"No delivery."

Liu De said goodbye to Zhuge Wanling, and then Gao Changgong and Zhuge Wanling turned and left together.

The black hair fluttered slightly between turning around, and Gao Changgong's gentle and resolute side face disappeared in front of Liu De's eyes.

Liu De stood where he was, quietly watched the two walk into the bustling crowd, and sighed softly, "Like him..."

He glanced at the back again, and sighed again: "It really looks like him."

No one knows who the "he" he mentioned is, maybe it's an old friend, or maybe it's the "Ziyun" he just mentioned in the teahouse...

For some reason, Liu De's heart fluctuated slightly, and the smile on his face gradually changed. If the previous smile seemed to belong to the calm smile of a counselor when dealing with world affairs, then at this moment, he Like a child who hasn't grown up yet, laughing out a bit of childishness and innocence.

He opened his mouth and shouted with a very exaggerated mouth shape: "Hey... isn't that... big... big... General! It's General Gao Changgong!"

Gao Changgong's complexion changed, and he turned his head slightly, just in time to meet Liu De's playful eyes after shouting.

The people in the whole street seemed to be frozen because of this call. For a while, no one was looking for who made the call, because after searching, all their eyes fell on Gao Changgong's overly handsome picture. on the face.

Gao Changgong looked at Liu De and shrugged his shoulders, turned around and left leisurely, and asked Zhuge Wanling dumbfoundingly: "This is Cang Hai's military adviser Jijiu, Cao Meng's chief counselor? Just this kind of attitude? Just because I said a few words , I have to find the place again, how dare I ask you, an old acquaintance, who is Gui Geng this year?"

The corners of Zhuge Wanling's mouth turned up slightly, as if recalling something interesting, he said with a look of nostalgia: "He is such a person, but these years...he and I have changed a lot."

"It hasn't changed at all." When Gao Changgong said this, he was staring at Zhuge Wanling, as if he wanted to penetrate his soul with sharp eyes.

Looking at the crowd gathered around and the scorching gazes of the young girls and daughters-in-law, Gao Changgong felt chills all over his body, gritted his teeth, and immediately lifted Zhuge Wanling onto his shoulders, and stomped his legs on the ground.

Afterwards, Jing Wu's No. [-] God of War was like a big bird that soared into the sky, and his figure lightly landed on the roof.

"General! What a general!"

"General Gao Changgong!"



There was joy under the eaves, but of course Gao Changgong would not be so stupid as to stop at such a time, watching the crowded crowd pushing and shoving, staggering, he ran and jumped freely between the roofs, as if walking on the ground.

After a while, he disappeared behind tall buildings farther away.

"Nothing was found in the trial overnight."

At the corner of another street, Gao Changgong gently put down Zhuge Wanling on his shoulders, looked at Zhuge Wanling's face that had been bumped a lot because he was carrying him on his shoulders, smiled apologetically, and said: "Those little officials who let people into the palace really don't know anything... As for the assassin, he is really tough. Zhu Ran did it himself, and he fainted three or four times, but he still didn't know anything. Refuse to say."

Zhuge Wanling straightened his clothes, shook his head and said, "Since you dare to enter the palace to assassinate, you should have some awareness."

The two walked side by side to the Miyagi, Gao Changgong said at the same time: "However, from the two daggers, I found some clues. The source is a blacksmith shop in the east of Jianye City. Lord, after being old and injured, he withdrew and now opened that small blacksmith shop in the east of the city. When our men arrived, he was already dead."

First, the dikes were destroyed and the fields were flooded, and then Master Jiu and others were killed. Gao Changgong said that the Yulong Gang was involved in these things.The previous blind man had already escaped from Jianye City at night when Qin Ke entered the palace, and the leader of the Yulong Gang and a group of gang members had already been controlled by him.

Gao Changgong thought for a while, and added: "There is also a white-clothed doorman, I don't know where he is hiding, and I have been searching without success..."

Zhuge Wanling still didn't say a word, just walked quietly.

"Which family do you think is going to kill you?" Gao Changgong asked.

Zhuge Wanling changed his mouth and said: "The matter has not been settled yet. At least up to now, you have only found out the Yulong Gang, but there are too many parts involved in the Yulong Gang, and it is not so simple to explain."

