The secret agent felt as if his body had been hit hard by a battering ram in his chest, and two of his ribs were broken. While struggling, he saw the terrifying face in the black robe, and his cheek muscles trembled.

But his first reaction was not to flee, but to throw away the weapon in his hand, and he hugged the black-robed monster with both hands like he was crazy!

"Let go!" Yin Lu, who was very close, was startled at first. He took out the hand crossbow and pointed it at the monster with three arrows, but they couldn't pierce the body at all.

But after all, it was a step too late, the black-robed monster's "hands" like praying mantises just cut off the spy's arms in an instant.

The pain of the broken arm caused the spy to struggle and howl crazily on the ground, blood flowed profusely from his shoulders, and soon the soil was stained red.

The spies of the school office who followed closely behind continued to slash at the monster's head, but the monster's speed was surprisingly strange, coupled with the twisting joints that were completely different from humans, it managed to avoid most of the slashes.

However, two knives were cut straight on the monster's head, and there was a sound like gold and iron intertwined. In the flames, the monster's head was broken, and two terrible cracks were exposed on the top, with hot and foul-smelling black-green blood. The drops fell on the face of the spy below him, causing the spy to vomit out with a "vomit".

This kind of wound is not fatal, but it is enough to make the monster feel severe pain, so it shook suddenly, retracted the tentacles on its body, moved three feet strangely, and jumped three places in a row like a ghost. Jump back into the darkness again.

Yin Lu threw down the long knife, and used his injured arms to forcefully pull the spy with the broken arm into the center of the crowd. Looking at the terrible wound on the broken arm, he gritted his teeth and took out the medicine powder and a clean towel from his pocket.

"Endure!" Yin Lu lowered his throat and let out an angry roar. The wound was covered with a towel wrapped in spicy powder. The breath drowned in the throat.

There was already dark green blood on his face, but now there was a lot of sweat.This secret agent was very young, but only twenty years old, his eyes were clear and immature, and this was what made Yin Lu most distressed.

These old people will die when they die, but why don't these young people know how to take care of themselves?

"Your senior should have told you when you entered the school office, don't be brave! Don't be brave! Do you think losing your little life will be of any use?" Yin Lu scolded angrily.

The secret agent grinned, with a weak expression on his face: "I just think...that with my cultivation, it's not... a loss for such a monster."

But Yin Lu gave him a hard look.

Yin Lu turned his head to look, and the confrontation in the darkness was far from over. Zhou Gongjin was fighting the monster with a knife in one hand and a torch from the ground in the other, and the knife skill in one hand was so proud that he chopped down one of the monsters Hands like sickles.

And he frowned and listened to the sounds around him, and then glanced at the traces on the ground. Years of tracking skills gave him an intuition beyond ordinary people.

Vaguely, he seemed to see a black figure constantly moving in the darkness. The speed and quietness made people shudder.

But that's not what he cares about the most.

Where is Deng Li...?He didn't believe that Deng Li would leave just now. This person had worked so hard to trick everyone into coming here, and it was impossible for him to leave hastily at such a time.

"Underground!" Following Yin Lu's yell, a small lump suddenly rose from the mound of soil on the ground, and before his head emerged, Yin Lu's long knife had already penetrated hard.

Bailian's long knife was almost like cutting tofu on the soft soil, and it sank into the handle of the knife in an instant.

But Yin Lu was not happy at all, instead his complexion changed, he only heard a few chants, and no monster figure appeared from the mound, instead, several spikes burst out, pointing straight at Yin Lu's face, chest and lower abdomen fly away.

Yin Lu groaned, his waist and abdomen straightened immediately, and he narrowly avoided a few sharp thorns, but his right arm was still a little too late, the sharp thorns penetrated deeply into the palm, and the power penetrated the back of the palm.

He didn't cry out in pain, but continued to shout: "Come on!"

With a "bang", the ground behind him exploded, and a figure jumped out. A pair of curved sickles had already crossed towards his head. To soar into the sky.

I don't know if it was the quick wit that burst out at this critical moment, but Yin Lu sat down on the spot, and passed through the gap between the two knives all at once. Except for the blood dripping from his ears, he didn't die on the spot .

And he rolled on the spot, although his posture was ugly, but his right arm firmly held a thick leg of the monster.

Although this monster has countless worm feet, its main movement is still supported by its limbs. Once this leg is grasped, it directly prevents the monster from pulling away. .

They are all masters with good cultivation, many of them are little grandmasters, even if they were monsters, their whole body would be shattered with one slash, and there are countless cracks in a head, from which a dark green liquid, whether it is brain or blood, flows out.

The monster let out a final roar, but soon fell silent, and fell limply.

