The sacred beast itself became a symbol. "

"To cultivate holy beasts, there are two ways.

The animal control system is trying one of them, slowly polishing and cultivating each of the 'holy beast containers', when their inner and outer parts are in harmony with the holy beasts in people's hearts, then the corresponding holy beasts will be permeated in the hot summer human way Everything will gradually move closer to it, and the 'sacred beast container' will gradually become a real holy beast.

This is a bottom-up method. The advantage is that the threshold is not too high. As long as there is a clear idea, anyone can try it, but its disadvantages are also very obvious, and even fatal.

There are two disadvantages.

First, it is not easy to polish such a container that fits the holy beast's endowment both inside and outside;

Second, although the minds of hundreds of millions of people have acquiesced in the domains of different holy beasts, there are still huge differences in some details between different minds, and it is difficult to reconcile and unify.

For example, the nirvana of the phoenix, rebirth from the ashes, is already a basic common-sense concept in many people's minds, but some people also insist that the phoenix in the hot summer myth has been a symbol of luxury, happiness, peace and happiness since ancient times, and has never been given to it. The ability of rebirth from Nirvana, this is because some ancestors later confused the image of the phoenix with the image of the phoenix in the hot summer, and added some background of the big era, so the meaning of "rebirth from Nirvana" was given to the phoenix. Now we jump out of that Against the background of the great era, Phoenix should be restored to its original and most primitive image.

Some behaviors seem to be continuously giving the holy beast new abilities, making it more and more powerful, but this is not beneficial to the holy beast. The constant addition of new things is just its burden, making its image more and more blurred , instead of constantly adding new images to it, it seems to be more and more, enriching it, but the essence is diluted in this addition again and again, and finally becomes a beast with no powerful ability .This has obviously deviated from the original intention of the existence of the holy beast. "

"If there is a bottom-up approach, there will naturally be a top-down approach.

Just like the rules of luck, the origin of the corresponding holy beast rules is directly established in Yanxia Humanity, and all the aura related to it in Yanxia Humanity is absorbed by it. From now on, in the corresponding field, it is like the sun shining Like all things, it exerts influence on all living beings from the level of rules.

Needless to say its disadvantages, the threshold is extremely high, even apart from me and Yanxia Shenlong, no one else can do this, and the consumption is bound to be huge.

But the advantages are equally huge, and it can be achieved in one step, and I don’t pin my hopes on the flashes of some geniuses; moreover, I can directly adjust the concepts that conflict with each other and cannot be integrated with each other. Although the consumption is bound to be huge, but But it is an opportunity to clarify the conflict and get to the bottom of it.

Although it may not satisfy everyone, since the birth of the Holy Beast Rule, it has been the truth of humanity, the only correct standard. "

"Decree of Humanity: Open up [Dragon's Origin] in Yanxia Humanity.

The dragon is the head of auspiciousness. The people of Yanxia regard themselves as descendants of dragons. This does not mean that there is a genetic legacy of some powerful beast in their blood, but a kind of spiritual self-encouragement and self-confidence.

The image of the dragon combines the prototypes of many creatures, so it represents the atmosphere and tolerance of the Yanxia civilization. It can go up to the nine heavens, dive into the abyss, go to the sky and enter the earth, and is omnipotent. This represents a vigorous and vigorous spirit. .It also includes great self-confidence, self-confidence that does not depend on anything else, self-confidence that is detached and independent.

The spirit of the dragon is generous, tolerant, confident, vigorous, and vigorous. The more powerful, outstanding, and extraordinary the spirit, the more compatible it is. "

With the issuance of this edict, in the scorching summer human world, the vitality of the human world, which was already lively and boiling, became more and more vigorous like a turmoil.

Among the human aura that was originally like a galaxy world, some of the aura of humanity concentrated in one place, gradually forming the image of a dragon.

It has a head like a camel, horns like a deer, eyes like a rabbit, ears like a cow, a neck like a snake, a belly like a mirage, scales like a carp, claws like an eagle, and palms like a tiger.There is a beard beside the mouth, a bright pearl under the chin, and reverse scales under the throat.

