"Go away, go away, next time the trick will be brighter."

Huang Mao was relieved, and fled in desperation with a few younger brothers.

"Brother, it's time to pay the bill. There are 28 people in total, [-] each, and you need to pay [-]. I'll give you a discount. Just pay [-]."


Don't bully me for being bad at math.

There is a problem with your discount.

"It's okay, the young master is happy today, and I will give you nine thousand."

"Okay, big brother, WeChat or Alipay? Credit card is also fine."

While talking, he skillfully took out the POS machine from his pocket.

"Let's use WeChat, and add a friend by the way, and I will find you in the future when I have something to do."

It seems that this is a master who can cause trouble.

Quickly added WeChat and received the payment.

I sent three hundred to each of the people who came, and then I said to the little fat man.

"Is it beautiful? The delivery service will serve you wholeheartedly. Remember the five-star praise, dear."

"Well, that's necessary. I'm Zhang San from No. [-] Middle School in the city. If you have nothing to do, come and play with me. I'll treat you to dinner."

What the hell!

It's from No. [-] Middle School again.

Zhang San?

Your dad really knows how to name it.

Outlaw lunatic!

Lin Qiu nodded and left.He still has a lot of takeaways to deliver.

I looked at my phone and saw that some takeaway orders were about to expire, so I hurriedly set off on my little eDonkey.

Quickly deliver the takeaway to God, without any timeout.

Passing by the building materials market, I also bought bags of cement.

"Room 15, Building 603, Happiness Garden, that's it."

He picked up his mobile phone and called the person who ordered the milk tea.

"Hello, who is it?"

Lin Qiu was taken aback, miss?

"Hey, hello, is it beautiful? Takeaway, your cement has arrived."

Aunt passing by:? ? ?

Are young people eating cement now?

"Okay, send it up for me."

"Miss, your building 15 doesn't have an elevator."

"I know, otherwise why would you send it? Hurry up, or I will give you a bad review."

What he said made sense, but Lin Qiu didn't know how to refute it for a while.

Lifting up the cement with great difficulty, they headed for the sixth floor with difficulty.

When he got to the sixth floor, Lin Qiu felt like he was going to be useless.

Boom boom boom!


The door opened, and a woman in a nightgown opened the door.

"Thank you, just put the cement at the door."

Then the door slammed shut.

Lin Qiu:? ? ?

Sister, you haven't paid for the cement yet.

Chapter 5 This SSS skill is a bit tricky

Boom boom boom!


"Why? Didn't I tell you to put it at the door?"

"Sister, cement money, 25 yuan."

"I'll give you 100, no need to look for it!"

"Okay, little sister, remember the five-star..."


"Praise, dear."

Are today's young people so irritable?

Anyway, I have already got the money and a cup of milk tea.

Then Lin Qiu started to take orders frantically again, until one o'clock in the night.

Then he walked tiredly towards the residence.

Although the body is very tired, but the heart is happy.

I made more than 1200 yuan today.The main income comes from outlaw fanatics.

One person contributed 900 yuan to Lin Qiu.

Plus tips for buying cement and wages for delivering food.

One day's income is enough for one month's rent.

That's nice!

The extra 200 yuan can also add a tea egg for breakfast every day.

This is even more nice.

Think about awakening a new skill tomorrow.

Just couldn't be more Ness.

Back at the residence, the mother and daughter of the Li family had already fallen asleep, took a simple shower, and Lin Qiu also went to bed to rest.

When I woke up the next day, it was already 07:30 in the morning.

Lin Qiu scratched his head.

Gotta get up now.

Otherwise, you won't be able to join the class at a pinch point.

07:30, presumably 9527 should still be sleeping.

After simply washing up, he ran towards the school.

Of course, I still have to eat breakfast, the familiar soy milk fritters, and a tea egg is specially added.

The owner of the breakfast shop looked at him strangely.

This kid got rich?

I can afford tea eggs!

In order to save time, Lin Qiu didn't go through the main entrance.

Because that would take a long way around.

At this time, the usefulness of strengthening the bounce was reflected. Lin Qiu jumped in from the school wall as soon as he pushed his feet hard.

Time was once again strangled by Lin Qiu, and he entered the school again with the bell ringing.

"Lin Qiu, you really know how to pinch, you always enter class at this time."

When Zhao Zheng saw Lin Qiu enter the class, he couldn't help being speechless. Several times he thought it was the teacher who came.

Lin Qiu didn't bother to pay attention to him, and went straight to his seat.

"Brother Qiu, you're here." Seeing Lin Qiu, Liu Rui hurriedly greeted him.

Liu Rui is an awakened fire element, and he has been brothers with Lin Qiu for many years.

He was one of the few people who didn't laugh at Lin Qiu because he awakened the little white rabbit.

"Ruirui, I'll take you to eat something good at noon today."

"Why Brother Qiu? You're rich and want to take me to a restaurant?"

"You think too much, I'll add chicken legs to you in the cafeteria at noon today."


"Brother Qiu, how is the preparation for the third inspection?"

"It's not bad, I guess it's about the same as the previous results."

"Brother Qiu, what are your plans at the end of this semester?"

"I never thought about taking one step at a time."

"Well, Brother Qiu, if you need help at that time, you must come to me."

Lin Qiu couldn't help being moved, knowing that Liu Rui was doing it for his own good. Although Liu Rui's grades were not very good, his fire ability was still quite popular, so he didn't worry about his future at all.

I am different from him, although I am awakened, but the awakened is a useless little white rabbit.

In the past, Lin Qiu might just find a job after graduating from high school and spend his life doing nothing.

But now he has 9527, everything has changed.

Maybe one day when his character explodes, he will awaken the space system, and then he will be a sweet potato.

Even if his character keeps getting worse, he can still get a bunch of messy skills, and he won't starve to death.

"Okay, Rarity, if I really need you, my brother won't be polite to you."

I looked at the time, it was past eight o'clock.

"9527, come out to awaken skills."

"Got it, wait for me, I'm in the tuba."


Do you need a large size for one of your systems?

Why do I always feel that something is wrong?

Whoops, I'm going!

"Isn't your bastard in my body? Where is your tuba?"

"You all know that I am a system. Of course, I am ranking backward skills. These are knowledge garbage and will not pollute your body."


Lin Qiu: (⊙⊙?)

"I'm going, why is there the sound of flushing the toilet?"

"Don't care about those details, life always has a sense of ritual, so let's wake up now!"

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