His inspection was even more careful and comprehensive than Nie Sheng's, and neither the owner Nie Sheng nor the false holy beasts knew of his existence.

He could clearly feel the stagnant energy in their bodies, which was stuffed into them by Nie Sheng's force-feeding in the early stage.It turns out that if the digestion is not good, eating too much is a bad thing.

The results of this inspection made him a little satisfied. Anyway, they finally had a solid foundation.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As the leader of the Beast Control Department, Nie Sheng regarded mythical creatures as the ultimate goal and ultimate pursuit of the Beast Control Department long ago.

Not only him, but also the two deans before him, all the students of the Beast Control Department paid the most attention to various mythical creatures in the school.

Just like the students of the formation department read the myths and stories in the center of the main hall of Dianzang Pavilion, their focus will always be on those exquisite and powerful formations; while the focus of the refining department will always be on those miraculous magic weapons, acquired magic weapons, Innate magic weapon, heavy weapon of chaos, sky-opening axe, taiji diagram, pangu banner, chaotic clock; the alchemy department focuses on all kinds of life and death, human flesh and bones, and even divine pills that make people instantly transcend into holiness.

Therefore, teachers and students of the Department of Beast Control naturally focus on various mythical creatures. In the myths and legends of Yanxia, ​​many mythical creatures have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and are well-known to everyone. It is lower than or may even exceed the legends related to formations, magic weapons, and elixir.

Qinglong, Suzaku, White Tiger, Xuanwu, Qilin, Phoenix, Kunpeng, and Golden Crow are all superstars among mythological creatures.

There are more on the front line, Yinglong, Zhulong, Qingluan, Golden Winged Roc, Taotie, Yazi, Biyan and so on.

There was even a "Beast Controlling Wind" that was popular in the practice world for a period of time. Let me ask you, which naughty youth has never expected to have one or more mythical creatures as partners!

Not to mention the students of the animal control department, they may rarely mention it publicly, but the similar commotion in their hearts will only become stronger.

I don't know how many bald heads the teachers and students of the Beast Mastering Department scratched and broke because they were thinking hard about a way to bring these mythical creatures back to the world.

They thought of countless ways, and many of them entered the actual verification process, such as extracting some core magical powers possessed by certain mythical creatures, and then through various methods, either let them learn actively, or use runes to forcibly Inscribed in their bodies, let them have similar, even specious abilities, and expect that under continuous optimization, their growth and promotion will meet people's expectations, and they will gradually move towards myths, and finally merge with them. Become a real mythical creature.

But in the end, all of them faced a predicament with nowhere to go and unsustainable.

Because the so-called similar abilities they found are actually a thousand miles away from the real power of mythical creatures. There are countless obstacles to overcome, and they can't even overcome one obstacle, because this is just a poor imitation. Those so-called spirit beasts with abilities similar to certain mythical creatures are actually just a kind of strange "stitch monster".

Similar attempts failed several times after several attempts.

Finally, summing up the experience and lessons, the only valid conclusion that everyone can draw is that this road is not working.

Because they have never seen the real mythical creatures, because there is no such thing in the world, and their habits and abilities can only be imagined.

And this is also the reason why this method is impossible to succeed in any case-people's brain supplementation and cognition must be based on their own cognition and understanding, that is to say, the mythical creatures they brain supplement cannot transcend The framework of their cognition and understanding, they cannot complete the creation of a transcendent creature by brain supplementation.

Just as the author cannot really understand the structure and vision of a great politician, all descriptions and imaginations about them are at the level of "the emperor has three golden poles, and the buns are all made of gold".

This seems to be a dead end, and one will never be able to pull oneself up by the hair.

But the Yanxia Shenlong, which once straddled the sky and stretched for an unknown number of thousands of kilometers, showed the unparalleled power to transform one hundred and eight visionary monuments into a cave of heaven and earth, and told people with no doubts ——

It is possible!

It should, probably... maybe there really is such a road in the world.

The greatest difficulty is finding it.

This is the biggest mental activity for students of the Beast Control Department while completing their normal practice and studies.But always looking for no way.

However, Jin Yuner's method of transformation and promotion created an inspiration for Nie Sheng.

Since I can't complete the creation of a transcendent creature by myself, can I let it "hatch" by itself?

To hatch, there must first be a shell.

