The light in Qin Ke's eyes suddenly dimmed. He lowered his head and looked at his toes stubbornly. The huge disappointment fell down like a mountain.

But Zhuge Wanling's words did not end, he said slowly: "Or, it is another answer you want to hear more. Your master, Zhuge Wolong, he is my younger brother."

Chapter 46 comes to an end

When the billowing smoke rose, Qin Ke went down the mountain in a daze, his heart was churning with monstrous waves, but he didn't say a word.

He felt like a small raft in the center of the waves, spinning and spinning weakly in the waves, his precarious body was almost powerless to support, and might be submerged at any time.

Zhuge Wanling, Gao Changgong, Abu and others had already left before the thick smoke rose, and their danger was still not resolved. Obviously, the tomb could not stop Wang Xuanwei. Once the Mohist general left the mountain, he must first I will try my best to wash away the shame of being played around in the mausoleum.

And the thousand black cavalry that Zhuge Wanling was talking about are now in Pengcheng, waiting for their arrival.

Qin Ke didn't know how this battle would unfold and how it would end, but he believed that Zhuge Wanling was sure of victory, so he didn't worry too much.

What's more, he only has the words Zhuge Wanling said to him in his mind now.

He hugged his head and squatted down suddenly, until he felt that all the strength in his body was inexplicably lost, and he murmured: "How is it possible? How is it possible? Master is not dead?"

He recalled that day, he and Uncle Ji carried the master's body with their own hands, let him lie peacefully in the coffin filled with the pungent fragrance of camphor, then he raised the hammer and knocked the top of the coffin into the coffin board one by one At the same time, his heart also seemed to be pierced by the coffin, and blood gushed out.

He can still recall these memories clearly now. Could it be that all these are illusions?

He squatted on the ground and thought for a long time, but he couldn't think of a reason. He just felt very tired and wanted to find a place to sleep well.

"Ah Ke!" He didn't know how long he had been walking, Qin Ke heard Uncle Ji's shout, he raised his head slightly, and at some point, he had already followed the familiar route back to the door of the inn.

Uncle Ji also has a tired expression on his face, an honest farmer, even if he now opens an inn and becomes a shopkeeper, he is still worried like a mouse. He waited for Qin Ke's news last night and stayed up all night. But seeing Qin Ke's lost soul now, his heart tightened, but he was not worried about Yin Zi, but worried about Qin Ke: "What's wrong? It couldn't be that group of black knights who made things difficult for you, right?"

"No." Qin Ke replied in a low voice, "I'm just a little sleepy."

Uncle Ji was silent for a while. Looking at Qin Ke, he knew that he was unhappy, so he didn't ask too many questions. He just patted his head and said, "Are you hungry? Eat something first. I'll give you back the beef from yesterday." Stay, you wait, I'll get you a bowl of noodles."

The birds in the early morning are still full of energy, fluttering their wings and rushing past with the branches in their mouths. The water in the aqueduct of the field ridge is buzzing as always, as if responding to something, and the air is full of the fragrance of soil and vegetation. .

And the inn seemed to be awakened in this atmosphere. The quack who slept in the guest room at night stretched lazily and walked down from the upstairs guest room, and slept with those who occupied the tables and chairs of the inn all night. The quacks who lazily ate breakfast and drank morning tea started arguing, but it was just a matter of a few tables and chairs, so lively.

"What's the matter? No matter how you say it in the world, you can't say a word of reason. You should pay attention to first come first, right?"

"What are you talking about first come first served? You figure it out, you don't have a guest room in this inn, what kind of guests are you? We all spent money, it's kind of us to let you sleep this table and chair for one night, what's going on now? Want to bite back?"

"Damn! Why do you get the table and chairs in the guest room? We still spend money to buy food, so let us go to the door to eat? The door of the inn is open, and the guests are the guests who come in and sit down. Is it divided into three parts? Can't wait until six or nine?"