"But at least one thing is certain. If you can invite two high-ranking practitioners to be assassins and manage everything in the palace properly, the mastermind behind the scenes must be a member of the gentry, and the status must not be low." Gao Changgong He hesitated for a while, but still said in a low voice: "There is one more thing, the assassin who was crucified on the plaque, someone reported that he was seen following the Great Wall Mission..."

Chapter 1 Forced Marriage

Although Gao Changgong spoke cryptically, how could Zhuge Wanling fail to understand the meaning contained in his words?The Great Wall Mission had just entered Jingwu, and the long-planned assassination occurred on the first day above the main hall, and the assassins of this assassination, both came from the north, and one of them even showed up in the Great Wall Mission .

What he said was equivalent to speculating that the Great Wall Mission was related to this assassination, and even... was the main messenger of this assassination.

"If it's really the Great Wall, what good will it do them?" Gao Changgong carefully recalled every detail of the main hall. When Zhuge Wanling was assassinated, Liu De's reaction was quick, even though he In the end, he still didn't draw the sword, but after all, he showed his attitude.

And Mulan... As the Great General of the Great Wall, she is even stronger than Liu De, why didn't she get ahead of Liu De?Is it intentional?Or because of something else?

"Could it be that the Mu family wants to support Cang Hai? But if that's the case, why does Liu De stand up to protect you?"

"Let's not talk about it first." Zhuge Wanling didn't have as many thoughts as Gao Changgong, but maybe it was just "on the surface" that he didn't have any thoughts. When he reached the end of a block, he shook his head and said, "There are no more clues." It is too arbitrary to judge the Great Wall's intentions based on this alone."

"That's right." Gao Changgong looked at Zhuge Wanling's calm eyes, somehow he threw out those messy thoughts in his heart as trash.

"At least in my opinion, although there is a good relationship between the Great Wall and Canghai, the Mu family has followed the iron law for thousands of years and has never intervened in the disputes in this world. ..."

Zhuge Wanling smiled and said: "I forgot, you and her knew each other earlier, right? And the relationship is not shallow."

Gao Changgong was taken aback, and then realized that his words obviously meant to defend Mulan. Just now he mentioned that she hadn’t called her by her name in honorifics, so he coughed and said in embarrassment: "Oh... I, I just Speak my mind...thought."

Zhuge Wanling rarely looked at him with narrow eyes, and asked, "What about Miss Sun?"

Gao Changgong glared at him, which pot was not opened and which pot was lifted.

Recently, his father's "forced marriage" to him has reached the point where he cried, made trouble and hanged himself, especially after Sun Ji'an, the patriarch of the Sun family, also showed great interest in this marriage, he always felt that his father was throwing money every now and then. The eyes that came over seemed to be burning with raging flames.

Two months ago, my father brought a few elder brothers who always looked after him to his military camp to make a big fuss; last month, my father entered the court in person, beckoning the little king to issue a decree for marriage as soon as possible; Even five days ago, he returned home from the barracks on a rare occasion, but before he even entered the door, he saw his father holding a group of ancestral tablets, sitting on the threshold with sad eyes, which caused him to stand outside the gate in a real dilemma.

"I don't care if you like it or not, there are three unfilial sons and no offspring is the biggest! You are the only child in the family who worries the father the most! Merit, what's wrong with your career? You won't start a family after becoming a general? Miss Sun's family is just a little fatter, but The midwives all said that she will have a good childbirth in the future, and the Sun family and my Gao family have been friends for generations, so it's really a good match!"

His father's extremely well-maintained face was slightly distorted when he was excited.

Gao Changgong only felt that the important matter of marriage was going in a very absurd direction with him. If finding a woman was only for carrying on the family line, then why was his father so obsessed with asking for the right family and birth date?Why don't you just post a notice on the notice board in front of the mansion, recruiting a woman with a thin waist and fat hips to go home...

However, in less than half a day, those girls who came to apply for the recruitment would immediately destroy his entire Gao family mansion, and even the entire street would not be spared.

In the old house of the Gao family, there is a lot of turmoil. Even if he drinks a cup of tea or eats a pastry, he has to watch his father's face and make a little noise. The elderly man coughs and looks like he is about to die look.

But in fact, the doctor had seen it a long time ago and said that although the old man had some old injuries in his early years, he was still capable of literature and martial arts, and his health was better than that of being able to draw a bow and shoot a big eagle. .

