This is the method of relying on the body taught by Gao Changgong. Using the whole body to drive the shoulders to hit, the strength is enough to destroy the enemy's body.If Gao Changgong were to use it instead, the man in white would have been shattered, his lungs would have exploded, and his seven orifices would have exploded, bleeding to death just by relying on it like this.

Of course, Abu's is still far behind Gao Changgong, but this leaning also hit the man in white with a pain in his chest. When he staggered and stopped retreating, he stroked his chest and even wondered if his chest bone had appeared. crack.

"You said we'll talk later, but now you still ask me what's going on, I don't have time to explain!" Qin Ke laughed, and swung the other fist in his hand, hitting the one in front of the blind old man. On the invisible barrier, the blind old man was abruptly pushed back three steps, his face was as white as paper, and his figure was crumbling.

The blind old man let out a long breath, his empty and pale eyes suddenly widened, his right hand trembled and plucked the strings again, with such force that the strings were deeply drawn into the palm of his hand, leaving a bright red sticky blood.

And when he let go of his hand, with his groan, Qin Ke only felt that the strength at the other end of the fist was getting stronger and stronger, not only making it impossible for him to make any further progress, but even pushing him back vaguely!

Qin Ke's complexion changed, he didn't force it, he retreated decisively, let go of his strength, whistled in his ears, turned his head, the flying sword passed his shoulder, hovered over the blind old man's head, and followed him like a broken bellows His breathing trembled slightly.

Qin Ke stepped back again, feeling a warm and hard back against his back, and said, "It's a long story, it's all Zhuge Wanling's fault."

"Sir?" Abu was puzzled, but before he could ask, he heard the voice of the man in white.

"Are you a student of the Taixuetang?" Seeing that Abu was dressed in a well-regulated Confucian uniform, although the material was not expensive, it faintly revealed a bit of strict laws and regulations, and frowned. Although they knew it was not far from the Taixuetang, they What I want is to try not to disturb anyone and get into trouble that shouldn't be caused.

But this trouble finally came to him, thinking that the adult would definitely blame him afterwards, which made him a little annoyed.

"You are the Fish and Dragon Gang?" Abu did not deny his identity, but looked up and down the white-clothed man, convinced that he did not know the identity of this practitioner, and then turned his head to look at Qin Ke's blind old man.

He thought that there are many practitioners in Jianye City, but blind practitioners are rare, and among the rivers and lakes, naturally there is only the worshiper of the Yulong Gang.

The blind old man did not speak, and the man in white replied with some kindness: "Yes, we are the Fish and Dragon Gang, this little gentleman..." Abu blushed when he said the word "little gentleman", "I Nothing sir."

The man in white shook his head, and said: "Since I can cultivate myself in the Imperial Academy, I am naturally the future gentleman. Dare I ask Mr. Xiao, what is the relationship between this little brother and you? Let me tell you before, this little brother stole We helped an important thing, we tracked him down, and trapped him here with great difficulty. Jingwu has its own national laws, so it doesn’t mean that Mr. Xiao, as the future pillar of the imperial court, wants to protect an outlaw, right?”

Abu was stunned, he didn't know what happened at all, but he saw his acquaintance Qin Ke surrounded by two people in danger across the river, so he rushed to take action.After being told by the man in white, he looked at Qin Ke and said, "Ah Ke, have you stolen something?"

Qin Ke snorted and said, "What can I steal? Do you believe what he says?"

The man in white smiled and said, "Little brother, why do you have to act like a gentleman? You know, that item is very important to our help, so please return it."

Qin Ke couldn't bear it anymore, turned his head and yelled: "Fuck your mother! Why steal your gang leader? I don't know where the gang leader beat you. That cat, dog or chicken or goose, I stole his things to do it. what?"

The man in white still smiled gracefully: "To steal someone's things, you don't necessarily need to know who the owner is, right? A thief on the side of the road never needs to know the name of a stranger who lost money when he touches someone's purse. what name."

Qin Ke looked livid and wanted to refute, but heard Abu ask in a low voice: "Ake, what's the matter? They seem to think that you stole things from others."

"Come on." Qin Ke said coldly, "The dagger in his hand still belongs to me. Who stole whose thing?"

