Hit?Brother Qiu's skin is at the level of a city wall, so he can't.

Lin Qiu didn't care what Liu Rui thought, he was swimming in the ocean of knowledge.

Finally, when there was still the last class left, Lin Qiu finished reading all the books.

After experiencing it carefully, I found that all the knowledge was clearly recorded in my mind.

Smile with satisfaction, and there is the last class, just to test the results.

The last class is physics,

At this time, the physics teacher also walked into the classroom.

Physics has never been Lin Qiu's strong point, and every time he takes physics exams, his score will be lowered.

But today is different, Lin Qiu found that no matter what the physics teacher said.

Those formulas and knowledge points will automatically appear in his mind.

Everything becomes extremely simple.

What Vt=Vo+at.



Mom no longer has to worry about my studies.

Never forget!

Where will not stare.

So easy!

Lin Qiu never thought that learning could be so simple.

Soon a day of study life is over.

Just about to get up and leave, Li Nan's annoying voice sounded.

"Lin Baitu, I heard that you go back to deliver food after school. Would you like me to introduce you to a job? If you are lucky, tens of thousands a day will not be a problem."

Although he knew that Li Nan didn't hold back anything, but everything depends on Qian, so he asked Li Nan curiously.

"What job, tell me."

"I know a club. I heard that it is recruiting waiters recently. There are often rich women there. If you go there, you will be fine. You will be turned into a little white rabbit there. I believe your cards will be smashed."

Lin Qiu couldn't help but his eyes lit up, it would be nice to find a rich woman to take care of her.

As a teenager, I know soft rice is good, and I really want to find a rich woman.

"Lin Qiu, don't listen to Li Nan's nonsense. I know what he said. There are not only rich women there, but also muscular men."

It was Zhang Fei, the class flower in the class, who spoke.

I don't know if her parents have a grudge against this girl, and they gave such a fierce name to a girl.

Hearing Zhang Fei's words, Lin Qiu couldn't help but feel the chrysanthemum tighten, and looked at Zhang Fei gratefully, and at the same time couldn't help feeling a little curious.

Why do these flowers know that place.

At the same time, I also felt full of malice from Li Nan.

"Master Li, the consumption in that place is not low."

"Of course, otherwise, why would I let you go? The commission is very high."

"It seems that Mr. Li often goes to spend."

"Of course, ah, no, how could I have been to that kind of place."

"Oh, I get it, I get it."

Lin Qiu's words caused the whole class to burst into laughter, and even those who had a good relationship with Li Nan all blushed.

Li Nan was a little ashamed and angry for a while, why did she accidentally say something wrong.

"Master Li, have you eaten yet?"

Li Nan: ...

"This riding horse has just finished school, so I'm eating wool."

"You can eat wool too, is it delicious?"

"I'll eat your uncle!"

"I don't have an uncle."

Li Nan felt like she was going crazy, why didn't she find this guy so cheap before.

"Then you are in the clubhouse, are you attacking or receiving?"

"Of course I attacked."


The whole class exploded, this time even those who had a good relationship with Li Nan couldn't hold back, this is explosive news.

Li Nan also realized that he had been tricked by Lin Qiu, and was about to attack Lin Qiu directly in embarrassment, but was pulled down by Zhao Zheng.

"Do you want to be punished for doing something at school?"

Li Nan also came to his senses, glared at Lin Qiu fiercely, and left in despair.

Chapter 7 Rogue Rabbit

Because this month's rent has been earned enough.

More money is enough for this month's expenses.

Lin Qiu didn't want to go to work.

So I took a leave of absence from "Beautiful" and went home early to catch up on sleep. After all, I only slept in one class today.

It's time to grow your body, so you can't treat yourself badly.

Studying is so tiring!

If you don't make up for 12 hours of sleep, you won't be able to relax.

On this day, Lin Qiu went to bed early to rest, and soon fell asleep.

"Today is a good day, everything you want can come true."

Amidst the slow music, Lin Qiu picked up the phone.

"Hello, sir, are you interested in the 160-square-meter big three rooms around RT-Mart?"

Lin Qiu: o((≧▽≦o)

"Miss, you've worked hard. I started working hard to make money early in the morning. I'm very interested in the house you mentioned,"

"Okay, sir, but it's not too early. It's almost noon now. When are you free? I'll show you the house."

"Well, I'm free right now, but all my belongings are only 2000 yuan. See which one you can buy."

Let me go, are the current sales so realistic?

I looked at my phone, it was already 11 o'clock.

This sleep lasted 15 hours.

Sure enough, learning something is the most tiring!

"9527, come out to awaken skills."

"Skill extraction..."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the SSS skill - skill enhancement."

Lin Qiu:? ? ?

When seeing SSS, Lin Qiu was excited.

But why does this skill look familiar.

"All enhanced skills can be drawn repeatedly. I don't know if you are lucky or not, but you have drawn this skill again."

"I can strengthen my memory."

"What's the use of photographic memory enhancement? Isn't photographic memory enhanced or photographic memory?"

Lin Qiu burst into tears, and I was completely powerless to refute.

The skills that I have drawn.

Even with tears in my eyes.

"Strengthen the white rabbit."

"The big white rabbit is being strengthened, the strengthening is successful, and the big white rabbit has evolved into a rogue rabbit."

Rogue rabbit?

What the hell is this riding?

"Skill introduction: Don't mess with the rabbit, especially if he is a rogue rabbit"

Lin Qiu: (>○<)

Lin Qiu felt that he was so terrified by the thunder.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

Wookala God of Darkness, transform.

Still a familiar recipe.

Still the same.

It's just that what the hell is this whole circle of fat.

It looks very much like the rabbit in the anime of the same name in Bangziguo.

There have been some changes to skills, and a new one has appeared.

There is no change in strengthening the bounce, but Lin Qiu can feel that he is jumping higher.

Rabbit Pedals became Reinforced Rabbit Pedals.

Claw Attack changed to Enhanced Claw Attack.

A new skill - the rabbit will bite when it is in a hurry.

Lin Qiu: ...

Do you want to do this to me?

This skill is so shameful, isn't it?

I swear I will never use this skill in my life!

No!Do not use this skill on men.


The skills have been strengthened successfully, and Lin Qiu's animalization has changed from E-level to C-level.

Class C already has a certain combat effectiveness, and it can be said that it has initially broken away from the ranks of garbage.

At this moment, Lin Qiu suddenly had a bold idea.

All the skill enhancements drawn in the future will be used for animalization.

Will it evolve into a Super Saiyan Rabbit?

It's nice to think about it!

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