Although I can't really understand a mythical creature, I can still do it if I just create a "shell" of a mythical creature, because there is a standard template. In people's general perception, this mythical creature It should look like this, if not, then it is something else, not this kind of mythical creature, even if it has the same ability as the mythical creature, it is the same.

And the five animals in the Valley of Beasts are the results of ten years of fine tuning by him. Without any external force, they are all cultivated into that appearance by themselves, and what they practice is the alternative transformation method created by him and constantly optimized. .

Jin Yuner's transformation into a human being, and his transformation into some kind of mythical creature.

As for how to unfold the "shell" after it is completed, he himself doesn't know, there is a sense of "I have already planted the seeds, as for whether they can take root and germinate, and even grow into a towering giant tree, it is all up to God's will", even, he I don't even know what kind of thing this seed can grow.

Not knowing does not mean that there is no preview in his mind. In his imagination, if they are really hatching, then the five will become a special "container" to absorb people's thoughts and thoughts about the five holy beasts.

This is a bit similar to how people use the thoughts of prayer to shape the statues of the city gods in each city, but one is that people take the initiative to give this idea to the city gods, and the other is that the bodies of the five holy beasts forcibly absorb the related blessings that are randomly scattered.

If there were to be "awakened" from their bodies similar to the phantoms of gods and spirits, it would be equivalent to giving birth to "gods" in their shells, and they would really become the five holy beasts themselves.

From Jiang Buku's point of view, this kind of design is also quite subtle, although most of the final steps are left to God's will.

However, because of the confusion in some of the most basic cognitions, he fell short in the end.

In Jiang Buku's view, the mythical creatures in Yanxia should actually be divided into two types, divine beasts and holy beasts.

The god of beasts is not the same thing as the god of gods in the Shinto system. The so-called gods and beasts refer to those born with supernatural powers, unique, noble and sacred, and have nothing to do with humans. There are humans, they are powerful, and there are no humans. They are equally powerful, and their attitudes towards humans can be good or evil, they can be treated like ants with contempt, or they can be completely ignored. Their attitudes towards humans will not affect themselves.

And holy beasts can also be called auspicious beasts, beasts of auspiciousness. They themselves entrust certain emotional symbols of the Yanxia people, and they are even the embodiment of certain emotional symbols. Their attitude towards human beings is kind and kind, and they must be kind Kind, because this is the foundation of their existence that people give them, otherwise they are not enough to be called auspicious beasts.As for strength, it is secondary.

In the myth of Yanxia, ​​the concepts of "divine beast" and "holy beast" exist in many mythical creatures.

The most typical example is the dragon.

As a divine beast, it has its own great power and is born extraordinary. It can be big or small, can rise or hide, when it is big, it makes clouds and fog, and when it is small, it hides its shape;

As a sacred beast, it is the totem of the Yanxia civilization. In ancient times, it was equivalent to the supreme throne. At the same time, it was also a symbol of some extremely beautiful and noble qualities, such as martial arts, strength, and excellence.

In Yanxia mythology, it is a very common phenomenon to confuse divine beasts and holy beasts in a mythical creature, and it is even a mutual confirmation and extension of each other.

But now, if one really wants to get mythological creatures out of the illusory concept and actually create them, it is impossible not to strictly separate the two.

Mixing them together will never produce results.

Because gods and beasts are a matter of heaven.

And holy beasts are humane things.

With such a distinction, the result is obvious. It is impossible for the animal control system to create divine beasts. They are natural creatures and have nothing to do with humans. Humans can only create holy beasts.

Of course, the development of a certain kind of humanity to the extreme will affect the way of heaven. If holy beasts are really popular in the world, the way of heaven may also feel it and give birth to divine beasts. have to.

Get out the holy beast first.

"Actually, if those five fakes can really recognize the fact that they are 'holy beasts' from the bottom of their hearts, and at the same time possess all the good qualities of the corresponding holy beasts, then it is really possible to become five special 'containers' , Absorb people's wishes about the five holy beasts, and transform into a real holy beast."

From a certain point of view, this is very similar to imperial conferring on gods, and it is another form of conferring on imperial edicts.

"Unfortunately, a fake is a fake. To do this, the difficulty is too high. Its essence is actually a kind of impersonation method, and it is a one-step process and directly uses the dust in the dust to play the highest sequence of holy beasts. It is indeed too strong and difficult, even the protagonist does not dare to play like this."

"But in this case, I can only force it by means of humane orders."

Leaving from Beast Control Valley, Jiang Buku returned to Dianzang Pavilion's own territory, sat at the gate, thinking about these things in his mind.

