After Lin Chong released the ground wave, the ground unexpectedly fluctuated like a current of water.

Shen Xing was also pushed a certain distance away. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Chong hastily put on another three layers of defense for himself.

Lin Qiu watched with relish.

The attack power of this demon type is simply against the sky, it is definitely the nemesis of mages.

I just don't know how the defense is, and I especially want to verify it.

"Chief instructor, why don't you attack?"

"You know what a fart. If you attack her, it will only make this girl's demonization last longer. As long as you don't attack her and wait for her to vent, it will naturally stop."

"So that's the way it is, I learned it, I learned it!"

Chapter 75 The Correct Way to Wake Up

The battle between Shen Xing and Lin Chong has been going on for 10 minutes.

Shen Xing still didn't intend to cancel the demonization.

Lin Chong felt like he was about to cry. He remembered that it took only 8 minutes to wake up Shen Xing last time. Why is it that Shen Xing is still alive and well after 10 minutes?

If it goes on like this, I won't be able to hold on anymore.

"Xiaoqiu, in another 2 minutes, if she continues to become a demon, you can go and rescue me."

I'm still afraid of being laughed at, and then I really can't hold on anymore.

Lin Qiu made an OK gesture to Lin Chong!

Two minutes passed quickly, and Shen Xing was still in a demonized state.

Just as Lin Qiu was about to move the rescuers, Lin Qiu suddenly thought of something.

Shouted to the field: "I know how to hatch the Fire Spirit Bird correctly!"

Shen Xing paused when he heard this, and those sharp claws stopped in mid-air.

The emerald green of the eyes began to dissipate quickly, turning back to dark brown again.

The runes on his body also began to dissipate slowly, and the sharp nails were also retracted. The most important thing was that Sha Matt's hairstyle changed back to a chicken coop.

Only now did Lin Qiu see Shen Xing's appearance clearly. Although she was a bit sloppy, she could still tell that she was a beautiful woman. Coupled with those dark blue glasses, there was an indescribable charm.

"Really? Really? I've been researching for a long time, but the fire bird's eggs still can't hatch. I can't figure out where the problem is?"

As soon as Shen Xing regained her sanity, she directly asked this question that had troubled her for a long time.

Lin Chong was caught by Lin Qiuxiu all of a sudden, and he could still operate in this way. If he knew that he could wake up Shen Xing in this way, he would not have been targeted so many times.

He hurriedly took out his small notebook and recorded it crazily.

Shen Xing also noticed Lin Chong at the side at this time.

"Hey, squadron leader, are you here to wake me up again? I don't know what's urgent this time?"

"I said, Shen Xing, if you don't study it for a while, you will be able to control your demonization when you get platinum. I can't bear it anymore."

"How is this possible? Life is endless, research is endless!"

"I know you have this temper. Didn't I bring you an expert in animal science?"

As soon as Shen Xing's eyes lit up, he began to search around.

She soon saw Lin Qiu beside her, but she didn't take it seriously and continued to search.

"Squadron leader, don't make fun of me, I'm even afraid of it coming."

Lin Chong wiped the cold sweat off his brow, and pulled Lin Qiu who was watching the play.

"This is the spirit beast expert I found for you."

Shen Xing glanced at Lin Qiu with a hint of disdain on his face.

"Just him? He doesn't have all his hair, right? He's still an expert, shit!"

Lin Qiu: (?°??°?) Huh? ? ?

You can look down on me!

But you can't insult me!

If it wasn't for the presence of the chief instructor, I'd take off my pants to show you now!

"Your parameters for the fire spirit bird are wrong. First of all, the hatching temperature is too low. As a fire spirit beast, the fire spirit bird itself has high fire resistance. When the fire spirit bird mother hatches eggs, sometimes it will breathe fire. Speed ​​up the hatching speed of the fire spirit bird, so the temperature should be adjusted to 500 degrees."

"Then the hatching of the fire spirit bird needs aura, so put some spirit beads around the egg. There is no requirement for the level, and the bronze level is fine. The fire spirit bird will absorb the spirit energy in the spirit beads on its own, and I don't know what you think Yes, you still want to hatch in a vacuum, you are not afraid of suffocation of the egg!"

Shen Xing didn't expect Lin Qiu to speak clearly and logically, so he couldn't help being a little speechless.

"But we have observed mother fire birds hatching eggs, and seen them spit fire at the eggs, but we have never seen mother birds put spirit beads around the eggs."

"Have you ever been to Lingxu?"

"Nonsense! I haven't been to Lingxu, how can I observe?"

"Then what is the biggest difference between Lingxu and reality?"

Lin Qiu's words were like a slap in the face, shaking Shen Xing awake.