As more and more humane charms related to dragons are integrated, the image of dragons is becoming clearer and clearer, [-]%, [-]%, [-]%...

But when the condensed body reaches [-]% to [-]%, it can no longer advance an inch, and even many humane auras related to dragons and those that have already merged are mutually exclusive and cannot coexist.

Jiang Buku is now the omnipotent and omniscient god of this world, and he naturally understands why.

"The image of the dragon is the most abundant and changeable image in the Yanxia mythology. Therefore, the origin of the dragon cannot be fixed, but has different aspects, different temperaments, different hearts, and can touch different people. , the kind of image that best suits it.”

"Green dragon: symbolizes the east and spring, focusing on vigor and vitality."

"Candle Dragon: Treat it as day, shut it down as night, blow it as winter, breathe it out as summer, rest it as wind, and focus on supernatural powers."

"Ying Long: With wings on his back, the ancestral dragon and real dragon in mythology, the dragon fights in the wild, its blood is black and yellow, and it focuses on extraordinary martial arts."

"Mirage Dragon: Focus on Protean Changes."

"There are also Prisoner, Yazi, Xiaofeng, Pulao, Suanni, Bixi, Biyan, Negative, and Chiwen, all of which have their own emphasis."

"There are also 虺, Qiu, Chi, Jiao, Horned Dragon, Fire Dragon, Panlong, Cloud Dragon, Wanglong, Xinglong, Yuhualong, etc."

As Jiang Bu painstakingly determined, the Dragon Origin, which already had [-]% to [-]% of its image, began to absorb those conflicting and conflicting human auras. All the charm of humanity merges into it, and the origin of the dragon is completely condensed. He does not have a clear and concrete form, but is changing at any time.

And the price is a sharp drop in Humanity Points. A lot of Humanity Points were consumed when he first condensed into the dragon-shaped main body. After he set the ever-changing tone of the dragon's origin, every time he determined an image, there would be a corresponding consumption of Humanity Points. For example, Qinglong, Zhulong, and Yinglong, each of these images will deduct four or five thousand. Others such as mirage dragon, prison cow, and Yazi will deduct one or two thousand for each image that is determined. Others such as 虺, Qiu , Chi, Jiao, etc. will also be deducted hundreds of points for each determined type.

In the end, when the origin of the dragon was completely condensed, it consumed 4 human points.

This alone consumes about three times as much Humanity as the Qi Luck rules.



A group of merman youths gathered around a coral reef.

Ever since they entered the sea in the form of a legion after reorganization, they have hunted across thousands of miles of seas, exhausted and fulfilled, sweeping away the depression that was squeezed between their brows and hearts in the past.

There are five days of free rest and activities during the spring break. A group of young men of similar ages and similar tastes meet to swim in this beautiful coral reef forest to welcome the New Year.

The other mermaids are all playing in the water with the upper body and the lower fish tail. Many male mermaids circle around the few female mermaids, showing all kinds of attentiveness intentionally or unintentionally.

However, there was a young man who had lost his fish tail and sat cross-legged on a reef protruding from the sea with his eyes closed. His figure was not very strong, but he exuded an outstanding temperament from the inside out. The merman's gestures of favor always show a little wandering, and the eyes of the female merman are always attracted to him.

A female mermaid who came from other legions at the invitation of her girlfriend endured it several times, and finally couldn't hold back and asked her girlfriend in a low voice: "Who is he? Why doesn't he play with us? He looks so lonely and hard to get close to." look."

Her best friend looked at her with a half-smile.

She was a little ashamed, but instead she went all out and said bluntly: "I'm just interested, can you tell me?"

"You can talk, but if you really have a heart for him, I advise you to give up as soon as possible."

"Why, someone robbed me?"

"No, but it's worse than this, because he doesn't have such thoughts at all, he is the kind of person who seeks the truth...why are you turning your lips, don't you believe it?

Hehe, do you think that after seeing too many guys who talk about pursuing the Dao, but spend all their time flirting with female sharks, you think that all men in the world are like this?