Thinking of the impact of the emergence of the will of the deep sea on the sea area, I wondered where the new humanitarian decree should focus. It would be best if I could take care of both at the same time.

He was in a daze when he suddenly heard the sound of fingers tapping on the table.

"Master Jiang, you're back to your senses." A familiar, playful female voice rang in his ears.

Jiang Buku opened his eyes and saw Jin Yuner standing in front of him with a big smile.

This girl really has a special magical power. Since she entered the school, Jiang Buku has not had direct and direct communication with her for 30 years, so although she paid some respect to him because of Chen Zhongxia's respect for him, the relationship between the two The essence is still rusty.

But since that time when she spoke to her, she has made a 180-degree change in front of her. She came to strike up a conversation with him every now and then, and the purpose was almost on her face, she wanted to continue to take advantage of him, and wanted to continue Get some goodies out of him.

Didn't Chen Zhongxia, Li Weixi, and Zhao Shinian have this kind of thinking?

How can it be!

Knowing that their sentiments were guided by Jiang Ye secretly, they suddenly had a feeling of admiration for Jiang Ye, and they were very eager to listen to his teachings again.

It's a pity that Jiang Buku clearly stated his attitude, and they wisely didn't bother him.

But Jin Yuner directly put that longing on her face.

"I still want it."

What's more, she grasped this scale very well, being playful with a little seriousness, seriousness with a little joke, and joking with a bit of tenacity, making it difficult for people to feel disgusted from the bottom of their hearts.

Although Jiang Buku didn't give her any new advice because of this, she never got tired of it and never gave up. She even seemed to regard it as a way of entertaining and interacting with Master Jiang.

An old widower over 150 years old is cared for by a young, playful and energetic girl, what else would he want?

Jiang Buku can't push people away.

If a man always annoyed him so much, of course he would turn cold and lash out, but a cute and playful girl would be unnecessary, at least, it would be pleasing to the eye.

Think he just dozed off sitting in the Dianzang Pavilion every day when he was old?

Watching some beautiful and youthful bodies passing by from time to time is much more interesting than living alone in a small courtyard.

Seeing Jiang Buku opened his eyes, Jin Yuner moved the little Mazha next to him and put it in front of him, then sat down in front of her, and said mysteriously: "Master Jiang, have you heard of the will of the deep sea?"

Jiang Buku looked confused: "Ah? The will of the deep sea? What is that?"

"You don't know?" Jin Yuner said with some disappointment.

Finally, let Jiang Buku know the news about the will of the deep sea that I just heard today.

Listening to his narration, Jiang Buku nodded from time to time, expressing that he was listening carefully.

Finally, after Jin Yun'er finished talking about "The Will of the Deep Sea", she asked expectantly: "Master Jiang, do you have any good methods for us juniors?"

Jiang Buku spread his hands and said:

"I'm not a god, it's the first time I've even heard of the 'deep sea will' you mentioned, how can I give you any method in the first place?

Moreover, even if you really have any ideas, I will teach you to be a good boy. Without the right to investigate, there is no right to speak. The information you told me has passed through the hands of many people. The information has been completely distorted, and it may even be completely different from the original information. , dare I say it, can you believe it? ! "

Jin Yuner curled her lips, but she wasn't too disappointed, because this was basically the normal state in these years.

"However, I have no opinion, but I have some immature ideas." Jiang Buku said again.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ah? Master Jiang, what do you think?" Jin Yun'er was so excited that she leaned forward slightly, looking impatient: "Quickly tell me."

"You say that the will of the deep sea has a strong sense of territory and has a strong sense of vigilance and hostility towards outsiders, but I am thinking about how he distinguishes between the inside and the outside, who is an outsider and who is not, and his criteria for judging What is it?" Jiang Buku said.

"Ah?" Jin Yun'er was a little dumbfounded, and followed the thinking of Master Jiang. At first, she subconsciously felt that this was not simple, but she really looked into it, as if... this judgment standard is really worth pondering.

Jiang Buku continued:

"For example, we now all know that in our Yanxia territory, there is the Yanxia Humane Will guarding us. The object of its protection is very clear. First of all, the Yanxia Territory. If there are other camp wills or such existences as the deep sea will invade, it will definitely trigger His reaction.

Secondly, it is also the most core object of protection, that is, all the intelligent souls who love Yanxia and identify themselves as a part of Yanxia from the heart, including Yanxia human race, including non-human races, including ghosts.