Abu looked carefully, and indeed, that dagger was the one used by Qin Ke in Yewangli, and he borrowed it to play with it, knowing the sharpness of the dagger, nodded his head, his knees sank slightly, Just like riding on a tall horse, the power is concentrated in one point.

"Do you have any weapons?" Qin Ke whispered again, his eyes never leaving the flying sword on the blind old man's head, "This old man's flying sword is a bit difficult to deal with."

"I just came out of the school, how can I remember what weapons to bring?" Abu couldn't laugh or cry, thought for a while, then hesitantly reached out and took out a roll of bamboo slips wrapped in cloth from his bosom, "This..."

"Just right." Before Abu finished speaking, Qin Ke snatched the bamboo slips and shook them vigorously in his hands. The bamboo slips burst through the air and made a whistling sound, and he rolled up his sleeves.

"Be careful..." Abu shook his head, "This is my homework, and I have to copy it tonight."

"Forget it! Forget it!" With Abu by his side, Qin Ke's courage, which was not very big at first, suddenly strengthened, "If it breaks, at worst, I will copy it for you!" After thinking about it, he turned his head and asked in a low voice, " How many times?"

"Three times." Abu thought that you would copy it if you broke it, but he still said helplessly, "In careful, don't break it."

Qin Ke couldn't think too much in his heart. He had been hiding in the inn aggrievedly for the past few days like a mouse hiding in a dark corner. Rampage.

The man in white looked at Abu, cupped his hands and said, "Sir, do you have to intervene?"

A Bu hastily returned a standard Confucian etiquette, and then apologized, "This...Mr. Bai? I and A Ke are close friends, and I can't watch you bully him like this."

Qin Ke's heart warmed up, and the little people's anger also came up: "Tell them what to say, anyway, they have ghosts in their hearts, and they can't let us go. Just hit, two hits, I don't believe we can lose! "

The man in white had a headache, and some things became complicated when he involved the students in the Imperial Academy.Looking at Abu's clothes, it seems that Zhuge Wanling selected him from a poor family. There is no need to worry about the power of the noble family behind him, but even so, Abu is also a student of Zhuge Wanling to a certain extent. It's really hard to explain.

And... the current situation is that even if he and the blind old man fight together, they may not be their opponents. Abu's strength is surprisingly strong, although he can feel that he is not a battle-hardened fighter. People, but already can not be underestimated.Although Qin Ke does not have the strength of Abu, he is extremely slippery, and even easily falls into his way if he is not careful. How should he fight this kind of battle?

However, his troubled face quickly returned to calm, and there was even a bit of joy in his eyes. He heard a bird chirping, which sounded like a very common sparrow, but it could make people cry. He could hear some of the differences.

Although it is said that killing a poor student from the Imperial Academy would cause a lot of trouble... But in comparison, if Qin Ke were to take the bamboo slips and hand them over to Zhuge Wanling, all of them would die without a place to bury them. He can only do one thing and do two things.

A small amount is not a gentleman, and non-toxic is not a husband.The man in white thought, then he clapped his hands and said, "Then...offended."

Qin Ke's complexion changed, and in his ears, he could clearly hear the sound of countless mechanisms running and the tense strings being loosened!

Crossbow arrows!

Chapter 72 The Sergeant Appearing Suddenly

With the fierce wind, Qin Ke hastily hit Abu with his back. Just when Abu was shocked, he held up the bamboo slips, his back was like a bow stretched tight, and he shot boldly!

The bamboo slips are not very long, otherwise it would be impossible for Abu Jian to simply put them into his arms, but Qin Ke would not use a long stick at all. For him, no matter whether it is a bamboo slip or a dagger, or even a Kitchen knives will not have a big impact.

So holding the bamboo slips in your hand is really like holding a kitchen knife, treating the crossbow arrows as beef on the chopping board, and chopping them off suddenly!

The crossbow arrow did not break, but after Qin Ke hit it hard, the Bund flew out naturally, shooting everywhere without direction.After Qin Ke made a chop, he turned around and used this energy to chop again.