If it wasn't for the elder brother's help, I'm afraid that sooner or later, he, the war god of Jingwu, would throw himself into the lake because of the endless forced marriages of his father at home.

In the final analysis, the instigator of Miss Sun's marriage was not Zhuge Wanling beside him?

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth with hatred, thinking that if Zhuge Wanling's body was not weak, he should have been arrested and beaten for three days and three nights to relieve his anger.

The two walked side by side, and attracted many people's attention along the way, but at any rate, the people here did not know the identities of the two of them. Although Gao Changgong's face still attracted a lot of attention, it would not make him fall into despair again. escape.

"When Liu De goes back, the Canghai Council will allocate [-] war horses as a gift to Jing Wu. It seems that there will be a period of time before your father will go to the military camp to disturb you again."

"Three thousand war horses?" Gao Changgong's eyes lit up. He has been paying attention to war horses and training soldiers. However, the matter of war horses is at the top of his list. Immediately forgetting about it, he excitedly said, "Is it a war horse ridden by a tiger or leopard?"

Zhuge Wanling frowned, looked at him as if looking at a half-grown child, and asked with a smile: "How can the horses ridden by tigers and leopards be given to Jing Wu?"

Gao Changgong spread his hands: "I'm just asking, even if it is really given, Jingwu does not have a vast grassland, let alone such water and soil to raise those sturdy war horses."

Looking at the palace not far from them, he continued: "However, these [-] war horses can solve the problem of the urgent shortage of horse breeds for ghost riders in Qingzhou. The local horses produced in Jingwu are short after all. It is difficult to fight, the vast sea is a good place for the people, and you are good at raising horses. Even if it is an ordinary war horse, the horse cubs bred are enough to equip an elite cavalry."

The two of them walked up to the palace gate. Naturally, the captain of the imperial army at the gate could not have known them. He immediately knelt down respectfully on one knee, and the sergeants on both sides also knelt with him. There was a rustling sound during the movement, and the tip of the spear glistened in the sunlight.

Zhuge Wanling and Gao Changgong nodded slightly, and slowly walked past them. Only when the two of them had completely entered the palace gate did the imperial guards dare to straighten up.The captain of the imperial army looked at the two men's backs from a distance, and his heart was agitated like a tide.

It is these two people who have supported the huge Jing Wu today. If they can work under the command of these two people, even if they die in battle one day, what does it matter?

And when he thought of yesterday's assassination incident, his eyes suddenly became sharp. The duty of the imperial army is to defend the palace, but the assassin sneaked in under their noses. This is undoubtedly a dereliction of duty.

Although the two assassins have profound cultivation bases and are proficient in concealing aura, so he can't be blamed for this incident, but he still feels ashamed in his heart, so he straightened his waist, and touched the handle of the knife with his right hand: "Be careful , without my order, even if it is a fly, you have to shoot me down. If anything goes wrong, I will kill you first, and then I will kill myself to thank the prime minister and the general!"

The eunuchs and maids who were taken away for interrogation last night had returned to their posts at this moment, but the incident of the assassin still kept them silent, and they didn't dare to take a breath when they walked.

The patrols in the palace were more intensive than in the past. Every few dozen steps, a team of heavily armed guards marched forward in an orderly manner against the sun.

Gao Changgong asked as he walked: "So, these three thousand war horses are what you talked about with Liu De? Cang Hai has always regarded his own horse breed as his lifeline, and smuggling one is a serious crime, so why is he so generous this time?"

Zhuge Wanling explained softly: "This is the price offered by the Canghai Kingdom in order to help the Great Wall raise food and grass."

"I heard that Cao Meng in Canghai is a man with a heart for the world. From this point of view, it is really not a rumor." Gao Changgong tutted his tongue, thought for a moment, and then asked, "How much food did you give?"

"15 million stone."

"A lot. But it's still affordable." Gao Changgong nodded. As the general of Jingwu, he naturally understands the consumption of food and salaries best.This 15 shi of grain is enough to sustain an army of 12 people for two years. Even if the Great Wall currently has 15 infantry and [-] cavalry, this [-] shi of grain is enough to survive the next attack by a fierce beast. Come in handy.

