed, "When looking at people and things, if you only see one person and one thing, then it is a blind eye. You have to take a longer view, so far..." The old man suddenly looked deep , seemed to want to penetrate Sun Qing with his sharp eyes.

"You have to see clearly the court of the Jingwu Kingdom, and even... the world."

"The world?" Sun Qing raised his head, looked at Sun Zhong, and felt his heart stop for a moment inexplicably.

"What does Zhuge Wanling want? Of course, it's not just officials who want to deal with the case of destroying dikes and flooding fields, but... to weaken the power of the gentry." Sun Zhongdao.

Although Jingwu is now under great rule, the power in Zhuge Wanling's hands is still constrained by the nobles everywhere.He used Gao Changgong to support those generals of the new generation, and established the Tai Xuetang in Jianye City, all in order to prevent the gentry from continuing to grow and eventually affect the power in his hands.

Regardless of whether there was the case of destroying embankments and flooding the fields, or whether there was the assassination of the court, what he should do, he would still do it as before, it was only a matter of time.

Sun Zhong's voice gradually cooled down, and the chill in his words seemed to be totally inappropriate for an old man of his age, he said: "I don't think Zhuge Wanling's actions are wrong, even though these days...he has indeed crossed the threshold. But in the final analysis, if the interior of the gentry is not corrupt, how can Zhuge Wanling reveal this bottom line? My family made mistakes, so it’s no wonder others took advantage of it.”

Sun Qing's heart trembled, and he cried, "Uncle... he too... died too!"

"Oh, that idiot..." There was no emotion in Sun Zhong's words, as if he was talking about not his own family, but a wild dog on the side of the road. It is enough to do his job well. He refused to listen to persuasion, and insisted on sending his own neck to Zhuge Wanling's knife. In this case, it is better to die at the hands of his own family than to die at the hands of outsiders... It's me, Send someone to finish him off."

Chapter 121 Meeting at Sun's House, Killing in the Village

Sun Qing was silent. In fact, he couldn't say anything better to refute, even though he can still recall the scene when his uncle went back to the old house when he was a teenager. He laughed to himself: "Look, the man from the Sun family has grown taller again."

When he was ten years old, he received the first short sword from a down-and-out businessman with a lot of money from his uncle. After that, every year on his birthday, he would receive a gift from his uncle, sometimes it was a new sword, sometimes it was a new sword. It's agate or emerald, and he still keeps these precious things in his room.

Those swords of different lengths were placed on the rosewood knife holder one by one, shining coldly quietly.

Uncle is the youngest son of the grandfather, so such an order from such an old man must be far more sad than himself.

The bond between flesh and blood is unbreakable, not to mention that he heard that the deceased grandma had always doted on this little son, and that the grandfather loved the house as well as his own, and had always left him all the good things.

He has more reasons and rights to cry than himself.

But he didn't shed a single tear, his expression was calm and deep, like a night that would never end.

"Are you sad?" Sun Zhong said suddenly.

Sun Qing suddenly realized that his eyes were a little blurry. Those tears sneaked out of the corners of his eyes at some point, moistening his eye sockets. Under the moonlight, his red eye sockets were exposed to Sun Qing without reservation. in front of the clock.

"It should be sad." Sun Zhong said again, "After all, he is your uncle, and he is good to you..." At this point, his voice suddenly became low, "But Sun Qing, you should understand that the inheritance of a noble family is far more important than that of an individual." Your life and death are much more important. Without such inheritance, you would not be able to live a pampered life as you are now, let alone have Mr. Mei teach you martial arts. Everything you have comes from your family, so naturally you have to take care of your family. In the future... you will take on more important responsibilities. Whether it is me, or your father... it is impossible to live forever."

"I know, Grandpa. You told me a long time ago." Sun Qing replied, but his originally indifferent expression seemed to be breaking into ice, and his voice choked up involuntarily.

Sun Zhong stretched out his hand in relief, stroked Sun Qing's hair, and said with emotion: "Yes. I told you. How old were you at that time? Five years old? Six years old? But so many years have passed in a flash, you It’s rare to still remember.”

At this time, there were a few footsteps outside the yard, and the housekeeper of the white-haired old house humbly lowered his head, walked over from the gate of the yard, kept a distance of more than ten steps, and said in a low voice:

"Master, there are guests outside."

The usual indifference on Sun Qing's face returned. He lowered his head slightly, wiped the corners of his eyes with his cuffs, sucked the moisture from the corners of his eyes, and stood up: "As early as a few years ago, Grandpa announced that he was in poor health and would not see you again." Guest, what kind of stinky fish and rotten shrimp are expecting grandpa to make decisions for them outside, using this kind of thing to bother grandpa?"