The second crossbow arrow was hit straight to the center, and Qin Ke felt a huge shock on the bamboo slips, and many strings even broke under the collision of the two forces.With a shudder in his heart, he knew that this crossbow was definitely not a self-made soil crossbow. Such a power could even be equivalent to a single swing of a knife by a practitioner.

And when he raised his head and looked at the sergeants who were hiding on the eaves and emerged from the eaves, wearing armor with a murderous look on their bodies, he finally had an answer in his heart.

Abu turned his head away, feeling the same turmoil in his heart. Of course, he thought differently from Qin Ke. He looked at the soldiers standing on the eaves, but he was horrified that these people were clearly Jing Wu Tiejun.

The Fish and Dragon Gang is nothing more than a gathering of three religions and nine elites in Jianye City relying on gambling houses, protection fees, and some miscellaneous businesses. How can they have nepotism with Jingwu's military?

But at this time, the more horrified he became, the calmer he became. He looked at those soldiers who re-wound the crossbow arrows and moved in the same way. They had obviously undergone rigorous training. Looking at the white-clothed humans, he said: "Collude with the army for personal gain, you are really not afraid of death." Is it?"

He raised his head, looked at those soldiers, and said loudly: "I, the Jingwu Army, have always been strong and strong, but you have a personal relationship with the Jianghu gang, and you don't hesitate to serve them as eagle dogs. Don't you really know how to write the word shame?"

However, the soldiers on the eaves had calm eyes and turned a deaf ear to his questioning. Instead, they raised the wounded crossbow again and pointed at the two of them from afar.

The man in white smiled and said, "It seems that you really don't understand anything."

Abu frowned, "What should I know?"

The man in white couldn't help laughing. At this moment, ten soldiers in armor and carrying crossbows poured out from the street, with cold and murderous expressions on their faces.

Abu didn't even need to think about it, he knew that these must be the Jingwu infantry who had followed Gao Changgong on the expedition, and only these soldiers who had actually been on the battlefield had such an aura.Jing Wu established the country not only because of its rich and prosperous regions, but also because of a group of iron-blooded soldiers who were good at fighting.

But if there is a gap in this group of people, can Jing Wu still be the former Jing Wu?

The man in white looked pitifully and said: "Son, if you leave now, stay in the school and read your sage books, even if you don't become a marquis or minister in the future, at least you will be a pillar of the court. This huge Jingwu also has your place. "

Abu said coldly, "I'm a student of Prime Minister Zhuge, and I never knew that a soft bone who turns a blind eye to evil deeds can also become a pillar of the court."

"It's a pity." The man in white sighed, "It's really the demeanor of a poor family in the Imperial Academy. You haven't forgotten a single word in the sage book. If you serve as an official, you will definitely benefit someone. But!" His eyes There was a bit of cruelty in the face, "It can't be in Jingwu."

He swung his arm slowly, and the crossbow shot out again.

Although the crossbows and arrows equipped by the Jingwu army are still not as good as those of the Mohists, after all, Jingwu is located in a place with abundant rain and lakes, so naturally they are more generous in materials. These military crossbows controlled by two hands, each It takes two stones to pull it apart, and one arrow can go deep into the earth wall.

At such a short distance, although Qin Ke and Abu are practitioners, their cultivation bases are still shallow after all, and it is impossible for Gao Changgong to treat the Mohist black cavalry crossbow as nothing. There were so many people, plus the blind old man and the white-clothed man, their faces suddenly became ugly.

Qin Ke felt that his back was leaning against Abu again, and said in a low voice, "What should I do?"

Abu shook his head, with sadness and indignation in his eyes, he was still clinging to what he talked about before: "These people... should all die."

Qin Ke didn't know where his hostility came from, so he trembled and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you?"

Abu said softly: "I'm only worried that if the two of us die, the husband won't know what happened here today."

"If you're going to die, don't care about that!" Qin Ke was stunned, and then cursed after a while, "First find a way to get out, and think about other things later."

At this moment, more than a dozen crossbow bolts were fired almost at the same time.Qin Ke and Abu exchanged a look, and they both slapped their palms almost at the same time, exerting the greatest force, and such recoil force also made them both fly back quickly.

At the place where they were standing, seven or eight crossbow arrows passed one after another, sank into the floor, and the tails of the arrows trembled violently.

