However, a strange light flashed in Gao Changgong's eyes, making Zhang Mingqi immediately kneel down.

" my father..." Zhang Mingqi's voice was so weak that only he could hear it.

Tingwei issued a document stating that his father had been arrested and imprisoned because he colluded with several officials to resell disaster relief food and embezzled food money. , that is already a dying person whose name is recorded in Hades Book.

As for Zhang Mingqi's Wanguan family property, when his father was arrested, all of them were confiscated by the Tingwei Mansion, leaving only a few tattered clothes worn by the servants, which really couldn't fit in and carry them. In the cart, he was thrown down.

Master Zhang Jiazu fell ill on the spot in a fit of rage, and none of the servants in the family wanted to stay behind, so they packed up their things and left.

A wealthy family that was once glamorous turned into such a desolate and miserable situation in one day.

In the past, even if Zhang Mingqi saw Gao Changgong, he could still be neither humble nor arrogant, but now, his father is just a sinner who stripped off all his titles, even worse than the poor people who set up stalls on the street and do hard work. What qualifications does he have to treat Jing Wu? What request does God of War make?

But he came here early in the morning, and he also listened to the suggestion of a kind-hearted servant in the Gao Mansion. He knew that if he couldn't make his request at this only opportunity, he might regret it in the future.

Thinking of this, he kowtowed heavily on the ground paved with bluestone slabs, his voice loud.

" my father, my father...I'm afraid he's going to be beheaded."

In the past two days, he has said this sentence to countless people, but this time, it may be his last chance.

Chapter 1 Is it important who is who?

At first, Zhang Mingqi went to Sun's old house and knelt at the door all night, but to no avail.

Afterwards, he went to several gentry families who had been friends with the master of the Zhang family, but when those people saw him, they all seemed to have seen a plague god. .

Back then, his father had a prosperous business network all over the country, he held a lot of money, and the house was full of people. Even those veteran gentry had to admit that his father was indeed a veteran in the business field.

After that, he took advantage of the opportunity of Tang's massive invasion and donated a large amount of supplies in exchange for the subsequent hereditary title. Although he took advantage of the country's crisis, he entered the ranks of the noble gentry in one fell swoop.

But these things... what did they get in the end?

This was the first time since he was born that he felt the coldness of the world. It was like a sharp knife with a barb, which first pierced straight into his heart, and when it was pulled out, it took away a few pieces of his flesh and blood.

Gao Changgong lowered his head, and instead of rushing to get Zhang Mingqi up, he asked slowly, "Why did you come to me?"

Zhang Mingqi choked with sobs, shook his head and said, "I've searched for many people...they...they all hide from me. The Sun family, the Wang family, the Liu family...I've searched for them all. Now, I really have no one to help me now. I've found it, I can only find you..." He looked solemn, raised his arms high and said, "General... I beg you to see my father's past achievements and save his life!"

Of course Gao Changgong remembered the credit of Zhang Mingqi’s father. At that time, the Tang Kingdom took advantage of the instability of the Jingwu Kingdom and invaded from the border. One point of strength.

After the war, even the military rations and salaries were scarce, and at this time, Zhang Mingqi's father and grandfather personally rode horses and led the team, and sent a large amount of food and iron to the front line, which made the original mutiny The troops on the edge returned to Yixin and resisted Tang's repeated and violent offensives.

It can be said that if Zhang Mingqi's family hadn't sent charcoal in the snow, he, Gao Changgong, would not have been able to create the story of eight thousand ghost riders from Qingzhou sweeping Tang.

This Jing Wu might become the shortest-lived dynasty in history.

Thinking of this, Gao Changgong's heart still softened, he walked over and supported Zhang Mingqi's arm with both hands, trying to pull him up, but he felt that the child was stubbornly pressing his legs and refused to get up, so he used a little force , forced Zhang Mingqi to stand up from the ground.

Gao Changgong said: "You shouldn't have come to me, I won't count on your father's matter."

Hearing this, Zhang Mingqi gritted his teeth and wanted to kneel down again, but the strength in Gao Changgong's hand was like an iron wall, making him unable to move at all.