The concept of their territory is also determined by the scope of their activities. Wherever the Yanxia Miao people expand and where the Yanxia cultural identity spreads, that is the territory of the Yanxia will. "

Having said that, Jiang Buku stared at Jin Yun'er and asked, "So, what about the will of the deep sea? What is his judgment standard?"

Under Jiang Buku's guidance, Jin Yun'er fell into deep thought. After a long time, her eyes lit up again, and she said:

"The judgment of Yanxia's human will is based on the sense of civilization identity, and its basic premise is wisdom. This judgment is based on the close interaction between individual and collective will;

And the criterion for judging the will of the deep sea is obviously impossible to be based on the collective identity of the deep sea creatures to the deep sea. Even if there are individuals who are born with wisdom, most of them are still ignorant fools. There is no concept of deep sea and offshore sea. As for land They don't know these human concepts at all.

Therefore, the criterion for judging the will of the deep sea is not based on the interaction of each individual with it, but its unilateral influence and the creatures that cover a certain area.

This is also an important reason why relevant departments researched and analyzed the connection with the event that the global wild will promoted the outbreak of the global beast tide, because they showed a very high similarity in this regard. "

As she analyzed and sorted out, the thoughts in her mind became clearer and clearer. Jiang Buku just nodded from time to time to cooperate.

"There is also a problem with this kind of unilateral coverage. At that time, the Supervision Division team was obviously within the influence range of the deep sea will, but they were not affected in any way, and there was no spiritual interference.

Either, he does not have this kind of strength, or his power may be very strong, but his intelligence level may be very low, just like primitive multi-celled or even single-celled organisms, you only move when you poke him, and you give him a corresponding response. Only when there is a certain stimulus, he will give a corresponding reaction. At other times, he is harmless. "

Speaking of this, her eyes became brighter and brighter, and she said: "Thinking about it this way, he is far less harmful than we originally expected, and we can even test the critical point of his reaction little by little. Then, we can operate more calmly, and it is not impossible to organize a team to explore the deep sea."

As long as you know where the critical point that can stimulate His eruption is, with the excellence of the Yanxia people, you can even perform repeated horizontal jumps, knife-tip dances, and even turn harm into profit. After mastering the rules, the will of the deep sea doesn't really seem to be a big problem.

Hey, Mrs. Jiang really has a magical ability. Just a few words, which seem ordinary and ordinary, opened a new door for her so easily. It was a headache and a very unsolvable problem. Suddenly became simple and clear.

Once the mind is opened, there is no need for Jiang Buku to continue to mention some ideas, and some inspirations will continue to rise from his heart.

For example, give the will of the deep sea a small and not very strong stimulus to form a frenzy of sea beasts with a controllable scale, and then guide them to the offshore area, and set up a large array of net fish in advance so that they will come and go without returning. Think about the quality of those sea beasts , not only is it huge, it is easily comparable to the Foundation Establishment Realm, the Purple Mansion Realm, and even the Golden Core Realm. Considering the scale of the deep sea, it is simply an endless warehouse with automatic production and automatic door-to-door delivery. The whole hot summer will benefit from it.

Uh——, when I think about it, I suddenly feel like I'm bullying the mentally handicapped.

But Jin Yuner felt more excited, her eyes became brighter and brighter.

However, if this provocation is repeated, will the will of the deep sea improve its intelligence in the constant confrontation game?

It doesn't matter, Jin Yuner thought of a new idea.

"I suspect that the criteria for judging the inside and outside by the will of the deep sea, and distinguishing one's own people from outsiders are very vague, because there is no clear dividing line between the near sea and the deep sea.

There is no absolute barrier between offshore creatures and deep-sea creatures. Although each creature has its own comfort zone, they can also visit each other. I have never seen powerful sea beasts in the offshore area go to the deep sea to hunt and suffer from deep-sea willpower. If so, we would have discovered it long ago.

If you often go in and out of the deep sea, or stay there for a long time, or you will gradually wash off the label of "outsider" and be gradually regarded as a part of the deep sea circle, then no matter what you want to do there, you want to come to the deep sea The will will not come out to obstruct it. With the food intake of those huge sea beasts that are comparable to the Golden Core Realm and hundreds of kilometers in length, the movement caused by a single hunt may be a hundred times larger than that of the Supervision Division team. What happened to them.

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