For at such parties he would be reduced to a clown, the object of ridicule by many in the class.

But now it's different, as the number one in the city in the three inspections, and the number one in the city in the different test, who would dare to laugh at him.

When Lin Qiu arrived at the agreed hotel, everyone else was basically there.

When the homeroom teacher saw Lin Qiu coming, he warmly greeted him.

"Lin Qiu, how do you feel about this exam?"

"Head teacher, don't worry, the number one in the city won't run away."

"Hahaha, I just like how confident you are."

After Lin Qiu entered the table, the students were talking with their close classmates while eating.

After graduating, there are not so many rules, so I ordered some beer.

From time to time, people came to drink with Lin Qiu.

Most of them will say something like Brother Qiu will be prosperous in the future, remember to promote younger brothers.

Zhao Zheng and Li Nan were very uncomfortable watching from the sidelines. They should be the protagonists here.

Wang Dabiao never mentioned the matter of competing with Lin Qiu after the different exams.

Just kidding, that's totally looking for abuse!

Finally, all the girls in the class gathered around.

Lin Qiu was a little confused, wondering what they wanted to do?

In the end, Zhang Fei stood up.

"Lin Qiu, you've all graduated and are about to go your separate ways. The girls in our class want to make a request of you."

"Ah? What request, I will try my best to meet it if I can."

"It's not too difficult. We all hope to embrace the bestialized you."

Lin Qiu:?(ˉ﹃ˉ?)

"That's not good?"

Although the mouth is refusing, the body is very honest.

Meditate in my heart: Bharara energy.Sha Luo Sha Luo, Xiao Moxian's whole body has changed.

The speedy beast turned into Doraemon.

The girls in the class lined up consciously, and one by one began to hug Lin Qiu.

"I'm so happy, I finally got a bunny in my arms."

"I really want to keep hugging like this."

"This fur is so soft, I really want to have a coat like this."

"Hey! Classmate, if there is no business, there is no killing. Please give up your evil thoughts quickly."

"Fatty girl, you are almost making Lin Qiule breathless, let go."


After drinking and eating, they sang a song together.

Because Lin Qiu was born with tone deafness, he didn't get involved. He just quietly listened to the howls of his classmates.

Because they are all students, the final payment method is AA.

It cost Lin Qiu 200 yuan, which made Lin Qiu feel distressed for a while.

The happy time is always short, and the students are crying and laughing.

Lin Qiu and Liu Rui left early.

"Rarui, go to college and study hard this time, don't be like high school again."

"Well, now that I know Brother Qiu, I will definitely try my best to keep up with you."

"Haha, then you have to run faster, or I'm afraid you won't be able to keep up."

"Brother Qiu, can't you walk slower and wait for me?"

"Okay, I must keep in touch when I go to college."

"That must be, good brother forever!"

"Well, good brother forever!"

Chapter 35 Heading to the Spirit Market

Today is the day to go to Lingxu to practice. Lin Qiu directly sent a WeChat message to ask Zhang San to pick him up at that time.

If you go by yourself, you don't have to pay for a taxi.

Lin Qiu was not in a hurry because they gathered at 10 o'clock.

At 8:9527, Lin Qiu directly called [-].

To be honest, Lin Qiu didn't have much hope.

After all, it has been E-level life skills for many days.

I even saw a D-level one.

"Skill extraction, congratulations to the host for obtaining S-level skill body enhancement."

"Hey, give me a surprise before going on an adventure."

"The body is strengthening, and the strengthening is successful."

Lin Qiu instantly felt that his body was full of explosive power.

"9527, what is my current physical fitness?"

"During the assessment, the host's current strength is about that of a six-star silver-star force attribute awakener?"

"Is it improved so much?"

"Of course, the improvement of physical fitness is not as simple as the improvement of spiritual energy. The effect of improving physical fitness becomes more obvious as you go forward. I don't know what kind of luck you have had, but you have obtained three physical enhancements in a short period of time."