On the other side, Zhou Gongjin had already forced the monster to nowhere to retreat, and in anger, he swung his sickle with all his strength and slashed at Zhou Gongjin's left arm.

But Zhou Gongjin obviously expected it, and smiled, but instead of dodging directly, he took a step forward, bent his left arm, and cut off the torch in Zhou Gongjin's hand directly without the sickle on his arm.

While the sparks were flying, the severed torch head fell on the monster's eyes for some reason.

Insects are naturally afraid of flames, and although this monster is so tyrannical, it still can't change its nature, and immediately wailed in pain.

But Zhou Gongjin didn't care, took advantage of the situation and held the long knife back, along the monster's throat, directly sent the long knife to the bottom, and nailed the monster to the earth wall.

After taking a deep breath, Zhou Gongjin looked at the crowd and then at Yin Lu.

Yin Lu shook his head: "There is no trace of Deng Li."

Zhou Gongjin spat, scolded his mother and said, "Grandma, this bastard managed to escape in time."

That being said, if Deng Li had participated in the battle in person just now, the outcome would have been hard to tell.

While speaking, they heard a clear sound of footsteps, and everyone turned to look in the direction of the footsteps with vigilance.

The hand crossbow with remaining arrows has also been wound up and can be fired at any time.

The footsteps were still steady, without the slightest hesitation, until it was illuminated by the fire, a face with a cold expression appeared, and his right hand was holding a human head. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the arrogant Deng Xiaoping just now. stand!

"Master Zhou, please stay safe." Li Si threw out the head and let it roll on the ground a few times, as if echoing everyone's state of mind.

Chapter 827 Final Chapter

The following is the follow-up mainline outline:

After Li Si appeared, Zhou Gongjin talked with him.

Originally, Li Si didn't intend to help, but just watched from the sidelines, but seeing that the situation was getting out of control and Zhang Yanling had become a scourge, he stopped watching and chose to stand by Zhuge Wanling's side, which is why Li Si shot to kill Deng Li's reason for saving lives.

When Zhou Gongjin led the team to the secret room of the palace, his heart was half cold. The insects still dug the tunnel and broke into the secret room.

He thought that Zhuge Wanling had already suffered an accident and almost fainted, but he still endured the pain and moved forward.

The further he went, the more frightened he felt.

Along the way, there were corpses of worms, among them there were many unicorn worms that could rival the Grandmaster, but at this moment, these worms died miserably, their heads exploded into a ball of mud.

Entering the secret room on the bottom floor, seeing that Zhuge Wanling was fine, Qin Ke had already arrived and was by his side.

After the conversation, Zhou Gongjin noticed that Qin Ke's body was shaking slightly.

Worried about whether Qin Ke was injured.However, Qin Ke was not injured, it was because Ning Xin died in the rebellion, her body was almost indistinguishable, the chaos tonight, the whole city was in danger, even if there were a few guards from the school office, how could they really protect her? What about such a weak woman?

Qin Ke then asked Zhuge Wanling if he knew what was going to happen tonight. Although he felt that his judgment was groundless, he always felt that Zhuge Wanling was the one who knew everything well.

Zhuge Wanling began to explain.

1. Why did he break with Liu De and others back then—because he insisted on going to the extreme north to dig out the real secrets of this world.Liu De felt that it was more important to save the people in this world, so the two sides broke up.

2. Zhao Ziyun chose to support Zhuge Wolong, and finally died after touching the bottommost secret in the extreme north.

3. Because of this secret, Zhuge Wolong's body was gradually necrotic. He exhausted his last bit of strength and went back to Jingwu. He met Zhuge Wanling who was already seriously ill and became him.

4. Explained Luo Fengchu's life experience - once had a childhood sweetheart with two brothers of the Zhuge family, and had a marriage contract with Zhuge Wolong. When Zhuge Wolong disappeared, he refused to follow the family's arrangement to remarry, but went to the extreme north along the way he used to He also fell into that secret room by chance. The owner of this secret room is also the one who holds the greatest secret in the world.Because of the sympathy for each other, the master of the secret room gave Luo Fengchu a little strength, allowing her to take revenge with her broken body.Now Luo Fengchu's desire for revenge has dissipated, and that power has gradually left her body, and the end is approaching.

Afterwards, Zhuge Wanling dispersed the crowd and told him to give him some last time before these things would come to an end.

After everyone left, Zhuge Wanling came to Luo Fengchu's bed. At this time, Luo Fengchu had already woken up, her hair was like snow, and her body was as bright as a cicada's wings, as if it would disappear at any time.The two hugged each other, Zhuge Wanling apologized to Luo Fengchu, but Luo Fengchu smiled bleakly, her star-like eyes flickered, she shook her head and sighed: So you are not him...