Let me tell you one thing, those of us who turned into mermaids, in the final analysis, have never fought against others in the competition on land and are unwilling to die in a narrow range, so we made up our minds and hoped to create a new new situation.

But he is not a loser in our competition. He tore up the special recruitment notice from the Nandu Special Practice Institute and left overseas.

In a special training school, he will be able to obtain the alchemy realm in 30 or [-] years, but he doesn't care about it.Someone asked him why he was like this, and he said that if he couldn’t get into Liuyi College, it would be meaningless to study, so he would rather jump out of this established framework early and seek a new way forward.

Such a heart, such a boldness, just think about it carefully, do you really think that you can capture him with beauty?Hehe, if this is really possible, wouldn't we all be vegetarians?I can keep it for you! "

She tried hard to persuade her, but she became more and more fascinated by the eyes of her best friend looking at the figure sitting cross-legged on the reef.

Ah, did I reverse the direction of the force?

At this moment, the other mermaids who were playing in the water stopped their movements and focused their eyes on the man on the reef.

Everyone clearly saw that a light and shadow gradually emerged around the young man.

Open teeth and claws, scales and claws fly.

It is clearly the image of a dragon, with the two short horns on its head showing a bit of childishness.

Everyone looked at each other, what kind of skill is this?

Someone who has studied the shape of dragons said in a low voice, "This is a horned dragon, a young dragon that never grew up according to legend."

The young man sitting cross-legged didn't care about the changes in the outside world at all. He was just cross-legged and comprehending what he had gained these days, but suddenly he felt in his heart and came to a magical place.

There is nothing around, except for something hanging overhead like the sun.

It seems to be a pure light source, but if you look closely, you can see some subtle and complicated changes in it, and various dragon-shaped figures are swimming and changing.

He was so blessed that he devoted all his energy to staring at the light source. In the end, his eyes met with one of the juvenile dragons, and when they looked at each other, he immediately understood all the information about the horned dragon. At the same time, he I also saw a blurry road ahead. In different directions, there are various divine dragons with different supernatural powers, such as Candle Dragon, Qinglong, Yinglong, Mirage Dragon...

Which way he can go, which dragon he can touch, or never touch again, has nothing to do with his talent, has nothing to do with his strength, and only has to do with the changes in his heart and behavior style.

A sense of enlightenment rose in his heart: "The world has undergone new changes, and I am the beneficiary of this change."

He felt a repulsive force coming, and his mind left that place, and just before he left, he saw many lights of his mind gathering and dispersing like candlelights and fireflies.

"One." He added silently in his heart.


"Decree of Humanity: Open up [Phoenix Origin] in Yanxia Humanity.

In Yanxia culture, dragon and phoenix are often used together, and they are also very important symbols in Yanxia culture, symbolizing auspiciousness, harmony, beauty, kindness, tranquility, virtue, nature, perfection and happiness.

There are five types of phoenixes, the reddish ones are phoenixes, and the emphasis is on nobleness.

The green one is Qingluan, the incarnation of love.

The ones with more yellow are the young ones, focusing on the virtuous and noble.

The one with more purples is the 鸑鷟, which symbolizes the unyielding quality.

The white one is the swan, which symbolizes purity, kindness and loftiness. "

Like the dragon, the phoenix also has multiple images. Drawing on previous experience, he directly ordered it to be completed in one go.

Among the auras of humanity, all the auras related to the phoenix, and all the aura forms symbolized by the qualities he mentioned, all flow into one place.

A beautiful and luxurious divine bird that is not human is condensed in this spirit world. It is sometimes red, sometimes blue, sometimes yellow, sometimes purple, and sometimes white. Each form is beautiful and luxurious, but also has a different charm. Let people can clearly feel the difference between them.

Jiang Buku paid attention to the consumption of humanity value, and it was 2 points less. Although it was about half less than the essence of condensing the dragon, it also far exceeded the consumption of the rules of condensing luck.

"The latter consumption should be much less. These two are mainly due to too many mythical forms. In order to make them have as many possibilities as possible, we can only consume more humane points."