"Then 9527, do you think that if I'm lucky, will my cultivation still be bronze, and my physical fitness directly reach the diamond level?"

9527 fell into a rare silence, and finally answered.

"It's theoretically possible."

"Haha, I knew it was okay, but thinking about it would be awesome."

"Have you had that luck?"

"Dreams are still necessary, otherwise what is the difference with salted fish, what if it comes true."

9527 just stopped talking, indeed, people still have the right to dream.

After a while, Zhang San sent a message saying that he had gone downstairs.

With everything in his storage pocket, Lin Qiu went straight into battle with light packs.

Arrived downstairs, sure enough, Zhang San had already arrived downstairs.

Seeing the luxury car driven by Zhang San, Lin Qiu was also speechless for a while.

Oh, we really are going to travel.

Lin Qiu got into the car and was immediately shocked by the interior of the car.

As soon as you enter the door, there is a set of sofas, and there are stoves, refrigerators, toilets, and LCD TVs inside. The basic facilities are all available.

Lin Qiu wasn't too polite, and just lay down on the sofa of the RV.

Can't help feeling again, it's nice to have money.

"Brother Qiu, how is it? This car is not bad."

"Well, not bad, it shouldn't be too boring along the way."

Zhang San brought his bodyguards with him, and of course the bodyguards would not enter the ruins.

His main purpose of following was to be Zhang San's driver.

It will take half a day to drive from here to Lingxu.

It didn't take long to reach No. [-] Middle School, and the other members of the team were already waiting here.

After getting into the RV, we headed straight to the Bronze Lingxu.

Qin Zhenzhen looked at Lin Qiu in astonishment.

For some reason, she felt that she couldn't see through Lin Qiu.

She could feel a hint of danger in Lin Qiu's body.

Obviously, I didn't feel this way yesterday.

Maybe I feel wrong.

Although there were seven people in the carriage, it didn't feel crowded.

"Brother Qiu, I brought you a present this time, guess what it is?"

Lin Qiu was also taken aback, he didn't expect Zhang San to have a gift for him.

What could it be?

Do you want to give me money?Probably not.

give me a car?No, I can't let it go here.

"I don't know, I can't guess."

I saw Zhang San struggling to take out two one-meter-long sticks from the locker of the RV.

Lin Qiu: (′?ω?`)

What is this?

It seems to be quite heavy.

Zhang San put the two ends of the two sticks together and twisted them lightly, instantly the two short sticks became one long stick.

"Are you going to give me a stick?"

"Yes, Brother Qiu, don't underestimate this long stick. It is made of rare alloys. Although he is not big, he weighs more than 100 catties. I believe that with your strength, it should be very easy to use. .”

"But I don't know how to use a stick!"

"Who are you lying to? When you hit the head with the eldest sister, didn't the mop play very well?"

"I'm fucking using marksmanship, okay? It's just a mop because I don't have a long gun."

"Eh? That's it, then next time I'll help you change into a long gun, you can use it first."

As he spoke, he handed the stick to Lin Qiu.

Lin Qiu also felt his hands sink when he took the stick.

However, with his current physical fitness of six silver stars, it is not difficult to use it.

Skillfully juggled a few spears, and used them fairly smoothly, but the pick and stab in some marksmanship did not have the power of a long spear.

Zhang San looked at Lin Qiu with admiration.

It took me a lot of effort to hold it, but the 100-jin object was no different from an ordinary wooden stick in Brother Qiu's hands.

After getting used to it for a while, I decisively stuffed it into my breast pocket.

Several people looked surprised.

Belly stuffed with an iron rod, I asked you if you have seen it.

It will take a lot of time to reach the Bronze Spirit Market.

The seven people divided into two tables and started playing cards.

Lin Qiu was arranged to fight against Qin Zhenzhen and Cheng Min for the landlord, while the other four were fighting.

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