Qin Ke was stunned, and finally understood that Wang Xuan was so afraid of Zhuge Wanling. Although his matter was not unprecedented, it still gave Qin Ke a big impact.

At least he can be regarded as a hero who can be written into the history books.Thinking of this, Qin Ke looked at Zhuge Wanling with a little respect.

This bumpy road is very long, and the light of Huozhezi is still so weak, flickering, as if it will be extinguished at any time, but before it is about to die with the wind, a little stubborn fire is ignited again.

Qin Ke should have the best eyesight among all the people present. Thanks to his practice method, he can barely see the outline of some stones and roads, and probably knows that he is slowly descending in the middle of the mountain.

The darkness made it impossible for them to count the time. Qin Ke just felt a little sleepy. According to his usual schedule, at this time he should have been lying comfortably on the bed accompanied by all kinds of bizarre dreams, but even if he thinks about it today, he can fall asleep. I will have nightmares because of the things I experienced along the way.

With a sound of "dong", Abu seemed to have mentioned something hard, and Qin Ke's sleepiness disappeared for a while. He looked down and suddenly exclaimed: "Ah..."

Everyone was taken aback, Gao Changgong turned his head, looked at Qin Ke who looked like a frightened deer, and said helplessly, "What's your name?"

"Dead man. Look, dead man." His voice attracted Gao Changgong. He walked in a little bit, and slowly lowered the torch. The dim light illuminated the rock wall. It was indeed a dead man, or rather, a mummified corpse.

Chapter 34 Dry Bones

Gao Changgong looked at it, and although the corpse still retained a human shape, his skin was dry and hard like rotten bark, and his teeth were like charred coals, piercing the skin and exposing it.The long hair faded one by one, scattered gray and white, and fell a lot with a light touch.

And there was nothing in his empty eye sockets, only some dry tendons and pale bones could be seen.

"It's probably been dead for hundreds of years." Gao Changgong patted the mummy's shriveled chest where ribs could be seen, almost making Abu cry out.

Gao Changgong turned his head, looked at Qin Ke and Abu, and said angrily: "What are you afraid of? It's not like I haven't seen a dead person along the way. You have all seen dead people crawling out of coffins, and you are afraid that one will die so dead that you can't die anymore mummy?"

It's not that Qin Ke has never seen dead people. It can even be said that he has seen many dead people. When he fled with his parents, there were starving people everywhere. On the ground, the body has already rotted and stinks.

It's just that Qin Ke has never seen a mummy in this shape, not to mention that he encountered too many incredible things along the way, which made him feel like a frightened bird. When something happened, he felt that it was not easy, so he screamed out.

"Are you sure he's dead? Will he come back to life like King Ye?" Qin Ke still worried.

"King Ye has the yin energy of the entire formation to become a walking corpse, and he is the only one in the entire mausoleum who is entitled to enjoy it. How can this person have such a chance." Gao Changgong took a look and said again, " Probably the craftsmen who built this mausoleum back then, this is what ordinary nobles above dukes would do, so all traces of the mausoleum will be cut off, and no one will find it here again."

"This man is not a craftsman." Standing aside, Zhuge Wanling spoke up. He carefully looked at the mummy lying on the ground with a long mouth that looked terrified, and repeated, "Not a craftsman."

"Not a craftsman?" Gao Changgong was slightly taken aback, "Who is that?"

Zhuge Wanling knelt down, stretched out his hand to hold some fragments of the mummy, squeezed them between his fingers, and murmured: "It's true."

He stood up and said, "He is wearing armor."

"Armor?" Qin Ke glanced at the mummy again, and now it seems that he is not afraid at all, but feels that this person is very pitiful, lying here like this, when he died, the surroundings were pitch black, he must be very lonely, " It won’t turn into ashes after hundreds of years.”

He thought about it for a while: "Isn't the armor on Ye Wang's body good?"

Zhuge Wanling explained with a smile: "Although the previous dynasty was powerful, even so, it was impossible to put iron armor on every infantryman. At most, it would be nothing more than to put an iron breastplate on the chest. Generally, there are only ten or more commanders. Only a high-ranking officer can be assigned a set of iron armor that is completely connected by armor pieces. This person's status is obviously not qualified enough, he can only wear cowhide armor, and cowhide armor is naturally impossible to preserve as well as iron armor."

"Not at all." Gao Changgong shook his head, he has been a general for many years, and he knows everything big and small in the army. Zhuge Wanling doesn't even know as much about armor as he does, "Even if it's a cowhide armor, it shouldn't be rotten. There is nothing left. The cowhide armor of our army follows the craftsmanship of the previous dynasty. All the cowhide is selected and soaked in medicine. It will not rot for decades, and the clothes on the surface of his body , has almost turned into something like coke, how can it be called cowhide armor?"