Abu didn't have a weapon in his hand, but he was wearing a Confucian robe for studying, and with a sudden wave of his hands, his wide sleeves fluttered.

Three crossbow bolts pierced his eyes with a sharp wind, but once his sleeves were unfolded, they disappeared in the sleeves that covered the sky, and then a crossbow bolt narrowly passed by his right leg , shot like water.

But Qin Ke's movements are much more dexterous than him. After spinning in the air, he first avoided a crossbow arrow coming from his waist. The sound of the wind hit the back of another crossbow bolt with a slap, and he pressed and turned it, and the crossbow bolt turned in a direction, slightly towards the man in white.

The man in white sneered, even if the crossbow was moved in the direction, it still lost a lot of strength after being hit by Qin Ke. How could such a crossbow threaten him.He stretched out his hand, as if chasing away mosquitoes, the crossbow bolt met his palm, and fell to the ground unsteadily as if struck by lightning.

Qin Ke and Abu avoided the crossbow arrows almost at the same time, but these Jingwu iron-blooded soldiers had no intention of reloading on the spot, and followed the general standing at the front of the array and shouted: "Draw the sword!"

Although there were only ten people, the moment they drew their swords was as if they were in front of thousands of troops.

Qin Ke was overwhelmed by this coercion. After getting closer to Abu again, he looked at the soldiers and the men in white clothes among them. The flying sword of the blind old man was gradually slapped by Qin Ke and flew crookedly to another direction.

Abu was also a little uneasy, but seeing Qin Ke using his bamboo slips like this, he said distressedly: "Don't break it."

At this time, the soldiers of Jing and Wu had rushed forward with steel will.Even if none of these soldiers are practitioners, after all, their bodies are also tempered in the army. With the cooperation, it is not easy for a practitioner to break through.

Abu avoids a long knife, stretches out his hand to grab it, but feels the light of the knife is cold, as if oppressing the sound of the wind, facing his face and shoulders, bamboo slips appear in front of him, and pushes away the blade along the blade. With a long knife, Qin Ke panted heavily, and finally saved Abu from the fate of killing him with a knife.

"We can't get out." Abu whispered. Compared with Qin Ke, he knows the strength of these iron-blooded soldiers better. Although the practitioners are very strong, on the battlefield, it is often not the practitioners who decide the victory or defeat, but these people. sergeant.

"If you can't get out, you have to try." That's what he said, but Qin Ke looked at the bamboo slips in his hand and frowned. At the moment when he pulled away the long knife, these sergeants cooperated with each other and took advantage of the situation to cut it. Although his bamboo slips were not successful, it was enough to show that they cooperated seamlessly.

The encirclement is constantly shrinking, and the sword seems to block out the sky.

Qin Ke and Abu looked pale, like a fight between trapped beasts.

Just when they were almost desperate, another discordant sound came from outside. A soldier groaned and fell to the ground with a slam, and the helmet rolled on the ground and made a rustling sound.

Then came the voice of the man in white: "You...uh...", the short syllable seemed to be roughly pushed back.

"It seems that someone broke in from outside!" Qin Ke's eyes lit up, could it be Gao Changgong?But if it was Gao Changgong, he should be able to defeat such a formation with one blow, right?

Chapter 73 Rescue

Qin Ke took advantage of the gap between the crowd to look out, only to see a swift and fierce figure passing away. Qin Ke saw that man's powerful knee bump, violent as a heavy hammer, and several consecutive crisp sounds from the bones knocked the man away. The sergeant's muffled groan was suppressed back in his throat.

The iron armor on his abdomen had a very obvious dent, and the blood in his mouth gushed out like a spring, and he fell limply on the ground.

Obviously, the person outside is not Gao Changgong, because Gao Changgong's strength is far stronger than this, but Qin Ke also feels overjoyed. Even if that person's strength is not so inhuman, he is at least a first-class master. Otherwise, how could he Suppressing the men in white in such a short period of time, and abolishing nearly two soldiers who came down from the battlefield?