He didn't feel that it was worthless to give the 15 shi of grain. The Great Wall's army had stood for thousands of years for the people of the world who lived in bitter cold all the year round, which was enough for him to respect. If so, why didn't he help Great Wall?

"However, we just mobilized a batch of grain to go to the disaster area, and now the treasury is not full."

"Of course it depends on your ability." Zhuge Wanling said.

"What...fucking...what?" Gao Changgong's eyes widened, and he couldn't help cursing: "You want me to ask my father again?"

Zhuge Wanling said as it should be: "Everyone knows that the richest person in Jingwu is not the treasury, but the gentry family. If you don't ask the rich to get money, can't I raise taxes?"

"It's none of my business to ask you to ask for it?" Gao Changgong said angrily: "You don't know that I am arguing with my father now, you let me beg him now, and said in a low voice, 'Dad, although the child is not filial, I don’t want to choose a date to get married to give you a grandson, but my child still wants you to help me...'"

Thinking of that scene, his face was full of grief and indignation, he closed his eyes and shook his head, "Do you really think I'm shameless?"

Zhuge Wanling glanced at him, and said indifferently: "Miss Sun's side... how about leaving it to me...?"

"Deal! I'll ask my father to contact the gentry, and I'll give you a hundred thousand shi of grain, but you can steal and grab the rest... Anyway, don't look for me."

Zhuge Wanling couldn't help laughing and said: "If I really stole, do you think your family's granary can still be kept?"

"..." Gao Changgong stared blankly at the sky, only feeling that his fists were itching again.

Chapter 1 kills...

In the next month or so, Jing Wu seemed to be completely at peace.

Originally, in the imagination of the common people, the encounter and assassination of the Prime Minister would inevitably set off a storm like a huge wave. At least if there were not a few heads falling on the execution ground, this page would not be easily turned over.

But the common people "waited eagerly" for a long time. The only event in Jianye City that could be called a major event was the leader of the Fish and Dragon Gang entrenched in the east of the city who was arrested and brought to justice for smuggling and harboring fugitives from the rivers and lakes. This is really disappointing.

Could it be that this is the end of the matter?

I don't know how many people in Jianye City looked up at the sky and silently asked God.

But the court was too far away from them after all, and they didn't understand how Zhuge Wanling, who was sitting above ten thousand people, could bear such a sigh of relief, they just sighed and scolded those well-dressed but nonchalant Regardless of whether the court lieutenants are a group of incompetent people - since they are in charge of the prison, why can't they even find out the mastermind behind the assassination of the prime minister?

What's the use of high-ranking officials in the imperial court raising these pustules?

But no matter how they scolded, the Tingwei Mansion never responded. At most, they just blamed a few "tricksters" who wanted to splash blood in front of the Tingwei Mansion in the dark, and issued a few more rules. The new law issued by Zhuge Wanling himself, and then, there is no further text.

As time passed, Jianye City gradually restored the peace and tranquility of the past. Those who should sell straw mats are still selling straw mats, those who should be selling wontons are still carrying burdens to walk around the streets, and those who should be selling meat buns are still selling straw mats. Still selling meat buns as always——

Speaking of meat buns, the fat boss who sells buns these days is very surprised, because there is often a handsome student in the clothes of Tai Xuetang among his customers, sometimes he does not come alone, and from time to time beside him The ground will follow a burly but humble companion, or a chubby fat man who looks cute...

In the restaurants and teahouses, no one talked about the assassination of the prime minister anymore, and it was mostly the trivial things in life. The only joke was that the eldest lady of the Sun family who was rumored to be married to General Gao was finally married. Didn't get what I wanted.

It was said that it was because Gao's father caught the old man of the Sun family stealing his son while playing chess, and the two had a big fight over this. Naturally, no one dared to mention the marriage between the two families.

The aristocratic families thought it was absurd, but ordinary people thought it was a matter of course. From their point of view, even if the two old men didn't quarrel, would the marriage really come to fruition?

Many girls' families even laughed secretly in their hearts: The eldest lady of the Sun family, who is as fat as a sow, can exhaust the group of bearers who carry her sedan chair every time she goes out. Such a woman is worthy of our Jingwu No. One of the handsome men?

If so, I'm afraid that half of these girls who yearn for the general day and night will throw themselves into the well.