"Naturally cowhide armor won't rot so quickly." Zhuge Wanling smiled, "But... being scorched by the heat is different."

"Hot roasting?" Gao Changgong was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"Go on first." Zhuge Wanling didn't answer, but turned around and continued to walk forward along the rock wall. Although each step was not as powerful as Abu Gao Changgong's, it was still walking steadily.

Gao Changgong gave a wry smile, and cursed softly: "What I hate the most is your temperament that likes to show off. Sometimes I really wish I could give you ten or twenty boards with the barrel of a gun."

Both Abu and Qin Ke couldn't help snickering, they were glared at by Gao Changgong, and they immediately closed their mouths. Abu kept a straight face, pretending to be serious, and continued on his way.

Along the way, such mummies kept appearing, from being sparse at the beginning, to dense rows at the back, hugging and pushing each other, their empty eye sockets seemed to reveal panic, as if they had fallen into a trap. A nightmare from which you will never wake up.

Under some dust, their damaged spears and war swords protruded, and the rusty edges reflected light slightly, as if to prove their military status.

Gao Changgong didn't say a word, maybe because he lost face because of guessing that Zhuge Wanling punctured him, or maybe because he was shocked by such a shocking scene, he was extraordinarily silent along the way.

Looking at those mummies, Qin Ke felt as if he had returned to the war and famine when he was a child. On the wasteland, the fields that should have been planted with crops were burned into a piece of scorched earth, and on both sides of the road, piles of dead body.

He shook his head hard, trying to get these things out of his mind, but he heard Gao Changgong suddenly say: "Is it a living sacrifice?"

His voice was rarely low and angry, like low thunder, rumbling in the thick dark clouds.

Qin Ke even felt that his blood was agitated for a while. Gao Changgong's blood is so strong that it can even affect ordinary people and even practitioners around him, which is really terrifying.

After a while, he understood that Gao Changgong was the general of Jingwu, so he naturally wanted to be a soldier.And these people, wearing armor and lying here holding spears and swords, were not regarded as living sacrifices by King Ye, what else?

When Qin Ke was studying, he often read such words as "the Emperor Bintian, and the concubine died in the mausoleum". In his opinion, it is unreasonable to drag a group of people to be buried when a person dies.

But most of the emperors were buried with concubines, and the princes were buried with servants and husbands at most.

Burying with the army, isn't Ye Wang afraid of mutiny and rebellion?

Zhuge Wanling shook his head and said, "If it's a sacrificial burial, why are they given weapons? Besides, this kind of place is not a place suitable for massacres."

Gao Changgong felt relieved, but the doubts in his heart were still unanswered, and he was a little depressed: "What is the situation, you should tell me."

Zhuge Wanling glanced at him, shook his head, and said, "Actually, you should be able to see that, since this is the hiding place of 'it', these people died as if they had been baked by heat, so that they could become The mummy has not decomposed for hundreds of years."

Gao Changgong's eyes changed, and he looked sharply at the mummified corpses on the ground: "It's not a sacrificial burial...this is a...attack!"

"Attack... who? Who is 'it'?" Among the three, only Qin Ke was a complete outsider. Something has become like this on the way, so aren't they continuing to walk down the same old road as they are?

Gao Changgong laughed suddenly: "I see. It seems that this Ye Wang is not only not a loyal minister, but even has such ambition that even the sky can't hide it."

This is a completely enclosed space on the mountainside. When Gao Changgong's laughter spread in the mountainside, it naturally formed an echo. For a while, there seemed to be countless Gao Changgong laughing in the mountainside, and the sound shook Qin Ke originally. The damaged eardrum is a little sore.

But his eyes widened, and at the moment Gao Changgong's laughter subsided, a huge sigh sounded from the mountainside!

Chapter 35 Lei Guang

Qin Ke has never heard such a heavy sigh, the pain and regret inside are like a tide, like a dying elder, looking back at the footsteps of his life.But it doesn't make people feel decadent. In the middle of this turbulent emotion, there is a majesty hidden.

This majesty, as if it existed when the world was born, the torrent of time cannot dilute it, the boundary between life and death cannot cut it, even if the ocean is evaporated, and the earth bursts into endless flames, it will not change.

This is almost... the majesty of a god.

Qin Ke's eyes widened. In his line of sight, a boulder that had been hidden in the middle of the mountain suddenly shook!

It was a rock about the size of a dozen people. Although the darkness concealed his figure, he was clinging to the rock wall, so he shouldn't have rolled suddenly.

But soon, the stone stood in the air, climbing several feet in a way that ordinary people couldn't understand at all, and then, like a meteorite from the sky, fell straight down!

