It has been less than a month since 9527 woke up, so many useful skills have been awakened, it is no wonder that Lin Qiu feels resentful.

And 9527 may have peeked into Lin Fan's inner thoughts, and this gigantism is slightly different from Lin Qiu's.

The full name of Lin Fan's giantization is the giantization Dijia version!

Lin Fan was extremely excited when he thought that he could transform into Di Jia.

Sister, just wait, at an appropriate time, I will prove to you the existence of Tiga!

You can always trust the light!

Chapter 912

Sunny on November 20, 8XX

After staying in the spirit beast forest for more than two months, he finally returned home.

In fact, tomorrow is the day when school starts, but I don't panic at all, because it is very convenient for my dad to take us there, that is, it's just a matter of swishing.

The reason why I have to go to school at this time is because I need military training when I go to college, and I am still looking forward to military training.

At the first moment when I got home, I couldn't wait to check the results of the college entrance examination.

Dad must have checked it, but he never told us. I guess the problem is not serious, otherwise, with Dad's temper, he would have troubled us if he failed the exam.

The grades were quickly found out, and as expected, all three of us had good grades. Anyway, with this score, it is no problem to go to any university in China.

There is also my father's real estate in Gusu, but my father still chose to let us live on campus.

I think this should also be Dad's test for us.

But because of a coincidence, I overheard the conversation of my parents. They were planning to live in Gusu for a while, and it seemed that they still couldn't let us go.

I was a little apprehensive. After all, Gusu Lingwu hadn't recruited boys for a long time. I wouldn't be arranged to share a dormitory with other girls, right?

It is absolutely impossible for me to agree to this!How could I betray sister Yinwan?

As for the specific situation, we still have to wait until the school.

Because I will finally go to school soon, I finally have my own mobile phone, which my dad bought for us.

Dad is also really, in fact, he should have bought it for us a long time ago, so that we didn't even join the class groups of junior high school and high school. Of course, part of the reason is that we skipped grades too quickly.

The thing that made me the happiest was actually another thing. After my father knew that we were leaving tomorrow, he gave me a bank card directly, which made me a little flattered.

At that time, I really wanted to touch my dad's forehead. Dad didn't have a fever. This is not his style at all.

But no matter what, Dad finally gave me the bank card.

I remember my dad telling me that.

"Xiaofan, I didn't give you money before because you have been living with us and there is no real use of money. Now it is different. You have grown up and are going out to live. This card The money in it is definitely enough for you to spend, don't let your little sister Yinwan feel wronged, just buy what you need, otherwise I won't spare you!"

I was very speechless at the time. Is the money for me or sister Yinwan?

Never mind, anyway, I finally have money in my hand.

For the money, I don't know how to spend it. The mecha I picked last time seems to have two limited editions. If it doesn't work, I will buy it for sister Yinwan together. It's such a happy decision!

I am looking forward to the upcoming university life.

August 20, 8XX cloudy

At this time, I am already in Lingwu, Gusu, and I don't know how to describe my current mood.

Today is the day of Gusu Lingwu's official report. The military training will start tomorrow, and today's task is to report to the school.

After breakfast, my father took my mother and the three of us to Gusu Lingwu.

When I arrived at Gusu Lingwu, I was directly and deeply shocked by the scene in front of me.

Didn't it mean that only the first-year students will arrive early?Why do I feel that there are too many people in the school?

And as if they were waiting for us, the girls kept screaming as soon as we appeared.

I'm a little flattered, isn't it just a school?Is it worth such a big battle?

But I soon realized that these people were not here to greet us, but for Dad.

This is the first time I have seen the charm of my father, and I can feel that my father is not used to such a scene. After sending us to Gusu Lingwu, he took my mother and teleported away. This is the rest of the preparation. Let's figure it out ourselves.

Seeing my dad in a mess, I suddenly felt a little funny, but I didn't know whether it was because my dad hadn't experienced such a scene or because my mom was there, I was more inclined to the latter.