"It's divided into three, six, and nine classes. You guys just want to buy some food and want to stand in the latrine without shitting. I think it's the next class!"

"Give me the guest room if you are capable! I will pay you twice the money!"

"Yes, I paid three times as much! Is the guest room amazing? Do you really think we are beggars who can't afford to book a guest room?"

"You can give it if you say so? Hey, if you call me daddy, then I'll give the guest room to your good son, and I will take care of your son as my father."

"Who do you say is your son?"

"Whoever is making trouble unreasonably is my son!"

Those quacks outside the door who thought they didn't get a room or a seat went up and down the mountain empty-handed these days, and they were already bored. When they encountered such a good show, they naturally booed loudly outside.

"Hit him! Hit him!"

"Hit, hit, hit! If you don't hit, you're not a man!"

As the noise escalated, many quacks who just got up early from other places were attracted outside the door, and the inns were in chaos inside and out.

Uncle Ji glanced back, just frowned and didn't care about it anymore.

In the past, he must have rushed up to both sides in a panic to break the fight, but since he was kicked twice as a punching bag, he never asked for trouble again.

This inn has also been open for a while, and the quacks who come and go have changed. If it is said that he was in awe of the Jianghu in the past, but after a long time, he can be considered to have figured out some so-called "jianghu". reason".

Although these Jianghu people have loud voices, they are often fierce and internally angry. Even if they really quarreled to the point of drawing their swords, it was just a different way of scolding for half an hour.To be honest, there are only a small number of ruthless people who do it without drawing a sword, but in this situation, what can a small person like him do?

If you asked him to go into the shadow of swords and swords to try to persuade him, I'm afraid he would have peed his pants as soon as he took a step closer, let alone let him say a complete sentence.

Since Jianghu is a world of human beings, it is natural that fish and dragons are mixed together. Of course, the best way is to stay out of the matter and treat yourself as a blind man.When things calm down, just spend some extra money and ask the grumpy carpenter in the village to fix those smashed tables and chairs.

He wasn't too worried that these quacks would embarrass him. Under the rule of the Mohist school, there were very few quacks who were vicious and cruel to the people.

Just at this time, a voice came from someone who didn't know: "Look, the black knight has left the camp!"

The noise in the inn suddenly stopped, and there was a commotion, and countless people ran out noisily, looking towards the direction of the village entrance.

"What's going on?" Someone tutted, "He came here in a hurry, and then left in a hurry. What do you think this black knight is here for?"

The person who was arguing with him just now replied: "Where do you think it through? When those high-ranking officials are so full, they probably come here to exercise their muscles and bones?"

"That's a black cavalry. There are a few people in the Mo family who can bring the black cavalry out to exercise. I can see that the leader that day is not an ordinary nobleman. If you ask me, there must be something urgent." An apparently knowledgeable sword-wielding quack came out from behind, and looked at the two laymen with disdain.

The person in front was poked, and immediately replied angrily: "Nonsense, I can also see that those noble people who are just eating and waiting to die don't have the murderous look of that person?"

Qin Ke heard the sound of rumbling horseshoes gradually going away, and the huge smoke and dust filled the entrance of the village, and he was slightly absent-minded.Perhaps among all the people present, they knew the reason why these black knights came and why they left.

Now that the black cavalry left, it means that Wang Xuanwei has also come out of the mausoleum to chase after Zhuge Wanling and the others, right?

Qin Ke lowered his head and thought, for Zhuge Wanling, he didn't know what kind of feelings he should repay. Even though this "master's elder brother" was supposed to be someone very close to him, he felt the gleam in Zhuge Wanling's eyes. Calm, almost relentless.

No matter how difficult and dangerous the road ahead is, he is the kind of person who will overcome obstacles and forge ahead bravely, right?But for a person like him, any burden will not be kept by him.

Of course, this is just his personal intuition.

But Gao Changgong once said in the belly of the mountain: "I only hope that on the day you really leave Jingwu, you can take me with you. I also want to see what it is that makes people like you pursue desperately. .”