"Master Sun...but...the identity of the person..."

Sun Qing snorted coldly: "Identity? Don't talk about Jianye City, even in Jingwu, no one dares to force my grandfather to meet him. Why does he think he has the qualifications?"

"Let him finish." Sun Zhong lay on the chair and sighed, "Sun Qing, you are too irritable. You need to sharpen it, otherwise, a sharp knife is a good thing, but it is easy to break if it is too sharp. It can't last. I asked you to go to Tai Xuetang, not to let you do anything, but to sharpen your temper. Do you understand?"

Sun Qing lowered her head and nodded lightly: "Grandson knows."

Sun Zhong nodded to express his satisfaction, then turned his head, looked at the old butler, and asked softly, "Is it Prime Minister Zhuge?"

Sun Qing looked at the old housekeeper suddenly, his eyes seemed to contain flames, as if he wanted to burn a hole through the old housekeeper.

The old butler turned a blind eye, nodded slightly, and said, "Yes."

Sun Zhong closed his eyes, shook the purple sand teapot gently in his hand, the tea in it was empty, and the time was just right.

"Please come in."


Outside Jianye City, in the bandit village.

The ax and the long sword slammed into each other in the air, making a clanging sound, sparks splashed slightly in the night sky, and Qin Ke held the snatched ax, turned an ax blade, and with a knock, the bandit holding the long sword issued a blow from his wrist. There was a terrible cracking sound, and then the bandit let out a cry of pain, and the long sword dropped from his hand.

Qin Ke held the long sword in mid-air, and now he has two weapons in his hands. The ax is a logging axe. It is huge and heavy, and it is really not suitable for him, so he threw the ax to Abu who was empty-handed. Abu After taking it, he successfully held the two broadswords that were trying to cut off his ribs from the side, and then he kicked the two of them back involuntarily.

But more bandits rushed up.

"Too many people!" Abu shouted.

Qin Ke also shouted back: "I know."

Fire, fire all around.After Gao Changgong threw the torch, the roof beside him was ignited in an instant, and the bright fire illuminated him and the bandits who were forced to interrupt the celebration and rushed out with various weapons.

Out of the corner of his eyes he saw Su Dingfang, his strikes were crisp and sharp, the Great Wall's martial arts were not used to deal with people, but to deal with Taotie, naturally he tried to make each cut heavy enough.

It was just a momentary slash from bottom to top, and the powerful saber pierced into the flesh and blood of the bandit fiercely, cutting open his entire chest cavity, spilling the intestines and blood on the ground.

He felt like throwing up.But soon another bandit rushed towards him, and he heard a crackling sound in the air.He avoided the oncoming blade, and then drew his sword slanting upwards, just in time to hit the arrow that came from nowhere.Finally, he hit the bandit on the chest with his elbow. The bandit was in pain, but he still held onto him and wanted to cut him down.

Qin Ke could only take advantage of the situation and kicked again, which happened to kick the bandit's crotch.The bandit clutched his lower body and hunched due to the pain, trembling like a dog and fell down.Was quickly dragged backwards by his brothers.

The thieves from this house had already gathered here, and there were more than two hundred strong men who surrounded their escape route tightly.Even though the three of them are practitioners, how could they deal with so many people at once, given their current cultivation level, and they are not God of War like Gao Changgong?

Fortunately, there was the burning house beside him, and the bandits didn't want to get close, so the bandits just formed a semicircle, at least they wouldn't be attacked from all directions at the same time.

The three of them leaned shoulder to shoulder, and Qin Ke smelled the bloody smell from Su Dingfang's knife, but later he found that a small piece of internal organs was sticking to Su Dingfang's shoulder, and there was another piece of blood in his stomach. There was a tumult.

There was a voice among the bandits growling, it was the bandit leader, that is, the big brother of the strong man who led them here: "Come on, it's just three little dolls, even if they have some cultivation, what's the chance of winning against us?" ?”

Although bandits seem to be loyal, they are in fact nothing more than a group of white-eyed wolves with their own thoughts. When they are rich and women, they will rush to them, and when they are in danger, they will scatter.

Even if the bandit leader is still their big brother, at this time, all the bandits will inevitably slander: To put it nicely, you don’t need to confront practitioners head-on while hiding behind, of course I don’t know that these three young people are not What a stubble.Even though the two of them seem to be a little bit cowardly and haven't dared to kill so far, the guy with the saber is extremely agile in his strikes. Raising the saber in his hand is a life, and the power of the saber is too great. Just now The facts proved that anyone who was slashed by that saber could not even leave a whole body. Who would dare to go up and touch him?

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