"Stone!" Qin Ke yelled, but Gao Changgong had already reacted the moment he opened his mouth and shouted. He took a step forward and faced the stone that was almost the size of a dozen people. The blood in his body was like climbing a building. Breaking through Qin Ke's unimaginable limit, and then he let out a low shout, and blatantly shot!

The spear cut through the air, and the whistling sound turned into a huge roar, like a lion standing upright, standing up straight with his muscular body, defending the dignity of his own territory.

The boulder was silent, but the sound of the wind around him was screaming at its throat. It just fell, but it wore the majesty of thousands of troops.

In the blink of an eye, Gao Changgong's spear made contact with the boulder.

Qin Ke wanted to see the boulder clearly, so he narrowed his eyes slightly.But all he could see was darkness.

When exactly did it become invisible?Qin Ke suddenly panicked and slapped everything around him in a panic that might allow him to find his place. He wanted to shout out, but it was like a big stone was stuck in his chest, and he couldn't make a sound at all.

Just opening his mouth like this, as if losing his voice, he felt that the energy and blood in his whole body suddenly bounced up high as if out of control, but then plummeted down hard in an instant.

As if falling into a bottomless abyss, Qin Ke stared blankly at the seemingly endless darkness, the world was spinning, and his throat felt so disgusted that he almost vomited it out.

After a while, a billowing air flow rushed over, his bun was blown away, and the black hair fled backward crazily as if it was completely uncontrollable.

"Ake...Ake..." Qin Ke seemed to hear someone shouting.

"Ah..." Qin Ke finally made a sound, but it was only a slight low cry, his eyes became bright again, Gao Changgong held the gun in his right hand, and was pressing against the boulder. No one knew where the boulder fell. What a terrifying power time has, but Gao Changgong's fine steel spear is already bent like a waning moon, as if it will collapse in the next moment.

"What's wrong with you?" Abu asked worriedly.

"The Xunfeng technique he practiced is too sensitive to the surrounding perception." Zhuge Wanling stood behind Gao Changgong. Although Gao Changgong blocked most of the airflow for him, his robe still seemed to be blown by a strong wind. , hunting sound.

"Why don't you say it's because my heroism made this child speechless?" Gao Changgong gritted his teeth, and at this moment he still had the strength to speak, "This is the 'thing' you are looking for? I There’s no guarantee you can beat it.”

Zhuge Wanling shook his head and didn't speak, but the light in his eyes shone like stars in the dark night.

"He... is happy?" Qin Ke panted heavily, looking at Zhuge Wanling, feeling more and more confused about this person.

Just at this time, the majestic voice came again from the darkness, it said in a low voice: "Foss... Luoda... Kali..."

Gao Changgong's complexion changed, and he raised his foot and kicked Zhuge Wanling twenty steps away. As he gritted his teeth and exerted force, the spear was crushed like a full moon by the huge force!

"I want to say...your claws are really heavy..." Gao Changgong hissed, and as his hand retracted and turned, the fine steel spear suddenly collapsed straight!

With a dull impact sound, the "giant rock" was deflected by the straight force of the spear, and slammed hard on the rock wall beside Gao Changgong, the cracked rubble flew around, and the smoke billowed.

"Thunder?" Qin Ke raised his head suddenly, above their heads, in the darkness, it seemed that large groups of smoke gathered.

Soon, a rumbling sound came from inside. This kind of sound was like a giant standing tall, and every step it took shook people's souls.And when the thunder light drilled out of the clouds in the darkness and fell suddenly, Gao Changgong's whole body was immediately shrouded in the thunder light!

"Brother Chang Gong!" Abu exclaimed, supporting Zhuge Wanling, how could there be dark clouds in the mountainside?How could such a terrible thunder be split?And Gao Changgong is in the thunder, can he still live?

"Stop screaming. It's annoying." Gao Changgong's faint voice came out from the rolling thunder, and after a while, the thunder light slowly dissipated, revealing Gao Changgong's figure inside.

The cotton robe on his body was torn a lot, and there were traces of the lightning burn left on it. His bun had long since disappeared, and his long hair was scattered, with a burnt yellow color on it.

Even Wang Xuanwei couldn't force him to use all his strength, but facing this unknown enemy hidden in the darkness, Gao Changgong was obviously a little embarrassed.

He is no longer the clean and tidy man who walks on clouds instead of a mausoleum.

But Qin Ke stared blankly at his cheek, but felt that the world was too crazy.

Lei Guang's high temperature scorching not only caused his robe to rupture, but also caused many scorched marks on the skin on his cheeks.And Gao Changgong stretched out his hand, wiped lightly on his face, tore off a human skin mask, threw it away, and the mask went away with the wind.

And Gao Changgong's real cheeks were revealed in front of Qin Ke.

When he was wearing a human skin mask before, he was just a mediocre warrior, but now, Qin Ke seemed to see another Gao Changgong.