I have to say that I was also shocked by Yingying Yanyan in front of me. Although I knew that Gusu Lingwu was a girl, I didn't expect to see such a scene, and I still felt extremely shocked.

After my father left, the eyes of those seniors finally fell on me.

They looked at me with extremely complicated eyes, I don't know how to describe these eyes, a little excited and a little disappointed, alas, women are the most difficult thing to understand.

It may be that these senior sisters looked at me too aggressively, which made sister Yinwan feel a sense of crisis.

She even took the initiative to hold my arm, and at the same time looked at the thousands of seniors provocatively, as if announcing that my sovereignty belonged to her.

At that moment, I felt very happy.

The principal's grandma also came, and she was very happy. She might have been surprised that the three of us could choose Gusu Lingwu.

Afterwards, the principal's grandma asked some senior sisters to take us to the dormitory.

After my observation, I discovered that in the entire Gusu Lingwu, except for me, there is no one with a handle.

Not only the students, but also the teachers, all of them are women. The moment I entered the campus, I felt shady.

In the scorching heat of mid-August, I couldn't help shivering.

When the dormitory was finished, I was shocked.

Of course, I was not shocked because I was assigned to a dormitory with girls, I was in my own dormitory, no, it was my own dormitory building!

In the previous Gusu Lingwu, there were also male classmates, but the number of male classmates has been slowly decreasing in recent years, and there is still a process of disappearing in the end.

The dormitories for boys have always remained, and gradually most of them have become dormitories for girls. Only the one I live in has survived because the dormitory is enough.

Because of my arrival, it happened to be arranged for me.

Let me live alone in a dormitory building, no matter how you think about it, it's a bit outrageous!

The headmaster's grandma might be afraid that I would be scared alone, so she even assigned me a dormitory auntie. Please, I'm already five years old, I'm not a child anymore.

On this day, no matter where I go, I will become the focus of attention. Fortunately, sister Yinwan has been with me, otherwise I feel that I will really be in danger.

The classes have been divided, so the three of us are naturally in the same class. Our counselor is called Huangfu Yimeng. I seem to have heard my dad say that she looks very good and looks very beautiful.

The other students in the class are all big sisters who are eighteen or nineteen, and I can feel that they are always peeking at me.

The first class meeting was nothing more than self-introduction and the election of the class leader. I didn't have much interest in this, but my sister was very active, and finally became the class leader as expected.

I don't know what the students in the class think, but let a little ass be the class monitor. I hope this class will not be too dirty by the old lady.

After returning to the dormitory at night, I was the only one in the dormitory, and I felt a little empty.

Although I sleep alone at home, but this feeling is obviously different.

Opposite the dormitory building where I live is the girls' dormitory building. Seeing that I turned on the lights, many senior girls are on the balcony, chatting and looking at me.

I suddenly regretted it, it might not be a good idea to come to Gusu Lingwu!

I am now Tang Sanzang, and I have come to the country of daughters.

What should I do?

Extra Sixteen Chapter 913

Gusu Lingwu.

Lin Fan's college life has officially begun, and today is the day of military training.

Early in the morning, the housekeeper's aunt might be afraid that Lin Fan might oversleep, so she ran over to wake Lin Fan up, leaving Lin Fan speechless.

This hostess aunt is very enthusiastic!

After putting on his uniform for military training, Lin Fan went to the cafeteria to have breakfast. Needless to say, he still attracted a lot of attention along the way, and people kept saying hello to him.

After finally having a good breakfast, Lin Fan came to the playground leisurely.

Lin Yaoyao and Long Yinwan were quickly found, because there was still some time before the military training started, so the students sat and chatted together.

As the squad leader, Lin Yaoyao was very active.

After the students in the class saw Lin Fan, they all said hello and continued chatting.

This made Lin Fan feel a little more comfortable. The students in the class seemed not as enthusiastic as the senior sisters before.