Shen Xing suddenly understood that the higher the level of the Lingxu, the more abundant the spiritual power. In the Lingxu, the bird's eggs would absorb the surrounding aura, but in reality there is not such a strong aura.

Why didn't I think of it?

After thinking about it, Shen Xing was stunned again.

Seeing that Shen Xing was in a daze again, Lin Qiu quickly retreated a hundred meters.

"Chief instructor? She won't enter that state again, will she?"

Lin Chong was also a little uncertain, who knew if this girl would play her cards according to the routine.

Just in case, Lin Chong also slowly moved to Lin Qiu's place.

But fortunately, Shen Xing didn't think for too long before he came back to his senses.

Looking at the two people who were a hundred meters away, they couldn't help being speechless.

"Why are you so far away from me?"

Lin Qiu: (乛?乛?)

"Don't you count?"

"But I'm in samadhi, as long as you don't touch me, I'll be fine. Why do you have to run so far?"

Lin Chong blushed, and it was all Lin Qiu's fault, which made me forget about it.

Lin Qiu also realized, that's right, it's fine not to touch her, that's careless.

And you call that state samadhi?Do you have any misunderstanding about entering meditation?

"Little guy, come here and do an experiment with me. If you really hatch the fire spirit bird, I will admit that your hair is all grown!"

Lin Qiu felt that he really couldn't bear it anymore.

He grabbed Lin Chong.

"Chief instructor, don't pull me, I must educate her, don't pull me."

Lin Chong quickly let go of his hand, and took two steps back consciously.

"Chief instructor! You just let go like this?"

"There is a kind of love called letting go, giving up forever for love."

"You sing really badly!"

Shen Xing didn't care so much, and grabbed Lin Qiu.

"Come on, I can't wait to see if your hair is fully grown!"

Lin Qiu: Sitaopo!This is not the bus to kindergarten, I have to get off.

Shen Xing didn't care so much at all, and pulled Lin Qiu to experiment.

"Group leader Shen, the eggs can hatch anytime, but there are more important things to deal with now!"

"What's more important? Is there anything more important than the birth of a new life?"

"Of course it saved lives."

"Save lives? What? Your family has been kidnapped? Call 110, it won't affect our creation of life."

"It's really easy to get beaten when you chat like this! If I couldn't beat you, I would have beaten you long ago. I'm talking about saving the spirit beasts here."

"What happened to the spirit beasts here? Aren't they all living well?"

"Okay? Didn't you find the problem? Many spirit beasts in your place are equivalent to slow suicide! Don't talk so much, you come with me."

He took Shen Xing to the center of the base and looked at the busy staff.

Lin Qiu made a trumpet shape with his hands: "Everyone stop what they are doing and gather at the center of the base!"

Several people around looked at Lin Qiu suspiciously, and then continued with their work.

Lin Qiu: (*???)!!

Feel offended.

Shen Xing looked at Lin Qiu like a fool.

"Oh, it really is a little brat."

Shen Xing silently walked to the broadcasting room not far away.

Picking up the microphone: "Attention everyone! Attention everyone! If it is not necessary, all other staff immediately stop their work and gather at the center of the base!"

She was also curious about what kind of medicine was sold in Lin Qiu's gourd.

Chapter 76

This time all the staff stopped their work.

Except for a few people left to guard the spirit beast, the others quickly gathered.

And very self-consciously standing neatly.

Lin Qiu couldn't help being proud, how could the country not be strong with such soldiers!

Shen Xing also came out of the radio room.

Seeing Shen Xing coming out, everyone's eyes lit up.

Especially those staff members are almost dying of anxiety, there are a lot of things waiting to be reported to you.

Pointing to Lin Qiu: "Everyone, take it easy! This time I called everyone because this little friend has something to tell everyone."

Everyone looked at Lin Qiu curiously, but did not raise any doubts.

Just stood there quietly waiting for Lin Qiu to speak.

Lin Qiu was unusually shy. This was the first time he spoke in front of so many soldiers, and he felt like he was the chief.

"Hi everyone, I'm Lin Qiu. I'm here to give you some advice. I just took a look. There are many mistakes in everyone's work."

Lin Qiu's words directly caused the staff below to explode.

Who are you?Which one of us has not worked in our work unit for many years.

How can you be so crazy, a brat like you.

Lin Qiu also knew that if he didn't do something, he would definitely not gain everyone's trust.

"Everyone be quiet, I know that you will not believe what I just said, so I will use practice to make you realize your mistakes."

However, Lin Qiu's words were not heard by this group of staff at all.

Lin Chong couldn't stand it anymore: "Quiet! How decent are all the frizzy ones!"

The squadron leader spoke, and the group immediately fell silent.

"I know that everyone doesn't believe me. Next, I need a giant storm eagle. I believe the facts will prove my point. Who would like to let me try the giant storm eagle?"

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