Lin Qiu: =????(??? ????)

"Mr. Lu, do you believe that Qin Zhenzhen and Cheng Min put it here temporarily?"

Lu Zhen gave Lin Qiu a meaningful look.

"Xiaoqiu, don't worry about these problems, who hasn't been young yet, is this the storage space of the space system?"

"That's it."

"Are there any other space-based skills?"

"There's also teleportation and teleportation."

"I don't know much about the space department, but you are right to come to our magic capital, Lingwu, because the only true martial artist of the space department known in our country is our principal Ouyang Ze."

"Our principal is an awakened person from the space department?"

"Well, when school starts, I will introduce you to Ouyang Ze and let him teach you well. He is not at school now, otherwise I will take you to meet him now. That old guy must be very happy."

"Thank you, Old Lu."

"What about the other four skills?"

"Those are animalization skills, you need animalization to use them."

"If you don't tell me, I almost forgot that you are a beast-type awakener. Show me the beast."

Although he felt a little ashamed, Lin Qiu silently recited in his heart: Balala Energy, Hoh Neila, Doraemon Transformation.

See Lin Qiu transform into a cute Doraemon.

Lu Zhen's mouth twitched.

However, he still managed not to laugh.

Lu Zhen, who was pretending to be calm, surrounded Lin Qiu and began to observe.

"Where are the pockets on your clothes? Why are they missing?"

Lin Qiu lifted his shirt: "After transforming into a beast, it automatically ran to the fur on its stomach."

"There is still this kind of operation? It's really amazing. You should have evolved more than once, right?"

Lin Qiu looked at Lu Zhen in shock, you know that too?

Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy.

"There is no need to answer, your expression has already told me the answer, so can you continue to evolve?"

"I don't know about this. It mainly depends on luck. I think it should be possible."

"Looking at luck? It's a novelty, well, let's cancel the transformation."

Feeling relieved, Lin Qiu decisively canceled the transformation.

And Lu Zhen stared at Lin Qiu's clothes, and sure enough, the disappearing pocket returned.

Lu Zhen also ignored Lin Qiu, wondering what he was thinking there.

Lin Qiu was not in a hurry, just sat there and waited quietly.

After a while, Lu Zhen finally came to his senses.

"Does anyone else know about the fact that your beast has appeared in the space system?"

"Qin Zhenzhen and the others also know."

"Tell them to keep it secret and don't make it public for now. By the way, what is your current physical fitness? I remember that your physical fitness is quite strong."

"It should be at the gold level."


This is the second time that Lu Zhen breathed out fragrance today.

He didn't want to, but it seemed that this was the only way to soothe his emotions.

"Come on, hit me hard!"

Lin Qiu's physical fitness has just improved, and he hasn't really practiced it yet. At this time, Lu Zhen's request also aroused Lin Qiu's interest.

"Old Lu, offended."

Lin Qiu clenched his fists tightly, and his body was filled with strength in an instant. The person in front of him was a true martial artist, and Lin Qiu could attack unscrupulously.

Hey, there are not many chances of being able to fight a real martial artist without being beaten.

In order to make his own strength stronger, Lin Qiu slammed his right foot and kicked on the ground, trying to use his speed to increase his strength.


Lin Qiu kicked off the floor of Lu Zhen's office, half of his legs sank into the floor.

Lu Zhen: ∑(°口°ノ)ノ

This kid is definitely here to punish me. Judging by his posture, he is about to punch me to death!

It took Lin Qiu a lot of effort to pull out his leg.

Lie down and looked downstairs from the entrance of the cave, there was no one downstairs, so I was relieved just now.

Fortunately, no casualties were caused.

"Then Mr. Lu, shall we continue?"

"Continue, you big-headed ghost, that's fine, I know your physical strength has reached the gold level."

Lin Qiu couldn't help feeling a little disappointed, what a great opportunity, lost just like that.

"Also, the money for repairing the floor will be deducted from your scholarship!"

"No, Mr. Lu, I am neither old nor young, you can't treat me like this!"

"It's settled like this. There is one more thing. The Lingwu Grand Competition in three months' time has nothing to do with you, but since your physical fitness has reached gold, I decided to reserve a spot for you."

"I won't go, who told you to deduct my small money."

"The champion's reward is very generous, not to mention the exclusive platinum Lingzhu, the cash reward alone is 500 million."

"I would like to shed my blood for the Demon City Lingwu. How can I, Lin Qiu, be rare in this kind of thing!"

Lu Zhen stroked his beard, Xiaobian, I have eaten more salt than you have eaten rice, and I can't cure you.

