Lin Qiu silently gave Zhang Hongyang a thumbs up.

Second child!Beep!


Soon the students finished their introductions, and Han Junning looked at the materials recorded in her hand.

The quality of the freshmen this year is so high, there are more than a dozen awakened ones of the rare department, and the lowest level is also eight-star bronze.

Chapter 63 Squad Leader Election

Seeing that the students had finished their introductions, Han Junning also returned to the podium.

"Okay, all the introductions are over, I believe everyone has gotten to know each other a little bit, and the squad leader election will be held next, is there anyone who signed up?"

As soon as the words fell, more than 20 little hands were raised below.

Those who can enter the magic city of Lingwu are not monitors but also study committee members in their previous schools. Few people want to give up this opportunity.

"Uh, it seems that everyone is very active. In that case, let me appoint a few people."

Students: Counselor, are you so naughty?

We are really lonely!

"Then Lin Qiu, Qin Zhenzhen, Ouyang Qian, and Sima Yan. They are all in silver grades, and their college entrance examination scores are all above 700 points. Everyone has no objections."

Students: Is it useful for us to have opinions?

Sima Yan, a two-star silver-star Beast Transformation Department, awakened as an Eagle. The Eagle may not be as powerful as many other departments in terms of strength, speed, and attack power, but the Eagle can fly.

If he can fly, he will be handsome, so Sima Yan has always been narcissistic.

Seeing that no one objected, Han Junning smiled in satisfaction.

"The next stage is the canvassing session. Everyone has 2 minutes to canvass. Which student should come first?"

Sima Yan quickly raised his hand.

"Alright, student Sima Yan, you come first."

Sima Yan returned to the podium in high spirits.

He thought he was handsome and brushed his hair.

"Hello everyone, I am Sima Yan. I have already introduced it before, so I won't introduce too much here. First of all, I would like to thank the counselor for giving me this opportunity to run for the monitor of our class. Since elementary school, I have always been the monitor of the class and have rich experience in management. I believe that if I become the monitor, under my leadership, I will have the confidence to turn our class into the best class in the entire Shanghai Lingwu University. Thank you Everyone, I hope everyone will vote for me!"

Sima Yan felt good about himself, but he didn't know that the people below were gritting their teeth silently.

They are all top students from all over the world, no one is convinced, why should they choose you!

"Okay, thank you Sima Yan for your impassioned speech, who's coming next?"

Lin Qiu and the other three did not speak.

"Since you are not talking, then, Lin Qiu, you come first."

Lin Qiu didn't even think about being a squad leader in the past, so he walked to the podium without any hesitation.

"Hi everyone! I'm Lin Qiu. I don't want to be the squad leader. It's so troublesome. Please vote for Qin Zhenzhen. Thank you."

Qin Zhenzhen: (乛?乛?)

Students: ?(·?????? )? ? ?

Zhang San and others: Brother Qiu V587

"This is the weirdest campaign speech I've heard over the years I've been a teacher. The next one is Qin Zhenzhen."

Qin Zhenzhen came to the stage.

"Please vote for me, thank you."

Qin Zhenzhen stepped down.

Han Junning: (*゜ロ゜)ノ

"This is the shortest campaign speech I've ever heard as a teacher for so many years. The last one is Ouyang Qian."

Ouyang Qian took a catwalk and walked up to the podium with her buttocks twisting and turning.

Many male students who watched below swallowed their saliva.

"Hi everyone, I'm Ouyangqian, I have nothing to say, please vote for me with your little votes."

Han Junning glanced at Lin Qiu angrily.

It's all your fault for ruining the tense campaign atmosphere!

Sima Yan was almost overjoyed, it seemed that he had the chance to win, they all looked so weak.

"Okay, students, let's start voting. Each person can cast two votes. Let's start now."

"It's great that I can cast two votes. I'm still torn between Qin Zhenzhen and Ouyang Qian. Hehe, children only make choices, and I want them all."

"Haha, I think so too."

All the boys wrote down the names of the two beauties on their own paper, and Lin Qiu and others were no exception.

Zhang San and the others also knew that Lin Qiu really didn't want to be the squad leader, so they didn't vote for Lin Qiu.

Only Sima Yan wrote his name on his own paper, and the other thought that Lin Qiu was the least threatening, so he wrote Lin Qiu's name.

Girls are different, the second girl is too imposing, of course they are more willing to vote for boys.

So all the girls voted for boys, including Ouyang Qian and Qin Zhenzhen.

of course there are exceptions.

Cheng Min gave his tickets to Lin Qiu and Qin Zhenzhen.

Fertilizer water does not flow into the field of outsiders.

Then here comes the problem. It is known that there are 46 students in Lin Qiu's class, 30 boys and 16 girls. Each person can cast two votes and cannot abstain. Follow the above voting method.