Maybe he had the same idea as himself.

Chapter 47 Future

Looking at the black figure gradually going up the mountain road, Uncle Ji suddenly thought of something, turned his head, and looked at Qin Ke: "Ah Ke, have you returned the money?"

"It's back."

"That's good." Uncle Ji heaved a sigh of relief inexplicably, "Just wait, the beef noodles will be ready soon."

"No need Uncle Ji, I can't eat, I just want to go back to sleep, I probably won't be able to help you today." Qin Ke said.

"How can this child not be able to eat? We are Dousheng Xiaomin, even if we are bullied by those officials, let's not take it to heart. Anyway, the past is over, and we can just live our lives well." Uncle Ji Persuading him, "Go to bed when you sleep. You are not an outsider. It's okay if you don't come for a day. I just caught the second baby who was outside all day and let him stay for a day and do something for the family."

Listening to Qin Ke's unquestionable voice, Qin Ke didn't know how to explain that he was not bullied by the black knights for a while, so he could only answer softly with his head down: "Thank you, Uncle Ji."

"Thank you? I'm your uncle. If I don't love you, who will love you?" Uncle Ji touched Qin Ke's head with his broad palm, and said kindly, "Besides, if it wasn't for your master who taught Erwa how to read and write, Erwa And he won't be valued by Master Sitian, Uncle Ji owes your master a debt of love all his life."

Qin Ke raised his head and his eyes brightened slightly: "Master Sitian has taken a fancy to Erwa?"

"That's right. Are you asking if there is smoke coming from the ancestral tomb? Master Sitian said that the second child can read and write. Although he is not a scholar who has read poetry and books, he is also a talented person who can help write some documents and calculate the acres of land. In a few days, Erwa will report to Lord Sitian." Uncle Ji didn't know that his eyes were like bright flames, and in such a small village, how many people who could read and write There are not many people, and now they are valued by the government. Even if they are not even considered as petty officials, it is worth him to go out and show off.

Seeing Uncle Ji's happy look, Qin Ke pursed his lips and smiled: "This is a good thing. Uncle Ji."

"That's right." Uncle Ji recollected it, and found that he was a little too proud, and said embarrassingly, "But no matter how promising the second baby is, it's not as good as you, Ake."

"Me?" Qin Ke said blankly, "What can I do?"

"Why are you so unpromising? What is the superficial knowledge of Erba?" Uncle Ji said seriously, "Who doesn't know that you are the one who is really knowledgeable in our village? Everyone says that your master is a scholar who traveled to various countries. You are his only apprentice, so you can be regarded as a petty scholar. According to the rules of the court, as long as the village recommends you, you have a chance to become a high official."

Thinking of this, Uncle Ji asked, "Ah Ke, don't you think about what to do in the future?"

"What will you do in the future?" Qin Ke looked towards the distant fields, "I don't know, I'm not suitable for being an official, and I was always unwilling when my master asked me to study."

That's what he said, but he subconsciously groped towards his waist. In his belt, there was a jade disc quietly placed, and it seemed that Zhuge Wanling's body temperature was still rippling on it.

"If you think it through, you can come to Jingwu to find me, and I will tell you everything you need to know." He said this, but Qin Ke became inexplicably flustered. Is it like taking care of the bonsai in front of Master's door every day, and blowing the wind carelessly in the fields?

Uncle Ji disagreed with his statement, shook his head, and said: "That's not sure. When you become an official, you will be able to become an official. Look at Uncle Ji, I am the one who can't be an official. I can only be useless for the rest of my life, and the woman at home said that I am worthless, hey, I really am worthless."

"Uncle Ji, I'm tired. I'll go back to wash and sleep first." Qin Ke's eyes were a bit complicated. Normally, he would have ridiculed a few words, but now he is very tired and doesn't want to continue talking about this matter.