"Okay, you go back, improve your strength in these three months, and don't embarrass me by then."

"Mr. Lu, don't worry, for the honor of Wu... school, I will definitely work hard!"

Chapter 61 Pancake Roll with Green Onions (Today’s [-]th update)

After Lin Qiu left the vice principal's office, he returned to the dormitory.

At this time, there were two more people in Lin Qiu's dormitory, and Zhang San was chatting with them.

Seeing Lin Qiu coming back, Zhang San hurriedly got up and greeted him.

"Brother Qiu, you're back, and our roommate just arrived."

Lin Qiu also looked at his new roommates curiously. One of them had a pretty face, but for some reason he couldn't think about it at such a young age, so he dyed his hair green.

"I know what you're thinking? I'll just say it once, my hair color is like this when I came out of the womb. It's definitely not dyed on purpose."

"I'll go! How do you know what I'm thinking? Are you an ultra-rare Psychic?"

"Soul is a ghost, your thoughts are written on your face, okay! Zhang Hongyang, the awakened bronze nine-star plant."

Looking at Zhang Hongyang's extended hand, Lin Qiu also shook it.

Lin Qiu felt the strength coming from his hands, and couldn't help but sneer secretly. It's really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. You kid doesn't know my strength.

He also began to exert strength in his hands, and at the same time said to Zhang Hongyang with a smile: "Lin Qiu, the awakened one of the silver-star beast transformation department, please give me your advice."

Zhang Hongyang's face was flushed at this time, and he wanted to withdraw his hand, but found that no matter how hard he tried, it was useless, so he could only look at Zhang San with help-seeking eyes.

Zhang San hurried forward, before Lin Qiu let go of his hand.

Zhang Hongyang shook his hand, what did he do to compare strength with a Beast Department.

Lin Qiu didn't care about Zhang Hongyang either, after all, he didn't want to get into too much trouble with his classmates when he just started school.

Looking at another big man who had stood up, Lin Qiu looked at Zhang Hongyang curiously: "Is this your father? Did he accompany you to report for duty? Hello, uncle."

Zhang San: (#? 3?) ~Pfft!

Zhang Hongyang: π_π

"Brother Qiu, this is also our roommate."

Lin Qiu: ("▔▔▔)

"Are you sure? Are you sure this uncle who looks at least forty is our roommate?"

The strong man couldn't bear it anymore.

"Hello, Wang Yu, the Awakened One of the Silver Planet Earth System, I am 17 years old!"

"Are you sure you are 17? There is a limit to lying about your age. You have lied for at least 20 years."

Seeing that Lin Qiu still didn't believe in evil, Wang Yu directly threw his ID card to Lin Qiu.

Lin Qiu looked at the photo on his ID card, and then at Wang Yu.

What the hell!

"It's really 17, half a year younger than me, how did you grow so mature?"

"I refuse to answer that question."

"Haha, okay, no kidding, now that we're all here, let's arrange the seniority in the dormitory."

Several people reported their ages, and found that Lin Qiu was the oldest.

Zhang Hongyang is next.

Zhang San ranks third!The name really didn't come up by chance.

Wang Yu turned out to be the youngest, no one would believe this.

The seniority is arranged.

It is much more convenient to call it.

Lin Qiu naturally became the boss of 303.

Lin Qiu called Zhang Hongyang's second brother, but Zhang Hongyang refused to agree, so in the end he could only call him the second brother.

The rest are the third and fourth, and they have no problem.

Originally, because he met a new brother, Zhang San proposed to go out for a meal, but Wang Yu stopped him.

"What do you want to eat when you go out? I'll bring you delicious food."

The three of them also had bright eyes.

Wang Yu opened his suitcase and took out a stack of pancakes, a few scallions, and finally a jar of sauce.

"Pancake roll with scallions!"

Is this delicious?

However, the name of pancake roll with green onion has long been known, so it is worth a try.

For friendship!

The three of them were not hypocritical, and took the pancakes from Wang Yu's hand one by one, but they all looked at Wang Yu directly.

Lin Qiu was also a little overwhelmed. He is proficient in cooking, but he didn't know how to eat pancakes with green onions. 9527, bad review!

Wang Yu also knew that everyone didn't know how to eat it, so he quickly folded the pancake, then evenly spread the secret sauce on the pancake with chopsticks, then put the green onion in, and wrapped the green onion with the pancake.

The three of them also learned in style.

Seeing that the three of them had rolled up the pancakes, Wang Yu immediately ate them with his arms in his arms.

Lin Qiu also picked up the pancake and took a bite.


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