"However, don't worry, your father will not be a capital crime this time. Although your father did break the law, after all, he also made great contributions to Jing Wu back then. The prime minister and I are not ungrateful people. I guess now Your father has already been released from prison, so go home and take care of him."

Zhang Mingqi finally heard a quasi-letter from Gao Changgong, and felt a little comforted in his heart, but then he thought again, and said with a sad smile: "Go home? How can I still have a home... General, our Zhang family once stood up when Jing and Wu were alive and dead. , but Jing Wu... and Prime Minister, is this how they repay my Zhang family?"

Gao Changgong remained silent. He knew this kind of thing, and it was impossible to argue clearly with the current Zhang Mingqi. Besides, Zhang Mingqi was just a child to him. What he wanted was comfort, but he was not good at it.

"General." Zhang Mingqi raised his face, his eyes sharpened suddenly, and said, "I remember you said that no matter how high or low you are in the Jingwu army, as long as you have a heart to serve the country, you can join, right?"

Gao Changgong looked at Zhang Mingqi, and said softly: "It's true under my command. Even if the sons of the gentry enter our army, they can only start as pawns. You..."

"General, I, I don't do it for anything..." Zhang Mingqi lowered his head and bit his lips and said, "My family... has nothing left, so I must have a livelihood, right?"

Gao Changgong immediately sighed and said, "Even if Zhang's family is found without property, with your ability, it's not difficult to go to the city to find a clerical job, or to be introduced by me, and become a guard in the Imperial Army... ...These two jobs are not hard, and they can support the family, so why join our army?"

Seeing the way Zhang Mingqi bowed his head to cover his eyes, Gao Changgong knew how much hatred was in those eyes without even guessing.

"Yes... you want to turn over from me, and one day if you really become famous, you can plot against the prime minister, right?" Gao Changgong tentatively asked.

Zhang Mingqi remained silent, without saying a word, like a stubborn seedling, refusing to back down under the wind and rain.

Gao Changgong shook his head, his face full of regret: "I can let you join the army, but it's not because of love, but because of Jingwu Jun's consistent rules. , no special treatment, even if your father... I do have a little friendship with my father, you have to start from the bottom of the soldiers, eat, live and sleep with them, can you bear it?"

"Do you think I still have the ability to object now?" Zhang Mingqi bit his lip, "I can bear it, as long as the general doesn't think I'm a sinner's son and leave me alone."

"Jingwu's army does not punish people's hearts. Whether they are the sons of sinners or good people, they are all soldiers who join our army and fight for the country." Gao Changgong turned his head, "In that case, go to the barracks to find my deputy general Lin Quan and tell me He, I have agreed for you to join the army, and he will arrange everything for you."

"Thank you, General." Zhang Mingqi took a deep breath and bowed his head. He even wondered if he had ever shown such respect to another person in his life.

But at this moment, he clenched his lips tightly, and kept saying to himself in his heart: Zhang Mingqi, you have to understand that you have nothing left, and you must respect everyone in the future, even if it is...

He glanced at Qin Ke and Abu who had been standing beside Gao Changgong, and he also slightly arched his hands.

But he is a young man after all, even though what happened these days has taught him patience, he still couldn't help but raised his head and shouted loudly: "General! Since you said that my father still has a relationship with you, why are you so arrogant? When my family was in trouble, but they didn't help at all? Could it be that my father's confession is not as important as your Gao family's wings?"

Gao Changgong didn't turn around, but turned his head and said: "State-owned and national laws, your father is to blame. Let's not say whether my Gao family will help, even if they do, I will even tell them not to do it. I think I still have They won’t listen to me if there is so much room to speak. As for the wings, I never think that the wings are important. Although the gentry are families with surnames, they are still part of Jingwu after all. As long as your father is worthy of Jingwu , Jing Wu will not let him down. The Liu family, Sun family, and Wang family also kept silent when your father was in trouble, and they also understand that there are some things that cannot be touched lightly."