Zhuge Wanling's whole body was shaken, and many memories flooded his mind. Only then did he realize that he was not Zhuge Wolong. For so many years, he was just a body wrapped in Zhuge Wolong's shadow.

He once thought that Zhuge Wolong and himself became one, but in fact Zhuge Wolong was severely injured and his power dissipated. He could only give him part of his memory and power. Zhuge Wanling was just Zhuge Wanling.

Thinking of this, he also had a sad expression. He and Luo Fengchu grew up together, and he had a deep-rooted affection for her. Due to the marriage contract and the responsibility of being an elder brother, he gave up his affection.

Luo Fengchu lightly touched Zhuge Wanling's forehead with her illusory fingers, and said softly: "You are not brother Wanling either, who are you...?"

But in the end, she still curled into Zhuge Wanling's arms, and quietly closed her eyes.

Her powerful strength was like scattered smoke and dust, but it gradually condensed into Zhuge Wanling's body.

Zhuge Wanling wailed in pain, maintaining the movement of his arms, but the person in his arms had already disappeared.

Outside the city, Mulan, who was waiting for the opportunity, finally exploded, but not at Gao Changgong, but at the man in black robe next to Gao Changgong. After a fight, the assassination failed. Although Gao Changgong was only a half-step saint, he had completely suppressed Mulan. Grand Master.

Just when Gao Changgong, who was unconscious, wanted to kill Mulan, the man in black stood up and blocked Gao Changgong's earth-shattering shot. When he was dying, he lifted his hood, and it turned out to be Lu Ming.

It turned out that Lu Ming knew that his fate was not long, so he took refuge in the royal family and was willing to be their pawn, but his original intention never changed. The reason why he lived in vain was just to see Mulan again, and to block the shot for Mulan, he also shot Mulan. After entering the big formation in the city, he yelled that he had no regrets, and in the end countless Gu worms crawled out of his body, and he died calmly.

All the bugs in the city finally died down and all died.

Mulan at the top of the city watched this scene helplessly, and she couldn't help crying when she thought that Lu Ming had always treated her like a big brother.

Gao Changgong suddenly laughed wantonly, "Is that how you stopped me?"

He finally stepped into the realm of a saint, looked up to the sky and took a breath, and then a meteor fell, and the starlight was swallowed by him.

This is the last step for warriors to enter the realm of saints. Since ancient times, very few warriors have entered the realm of saints, so few people know this secret, and this meteor is not a real meteor, but a huge force gathered by the aura of heaven and earth. This will truly break through the shackles of the body and make Gao Changgong's body different from human beings into another existence.

The air wave made tremors, and Gao Changgong held a gun with one hand, and a single shot caused a huge earthquake in Jianye City, and everyone who saw it was shocked.

"Zhuge Wolong! Do you still want to hide? Why don't we decide who is the destiny face to face!" Gao Changgong at this time can be said to have become another body of Zhang Yanling.

Seeing such a scene, Qin Ke no longer had any hope of victory, and unknowingly, a person fell lightly beside him.

Zhuge Wanling.

At this time, Zhuge Wanling had returned to his usual indifference and was quite divine. He walked towards Gao Changgong, turned his back to Qin Ke and said: "Whether you win or lose this battle, you should find the way you want to live."

Qin Ke didn't understand, but Zhuge Wanling suddenly turned around, stretched out his hand and tapped his forehead, and at this moment, the dragon heart in Qin Ke's body beat again, Xiao Hei on his chest also began to wake up, and there was a smile in his eyes. A piece of white awn.

Zhuge Wanling ordered everyone to protect Qin Ke, and then leisurely lifted off to fight Gao Changgong outside the city.

Zhuge Wanling belonged to water in the congenital technique, so he attracted all the water flow around Jianye Imperial City, and fought against Gao Changgong, and Gao Changgong was a saint with the strongest body. his physique.

On the other side, Qin Ke has entered an inexplicable realm. Here, he walks freely. Although it seems simple, every step can be done as he pleases and there is no distance limit. He can walk only one foot in one step, or hundreds of miles in one step. He tried several times, but finally returned to Jianye.

He witnessed the suffering and fear of countless people under the catastrophe. With a thought, he went back in time and saw the death of Ning Xin - she asked the guards to escort the children of the orphanage first, and the children who were fled later The crowd dispersed, and before they died, they did not forget to pick up the meat buns they wanted to leave to Qin Ke...

Qin Ke's heart ached, he picked up the meat bun and chewed it in his mouth. He knew that all of this was irreversible. He could only see the past, but could not change it.

He returned to the present moment, Zhuge Wanling and Gao Changgong were just two blurred figures in his eyes, and he couldn't see clearly at all.

He always felt that Zhuge Wanling wanted him to see something.

So he left Jianye.