"It should be washed, look at your clothes..." Uncle Ji nodded, and seemed to remember something, patted him on the shoulder and said, "You stay here and wait for me." After finishing speaking, he walked away He rushed into the inn, and after a while, he came out with a small plate of beef in his hand, and two corn buns in the other hand, "See if you can't wait, then take this back, when you are hungry , just eat it with beef, it’s delicious!"

Qin Ke lay on the bed, folded his hands behind his head, and looked at the ceiling quietly.He felt very tired at first, but he couldn't fall asleep again for a while. After tossing and turning a dozen times, he could only helplessly open his eyes and wait quietly.

He didn't know whether he was waiting for drowsiness to come back, or waiting for those worries in his heart to be shoveled and thrown into the dung tank earlier like cow dung between the ridges of the field. He wanted to find someone to talk to, but felt helpless. People can say.

He slowly found the moist jade disc from under the pillow, and lifted it up high, it was a ring no more than three inches, green and verdant.The hole in the middle was passed through by a braided red rope, and there was a row of beautiful tassels underneath, which fell to the tip of his nose, making him itchy.

This should be something that only those big people can have, right?In such a small village, jade is a very rare thing. Grandpa Zheng showed him a piece a few years ago, saying that it was something passed down in his family for several generations, and that there would be ancestors' souls lodged in it. Bless future generations.

"But there is no such piece of green." Qin Ke turned over, found a classic among the amazing collection of books in his room, pointed to the words on it, and read, "Jade...Jade, right? "

"Hey... just such a small piece, can you exchange for a hundred gold?" Qin Ke fumbled and almost dropped the jade pendant to the ground, thanks to his agility, he could reach out to catch the jade pendant before it hit the ground.

The biggest money he has ever seen in this life is just a piece of silver that Wang Xuanwei threw to him before. It is ten taels, but it has already been harvested by farmers like them for two or even three years, and every year is a good year. In the event of drought or locust plague, not to mention the lack of harvest, the ration of the family alone will become a problem.

And the amount of a hundred gold, even if it is put in front of those magistrates, they will stare their eyes down, right?

But Qin Ke was not very happy. After realizing once again how big the gap was between himself and Zhuge Wanling and those people, he became even more depressed.

Quietly put the jade back under the pillow again, Qin Ke jumped onto the bed like a mangy dog, and closed his eyes as hard as he could.

He had a dream.In the dream, he seemed to be climbing a never-ending mountain. Trees and bushes blocked his sight, and the gravel cut his ankle. He was in pain, but he couldn't stop for some reason.

Gradually, he felt that his chest was like a tattered bellows, and the violent beating of his heart made him feel the bones on the top of his head and toes trembling.His strength was gradually exhausted in the wind, so he gradually felt a cold attack.

He flung himself powerlessly on the ground, curled up and shivered, but couldn't warm up his body at all.

There was the chirping of goshawks in the air, he raised his head, and found that the top of his head was no longer covered with vegetation covering the sky, but a pure blue sky, surrounded by endless white snow, Almost dyed the whole world in pure white.

And the sun fell on his shoulders, like a pair of warm hands, surrounding him.He stood up gradually, and found that he no longer knew when he was standing on the peak of the snow-capped mountain, and his eyes were wide open.

The mountains and rivers are like countless sleeping giants embracing and kissing each other, the big river stretches to the end of the horizon, and the ground is full of beautiful flowers.

He had never seen such a beautiful scene before. The pure and cold air penetrated his body and reinvigorated his body. The wound on his body healed. He stood on the top of the mountain, I want to shout with joy.

However, a fire suddenly spread on the snow mountain!

The original white snow melted only when a gust of wind roared, and the pure spring water pouring down from the snow mountain also turned into hot, bubbling lava.It poured down from Shang and quickly covered everything in sight.The mountains and rivers were scorched black in the flames, and the rivers also dried up and cracked. All the breath of life seemed to be extinguished in an instant, and all that caught the eye was death.