"Of course, I still want to say. Don't hate him." Gao Changgong knew that Zhang Mingqi understood who he was talking about.

"No... dare."

I dare not, or I won’t.

Zhang Mingqi lowered his head again, his eyes were full of sadness, but there was a flame surging in the darkness.

Even after entering the mansion, Qin Ke still couldn't get rid of Zhang Mingqi's impact on him, and Abu beside him was also a little silent. Although the two of them didn't deal with Zhang Mingqi very much, they never wanted to Make Zhang Mingqi into that scene.

Zhang Mingqi's haggard look made even Qin Ke a little startled, and after knowing the situation in Zhang Mingqi's home, he even felt an inexplicable sense of guilt.

If I hadn't sent that list to Zhuge Wanling, would all of this have happened?

But he quickly denied himself. If he said that he hadn't sent the list to Zhuge Wanling, wouldn't he be dissatisfied with the people who died because of the dam burst in the lower reaches of the river and the people who were starving because the relief funds were embezzled? fair?

Gao Changgong didn't turn his head, but he seemed to feel Qin Ke's unusually heavy heartbeat.He said lightly: "Don't blame yourself. It's none of your business."

"But this time..." Qin Ke wanted to talk about the list.

"Without that list, Wanling would still arrest Zhang Mingqi's father. Do you think Wanling really didn't know the situation of Jingwu in the past few years when he ruled Jingwu? Without that list, Wanling also knew what these people had done. What. It’s just that he has never had a chance to move. But this time, he wanted to take advantage of the assassination to move some characters that were not easy to move.”

"What do you mean?" Qin Ke didn't understand. He didn't know how to govern a country, and he didn't understand what the assassination incident had to do with Zhang Mingqi's family.

Gao Changgong raised his head and looked towards the sky: "The word 'balance' that is so important in the court, if Wanling wants to move before it is changed, it will only move those small officials. As long as it does not affect the foundation of the gentry, the gentry will There will be no objection. It's just that this time, the gentry's deliberate assassination of Wanling has broken the balance, and Wanling has a reason for the gentry to make greater concessions. Regardless of whether Wanling is avenging private revenge or dealing with justice, the gentry Because this matter also has to give up three points."

Qin Ke raised his head and asked strangely: "The matter of the assassination...hasn't it been investigated yet? Do you know who assassinated it now?"

"Who knows." Gao Changgong thought of the figure hidden in the shadows, and he never stopped chasing the assassin, but after checking this matter, there is still no conclusive evidence to prove what he thought.

He came here today not only to meet Mulan, but also to confirm an idea in his heart.

"But... it doesn't matter who you are. Anyway, from the government to the common people, everyone now thinks that someone in the gentry wants to harm the prime minister... I'm afraid the gentry themselves don't know whether there is anyone among them secretly act."

Chapter 111

"I don't even know?" Qin Ke and Abu were confused, but Gao Changgong didn't seem to intend to continue explaining, so it was inconvenient for them to ask further questions, so they could only follow Gao Changgong into the mansion. .

It was the afternoon at this time, and they were drowsy, but the sergeants on both sides of the Great Wall did not have the habit of sleeping in such a warm and sunny noon.

Jing Wu's internal security was guaranteed, they took off their armor, and their thick arms exposed were like two angry dragons.

Some people are sharpening their sabers carefully, and some people are fighting each other. When fists and feet intersect, there is a heavy and muffled sound of "booming and bursting", which is enough to let people know that these sergeants are not just doing superficial kung fu.

The Great Wall is martial arts, and most of the sergeants are veterans who have survived many battles on the tragic battlefield. For them, sharpening knives and practicing martial arts are not only their daily adjustments, but also the foundation of their survival.

And when Gao Changgong led the two of them in slowly, these eyes were attracted immediately, and the people who had been fighting stopped their movements. The fight is as fierce as a knife.

Qin Ke looked away, but still felt that the eyes of the Great Wall sergeant looked him up and down, and felt a little displeased.

"General Jing Wu paid a sudden visit. I don't know if he came to ask for advice? Or to visit friends?" A clear female voice broke the stagnant air, and the sergeants on the Great Wall also turned their eyes away after the words, and continued to work intently. own business.

