Definitely not for eating.

He said hello to Zhang Qichao and heard Lin Qiu's reason for asking for leave.

Zhang Qichao's whole body is not well!

what's the situation?

Wang Ming, you old man!

This is because forced pulling is not enough, have you started using beauty tricks?

Zhang Qichao disagreed at first.

But under Lin Qiu's assurances, he relented and agreed.

But Zhang Qichao also paid attention, it seems that Lin Qiu's scholarship should be given to him as soon as possible.

The audience and students left the stage one after another.

Lin Qiu stayed with Qin Zhenzhen.

This broke the hearts of many who had a crush on Qin Zhenzhen.

What's the situation?

How many days has it been?You just hook up with one of our lieutenant colonel flowers!

Do you want to be so cheap?Do you want to leave a way for others to survive!

Lin Qiucai doesn't care what those people think, his mind is full of what to eat for dinner now?

Where to eat?Are you full?

At this moment, Lin Qiu noticed that Zhang San was slowly walking over.

"Ah, Brother Qiu, you're here too. You can't be the newcomer the eldest sister is talking about, right?"

"Big sister?"

"You don't know, Sister Zhenzhen, she has the highest cultivation level in our team, so she is naturally our eldest sister."

"Uh, you're also part of the team?"

"That's right, I'm a healing department, so I'm in high demand, okay?"

"Well, yes, I almost forgot about this, where are we going to eat later?"

"Brother Qiu, why don't you book a place? I'll treat you!"

"San'er is on the way, okay, I'll treat you to a barbecue tonight, I treat you, you pay the bill!"

"Okay, then I'll go and talk to the eldest sister."

After a while, Zhang San came back, told Lin Qiu that Qin Zhenzhen had agreed, and said that she had been pulled into the group, and asked him to post a location in the group, and the members of the team would go there by themselves.

Turning on the phone quickly, she found that Qin Zhenzhen had pulled herself into a group called "Frozen".

Including the newly joined Lin Qiu, there are only seven people in the group.

"Your eldest sister is a fan of Disney!"

"Haha, who said otherwise."

Lin Qiu casually posted the location of the barbecue in the group.

After that, Lin Qiu went to the barbecue shop with Qin Zhenzhen and Zhang San.

This time Zhang San changed the car again, because Qin Zhenzhen and Lin Qiu were going to rub against his car, the Pagani definitely couldn't fit so many people.

So Zhang San changed to a Mercedes-Benz Big G.

It is the most low-key of his many favorite cars.

This time, Zhang San didn't drive, but sat in the co-driver's seat, driven by his bodyguard.

Lin Qiu and Qin Zhenzhen naturally sat in the back row.

Lin Qiufa's position is very remote.

Even with the performance of the Mercedes-Benz Big G, the road is very bumpy.

Lin Qiu smelled the fragrance of Qin Zhenzhen's body along the way.

By the way, enjoy the turbulent ups and downs with the bumps of the Mercedes-Benz big G.

Along the way, he kept wiping his saliva.

This made Qin Zhenzhen who was sitting next to Lin Qiu very uncomfortable.

She didn't look like the iceberg beauty in the rumors at all.

For Lin Qiu's attitude, Qin Zhenzhen didn't feel disgusted, on the contrary, she was a little curious.

One must know that as a high school belle, there are really countless people who pursue her.

Those people are not trying to show their gentlemanly behavior in front of themselves.

Just trying to throw money at myself.

This is the first time she has met someone like Lin Qiu who has no money and does not hide his behavior at all.

For some reason, Lin Qiu like this is indeed extraordinarily cute in Qin Zhenzhen's eyes.

If only Lin Qiu knew what Qin Zhenzhen was thinking.

You will definitely feel that a woman's mind is really too complicated.

The distance displayed in the navigation is only 5 kilometers, but several people drove for an hour to get there.

This is because Lin Qiu pointed out several shortcuts to the driver.

Finally, they arrived at the barbecue restaurant designated by Lin Qiu.

It was still early at this time, and the nightlife had not yet begun.

But there are already many customers in the barbecue restaurant.

Lin Qiu asked for a box.

Zhang San asked the bodyguard to wait here, and when the other people came, he just let them go to the box.

It didn't take long before three men and one woman came hand in hand.

Before entering the door, I heard Dian Lei's loud voice shouting there.