The consumption of humanity is not related to the strength of the source. For example, the consumption of the source of the dragon is more than twice that of the source of the phoenix. It does not mean that the former is more than twice as strong as the latter. There is no strength between sources , only differing in nature.

A lot of consumption just means that it is difficult to integrate and cohere.


Control the Beast Valley.

In a forest full of spiritual plants sealed by a formation, a red gorgeous bird perched on a big tree.

It clearly felt the pull of a force, and its mind entered a special space, and saw the origin of the five forms of the Phoenix Emperor. It was very excited, and wanted to get closer, but its mind was kicked out because it did not fit well.

It wasn't until its mind was kicked out that it reacted in astonishment:

"No, am I not Suzaku, why is Phoenix Yuanyuan favoring me so much?

Could it be that I was born noble and should have been a phoenix, but that Nie Sheng lied to me and turned me into a Vermillion Bird? "

Since he thought he had figured out the key points, he thought about being kicked out again, and realized what he had gained from his short stay just now: "Well, my mind is not compatible with it, and I have to adjust my image , must be changed from the inside to the outside in order to truly fit with it.”


A luxurious mansion in a city in a certain state in hot summer.

Inside and outside the mansion, you can see the big red happy characters and the paper-cut window grilles that have been married for a long time. It is obviously a newly married family.

In the master bedroom.

The wife leaned against her husband's chest and slept soundly. In her sleep, she saw a blue divine bird carrying her flying in the air. She giggled happily. Suddenly, the flying blue bird stopped and her expression became sad, "Why? Huh?" she asked.

Then, she felt something strange and slowly opened her eyes.

But she saw her husband getting up quietly, and gently moved her head to the pillow next to her.

Seeing her wake up, her husband's hand stopped.

"Husband, what's the matter? Are you up at night?"

The husband, who was originally light-footed and afraid of waking her up, simply got up generously, began to get dressed, and said: "I just received the news, there is something that needs to be dealt with."

The woman looked out the window, she didn't know what time it was in the pitch black, and said dissatisfiedly, "What's the rush, do you need to hurry? Besides, isn't today the first day of junior high school?"

The man put on his clothes, leaned over and gave her a light peck on the cheek, and said dotingly: "Okay, okay, that's it for what I do, I'm often called away in the middle of the night, you are always on call, you have a good rest, If Tianming can come back, I will accompany you to the flower market."

While talking, he helped his wife tidy the quilt affectionately, wrapping her completely in the warm quilt.

The wife felt a sweetness in her heart, and hummed lightly.

"Sleep, I want to see you close your eyes before leaving."

The wife closed her eyes obediently, but inexplicably remembered the strange dream just now, and thought, it's really strange.


"Decree of Humanity: Open up [Kirin Origin] in Yanxia Humanity.

Kylin has always been regarded as the auspicious animal of the country, symbolizing orthodoxy, majesty, dignity, and central authority. It has always been the embodiment of officialdom and authority. "

Following the origin of the phoenix, the Human Dao Qiyun space began to condense a statue of the origin of the unicorn.

Become a sacred beast standing proudly, with a lion head, antlers, tiger eyes, elk body, dragon scales, and oxtail.

The appearance of the unicorn is not as changeable as that of the dragon and phoenix, and is basically fixed. There is even a part of the human spirit around the original unicorn, which looks like it wants to blend in but is rejected. It is some such as "fire unicorn", "jade unicorn", "ink unicorn" " "Water unicorn" and other auras, most of them are based on some stories and novels, and gradually took root in some people's hearts. Jiang Buku not only did not integrate them into the original unicorn, but actively excluded them.

In this way, the consumption of Humanity Points is much smaller, only 1 points are used, which is slightly lower than the development of luck rules.


Control the Beast Valley.

That tuber Xibei Qilin, who was full of sorrow inside and out, was lying on the ground bored, but suddenly raised his head vigilantly.

Just now, it clearly felt a magnificent force that fits it so well calling it in the dark, but in the end it couldn't even enter the gate, and saw a majestic holy beast unicorn standing in the distance In Skyrim, then, there is no then.

That force kicked it back in a hurry. Although there was no exchange of ideas, it clearly felt that consciousness.

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