Mulan also didn't wear armor, but she still didn't wear a skirt. Qin Ke even suspected that she didn't have a skirt at all. Her decent black clothes were like the deep night, and she walked like a real man when she walked. , if there is Ben Lei jumping in it.

When Gao Changgong saw Mulan's crisp ponytail, he couldn't help laughing, thinking that some people, even after many years, still insist on death and refuse to change. This gave him some comfort, so he also responded loudly: "It's a visiting friend, but I'm afraid this friend will not give up this rare opportunity to ask for advice."

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Mulan's mouth, and her original fortitude relaxed at this moment.

Looking over Gao Changgong's shoulder, Qin Ke looked at Mulan's pure white cheeks without any makeup, and thought that if Mulan was really dressed up like those maids in the palace, she would actually be a pretty woman, right?

Gao Changgong stepped forward. He was obviously taller than Mulan, but the aura between the two was not different because of the difference in height. He raised his head slightly, although there was a smile in his eyes, but also a bit of contempt.

Still that proud woman... Gao Changgong thought to himself, but he thought of a good way to suppress her.

He opened his arms, and just when Mulan was a little startled, he stepped forward, hugged her, and murmured, "Long time no see!"

For a moment, Qin Ke clearly heard the sound of the swords of the Great Wall soldiers unsheathing in the field, and he cursed in a low voice, isn't this called an affair?

Although... General Mulan struggled to let Qin Ke know that she didn't like this way of greeting with a look of disgust.

"But Gao Changgong seems to be enjoying himself..." Qin Ke commented viciously, and then he saw Gao Changgong raised Mulan's hand slightly, and shook his fist at him, Qin Ke flinched immediately Shrinking his head, he didn't dare to say another word.

Of course, Gao Changgong would not keep this hugging action all the time, but when he relaxed his arms a little, a fleeting trace of loneliness flashed across his face.

Until Mulan finally broke free from his embrace, her hair was a little disheveled, but her eyes were still as sharp as a knife. Qin Ke suspected that if she was holding a sword in her hand now, she would definitely slash at Gao Changgong without hesitation.

"It hasn't been a long time. I just met in the hall a few days ago. The general's memory doesn't seem to match his martial arts attainments." Mulan said coldly.

Gao Changgong laughed loudly: "It doesn't matter if it's been a long time anyway. I just want to know, can I still have a sip of Great Wall's shochu on my trip?"

Mulan snorted, "Good wine is only for good friends. Does the General think he is?"

Gao Changgong knew that his actions really annoyed Mulan a little, so he could only apologize and said with a smile: "Whether I am or not, at least I am a guest, so just treat me as shameless and beg for wine and drink at the head office?"

Qin Ke and Abu hid behind and couldn't help laughing.It's just that the two of them didn't dare to laugh out loud, and it was a bit hard to hold back, their eyes widened and they looked like they were about to suffocate.

Mulan was also a little helpless, she stretched out her hand and didn't hit the smiling face, not to mention that she knew very well the nature of the person in front of her, and she was extremely lazy, so why bother with him?

She turned around and hummed softly, "Come with me."

Although it was only a slight glance, Gao Changgong could find that the moment Mulan turned around, the corners of Mulan's mouth slightly curved into an arc.

Gao Changgong hurriedly nodded vigorously, smiled silly, and followed closely...

In a remote courtyard of the house, only Qin Ke, Abu, and Su Dingfang stood together, and the voices of the three of them gradually became louder.

"What kind of cutting method is this? How can the sword be so fast?" Qin Ke looked at Su Dingfang's hand holding the sword and asked curiously.

In fact, Qin Ke and Abu had nowhere to go. After Gao Changgong sat and drank with Mulan in the room, he used the lame reason of "going to see the yard" very shamelessly, like driving away flies. The two rushed out the door.

Although Qin Ke was full of scolding Gao Changgong for "emphasizing sex and despising friends", but later he thought that he was not Gao Changgong's friend at all, so he had no choice but to accept the overbearing reason of "going to watch the yard".

