Life goes on!

As long as he had a good time!

Chapter 1001 The Finale

Sunny on November 20, 4XX

It will be the May Day holiday soon, and the school will be on holiday. Other students should either go home, or they are already thinking about how to play.

But I don't know what to do. If I go home, my father and mother will wander somewhere, and there is no point in going home.

I just talked to my mother on the phone yesterday, and they seem to be in Africa now.

As for where I am now, I don't know. After all, my father's cultivation base is there, and he has a space system, so it's just a matter of whizzing where he wants to go.

My mother told me that I will not come back this May Day, so we can just go and play by ourselves.

I can only accept this, and I didn't expect them to come back.

Counting the days, my sister has been five months now.

I don't know if there will be another little witch like a sister by then.

Anyway, one's own family position cannot be shaken.

Since I can't go home, I can only find a place to have fun with Sister Yinwan.

As for the old lady, who cares about her!

I hope that when I go to play tomorrow, my sister can be a little self-aware and don't be a light bulb!

Although I know this is impossible, I still can't help looking forward to it.

Future brother-in-law, where are you?

Take my sister away so I can be quiet too.

By the way, where should we go tomorrow?so tangled!

Let's talk about life on campus.

Since I came to Sophie, to be honest, it has changed a lot in my life.

Whether it's a classmate or a teacher, they all look at me somewhat strangely.

I also know the reason, maybe the only strong person at my level should be a superior existence in their eyes.

But I appear in their lives all the time, which may make them feel somewhat incredible.

In fact, I have almost learned the courses of the university, but I have to persevere, I can't graduate, and I really don't know what to do after graduation.

There are still more than two years to go, even if it is to let yourself have a complete university experience.

Also, younger sister Yinwan has often appeared in front of me recently, turning into her adult appearance.

I admit that it is really wow to look like that, but now I really...

well!I really want to grow up quickly and become a real dragon knight.

But this is not something I am in a hurry, I still have to take my time.

For some reason today, I suddenly felt a lot of emotion.

The diary in my hand will be gone after I finished writing today. It's time to buy a new diary.

This is the end of this diary, but it is also a new beginning.

I will always stick to it.

I have been writing diaries for so many years, and to be honest, sometimes I don’t know what to write.

Sometimes there are so many things I want to write but I don't have time to record them.

As soon as the memories turned around, they had already slipped away quietly.

When the diary becomes a habit, I slowly find that I know how to observe better.

I can better understand the feelings of each moment, whether it is happy, sad, jealous, or sad.

I will keep it between the lines.

When I grow up, I may have a different feeling when I take out these diaries I wrote before and read them.

The first half of my life has been wonderful enough, and my future days are bound to be long and wonderful.

Who can say what hasn't happened yet?

Anyway, in the future, as long as I can still write, I will continue to record my life.

That's it for today, I'm tired!

"Complete Book"

PS: Silently pick up the cigarette beside you.

Take one and light it up.

This book is all over here, and I am full of emotions for a while.

In fact, this book is considered over before the extra episode is written.

The reason why I write the episode so shamelessly is also because of my selfishness.

One is because at that time, there was still a short distance from 200 million characters, and I was somewhat unwilling to write 200 million characters!

So I continued writing.

After writing 200 million words, I found that the achievement of 1000 chapters is not far away.

what to do?Keep writing!

In addition, there are still some plots, so I wrote it according to Chapter 1000, and the final chapter was fixed at Chapter 1001.

One Thousand and One Nights, I feel very good, it is the end and a new beginning.

Here, I would like to thank all readers for their company, without you, I would not be able to persist until now.

Coincidentally, after today's update, it is the 301st day that this book has been continuously updated.

A year ago, I never thought that I would become an author, and there would be a work of over 200 million words.

Of course, there will naturally be many problems in the book. As a novice, I hope everyone can understand.

I will slowly improve, at least I think so.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, whoever bluffs is two hundred and five!

Seeing that it has been a year since I wrote the book, I have never stopped updating for more than 300 days.

I am a little bit proud of being able to do this while at work.

Of course, compared with some real tentacle monsters, I am still too young, and I will slowly develop in that direction.

I should barely be regarded as a hardworking author, should... be it?

In addition, we must put an end to this phenomenon of two updates a day in the future, which is completely disrespectful to readers.

It has to be three shifts a day, right?

At this time, it is natural to advertise your new book.

The new book "I've grown the land and cultivated spiritual energy recovery" is already on the shelves, and today it has [-] words.

Interested friends can go and have a look.

Reminders and comments are welcome, and of course it’s okay to send a small free gift.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief after writing this. To be honest, I have been double-opening recently, and double-opening is really tiring.

And it's always easy to play tricks, and the protagonist's name is often misremembered. Now that the book is finished, it should be better.

In the end, I would like to thank all my friends for their company. There is no banquet in the world that lasts forever.

The story of this book ends here.

Because of this book, I also met many friends.


I won't name them all here.

I am afraid that you will be proud!

It's very happy to skin it.

Finally, the flowering is over!

Thanks again for your company.

Love you~?!

Finally, finally!

The new book "I planted a field and planted a spiritual recovery"

The new book "I planted a field and planted a spiritual recovery"

The new book "I planted a field and planted a spiritual recovery"

Say important things three times!What are you waiting for, go see it.

If you like it, take a look, if you don't like it, please leave!

Sprinkle flowers?(??v??)?

This time it is really gone.

A heartbroken song, where to find a soulmate at the end of the world, goodbye everyone.

Why are you still here?Don't read new books?

What are you waiting for?

Oh, did you remember the name of the new book?

It's "I Farmed and Planted Reiki Revival"!

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