"Who picked this place? Is this the place people of our status should come to? Isn't it nice to go to a five-star hotel?"

Entering the box, seeing Lin Qiu couldn't help being taken aback.

"Sister Zhenzhen, the newcomer you are talking about is not this kid, is it?"

Qin Zhenzhen didn't answer, but just nodded slightly.

"Why don't you want to?" Lin Qiu looked at Dian Lei, with a wicked smile on his lips.

Dian Lei also knew what the eldest sister had decided, and he definitely couldn't change it.

The most important thing is that I can't beat Lin Qiu.

"Then how can it be? You are so strong, it is too late for us to welcome you! By the way, who chose this place? It is too suitable for our identity."

"Do you have an opinion? I chose."

"Ahaha, this place is not bad, Brother Qiu has a good eye!"

Lin Qiu: (????)??

Count you as a kid.

Looking at the people, only the girl Lin Qiu didn't know.

The others are all acquaintances, Dian Lei, Shen Gui and Zhuang Cheng.

This time, Lin Qiu's three great fists will be tested.

"I don't need to introduce Lin Qiu to everyone. Although he belongs to the Beast Department, his strength is fully qualified to help us complete this expedition."

The others nodded in agreement, and they absolutely recognized Lin Qiu's power.

"Lin Qiu, let me introduce our team members to you."

"Shen Gui, you have fought against each other, Bronze Nine Stars, beast type, Qingyun Wolf, mainly in charge of our team's investigation."

"Zhuang Cheng, the nine-star fire system, Dian Lei, and the eight-star thunder system are the strong attacks of our team."

"Zhang San, Nine Star Healing Department, our nanny."

"You may be unfamiliar with this one, Cheng Min. She is also an auxiliary type, an awakened eight-star sound system. Our safety in Lingxu depends entirely on her. No movement within a kilometer radius can escape her ears."

"As for me, it is the main control and the secondary attack."

Lin Qiu looked at them in surprise.

Among these people, the ones with the lowest cultivation level were also eight-star bronze, and I was a little embarrassed to speak up as a three-star bronze scumbag.

It seems that these people must be either rich or expensive, otherwise there would not be so many resources in high school to pile up their grades to such a level.

It is obvious that Qin Zhenzhen put a lot of thought into forming this team.

Everyone in the team has a clear division of labor.

But these are not the issues that Lin Qiu should consider now. Of course, the most important thing at this time is to fill his stomach.

After asking a little bit about everyone's taboos, whether they eat spicy food or not, Lin Qiu started ordering on his own initiative.

Anyway, when there was a treat, Lin Qiu ordered it unceremoniously.

In the end, I ordered something separately for the waiter to deliver to the bodyguard at the door.

After a while, the waiter brought up the barbecue one after another.

At the beginning, a few people still couldn't let go of their figures, but after they bravely took the first bite, they were out of control.

"Brother Qiu is wise, this taste is absolutely amazing!"

"What five-star hotel! Compared with this barbecue, it's so weak."

"Sure enough, the barbecue is not afraid of deep alleys, and I will definitely come here often in the future."

Even Qin Zhenzhen and Cheng Min were full of food.

Barbecue is of course indispensable to beer.

Zhuang Cheng and the others lost to Lin Qiu in the different test arena, how could they admit defeat at the wine table, and they all crazily competed with Lin Qiu for wine.

How could Lin Qiu be cowardly?After partying with Zhuang Cheng and Shen Gui, he also had a party.

Dian Lei looked excited.

"Haha, I finally won back at the wine table."

Zhang San didn't drink, he couldn't leave a group of drunken gentlemen to the two girls.

In case someone loses his virginity, who can he talk to for reasoning!

I enjoyed eating here, and Zhang San's bodyguard downstairs also enjoyed eating.

Wipe your nose while eating.

"The young master has grown up and knows that he loves others, woo woo woo, it's just that this perverted hotness is a bit unbearable!"

Chapter 25 The Final Battle

Lin Qiu was woken up by Zhang San the next day, and his head was still a little dazed.

It seems to be the aftereffect of drinking too much yesterday.

Take a good look at yourself!

The purse and chastity are still there.

Can't help but feel a little lost.

I should have been arranged by Zhang San in a hotel. Looking at the time, it was already seven forty in the morning.

Think about the different exams today.

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