What is the number of votes for the last four people?

Soon the statistical results will come out.

Qin Zhenzhen became the monitor with 30 votes.

Ouyang Qian was the deputy squad leader with 29 votes.

Lin Qiu participated in Lonely with 17 votes.

Sima Yan looked at his 16 votes and sobbed silently.

Ouyang Qian came to her senses at this moment, staring at the boys in the class with fiery eyes.

"Don't let me know which one of you didn't vote for me?"

Sima Yan trembled, I didn't vote for you, but I didn't vote for Qin Zhenzhen either, it's because there are traitors among you girls, it's none of my business!

It doesn't matter if you don't become the monitor, who makes the class more boys, but why does Lin Qiu get more votes than me?

I don't agree!Where did I lose?

Am I not handsome enough?

But no matter how dissatisfied he is, he can't change the result of the vote.

"Okay, now that the monitor of the class has been selected, I hope the two monitors can cooperate with my work well."

The male students in the class felt that they were going to die of happiness.

The counselor and the two monitors are all beauties, which is an experience I have never experienced before.

"Next, let's talk about the second matter of this class meeting, which is your military training. Let me tell you in advance here that our military training is different from that of ordinary universities."

"There are a few points that everyone needs to pay attention to. First of all, all members of the military training must not be absent. If they are absent, they will be persuaded to leave immediately."

"Secondly, the instructors we invite are all soldiers who have experienced life and death. They will train you like soldiers."

"If someone gives up now, we will never stop it. Does anyone want to give up?"

The class is completely silent, quitting is just persuading!

Only then did Han Junning continue: "The instructors we invited are all elites from the Suzaku team, so learn from them when the time comes."

When the students heard about the Suzaku team, they immediately became agitated.

Lin Qiu was a little puzzled.

"Three children, is the Suzaku team famous?"

Zhang San looked at Lin Qiu like a monster.

"You don't even know the Suzaku team? There are four very powerful teams in Huaxia, namely Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu. Each of them has its own characteristics. The Suzaku team is the only flying team in China. The members in it are not flying. A beast-like awakened person possesses a spirit beast mount."

"Spiritual beast mounts? Are there already spiritual beast mounts?"

"I don't know the specific circumstances, but the Suzaku team does have spirit beast mounts."

Lin Qiu also paid attention to this, after all, he possessed many such skills.

If I can learn from it, I might be able to get a flying pet. I'm very happy to think about it.

The class meeting ended here, and the students also returned to their dormitories.

During the period, Wang Yu also went to find Zhou Meng to add WeChat.

Zhou Meng didn't know what to think, but agreed.

Maybe it's for the sake of my classmates, so I'm embarrassed to refuse.

But Wang Yu was very excited.

Back in the dormitory, after washing up, they lay down on the bed to rest.

According to the counselor, tomorrow's military training is not good.

Chapter 64 Suzaku Squad

Early the next morning, Lin Qiu and the others arrived at the playground early.

Wearing a camouflage uniform, he was sitting on the steps of the stands and watching the students who came from the dormitory or the cafeteria from time to time.

Of course, mainly to see female students.

Zhang Hongyang looked at the female classmates who kept passing by, and sighed leisurely: "It's a pity, I can't see the big white legs for a month, and they are all wrapped tightly."

Lin Qiu smiled disdainfully: "You know what, so that you can see the essence of a person better, look!"

Zhang Hongyang looked in the direction of Lin Qiu's finger, and saw Ouyang Qian walking gracefully.

The large camouflage uniform on the upper body was fully supported by Ouyang Qian's majestic chest, which made Lin Qiu wonder whether the buttons of the camouflage uniform could really withstand the turbulent waves.

Because of the military training, most of the girls just put on some sunscreen and the like. At this time, Ouyang Qian's appearance is still good.

Lin Qiu withdrew his fingers, and said to Zhang Hongyang earnestly, "Did you see it? This is the essence, not made by cosmetics."

What else can Zhang Hongyang say?I can only call the experts directly!

No wonder he is the big brother!

Ouyang Qian also saw Lin Qiu and the others, and even waved at them.

Zhang Hongyang: "I can't, the goddess waved to me, I feel like I'm dying soon."

Wang Yu: "A man can't say he can't do it!"

Zhang Hongyang:! ! !

After watching for a while, finally saw Qin Zhenzhen and Cheng Min walking slowly.

Lin Qiu and Zhang San hurriedly put away their pig brothers.

He walked towards the two of them with a straight face.

Zhang San even grabbed Cheng Min's hand: "Minmin, I haven't seen you all night, I miss you so much, do you miss me?"

Lin Qiu: Σ_(???」∠) Ugh!

"I said early in the morning, it is forbidden to feed dog food!"

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