Even though these were all girls, Lin Fan still managed to get along. During his four years of university life, he had to get along well with these people.

He sat beside Long Yinwan, didn't speak rashly, but just listened quietly.

"I heard a message from my senior, do you know why the school has confiscated male students for so many years?"

The one who spoke was a girl named Zhou Wanwan, who was quite active in the class, and Lin Fan also had some impressions of her.

What Zhou Houhou said immediately aroused the interest of the students.

Everyone is really curious about this, because it is a newcomer, and the reason for it is still a little unclear.

Even Lin Fan was a little curious, wondering why Gusu Lingwu didn't accept male students.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Zhou Houhou looked around, and finally lowered his voice: "Actually, this was all our principal's idea, do you know what the seniors in the school call our principal? ?”

Having said that, Zhou Wanwan deliberately paused, obviously hoping that the students could interact with her.

"Old witch?"


The students chattered and started to discuss, all of them lowered their voices. If the principal found out, they might be overwhelmed.

"No, it's Mijue Shitai! When Principal Huangfu first became the principal, the ratio of male and female students here was basically one to one. At the beginning, Principal Huangfu still recruited male students, but the ratio decreased significantly. In the end, he just refused to recruit, and this year, for some reason, he made an exception and accepted Brother Fan."

Lin Fan rolled his eyes, discussing this topic, he knew it would eventually involve himself.

"Can it be the same? Maybe Principal Huangfu just hates men, not boys."

The students immediately burst into laughter. Lin Fan was a little embarrassed, but he didn't say anything in the end.

"Also, do you know why Principal Huangfu still recruited male students at the beginning, but not later?"

Lin Fan was also taken aback. He originally thought that Huangfu Lengcui had only accepted girls since he became the principal, but now it doesn't sound like that.

He didn't say anything, just looked at Zhou Wanwan quietly, knowing that she would explain herself.

"This incident began in the second year when Principal Huangfu took over Gusu Lingwu. At that time, Principal Huangfu had a whim and planned to go to the dormitory, but he let her be under the dormitory building and found a male student peeping at the female dormitory with binoculars. At that time, the principal got angry and ordered a large-scale search of the whole school, guess what happened in the end?"

Everyone's appetite was whetted.

"Wanwan, don't be foolish, just speak quickly."

"Ahem, it turned out that 8 telescopes were found in the boys' dormitory. Of course, this is not the main reason. Do you know what the main reason is? Because the girl's dormitory was also checked during the search, and more than 30 telescopes were found in the girls' dormitory. Telescopes, more than a dozen of them were broken into monoculars, and this incident made Principal Huangfu believe that men will only affect our speed of drawing swords, so since then the school no longer recruits male students .”

Lin Fan: (??????)

Even if Lin Fan was killed, he would never have imagined that there was such a story in it.

Life is really impermanent, the large intestine wraps the small intestine!

However, Lin Fan didn't feel that the boys did anything wrong. Although peeping was definitely wrong, the girls did it too. Why was it the men who got hurt?

"Ah! Is it like this? Yesterday I used the binoculars to look at Brother Lin Fan."

A quick-talking girl spoke immediately, making the students in the class tremble with laughter.

"You're still laughing, you! You! And you! You were fighting over the binoculars with me."

Lin Fan's face turned black, who are these people?

Then the students started to fight. Although they come from all over the world, girls are obviously easier to get together. If girls go crazy, the scale is much bigger than boys. Even if Lin Fan doesn't know much, there are some can not watch anymore.

At this moment, a shadow suddenly appeared in the sky, it was a huge colorful peacock.

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes, he could see some human figure on the colorful peacock.

Lin Fan was no stranger to the colorful peacock in front of him, because he had seen it more than once.

Lin Yaoyao touched Lin Fan: "Brother, it seems that the chief instructor of this military training is still an acquaintance, and it turned out to be sister Shen Xing. What a coincidence."

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