Shanchuan died.The river is dead.

And the sky, as if being pulled by some force, gradually swelled up.

It was a huge, hollow, faceless face, the clouds were his cheeks, the sun and moon were his eyes, and when he opened his mouth, he exhaled a hurricane that swept across the sky and the earth.

He spoke.

"Come." This voice seemed to be the only one left between heaven and earth.

"Come on." He said a second time.

Qin Ke knelt down, clutching his head in pain. He seemed to hear the violent trampling of horseshoes. The sound of horseshoes was as heavy as when Wang Xuanwei came with a black horse. Every step was like thunder, but the difference was that Well, Wang Xuanwei was only leading a dozen or so horsemen, but this burst of hoofbeats sounded like thousands of horses!

"Come on." The voice said for the third time.

So the mountains crumbled, the riverbeds cracked, and the stars fell.

The sky and the earth turned into a dark void, and countless huge spheres flashed before his eyes. They seemed to be alive, walking, following a rule that seemed to exist at the beginning of the sky, constantly changing positions.

Qin Ke was floating in the void, he couldn't describe this scene at all, he felt an unprecedented fear had filled his chest.

"Come." The voice said again.

Chapter 48 "Little Lizard"

Qin Ke suddenly woke up from the dream, feeling that his whole body was wet with cold sweat.

He was panting violently, as if he hadn't breathed in hundreds of years.He didn't know when it started, his chest was shining with dazzling light, he hurriedly unbuttoned his clothes, and saw a light ball in his chest was flickering violently, it seemed to have heard some inspiration, and it struck in his body , wanting to leave his body.

"What... what?" Qin Ke gasped, looking at the ball of light, thinking of what Shenlong put into his body at the last moment, but when he was thinking, the ball of light seemed to be lost Calling, slowly dimmed.

Qin Ke stroked the part of his heart, watched the ray of light dissipate invisible, hesitated for a long time, and slowly put on his clothes.

The night outside the window was as dark as ink, but there were stars shining in the sky, the bright moonlight fell on the bonsai in the yard, and the dewdrops on the morning glory shone with crystal light.

Qin Ke walked out of the house slowly, feeling the coolness of the night, surrounded by the wind passing through the hall, when he aroused the Sunda wind technique, those winds surrounded his body like a lover, gently Kiss him on the cheek.He felt that the sweat on his body had dried a little, but he still couldn't recover from that dream for a long time.

He thought for a long time, looked at those stars, and inexplicably thought of the endless void with no beginning, no end, and some inexplicable fear in his heart.He gritted his teeth, and as soon as he lifted his foot, he thought about running up the mountain.

There is a strong evening wind in the mountains, and there are fireflies flying among the fields. Looking down from the mountain, it seems that the night sky is upside down on the field ridges.Qin Ke followed the rugged mountain road and ran to the top of the lush forest in one breath. The leaves in the forest rustled, and birds flapped their wings and glided from one tree to another.

Qin Ke can't remember how many times he walked this road. In the past, he went up the mountain for many purposes, such as picking up some dead branches to fill the stove, picking some wild fruits to taste the fresh taste, digging some wild ginseng to make medicine for the master... …

But later the work of digging ginseng was forced to stop, not because the master recovered from his illness, but because the master died, so the matter of digging wild ginseng to make medicine for the master turned into going up the mountain to talk with the master.

His master Zhuge Wolong was a person who was not afraid of loneliness before he was alive, but he didn't hate the excitement either. His eyes were as calm as a mirror-like lake, but he didn't have the indifference that rejects people thousands of miles away. The smiling face on his lips made the children in the village like him very much.

He is full of poetry and books, but he is not superior. Standing between the ridges of the field, he can teach the villagers which season to plant, and standing at the water source, he can talk about how to divert water for canal irrigation, and even teach everyone how to use decay. Plant some fungus on the dead wood, so that the villagers have more delicious dishes.

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