Under the oppression of such a powerful enemy, the infantry commander who originally wanted to suppress Qin Ke and Abu also changed his strategy. With their neat movements, some people were separated, and the gap between people was also widened. Waking up, Qin Ke and Abu finally saw the true face of the helping hand.

Naturally, Qin Ke didn't know him, he could just tell from his expensive attire that he had an extraordinary background.As he stepped forward, he stomped on the ground with every step, as if he was about to step out a hole in the green floor tiles.

He stretched out his hand, and the long knife in a soldier's hand was held by the back of the knife, and then he leaned forward, his arms like two iron tongs.

Qin Ke has never seen such a perfect way of exerting force, as if his whole body has become a taut bowstring, every time it is ejected, there will be a thunderous blow, and when he shrinks back, But it didn't seem like he was retreating at all, but in the process of retreating, he once again stretched the strength of his whole body to the limit.

It was as if a pair of invisible hands were constantly drawing the bow, and the arrows shot out like beads, cold but full of murderous aura.

There was a stark contrast between the stern look on your son's face and the panic of the man in white.

The original chicness of the man in white has disappeared without a trace at this moment, not only there are many torn holes on the white robe, but also his long hair, which was originally neatly tied at the temples, dangles restlessly like willow branches .

He gritted his teeth, held Qin Ke's dagger in his hand, and between stabs forward, he finally suppressed the noble young master's attack. There was a bit of sternness in his eyes, and a breath rose and fell from his chest , spit out long.

Holding the dagger in both hands, the man in white suddenly raised it!

"Be careful!" Qin Ke avoided a soldier's long knife, grabbed his wrist and pulled the long knife to block the other long knives, and then shouted at the unknown nobleman.

He could see clearly that the angle of the man in white's dagger was extremely tricky. If it were him, he might be injured by the insidious tricks he had accumulated this time.

But halfway through his shout, he stopped suddenly.

The aristocratic son's eyes were indifferent, with a condescending arrogance, as if the man in white in front of him was just an ant trying to resist the life and death soles of human representatives.

He just stretched out his hand flatly, the strength of one arm actually suppressed the strength of both arms of the man in white, he squeezed the man's wrist tightly, the strength was so great that the man in white even suspected that his wrist would be broken because of it , the dagger fell to the ground, making a clanging sound.

He carried a calm and powerful sense of oppression, and even the soldiers around him dared not rush forward easily for a while.

"Who gave you the guts to murder the students of my Imperial Academy in Jianye City?" Your young master said coldly.

Abu looked at him with complicated eyes, and wanted to break his head, but he would never have thought that at such a critical moment, it was actually Sun Qing who pulled him out of such a quagmire.

The man in white obviously recognized Sun Qing, but Sun Qing's series of blows made him unable to breathe at all, and his wrist was controlled. Instead, he had a chance to speak. The pain made his face turn pale, and he saw that it had disappeared around the corner. The blind old man, who was missing, cursed softly in his heart: "Mr. Sun, what we are doing does not conflict with you."

Sun Qing tilted his head, looked at the pale face of the man in white, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "Oh? You know me?"

Enduring the pain, the man in white replied in a low voice: "Among the gentry, who doesn't know that Mr. Sun is the most talented person in the younger generation?"

Sun Qing said indifferently: "You haven't answered my first question yet. Who gave you the courage to besiege and kill the students of the Imperial Academy just one street away from the Imperial Academy?"

"Hehe..." For some reason, the man in white smiled inexplicably, "I told you, will Mr. Sun let me go?"

Sun Qing said calmly: "Maybe I will keep your whole body. You can try it."

The man in white laughed and coughed, his original demeanor had long since disappeared without a trace, but his eyes were full of loneliness and anger: "You gentlemen, while being bitches, you still want to set up a memorial archway, as if all evil things are ours. These mud-legged ones are just so-so. You want to know why? Ask your father, ask your grandfather, and maybe they'll tell you why!"

"Presumptuous." Sun Qing exerted strength in his hands, and with the crackling sound of bones, the man in white let out a horrific wail.

"my father?"

"My grandfather?" Every time he said a word, he put more force on his hand.

"A lowly bastard like you is qualified to ask me to ask them?" At this point, the man in white's wrist snapped, and he fell into a faint because of the pain!

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