Since they are looking at the courtyard, Qin Ke and Abu can only walk freely in this courtyard. Anyway, they don't want to stay in the courtyard full of Great Wall sergeants. It's too eye-catching. Anyway, Qin Ke always feels that, After Gao Changgong staged a "strong hug" scene just now, these sturdy soldiers from the Great Wall looked at them as if they had hidden knives in their eyes.

They are all teenagers, not so emotionally touched by the scene or feeling nostalgic for the country, no matter how big and beautiful the house Jing Wu arranged for the Great Wall Mission, the journey of the two of them is really boring and long.

Until they met Su Dingfang who was in the corner of the yard on the way and continued to swing the knife.

"Cutting method?" Su Dingfang stood up straight, and slowly put the saber into the sheath. He said it was a scabbard, but it was actually just a piece of rough wood. "We at the Great Wall call this method of cutting meat..."

"Cutting meat?" Qin Ke stayed for a while, and couldn't help laughing, "This name is really strange." He almost said the word "ugly", but he still held back when it came to his mouth. up.

Su Dingfang was very generous, and said with a smile, "You mean to say something ugly?"

Qin Ke blushed, scratched his head, and could only smile awkwardly.

However, Su Dingfang didn't think too much about it. He just stroked the heavy scabbard of the broad saber, and said with a erratic expression: "Actually, we at the Great Wall all know that these two words are really ugly when you put them together. But you are used to it, so you don't care too much." No. Our Great Wall is no better than Jingwu. It is not a rich and stable place. Generations have been defending those fierce beasts in the extreme north. Naturally, few people will go to school. How useful can it be at that time? It is the martial arts that every household, regardless of gender, is the way to survive."

Abu nodded, he knew that even the children on the Great Wall could perform a few decent saber techniques.

"Originally, there was a nice name thousands of years ago, but most soldiers and common people couldn't understand it, so no one mentioned it. The assessment of the Great Wall Army is to let people use this cutting method. No matter whether they can To practice, you only need to slash two knives in one breath, and each knife will penetrate three fingers of the flesh and blood of the evil beast, and you will be considered qualified, and you can join the army to fight."

"Because of this, the common people call it "cutting meat." Su Dingfang lowered his head and thought for a while, then smiled: "Actually, war is about cutting meat. It's just trying to prevent others from cutting your own flesh. Just try to cut other people's flesh and blood. If the people on the Great Wall don't take the initiative to go to the battlefield and let the blood demons and night demons attack the East and West Great Walls, then one day their wives and children will become the rations of those evil beasts, so , everyone is doing their best to prevent themselves and their families from becoming a piece of meat that can be swallowed at any time."

Chapter 112

Although Su Dingfang's voice was plain, both Qin Ke and Abu felt the heroism hidden in his plain words.Qin Ke was too embarrassed to continue making fun of him, while Abu cupped his hands vigorously, as if to express his admiration.

However, if the people on the Great Wall are living in such misery, why are they unwilling to leave?Qin Ke thought of the famine in his hometown when he fled, and the people along the way were like ants, stretching as far as the eye can see.If the people on the Great Wall don't like this kind of life, they will move south, right?

Su Dingfang hung the saber on his waist, and also returned the gift with a smile.

"You two... I remember you, your name is Qin Ke. Your name is Lu Fengxian." Su Dingfang smiled and called out their names, which surprised them both.

"Do you remember us?" Qin Ke said.

"Of course." Su Dingfang nodded, "The two young students who can perform martial arts on the Jingwu Hall will naturally be the pillars of the Jingwu military administration in the future. Although the Great Wall does not get involved in world wars, it still pays attention to the changes in this world. "

Qin Ke scratched his head, thinking about military and political pillars?The way I stand crookedly, I don't look like a pillar of the military and government, but like straw in the wind in the rice field, swaying here and there with the wind.He tilted his head and glanced at Abu beside him, thinking that he looked alike.

"Why are you here?" Su Dingfang asked.

"We came with a pervert." Qin Ke snorted.

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