However, with regard to the marriage of General Gao Da, those who are interested are those young ladies who are waiting to be married or housewives who like to gossip when they have nothing to do. Some people with lofty ideals are more concerned about the flood situation in the lower reaches of the river.

I heard that the inspector sent by the prime minister in the past, Mr. Zhou Gongjin, Mr. Zhou, is leading his troops to inspect the granary and porridge shops around the clock day and night.

However, due to the rainy season in the lower reaches of the river, the floods have been repeated. It is obvious that the money and food in place are not enough to fight against it. Master Zhou began to provide disaster relief, and at the same time began to recruit people from all over the world. He proposed the policy of "building dikes and eating food". It was also gradually repaired under the joint efforts of many officials and people, and even stronger than before.

The Canghai and Great Wall missions, which were the most eye-catching before, have now begun to discuss food aid matters with the imperial court in detail. The [-] war horses promised by Canghai have also left Canghai and headed south.

Although the common people felt that the 15 shi of grain was exchanged for [-] war horses, it was a bit extravagant, but after the government clearly informed the common people that the grain aid was aimed at helping the Great Wall rather than exchanging horses, the common people not only did not object, but instead Praise Zhuge Wanling for caring for the people of the world, and is a saint with real great wisdom.

There are even some people who steadfastly spread the saying that as long as Zhuge Wanling can always sit firmly in the position of Prime Minister of Jing and Wu, sooner or later he will be able to unify this war-torn world.

After listening to the morning class all morning, Qin Ke walked slowly through the corridor with a book full of letters in his arms. In the sky cut into a square by the eaves, there were fledglings flying in the air.

"Ake." Abu, who came out of the school, caught up with him and walked side by side with him, "What are your plans after the lunch break? Do you want to go to the teahouse to listen to the Romance?"

Teahouse... This is a place that Qin Ke, Abu, Xiaoqian, Dalou and other poor students often visit recently. Of course, the second most is the bun shop closest to Taixuetang.

After officially becoming a member of the Taixuetang, Qin Ke was pleasantly surprised to find that as a student of the Taixuetang, there was even a monthly allowance of five taels of silver, although this amount was hardly a small amount for a prosperous place like Jianye City. However, he lives in Taixuetang, so he basically does not have to worry about the daily expenses of life. He can control the five taels of silver as he likes. It is no longer a luxury for him to eat meat buns every now and then.

"What are you talking about today?" Qin Ke was also extremely interested in listening to Romance. He only heard the biographies and unofficial histories that his master told him when he was young. Since then, he has liked the feeling of listening to people tell stories.

But Mr. Storyteller specializes in this after all, his tone of voice is completely different from his master’s always calm and consistent feeling, low when it should be low, passionate when it should be passionate, when the hero draws his sword, everyone seems to be able to hear from his words It is like the beating of thousands of war drums and the sound of thousands of layers of huge waves; and when the beauty disappears, it can make people sink into a sad and miserable state of mind, and it is difficult to extricate themselves.

When he was in Daoxiang Village, he had no chance to listen to books. If he really wanted to, he had to climb several mountains and walk dozens of miles to the county town to listen to a passage.

Most of the storytellers in small counties are poor, and they can only charge a few pennies per person for a story, and they have the right to eat as a meal.

In the prosperous metropolis of Jianye, those storytellers with good eloquence will even be hired by some big theaters with a lot of money, and they can be equipped with a whole team of musicians to play and sing to enhance the atmosphere. In the tales of heroic battles told by Mr. Storyteller, everyone has millions of soldiers in their hands, and each of them can hold a beautiful woman in his arms. Just talking and laughing can make a powerful enemy bow his head and surrender, and be wiped out in ashes.

Most of the guests who can listen to such a storytelling are people with some family background in Jianye City. Just a movie ticket is not something ordinary people can afford. Of course, Qin Ke, Abu and others are considered ordinary people, but as Tai The children of the school can enjoy a lot of preferential treatment. For example, they don't have to buy such expensive tickets. Even after sitting down, the boss will send someone to send a plate of peas or peanuts.

"It's about the part where Big Brother Chang Gong led eight thousand Qingzhou Ghost Riders to sweep the Tang Kingdom. Jingwu people like to hear this the most." Abu said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Qin Ke nodded and quickened his pace.

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