If there is a kind of person in this world, he is like a green lotus in the mud, who can emerge from the mud without being stained, and who can radiate light even in the midst of all filth. .

Without the human skin mask, Gao Changgong looks like he is only 28 years old, at the junction of maturity and frivolity. In his eyes, he can see the innocent and romantic look of a young man, but inside, there is a very stable and wise of light.And against the backdrop of his eyebrows, which were almost like eagles spreading their wings, a heroic spirit faintly wanted to leap out, to soar above the nine heavens.

But his cheeks tend to be feminine, and his nose and lips do not give people a sense of fortitude of a famous general. On the contrary, he looks like a modest gentleman in a study room, as gentle as jade, turning into a few spring breezes, blowing into the hearts of others.

Gentle but yet heroic, the two different styles are perfectly integrated on his handsome face. If it were those young girls in the village, I am afraid that they would be fascinated by this face immediately fainted?

Just as he was thinking wildly in his mind, Gao Changgong said loudly: "That kid!"

Qin Ke looked around, thinking who is he calling?

"Don't look! It's you! That... Qin... Qin Ke!" Gao Changgong said with a bit of dignity in his voice, "I'll leave that cloud to you!"

"What?" Qin Ke stared blankly at Gao Changgong's back. At this moment, the "giant rock" pushed aside by Gao Changgong moved again. Qin Ke finally saw the true face of the huge rock clearly this time.

Indeed, as Gao Changgong said, it was a claw.It was a huge eagle claw, part of which was still hidden in the darkness, but the strong skin of his five claws and the sharp nails on it could be seen.

When this claw moves, it will cut open the stone wall it rubs against, leaving smooth cut marks, like a perfect sharp knife.At this time, Gao Changgong fired his gun again, pointed at the giant claw obliquely, and let out a deafening cry!

Qin Ke hurriedly stabilized his mind, controlled his perception of the outside world, and prevented the qi and blood from being disturbed by the qi and blood in Gao Changgong's body again.And when he raised his head again, amidst the roar of thunder, the dark clouds condensed again, and the thunder light emerged from the dark clouds, like little snakes, and then these little snakes condensed into a giant python, with a loud sound Amidst the noise, he shot straight at Zhuge Wanling and the others!

Chapter 36 风雷相薄

"I just know how to order people..." Qin Ke complained, Gao Changgong didn't give him a chance to refuse at all, and this thunder light wouldn't give him time for a fierce inner conflict.Although he had never done anything like this before, he had to try it.If something happened to Zhuge Wanling and the others, he probably wouldn't be able to get out alive.

What's more, after spending so much time with Abu, they can be regarded as friends who have shared weal and woe. They are of the same age and have a lot to say. Even in this regard, it is impossible for him to give up.

Qin Ke leaped forward, and with the help of Abu's shoulder, the whole person soared into the air!The thunder light rumbled and landed on his body.

In Abu's eyes, his whole body was engulfed by light.

"It's okay." Zhuge Wanling patted Abu's tense shoulders. He knew best what kind of Xunfeng technique existed in the Mo family and even in this world. Only Qin Ke can deal with the innate thunder method.

Innate gossip, heaven, earth, mountains, water, fire, wind and thunder.

The sky and the earth are clear and turbid, the water and fire do not shoot out, and the mountains and rivers are ventilated.

Wind and thunder are relatively thin.

The friction of wind produces thunder, and the vibration of thunder turns into wind.Just like the connection between heaven and earth from the time of birth, the two are originally connected.

Perhaps it was because Qin Ke jumped into the thunder and could no longer take a single step forward, the destructive power of the first birth of the day just stopped in front of Zhuge Wanling in a daze.

Abu subconsciously wanted to pull Zhuge Wanling away, but found that Zhuge Wanling had let go of his hand, and instead took a step forward, approaching the thunder that was almost impossible to look directly at.

"Sir." Abu approached him and said, "Let's step back one after another."

Zhuge Wanling nodded, looked at Lei Guang again, and sighed after a while: "Maybe I was too harsh on this child?"

Qin Ke can't hear his voice, he is in an endless light, thunder is such a terrible thing, as long as his control of the Xunfeng technique is a little weaker, his naked upper body will be crazily surged The thunder was scorched black.

He endured the pain, but felt that the thought power in his head was being consumed rapidly. Although the technique of Xunfeng and thunder were interlinked, after all, the power contained in this thunder light was too powerful, and he had no confidence at all.

"Master..." Qin Ke murmured.The master is no longer here, he has to do things well by himself, presumably the master will be happy for him when he sees it.

In midair, the thunder light slowly shrunk, as if being swallowed by something.Gather up gradually.

When these thunder lights gradually disappeared, a person fell down.

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