He went to Daoxiang Village, walked all the way along the road back then, and finally found a lonely grave. He dug up the lonely grave tremblingly, and found four bones from it. Among them were his parents, his sister, and There was… himself.

He finally knew that the woman (Daji who can change) was not telling lies, so he felt angry and deceived. At this moment, he was patted on the shoulder suddenly, and turned his head suddenly, it turned out to be Gao Changgong.

It turned out that although Gao Changgong's heart was closed, his soul regained its freedom when he entered the realm of a saint. Unfortunately, at this time, his body could not go back and could only float in the world. Unexpectedly, he was not afraid at all. This realm was amazing, Qin Ke scolded him, but he just smiled.

Then the two walked together, Gao Changgong wanted to go to the border to have a look, Tang Guo and Jing Wu armies were fighting in full swing, but for some reason the Tang army suddenly retreated, the front-line general Huang Hansheng was really old, propped himself up with a knife and leaned against the huge defense The equipment (provided by Mohist Gongshu Yinxue) panted, and said to himself: It seems that the prime minister's strategy has worked.

In the dark, Huang Hansheng felt something, looked back, but saw nothing, in fact, Qin Ke and Gao Changgong were standing beside him at the moment.

Qin Ke was puzzled why the Tang army retreated.

It turned out that Zhuge Wanling had already made preparations, secretly made a deal with Cang Hai, and also allied with Kong Zhongni of the Mohist School to obtain the advanced equipment of the public loser. It may have entered Ding'an City.

Qin Ke was shocked, and took Gao Changgong to watch together, and found that the Canghai army was really approaching the city outside Ding'an, and Yang Taizhen, who had always been at ease, was terrified in the face of this completely uncontrollable situation, and the urgent military reports made her unable to deal with it , can only hide in the bed nets and bedding shivering.

The ministers shouted eagerly outside, Li Qiuhuang walked in safely wearing a white robe and holding a sword, first comforted the crowd, and dealt with the most important military reports at the moment, and then he entered in a calm manner When they got to the bedroom, they opened the bed curtain, gently pulled the quilt away, and saw Yang Taizhen curled up into a ball.Yang Taizhen's eyes were angry, and the two looked at each other for a while, the anger in her eyes gradually turned into sorrow, she wiped her tear-stained cheek vigorously, like a little girl who had lost her self-esteem, "I said I can't do it , I lost... Are you happy now?"

Li Qiuhuang wiped away Yang Taizhen's tears with his fingertips, and said gently, "I don't care about winning or losing, as long as you are happy."

"Do I look happy like this?"

"Whoever finds you unhappy, I'll help you reason." With an ordinary smile on his face, he weighed the saber in his hand and got up to leave.

Yang Taizhen saw that tall and straight figure through the curtain, and yelled to ask him where he was going.

Li Qiuhuang didn't look back, "Defend the city for you."

He was dressed in a white robe and plain crown, like a knight who had escaped the world for a long time, with his long sword out of its sheath, he was fighting against a thousand under the tower.

The master sword god, with a three-foot green blade, the Canghai army was really suppressed for a while.

Qin Ke was amazed at this scene, and only then remembered that the uncle he met in the palace was actually Li Qiuhuang. Although he didn't know what happened between him and Yang Taizhen, Li Qiuhuang's infatuation is rare in the world.

Gao Changgong looked at it and said it was a pity, "A generation of talents is doomed to fall due to love."

Not long after, Li Qiuhuang's sword edge showed some lag, and at this time, Guan Changyu walked out of Cang Haijun, and he proposed that the two should fight to show fairness.

The battle between the masters was inextricably linked, and Li Qiuhuang fought desperately. In the end, Li Qiuhuang severely injured Guan Changyu, which made him a little ashamed.

Half of his body was stained with blood, and his long sword was missing in many places. Facing tigers and leopards charging round after round, he was finally exhausted.

When Yang Taizhen ran out of the city gate, she saw Li Qiuhuang leaning on the hilt of his sword. She looked around again, seeing a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and the city was full of flames. She embraced Li Qiuhuang and held his hand. The long sword cut his neck and killed himself.

Cao Meng admired the hero, arranged for the two to be buried generously, and then led them into the city, followed by Ming Shiyin.

However, when they entered the Taishi Bureau, they found that the "armillary sphere" that had been placed there before had disappeared—it had been removed by Zhang Yanling.

After Gao Changgong watched all this, he found that Qin Ke was only looking at one place all the time. He followed his gaze, and he was an inconspicuous young man.

And Qin Ke is too familiar with this face. Chu Gou, the apprentice he has always refused to admit, finally fell under the iron hoof of Cang Hai. The sky smiled and said: Master, Chu Gou did not embarrass you.

Qin Ke's mood was severely frustrated again, and he knelt down and howled.

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